1.1 Background of OBOR
The One Belt, One Road (OBOR) Initiative [1] proposed by China government is aimed tocreate modern infrastructure for about 60 developing countries globally, particularly in centralEuropean and central Asian countries, by massive investment mostly from China. Theinvestment amount can be reached at 6 trillion USD for long run. OBOR can be a game changerfor global economy and a great opportunity for those countries involved.
Parkistan is one of the major nodal countries along the OBOR corridor. The OBOR chapterfor Parkistan is referred as The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) [2]. OBOR means toPakistan as a scale of multi-billion-dollar investments by the Chinese and Pakistani governmentsinto the creation of transport, energy, and communications infrastructure, increasing regionalconnectivity in an unprecedented fashion. The construction of infrastructure is a basic elementof the economic growth of a country. Rapid economic growth, the cultivation of the industrialenvironment and the improvement of people's well-being are rooted in a strong infrastructurenetwork, and the scarcity of infrastructure is precisely the bottleneck of Pakistan's economicdevelopment. OBOR/CPEC will be a great opportunity for Pakistan.
As the flagship example of OBOR, CPEC is officially launched in May 2013. CPEC is acollection of infrastructure projects that are currently under construction throughout Pakistan.Originally valued at $46 billion, the value of CPEC projects is worth $62 billion as of 2017 [3].CPEC is intended to rapidly modernize Pakistani infrastructure and strengthen its economy bythe construction of modern transportation networks, numerous energy projects, and specialeconomic zones. On 13 November 2016, CPEC became partly operational when Chinese cargowas transported overland to Gwadar Port for onward maritime shipment to Africa and West Asia,while some major power projects were commissioned by late 2017.
1.2 Research Motivation
The success of OBOR investment not only relies on the amount of investment itself, but alsoon the way how the massive investment is implemented. In order to achieve the investment goal,it is equally important to evaluate the potential risks of investment as to collect the massiveamount of finance resource. Therefore before any investment at this level of massive scale canbe actually made, it is necessary to understand thoroughly the potential impact of OBOR on allaspects related to the construction in a particular country. The partnership for such massiveconstruction and investment is complicated, which can include government, private investor,third-party banker, manufacturer, engineering, service, local people, etc.
The core part of OBOR is infrastructure construction. As we know, the construction modelis the basis to run any construction. A successful construction model must be based on theproperly orchestrated cooperation from all the partners. Therefore it is important to understandthe potential impact of OBOR on the construction models applied in the OBOR countries such asParkistan. The impact can be caused by many factors and their interactions at all levels,including technical engineering, geographical characteristics, governmental policy, historicaltraditions, and cultural preferences, etc. While the above factors within a single country alonecan be very complicated, they are far more difficult to understand when interacted with othercountries. Currently the above research is rare yet much needed. Without the good answers tothe above problems, it would cause serious uncertainty and unexpected difficulties in manybilateral cooperation areas such as construction, finance, investment, trade, governmental policy,and even international politics and security, and ultimately affect the implementation of OBOR.
2.1 Definition and Brief History
A building serves several essential roles in society (i) as protection against the weather andas a general living space, (ii) to provide privacy, and (iii) to keep belongings and to live andwork comfortably. A building as a refuge represents a physical pision of the human habitatand the exterior. A building can be classified according to different parameters such as theoccupation, the load transfer in the structure, the materials used, the degree of fire resistance, Abuilding can be classified according to the parameters of use, the load transfer in the structure,the materials used, the degree of fire resistance, Classify buildings in the following nine groupsaccording to occupation: residential, educational, institutional, assembly, business, mercantile,industrial, storage, dangerous.
Buildings and structures are commonly classified according to their type of constructionaccording to one of the five basic types: 1) Type I: fire resistant construction, 2) Type II: non-combustible construction, 3) Type III: ordinary construction, 4) Type IV: heavy woodconstruction, 5) Type V: wood frame construction
The building regulation (also building control or building code) is a set of rules that specifythe standards for constructed objects such as buildings and non-building structures.
Buildings must conform to the code to obtain planning permission, usually from a localcouncil. The main purpose of building codes is to protect public health, safety and generalwelfare as they relate to the construction and occupancy of buildings and structures. The buildingcode becomes law of a particular jurisdiction when formally enacted by the appropriategovernmental or private authority. Building codes are generally intended to be applied byarchitects, engineers, interior designers, constructors and regulators but are also used for variouspurposes by safety inspectors, environmental scientists, real estate developers, subcontractors,manufacturers of building products and materials, insurance companies, facility managers,tenants, and others. Codes regulate the design and construction of structures where adopted intolaw.
