2.夹注(In-text Citations)
Rees said,“As key aspects of learning are not stable,but changeable,this opens the way for the role of the teacher as the pre-eminent mediator in the process”(1986:241).
格式:作者姓名 出版年份:页码。
“我们所懂得的只是实体存在的片段,可以肯定地说,一切具有重大意义的理论至多只能是部分地真实,但这不应作为放弃理论研究的借口”(Chomsky 1979:48) 。
“One reason perhaps is that the Chinese audience are more familiar with and receptiveto Western culture than the average English readers is to Chinese culture”(Fung 1995:71).
如果引述的内容为大段原文(超过四行),所引原文左边双倍缩进(即10个字符),右边与上下文对齐。 引文一般用冒号引出,引文不加引号(注意例句末句号与括号的位置)。
He is aware of the politics of his choice and that English is not the natural medium for his social novel. He describes his process of creation thus:
I found, while writing spontaneously, that I was always translating dialogue from the original Punjabi into English. The way in which my mother said something in the dialect of central Punjabi could not have been expressed in any other way except in an almost literal translation, which might carry over the sound and the sense of the original speech. I also found, that I was dreaming or thinking or brooding over two-thirds of the prose narrative in Punjabi, or n Hindustani and only one-third in the English language. This happened usually while I was writing stories and novels. (Anand 1979:36)
格式: 作者姓名(英文只注姓)、出版年月
“Everything rests on the notion that there is such a thing as‘just’words—but there isn’t.” (Baston 1972)
According to Alun Rees(1986:234),the writers focus on the unique contribution that each inpidual learner brings to the learning situation.
It may be true that in the appreciation of medieval art the attitude of the observer is of primary importance.(see Robertson 1987:136)
注:如所述观点可直接从原文找到,用(c.f.: Robertson 1987:136)
This point has been argued before. (Frye 1998)
A number of studies do not find texts with long series of Terms which derive from a single semantic field. (Thompson 1985; Francis 1989/1990)
格式: 编号(自设)
“A deconstructive reading is a reading which analyses the specificity of a text’s critical difference from itself.” (Net.2)
格式: 作者的姓名,书名,出版地,出版单位和出版年份。
Format: Author’s last name, given name, Title. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication.
Fairbanks, Carol. Prairie Women: Images in American and Canadian Fiction. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986.
Fairbank, John K. China Perceived: Images and Policies in Chinese-American Relations. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
______China Watch. Cambridge & London: Harvard University Press, 1987.
Newmark, Peter A. Approaches to Translation. London: Prentice Hall International Ltd., 1998a.
______ Textbook of Translation. London: Prentice Hall International Ltd., 1998b.
4) 同一本书有两作者
Grayling, A.C. & Whitfield, Susan. China: A Literary Companion. London: John Murray, 1994.
Edens, Walter. et al. Teaching Shakespeare. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977.
6) 书的主编
Hall, David. ed. The Oxford Book of American Literary Anecdotes. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981.
7) 机构作者A Book by a Corporate Author
American Library Association. Intellectual Freedom Manual (2nd ed). Chicago: ALA, 1983.
高等学校外语学刊研究会. 外国语言研究论文索引 (1990-1994). 上海:上***语教育出版社,1996.
8) 无作者署名的书
Encyclopedia of Photography. New York: Crown, 1984.
现代汉语词典. 北京:商务印书馆,1992.
9) 一书多册
Blotner, Johnson. Faulkner: A Biography (2 vols.). New York: Random, 1974.
张道真. 现代英语用法词典(5册). 上海:上海译文出版社,1993.
10) 翻译著作
Arkush, R. David & Lee, Leo O. trans. & eds. Land without Ghost: Chinese impressions of America from the Mid-Nineteenth Century to the Present. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989.
赵元任. 中国话的文法. 丁邦新译. 香港:香港中文大学出版社,1968.
11) 政府文件
National Institute of Mental Health. Television and Behavior: Ten Years of Scientific Progress and Implications for the Eighties. (DHHS Publication No. ADM 82-1995). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1982.
12) 学位论文
Conceison, Claire A. Significant Other: Representations of the American in Contemporary Chinese Spoken Drama. Cornell University, May 2000.
Format: Author’s last name, given name. Article title. Journal title, Volume number (Issre/Issue number), year: page number.
1) 期刊文章Periodical Articles
Bolinger, D. “The Atomization of Meaning”, Language 41 (1965): 555-573.
Fulwiler, T. “How Well Does Writing across Teaching Work?” College English 46 (1984): 13-25.
Prakash, Gyan. “Orientalism Now”, History and Theory 34 (3) (1995): 199-212.
陈渊. 国外英语教材初探.《外国语》第1期,1979:66-68.
吕叔湘,饶长溶. 试论非谓形容词,《中国语文》第2期,1981:81-85.
2)论文集的文章An Article in an Anthology or the Published Proceedings of a Conference
Peters, M. & Stephen, T. B. “Interaction Routines as Cultural Influences upon Language Acquisition” In Schieffelin, B.B. & Ochs, E. eds. Language Socialization Across Cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986: 80-96.
3) 报纸署名文章A Signed Article in a Daily Newspaper
Darst, James. “Environmentalists Want Hotels, Concessions Removed from US Parks”, Boston Globe, May 25, 1988:17.
吴天. 外来语与我国文化的冲突.《牛城日报》10月23日,2000:B5.
4) 工具书署名文章A Signed Article in a Reference Book
Tobias, R. & Thurber, J. Encyclopedia Americana. 1987 ed.
南文. 联合国的口述录音翻译.《中国翻译词典》1997年版.
5) 工具书非署名文章An Unsigned Article in a Reference Book
Tharp, Twyla. Who’s Who of American Women. 15th ed. 1987-88.
6)社论An Editorial
Young, Gifted, Black----and Inspired. Editorial. Washington Post, May 18, 1988:20.
大力加强金融系统思想政治工作——纪念中国 诞生79周年.《金融时报》7月1日社论,2000:1.
1) 电脑软件Computer Software
Format:Computer programmer’s last name, given name. Title (Computer software). Model number, year.
Rosenberg, Victor, et al. Pro-Cite. Vers.1.3. (Computer software). IBM PCDOC 2.0, 256KB, disk, 1987.
2) 电影、电视、广播、幻灯、录像、录音、艺术品Films, TV and Radio Programs, Slides, Videotapes, Audiotapes and Art Works
Format:Name of film. Director’s last name, given name. Place of production, year (or date of showing).
The Last Emperor (Film). Bertolucci, Bernardo (Director). With J. Lone & P. O’Toole. Columbia, 1987.
If God Ever Listened: A Portrait of Alice Walker. Horizons (Radio program). Rosenthal, Jane (Producer). NPR. WBST, Muncie. 3 Mar. 1984.
Too Smart for Strangers (Videotapes). Brandt, F. (Producer) & Messina, P.E. (Director). Burbank, CA: Walt Disney Home Video, 1985.
3) CD-ROM或磁碟
“Yokel.” Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. CD-ROM. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.
4.互联网资料Internet information