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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202313248 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1Rationale of the Research
Due to the limitation of the traditional definition model in bilingual dictionaries,this thesis is inclined to construct a better definition model for Chinese disyllabicadjectives based on the multidimensional definition model, which is in the process ofperfection. Therefore, the theory rationale of the thesis is to enrich and make acontribution to the multidimensional definition model. And the problems in thedefinition of disyllabic adjectives in CED3 constitute the practical rational of theresearch. For the latest 20 years, the definition in major learner’s dictionaries in the world isnot confined to providing the explanations of concepts of words, and that in bilingualdictionaries in China goes beyond the limitation of giving equivalents as well. However,without matching development of that of lexicography, most of the domestic researchon definition theory in bilingual dictionaries remains in the traditional definition theory,that is, the traditional equivalent definition study.The traditional equivalent definition study has been popular and important andeven occupied an ingrained place due to the classical definition on bilingual dictionarycompilation by Zgusta: “the fundamental purpose of bilingual dictionary is to find theequivalents between the lexical units of one language and those of the other one.”(Zgusta, 1971, p.294) That is, the fundamental purpose of definition in bilingualdictionary is to get the equivalents in target language that match the lexical units insource language semantically. Three equivalences have been concluded: totalequivalence, partial equivalence and zero equivalence. Furthermore, Svensen holds asimilar opinion, which intensifies the equivalent definition study. He points out that “theduty of bilingual dictionary is to provide equivalents in target language that equal to thewords and phrases in source language at most in semantics and domain.” (Svensen,1993, p. 140)

1.2 Subjects and Objectives of the Research
A multidimensional model will be constructed based on the study of CED3 andthe definition of Chinese disyllabic adjectives in this thesis. “Dictionaries can be classified by many criteria, some of them obvious to everyone,such as size, but there is no standard, agree-upon taxonomy for dictionaries.” (Landau,2001, p. 7) Considering the actual use situation of their users, dictionaries can beclassified to active dictionary and passive dictionary. Most of the traditional dictionariesare used to decode language, aiming to help users to understand the so called “difficultwords” encountering in reading. They are called passive dictionaries, or dictionaries forcomprehension or decoding dictionaries. While active dictionaries, generally includingand providing detailed definition of active headwords, aim to help users to complete theactivities of coding language, such as learning language systematically, havingconversations, writing and translation. So they can also be called dictionaries forproduction or coding dictionaries.CED3 belongs to active dictionaries for two reasons. Firstly, it includes more than240,000 headwords, the majority of which are active ones. Secondly, also moreimportantly, the definition provided in this dictionary is far more than providingequivalents. Being published in 2010, it is the latest edition and it is one of the bestpopular C-E dictionaries in China for its authority. Therefore, it will be a wise choice tomake it as the representative of internal oriented C-E dictionaries, and also as theobjective of the study in this thesis.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 The Definition of Disyllabic Adjectives
The definition of “disyllabic adjective” can be concluded from the definition of“adjective” and “disyllable”.The definitions of “adjective” in Chinese and English dictionaries are a littledifferent due to the fact that not all the adjectives in Chinese and in English arecompletely equal functionally and semantically. In Chinese dictionaries, like Cihai, XinHua Dictionary and Han Yu Da Ci Dian, etc., the definition of “adjective” is “a wordthat indicates the property, shape of a person and thing or state of actions, behaviour andchanges; the Chinese adjective can collocate with adverbs and overlap; it can bepredicate, attribute, adverbial modifier and complement grammatically”, meanwhile, insome major English dictionaries including Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-ChineseDictionary, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the word “adjective” isdefined as “a word that describes a person or thing, for example big, red and clever in abig house, red wine and a clever idea” or “a word that describes a noun or pronoun. Inthe phrase ‘black hat’, ‘black’ is an adjective and in the sentence ‘It makes her happy’,‘happy’is an adjective”.