2.2 Scope
The building codes deal with four aspects [18]: 1) legislative, 2) social, 3) administrative,and 4) technical). The legislative aspect refers to the legal status of building codes andregulations. The social aspect is related to the human. The relationships and effects of buildingsand the built environment. The administrative aspect is related to the organizations of buildingcodes in the country and their main functions, which constitute the issuance of permits, therevision of the plan and the inspection. The technical aspect identifies deficiencies in theminimum requirements of public health, safety and general welfare needs when analyzingdifferent technical categories, such as 1) Structural: Structural resistance, 2) Fire: security for lifeand properties against fires, and means of egress, 3) Stability, Sanitation, 4) Adequate light andventilation, 5) Safety to life and properties of other hazards attributed to a built environment, 6)Energy conservation requirements, 7) Accessibility, 8) Mechanical requirements, 9) Plumbingrequirements, 10) Property maintenance requirements, 11) Zoning and occupation requirements,12) Electrical requirements.
The purpose of building codes is to provide minimum standards for safety, health, andgeneral welfare including structural integrity, mechanical integrity (including sanitation, watersupply, light, and ventilation), means of egress, fire prevention and control, and energyconservation. Building codes generally include [18]:
1) Standards for structure, placement, size, usage, wall assemblies, fenestration size/locations,egress rules, size/location of rooms, foundations, floor assemblies, roof structures/assemblies,energy efficiency, stairs and halls, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, site drainage & storage,appliance, lighting, fixtures standards, occupancy rules, and swimming pool regulations.
2) Rules regarding parking and traffic impact.
3) Fire code rules to minimize the risk of a fire and to ensure safe evacuation in the event of suchan emergency.
4) Requirements for earthquake (seismic code), hurricane, flood, and tsunami resistance,especially in disaster prone areas or for very large buildings where a failure would becatastrophic.
CHAPTER 3 PPP FINANCING MODEL................................37
3.1 Introduction of PPP.................................... 37
3.1.1 Description.........................................34
3.1.2 Funding Source ..................................... 39
CHAPTER 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT..............................54
4.1 General Concept..............................54
4.2 Project Management in Parkistan.......................... 59
4.3 Project Management in China..................................62
4.1 General Concept of Project Management
Definition:The basis of project management can be tracked back to civilization itself. But the modernmanagement of the project has its roots in the Second World War and develops in theconstruction and defense industry during the industrial revolution. More recently, the demandfor project management has increased as the number of projects has increased dramatically in awide range of industries.
Project management is defined in different ways in the research literature. Some of thesedefinitions are as follows:
1.Project management is described as a collection of tools and techniques to direct the useof various resources towards the realization of a unique, complex and unique task in time,cost and quality. Each task requires a particular combination of these tools and techniquesstructured to adapt to the environment of the task and the life cycle (from conception tocompletion) of the task [33].
2.Project management is expressed as planning, organization, monitoring and control of allaspects of a project and the motivation of all stakeholders involved to achieve the projectobjectives safely and within the agreed criteria of time, cost and performance [34].
3.Project management involves planning, scheduling and controlling all of the projectactivities to achieve its objectives. In other words, project management is the applicationof knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet projectrequirements. Project management is accomplished through the application andintegration of the project management processes of initiating, planning, executing,monitoring, controlling and closing [35].
The comparison and inductive reasoning method proposed in this thesis has been shown to bevalid and effective for the purpose of understanding the potential impact of The One Belt OneRoad Initiative (OBOR) on civil engineering construction model in Parkistan. Based on theabove proposed method, the interactions of the different construction models between Parkistanand China have been investigated. The implementation risks in the areas of building regulation,PPP for finance, and project management have been analyzed. Also this thesis gives a variety ofpractical advices of improvement regarding construction model problem in general. This thesisresearch shows that OBOR has profound and two-way impacts on the current constructionmodels in Parkistan, which inversely defines the final success of OBOR. The specific results foreach aspect of the above impacts are listed as follows,
1) Building regulation: the two countries have the similar international building regulations,which mostly follow the Western ones (American or European). However, the implementationsof those regulations have different focuses in practice, due to the different situations betweenthese two countries, including factors such as geography, history, culture, developing level, etc.This is actually a two-way interaction between Parkistan and China. The knowledge here isessential to evaluate the cost risk in OBOR investment.
2) PPP Finance model: PPP in Parkistan has longer history and more experiences than that inChina. Parkistan’s unstable economy, low financial management capabilities of the government,and the excessive dependency on the foreign investors just contrast to the rapidly growingeconomy, highly efficient government, and independent consumer-type economy in China.These differences define a particular PPP model such as acquisition procedure, and moreprecisely, the risk allocation channel. Again this is a two-way impact between OBOR andParkistan, or mostly between China and Parkistan. The knowledge on that should provide a keyfor the CPEC projects to find out the best PPP model.
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