I. 论文组成部分
1. 封面 (front cover)
2. 标题页(title page)
3. 郑重声明页(已上传共享)
4. 中英文摘要(中文摘要在前,英文摘要在后)
5. 目录(contents:目录中只需标明正文从introduction、各标题及参考文献的页码, 摘要页码不需要在目录中标注)
6. 正文(text of the paper)
7. 参考文献(works cited)
II. 论文各部分格式
3. 郑重声明页
5. 目录(目录中只需标明正文从introduction、各标题及参考文献的页码, 摘要页码不需要在目录中标注)页面设置:页边距(上下2.54厘米,左右3.17厘米),英文字体Times New Roman, 字号小四号,行距1.5,“CONTENTS”为Times New Roman 4号粗体居中。
6. 正文
全文用A4纸打印从正文页开始设置统一的页边距(上下2.54厘米,左右3.17厘米),英文字体Times New Roman, 字号小四号(12 pt),对齐方式两端对齐,行间距: 1.5,在每页页脚居中插入页码1, 2, 3等。
章节题目加粗,正文一级,二级,三级标题均为英文字体Times New Roman, 字号小四号(标题都要加粗)。
在每页正文底端居中插入页码1, 2, 3?? 所有引文, 不管是直接还是间接引用, 必须注明出处, 加以注释。
语言学论文使用APA格式,见《2016 APA论文格式 (文内引用+参考文献)》及SAMPLE 1 (APA STYLE). 文学、翻译及文化用MLA格式,见《MLA论文格式 2016》及SAMPLE 2 (MLA STYLE)
直接引文在四行以下的在引语前后加引号“ ”,不需提行;如:The narrator or the novel describes Captain Ahab as having “an eternal anguish in his face…” (Melville 90), 即这段引文出自美国作家Herman Melville的小说 Moby Dick, 第90页,第28章。
直接引文超过四行的,必须另起一段,不用引号,另起一段的引语,用单行(Single Space)打印并缩进5个字符,如:
We can find the theoretical assumption of the process approach from constructivism. The constructivism experts exclaim: (此段用Times New Roman 小4号,1.5倍行距)
Learning is better or more effective when teachers use constructivist-teaching methods, like culturing and keying bacteria as opposed to lecturing. Many executives are discovering that personality clashes are affecting their business. They are hiring experts to analyze the communicative styles of their personnel management, environmental control, as well as initiative explosion. To better the comprehension of constructive-teaching methods. (此段为引用段,用Times New Roman 5号,单倍行距)
(Winitzky and Kauchak 62)