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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202312715 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网

Chapter One Task Description
1.1 Background of Translation Task
Travel guide,providing information services for tourists,serves as a good helper fortourists to travel and plays an advisory and guiding role in tourists’sightseeing activities.Herethe author did a little research about the tourism references in recent years,which can be seenas the following two figures.


According to the Chinese Citation Database,as of January 2022,there are 740,715references on“tourism”,including 27,683 references on tourism translation,12,818 references ontravel guide translation,but only 100 references on travel guide translation.In addition,it canbe seen from Figure 1-2 that during the epidemic,the research on tourism has decreasedsignificantly in the past five years(2020-2022).In the last three years,the research on travelguide translation has become even worse,falling to zero.Therefore,the author choosesShandong Travel Guide as the translation report materials in the hope that it can contribute tothe English translation of the tourism publicity materials and serve as a reference to thetranslation of similar kind.
1.2 Translation Process
The translation process mainly contains three parts,namely,pre-translation,while-translation,and post-translation.
1.2.1 Pre-translation
First of all,the author browsed the whole guide to learn about its language characteristicsand writing style.Secondly,when there are some words with uncertain meanings intranslation,paper dictionaries and some online translation websites are utilized to compare themeanings of words.
Moreover,the author prepares parallel text.Considering the type of translated text,theauthor,with the help of the online and offline books,has referred to materials related toShandong tourism,including Travel Around China-Shandong Province,In China:TravelGuide(English),China Travel Guide(English Original)and so on to learn about the culturalcharacteristics of tourism text.
1.2.2 Mid-translation
The text of this translation task is about 11,000 Chinese characters.Considering theactual ability of the author,the translation practice is scheduled to be finished within 20 days.In the first 10 days,the author translated about 1100 words every day.During the translation,the author carried out the preliminary translation according to the plan,recorded the difficultpoints encountered in the translation,and checked the translation with the team members atany time to ensure that there were no careless mistakes in the translation.
Chapter Two Analysis of the Source Text
2.1 Introduction to the Source Text
The translation material Shandong Travel Guide selected by the author is jointlycompiled by Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and ChinaCartographic Publishing House.The book consists of six sections,including Get to KnowShandong,Tour in Shandong,Recommended Itineraries,Tourist Information,Tourism Map,and Maps of Administrative Districts and Traffic.
Among them,the bulk of the book is the second part,Tour in Shandong,which givedetailed descriptions to more than 10 cities,covering an overview of various scenic spots,cultural deposits,traffic,accommodations,and other aspects.Moreover,the book is alsoillustrated with appealing pictures of local scenic spots and historical attractions,which makesit more compelling to tourists.
2.2 Features of the Source Text
The translation materials selected by the author is a travel guide,which mainlyintroduces the comprehensive information of accommodation,shopping,entertainment,andother aspects of the destinations.They can provide information service for tourists and play anadvisory and guiding role in tourists’sightseeing activities.Through the study of the selectedmaterials of scenic spots introduction,it’s found that the materials in this book have distinctfeatures at lexical level and syntactic level.
At lexical level,Chinese tourism text contain ornate words with a large number of propernouns and four-character structures,and related technical terms of scenic spot information.Chinese tourism text assign great importance to antithesis,quoting from the classics,highlighting a heavy cultural and historical atmosphere.Therefore,plenty of proper nouns areoften used in Chinese tourism text,which are either related to famous historical events orfamous figures.For instance,in the sentence“今天的滨州人在勾勒昔日‘蒲姑方国’的‘原生态’旧貌……让人探寻另一种新奇的境界”.According to historical records,“Pugu”wasa vassal state in the Yellow River Delta area in the late Yin(1300 B.C.-1046 B.C.)and earlyZhou dynasties(1046 B.C.-256 B.C.),which was later annexed by King Wu in the WesternZhou Dynasty(1046 B.C.-771 B.C.).In another sentence“基座四周刻有纪念大禹治水的石刻碑文和‘三过家门而不入’等情节的浮雕”.Here the phrase“三过家门而不入”refers tothe story of“Yu the Great(an emperor in ancient Chinese mythology)taming the flood”.Totame the flood,Yu the Great passed by his house three times without entering,which waswidely praised as a beautiful story.
From the perspective of syntactic characteristics,Chinese tourism text are often quotedfrom classics and allusions,with poems and ancient literature to describe scenic spots inbeautiful style.Chinese sentence pattern is loose,with many clauses and non-subjectsentences.Besides,Parallelism and dual parallel structures are frequently used in Chinesetourism text.
Chapter Three Case Analysis.............................8
3.1 Lexical Level.......................................8
3.1.1 Translation of Proper Nouns..............................................8
3.1.2 Translation of Four-character Structures............................13
Chapter Three Case Analysis
3.1 Lexical Level
As mentioned in the second chapter above,from the perspective of lexicon,Chinesetourism text tend to be equipped with a large number of proper nouns and four-characterstructures.When translate such words and phrases,suitable skills such as annotation,transliteration plus literal translation,and free translation can be utilized.


3.1.1 Translation of Proper Nouns
Proper nouns,also called inherent nouns,are usually with capital letters in English.Thestudy of proper nouns translation began when Hu Yilu published his article On Translation ofNames in Yong Yan Daily in 1914,who believes that semantic translation,i.e.,literaltranslation and free translation,should be widely used in proper noun translation,andintroduced the term“loanwords”for the first time.Xing Jie(2014:45)listed five principlesfor the translation of proper nouns,namely half transliteration and half literal translation,thefusion of transliteration and literal translation,creative translation,transliteration,and literaltranslation.When dealing with these words,the author needs to consider the culture andallusions behind them.Here,the author mainly discusses the names of humans,places,andscenic spots and historical attractions.In order to achieve these goals,the author adoptstranslation skills such as annotation,transliteration plus literal translation to solve thedifficulties encountered in translation.
The materials of the report are a travel Guide,which belongs to the tourism text,requiring some translation skills in terms of vocabulary,sentence patterns and chaptercohesion.Therefore,it is a great challenge for the author to accurately convey the original textinformation and find the equivalent translation of the common expression.When translating,the author found some limitations and defects of her own:
First of all,due to the limited professional materials available for reference for touristguides,the limited research time,and the lack of translation skills of the author,the translationpractice report lacks certain authority.
Secondly,the sources of references and data are relatively simple.Most of the author'sdata and references are from CNKI and some professional books,which to some extentaffects the comprehensiveness and completeness of the thesis.
Thirdly,the cognition of the tourism text is not comprehensive enough.The materialsselected for the translation practice are some small and medium-sized cities in ShandongProvince,such as Binzhou and Dongying city.Although with a certain familiarity with thesecities,the author knows little about their culture and folk customs in the translation.Therefore,it takes time to find relevant historical and cultural terms.
Besides,even though the thesis elaborates on the lexical features and syntactic featuresof the original text by enumerating examples,yet there are other features such like rhetoricalfeatures to be discussed.

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