I. Introduction
1.1Research background
Cooperative Learning, a creative and effective teaching theory and strategy, wasdeveloped in 1970s and now has been widely used in the world (Wu & Guan,2010). Asit brings out good effects on changing atmosphere within classroom, improving students'academic performance, and promoting students forming good non-cognitive qualities, itis described as the most important and successful teaching reform these decades(Vermette, 1994).The application of cooperative learning to classroom teaching found its root in the1970s when Israel and the United States began to design and study cooperative learningmodels for classroom context (Kessler,1992). Now cooperative learning is applied inalmost all school content areas and,increasingly, in college and university contexts allover the world (Johnson & Johnson, 1989; Kessler, 1992), and is claimed to be aneffective teaching method in foreign or second language education by scholars (Johnson& Johnson, 1990; Kagan 1990; Slavin, 1985).Since the beginning of 1990s, some Chinese scholars started to research the use andeffect of Cooperative Learning. And in the reform of basic education curriculum,cooperative learning, with inquiry learning and autonomous learning was considered asimportant learning method and was highly recommended to be carried out in primary andsecondary schools. Besides, to develop students' cooperative consciousness wasemphasized as a requirement in the official document of the English CurriculumStandard for Chinese High School Students (2003 edition). To follow the instruction ofcurriculum, there was a wide spread of promotion of Cooperation Learning in China.Many academics thought by making use of Cooperative Learning would change thespoon-fed way of English teaching,and stimulate students' enthusiasm to participate inclass, change atmosphere in class (He,2003; Qiao & Jin, 2010; Wu, 2012). In theteaching process with Cooperative Learning,it enlarged the opportunity for students'participation,and at the same time,it developed the extent of students' are recognized(Lu, 2010).
1.2Research significance
Compared with the mature research on systematic instructional strategies used inCooperative Learning abroad,Chinese research on this field was rather late, and mostresearch belongs to theoretical research (Yu & Wang, 2003; Ma, 2004; Wang,2004; Jiang& Tan, 2007; Song & Wu, 2012; Wang, 2012),empirical research is very limited. Againstcurrent situation, doing research based on practical implementation of CooperativeLearning is of necessity. The study in this thesis attempts to explore the practicalprocedures of cooperative learning and to draw out implications from the practice ofCooperative Learning in junior high school in Wuhan.From a practical perspective, this study focuses on practical procedures ofCooperative Learning and factors affecting the implementation of Cooperative Learning.Previous research highlights lack of practical instruction as one of the main reasons forthe unsuccessful implementation of Cooperative Learning (He,2002; Ma, 2004; Sun etal., 2011; Wu & Song,2012).Though many Chinese educators reach an agreement on advantages of CooperativeLearning, and some scholars have done research to prove these advantages (Liu, 2003;Guo,2004;Li,2004; Qiao & Jin,2010; Mina & Miranda,2010; Deng & Che,2010; Wu& Gu, 2011; Qin, 2012; Saovapa,2012; Li, 2013 ),many obstacles appear in reality. Forexample, English teachers in junior middle school lack the cognition of innovativeteaching method; they still think traditional teaching would be better for students'development (Liu & Shi,2011; Mao, 2013).
11. Literature Review
2.1Definitions of Cooperative Learning
The main idea behind cooperative learning is to teach students to be a functionalpart of a group so that they have social responsibilities as well as inpidualresponsibilities. In this way, learners need not see themselves as consumers of languagecourses; they can also become producers of their own learning (Holec, 1987).According to Slavin (1980,315),“the term refers to classroom techniques in whichstudents work on learning activities in small groups and receive rewards or recognitionbased on their group's performance". Olsen and Kagan (1992) define CooperativeLearning as "group learning activity organized so that learning is dependent on thesocially structured exchange of information between learners in groups and in whicheach learner is held accountable for his or her own learning and is motivated to increasethe learning of others,,(Jack & Theodore, 2001: 192). A more vivid picture ofcooperative learning is presented by definition of Johnson et al (1994:4), "aninstructional use of small groups through which students work together to maximize theirown and each other's learning."In addition to these definitions, Chinese researchers also found their way to expressthe essence of Cooperative Learning. A research (1992), started by Beijing University,defines Cooperative Learning in four key words,namely, listening, communication,cooperation and sharing. Listening means respect and trust; communication meansunderstanding and exchanging, besides, cooperation stands for interaction andcompetition, and sharing stands for experiencing and reflection. The pioneer researcherof cooperative learning, Wang Tan (1994:63) defines Cooperative Learning as a systemof teaching strategy aimed at promoting students to help each other through cooperationin heterogeneous group and help them achieve shared learning goals, and its performanceis measured by whole group's work.
