Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Right now Bangladesh has few applications which provides services like Food delivery, E-commerce platforms, Tour bookings but none of them have all the services together in one platform. So the problem is users always need to look for things in different apps which makes the user experience much more difficult. Hence, the country is booming in the IT industry and few international investors are investing in all those start-ups companies. The long term goal of my proposed application is to have a sustainable cloud searching platform with verified reviews which will help the users a lot to take decisions before buying any service from the merchants, and to implement the system all over the world.
1.2 Main Research
The main objective of the project on local search and cloud reviewing system is to come through the details of Merchants, Users, Booking. It pulls off all the information about C2B, B2B, B2C, Ticketing, Bookings, Social networking, Delivery system. The local search and cloud reviewing system is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the right to control everything. The purpose of the local search and cloud reviewing system is to build a web application to reduce the traditional way of work for managing the different online orders, ticket bookings, users cloud feedback. It tracks all the details about the local search and cloud comments.
In this web application at first we did the analysis for the system and we sorted out the specific requirements for the software and hardware. Then we worked on system design and in this part we did the feasibility study about the technology considerations and product market. After that we designed the user interface and system architecture. In the implementation we did the code debugging and database schema. Finally, after successfully doing the system test our system is ready to go live.
Chapter 2 Software Analysis
2.1 Requirement
In this requirement section has the details information about the software requirements for each models. All the information below is enough for the designers to understand the design of this paper.
2.2 Specific Requirements for the Software
The specific requirements for the Software is produced at the celestial point of the logical thinking work. This web application requires at the Home page to have automatic location so that it can detect the which city the user is at. Have the Sign Up form and also My account at the header bar where at the sub category there have Merchant world so that the Merchant can sign in, if any one wants to cooperate will have the cooperate option and also have the billing details for the merchants. The logo remains at the same position in all the other pages as well which is located at the left corner of the header bar. After that there will be details categories for Hotel, Tickets, Shopping, Restaurants, Delivery, People around me, Nearby services and other services. In the main content columns side show of the big size banners and small photos. Log in and Sign Up buttons at the right scan column. This system has the search bar at the bottom which is kind new concept for this kind of websites because most of the traditional websites have the search bar at the tops of the page.
At the middle banners there have slide shows for all the modules which also includes you may also like options, top flight deals, upcoming movies and events with slide show. At the footer it contains the about the company, terms of use, privacy statement, other services, partners, list my shop, contact us, website feedback, customer support options.
Chapter 3 System Design ....................................... 10
3.1 System Components .................................. 10
3.2 Feasibility Study .............................. 10
Chapter 4 Implementation........................................... 15
4.1 Algorithm Design & Analysis Process..................................... 15
4.2 Class diagram for the shopping module ............................... 16
Chapter 5 System Test .......................................... 32
5.1 LSCRP Functionality Test ...................................... 32
5.1.1 White Box Testing ................................... 32
5.1.2 Test Cases ................................. 33
Chapter 5 System Test
5.1 LSCRP Functionality Test
We will test all the web pages’ links, all the forms that used to submitting or getting information from the merchants or users in the local search and cloud reviewing platform. In the LSCRP system we will check all the following steps:
1. We will see if the ashepashe.com links from the other pages goes to our selected domain or not under the test.
2. In ashepashe.com the internal links also need to test.
3. If the links keep jumping on the same pages or not.
4. For our system we have our own test links that can be used to send email to the LSCRP admin from the pages.
5. We also test to check if any unseen orphan pages.
6. At last, we check for all the broken links in the above links via link checking test.
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Achievements
In this section, we conclude this thesis paper. Our proposed local search and cloud reviewing platform came to this phase after finishing and doing many steps. We managed to get the permission from the Dhaka City Corporation to implement this system in Bangladesh. Local search and cloud reviewing platform is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs of a multiple service platform for Bangladesh. In the web application system, we tried to build a user friendly system and indeed we successfully managed to do that. The software is a powerful package and it is enough to satisfying all the requirements given by the university. The main objective of this paper is to manage estimated need for the Bangladesh online platform at the beginning which will be covered within a limited time period but near future the system will be upgraded regularly as the system improves. At the beginning of this thesis paper we described the background of the cloud reviewing platform and the related work with this already done perfectly. For the local search our aim was to find the objectives of it and we have made the statement about it already. In the description we tried to figure out the applicability and scope of local search in Bangladesh and later we defined all the problems on which we are engaging our main focus for this web application. We did analysis and understand the system where is the problem in the domain and later on we designed the system models to solve all the problems. In local search and cloud reviewing platform we tried to add all the features that we needed for the operation purpose are also added with the screen layouts. We designed user interface for the local search and cloud reviewing platform and made the sure the security got the maximum priority to minimize any kind of casualties. Finally, we did the implementation for the local search and cloud reviewing platform according to the test cases. Even through some results did not have any expected results but the overall performance for this local search and cloud reviewing platform was above satisfactory level.
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