2.2 The Features of Chinese Disyllabic Adjectives
In modern Chinese, adjectives take up a large proportion and cover contents ofmany aspects. As a main part of adjectives, the amount of disyllabic adjectives ranks thefirst and the features of it basically the same with that of the adjectives with some subtledifferences. According to years of research of scholars, some characteristics ofdisyllabic adjectives in Chinese can be summarized from three aspects: syntax,semantics and cognition.The syntactic features of disyllabic adjectives refer to three questions. Firstly,relation between adjectives and syntactic constituents, mainly refers to whether theadjectives can be followed by objectives. The discussion starts from the scholars MaJianzhong (1898) and Li Jinxi (1924) to Lv Shuxiang(1966), and till to Zhu Dexi(1956),who gives the concrete definition to adjectives and verbs respectively. According to ZhuDexi (1956), those predicates that can be modified by “very” and cannot be followed byobjects are adjectives, while other predicates that cannot be modified by ‘very” orco-occur with objects are verbs. Moreover, Huang Borong and Liao Xudong (2009)hold that disyllabic qualifying adjectives also belong to verbs, that is, they can befollowed by their objects directly. Otherwise, some scholars including Wang Li, XingFuyi and Lv Yiping hold that the situation adjectives followed by objects is only a usagewhen the adjectives are used as verbs. Therefore, only the qualitative disyllabicadjectives can be regarded as both adjective and verb, that is, can be followed by theirobjectives and others can not.

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework...........30
3.1 Introduction.........30
3.2 Main Ideas of the Multidimensional Definitio.........32
3.3 Principles of the Multidimensional Definition.........35
Chapter Four TheAnalysisAnd Improvement.........37
4.1 The Present Situations of DisyllabicAdjectives in CED3.........37
4.2Analysis on Current Situation of the Use ofAdjectives.........40
4.3 The Optimization of Definition of Chinese Disyllabi.........47

Chapter Four The AnalysisAnd Improvement of Defining Disyllabic Adjectives in CED3

4.1 The Present Situations of Disyllabic Adjectives in CED3
In this part, we begin to study the present situation of disyllabic adjectives inCED3 in detail. The study will be done from two aspects: the components of thedefinition and the representation of the definition. These two aspects can enable readersto be aware of the problems about definition of disyllabic adjectives exiting in CED3and to realize the urgency and the necessity of the multidimensional definition modelconstruction. The sample dictionary of this thesis is CED3 published in the year of 2010 byShanghai Translation Publishing House.This dictionary is selected as the sample dictionary for three reasons Firstly, its sizeis very appropriate for the research.It increases over 15,000 new headwords amountingto 240,000 headwords. Secondly, it is the latest C-E dictionary with the biggest size andthe most complete function, inheriting the merits including huge headwords acceptanceand high efficiency in consulting. Moreover, it improves itself based on the previoustwo editions as the changes of language and society, the development tendency and thefeedback of scholars and users. Thirdly, definition in this dictionary, especially foradjectives is improved a lot. It defines adjectives more accurate in more definitionmeans.Therefore, the problems still exiting in this dictionary can be the representatives ofthe problems in most C-E dictionaries. The main features of this dictionary can beconcluded in this chart.



According to the study of the definition of the Chinese disyllabic adjectives inCED3, it is found that there are still some imperfection of the definition of Chinesedisyllabic adjectives. Based on the study of different definition models and corpus, arevised multidimensional definition model for the definition of Chinese disyllabicadjectives is built in this paper. In this part, the findings and results of the study arepresented. In addition, the implications, limitations and prospect are also discussed. Currently, the negative words have still been the focus of the definition of themainstream C-E dictionaries, but the definition structure of negative words is onefoldwith limited representational abilities. Generally speaking, the principle of “equivalenttranslation” or “equivalents” is still the sole principle of most C-E dictionaries,overlooking the extending meaning and the pragmatic usage of the source language.That is to say, most C-E dictionaries focus on providing equivalents and exampleillustration, ignoring the positive knowledge of these words. With this kind ofdictionaries in English learning, the users will be affected negatively in their productiveof knowledge in long run. Besides, the illustration of the equivalents fails to show acomprehensive semantic structure of the source language. In a word, the users ask for alearning C-E dictionary with more positive knowledge of the words.
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