2.2Theoretical framework of Cooperative Learning
There are two theoretical framework of Cooperative Learning promoting thedevelopment of Cooperative Learning. One is social interdependence theory proposed byJohnson & Johnson (1974) and the other is social cohesiveness theory suggested by Sharen & Aronson (1978). Deutsch, who examines students' performance under cooperative learning andcompetitive learning, recognizes three types of social interdependence: positive, negative,and an absence of social interdependence. Positive interdependence is seen as promotinginteraction among group members. Negative interdependence is seen as detracting fromgroup interaction. The condition of no interdependence is the result of an absence ofgroup interaction. All of Deutsch's research and views laid the foundation of socialinterdependence theory by inspiring his students Johnson & Johnson.
III.Research Design.........15
3.1Research questions........15
3.3.1Teacher and student questionnaires........16
3.3.2Teacher interview........17
3.4Data collection and data analysis........18
3.4.1Data collection........18
3.4.2Data analysis........19
IV. Results.........20
4.1Teachers' perception and practice of Cooperative Learning........20
4.2Students' attitude towards Cooperative Learning ........26
4.2.1Effects of Cooperative Learning........27
4.2.2Problems and suggestions........29
4.3Further analysis........30
5.1Implementation of Cooperative Learning........42
5.2Problems and suggestions........44
V. Discussion
5.1 Implementation of Cooperative Learning
This study examines the instructional strategies used in junior high school in Wuhan,and it is found that a rather complete strategy is used to practice cooperative learning.Unlike the results of Wang & Li (2012), who contend teachers don't get hold ofcooperative learning method, the author finds a systematic mode (Five Steps and ThreeChecks) undertaken in junior high schools. And teachers pay much attention to elementssuch as group formation and evaluation in implementation to ensure a successfulcooperative learning class. The evaluation sheet echoes the intent of team reflection(Johnson & Johnson,1989),and it combines immediate feedback and comment, throughwhich teachers push students to be active learners in every process of learning forinviting students to give marks and reasons at the same time, encouraging students togive comments on classmates' performance and correction by adding marks. Inagreement with the views of some researchers (He,2003; Deng & Bai; 2008; Liu,2011;Li,2013; Shan, 2013; Li, 2013; Zhang,2013),this study suggests an appropriateevaluation is maybe beneficial to students' development.This study has found beginner teachers do cooperative learning mainly for extrinsicmotivation, and their lack of intrinsic motivation seems to be a reason for theimplementation gap between beginner teachers and experienced teachers and thebeginner teachers' difficulties in implementing cooperative learning. As Elizabeth (2013)argues, people are more likely to have the determination to complete a task or project, toapproach things creatively and to think flexibly about work once they are intrinsicallymotivated. This study suggests that to develop teachers, intrinsic motivation is maybebeneficial to solve obstacles in cooperative learning.
From this investigation, the author finds that teachers' perceptions aboutimplementing Cooperative Learning are quite conflicting; against the background that73% teachers think it necessary to use Cooperative Learning in English teaching andabout 40% English teachers frequently use it in each class and more than 50% teachersuse Cooperative Learning occasionally, still 61% teachers hold conservative attitudetowards it and deem it impractical to some extent. Through analysis, the author findsfactors, such as age,years of teaching and training would affect the teachers'implementation of Cooperative Learning. Among teachers, beginner teachers are thegroup who hold the most conservative attitude towards Cooperative Learning. Throughanalyzing, motivation plays an important role affecting teachers' practice of CooperativeLearning. For young teachers, they do Cooperative Learning most for extrinsicmotivation and they have limited understanding of successful elements of CooperativeLearning. Compared with beginner teachers' performance, teachers aged 30 to 39 with 10to 19 years of teaching experiences show a positive picture about perceptions andpractice of Cooperative Learning,
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