1.1 Research Background
The exploration of metaphor can be recognized as the milestone across the field ofcognitive linguistics.As one of the hottest strands,multimodal metaphor puts sight onthe interaction between modality and meaning.More and more studies(Zhong&Li,2014,pp.35-39;Pollaroli&Rocci,2015,pp.158-199;Huang&He,2019,pp.32-36;Chen&Liu,2021,pp.32-39;Sun,Zhang&Chen,2021,pp.142-171)focus onmultimodal metaphor in advertisements at home and abroad because the advertisingimage is distinct and direct,which to some extent avoid ambiguity in interpretation.
Relatively speaking,the studies of multimodal metaphor started much later inChina.By exploiting CNKI,it can be found that 2011 was a crucial year in the historyof the multimodal metaphor at home.With the aim of facilitating the focus ofmultimodal metaphor and metonymy,in this year,Foreign Languages Researchparticularly set up special column including 4 preeminent journal papers which haveprofound analysis toward this field.To begin with,Zhao(2011)made a comprehensiveintroduction to multimodal metaphor in simple words which can lead the beginnerscross the threshold quickly.She proposed that the focuses of multimodal metaphor waspunctiliously pinpointed which comprises types of genres,distinctive features,therelationship between multimodal metaphor and metonymy and the representations ofsimilarity.In recent years,most related studies more or less are associated with thesefocuses and made certain achievements.In addition,from a microscopic point of view,Xie(2011)discusses about the distinct features of multimodal metaphor including thereversibility problem and the function of verbal mode in multimodal environment.Pan(2011)analyzed and interpreted the current situation of multimodal discourse and usedboth cognitive and functional analysis method to investigate political cartoons.
1.2 Research Significance
The theoretical significance covers the following aspects.
Initially,the exploration of interactive relationships of modes in multimodalmetaphor is the focus of this thesis,which to some degree enriches the interactive partsin the theory of Multimodal Metaphor and further contributes to developing this theory.
Currently,researchers mainly centered on the representation of multimodalmetaphor in the same series of PSAs in the same language.Besides,the comparison ofconceptual metaphor among different languages has also been explored,which is to agreat extent related to verbal mode.In addition to verbal mode,it is undeniable thatsimilarity also exists in metaphors of different languages and multimodal materialswhich deserves studying and promotes the communication between cultures.Accordingly,this study follows Zoltan Kövecses’suggestion to discuss the similaritiesand differences of conceptual metaphors and metonymies in multimodal materials,which in a sense contributes to Conceptual Metaphor Theory and ConceptualMetonymy Theory.
Furthermore,some other related cognitive theories would be verified andconsolidated,including Multimodal Metaphor Theory(Lakoff and Johnson,1980;Forceville,1996,2002,2009)and Multimodal Metonymy Theory(Lakoff and Johnson,1980;Kövecses and Radden,1998;Goossens,1990;Forceville,2009).Due to theuneven quantity of cognitive constructions,most studies give first priority to metaphorbut overlook the existent functions of metonymy.Obviously,the relationship betweenadvertisements and metaphor are just like two best partners.However,the role ofmetonymy in advertisements especially PSAs cannot be ignored.What’s more,therelationship between metaphor and metonymy can be said as complementary.Thecurrent study also involves the interactive mechanism of conceptual metaphor andmetonymy in PSAs.
2.1 Definitions of Related Concepts
In the traditional view,most scholars regard metaphor and metonymy as simplelanguage phenomenon and rhetorical devices.Through thousands of cognitive linguists’effort,the novel cognitive view has already been a real blow to the traditionalsupporters.Such a meaningful subversion should be clearly introduced anddifferentiated.Furthermore,genre and genre conventions play a vital role in the designof advertisements(Pérez-Sobrino,2017,p.26).Genre is a step-by-step social processwith certain goals realized through register(Martin,1992,p.505).Accordingly,genreto some extent dominates the process of interpreting metaphor and should be prioritized.As one of the genres,advertisement has different characteristics on the basis ofclassification.Accordingly,it is quite essential to define public service advertisement ordelimit the genre.
2.1.1 Definitions of conceptual metaphor and metonymy
In the traditional view,most scholars regard metaphor and metonymy as simplelanguage phenomenon and rhetorical devices.Through thousands of cognitive linguists’effort,the novel cognitive view has already been a real blow to the traditionalsupporters.Such a meaningful subversion should be clearly introduced anddifferentiated.Furthermore,genre and genre conventions play a vital role in the designof advertisements(Pérez-Sobrino,2017,p.26).Genre is a step-by-step social processwith certain goals realized through register(Martin,1992,p.505).Accordingly,genreto some extent dominates the process of interpreting metaphor and should be prioritized.As one of the genres,advertisement has different characteristics on the basis ofclassification.Accordingly,it is quite essential to define public service advertisement ordelimit the genre.
2.1.1 Definitions of conceptual metaphor and metonymy
The traditional concepts of metaphor and metonymy can be clearly described byemphasizing the very most characteristics.Being used for some artistic and rhetoricalpurpose,metaphor and metonymy are two kinds of linguistic phenomenon,someconscious and deliberate words or rhetorical devices.
2.2 An Overview of Multimodal Metaphor and Metonymyin Advertisements
Forceville(2009)who integrates modality into conceptual metaphor made greatcontribution to the development of conceptual metaphor.Moreover,the proposal of“multimodal metaphor”to some extent supports the conceptual metaphor theory.As adiscourse genre,advertisement has inevitable connection with metaphor.In addition tothe reason of pursuing novelty,why can metaphor be recognized as the appropriatepartners for advertisement may be also related with the point that they both have twodiscrete concepts.Therefore,the relative studies of advertisement account for a largeproportion in current research field.In order to dig out the interactive mechanism ofdifferent modes and cognitive methods in advertisements clearly,this part takes“modality”and“cognitive method”as two key words.
2.2.1 Previous studies of multimodal metaphor and metonymy inadvertisements abroad
Scholars abroad engaged in related studies in good time which thanks to greattheoretical foundation.As the pioneer of studying multimodal metaphor,MultimodalMetaphor contains four representative investigations about genre of advertisement.
Both Koller(2009)and Caballero(2009)take printed commercial advertisementsas research materials.They stress on the mode of verbal and image.Through thecognitive studying of corporate brands,Koller finds that corporate messages arecognitively structured by the radical metaphor BRANDS ARE PEOPLE and therepresentative type of pictorial-verbal plays a significant role(Koller,2009,p.45).Inparticular,Caballero proposes a new idea that whether the cross-modal metaphors aremono-modal or multi-modal and took tasting note in wine promotion as an example,which to some extent start a novel perspective on modality.In the aspect of meaning,not merely the connotations of the source domain,the knowledge of the target domainis also required for interpreting metaphor.
Chapter Three THEORETICAL FOUNDATION........................................29
3.1 Cognitive Theories of Metaphor and Metonymy.............................29
3.1.1 Conceptual metaphor and conceptual metonymy................................29
3.1.2 The interactive relationship between conceptual metaphor and conceptualmetonymy.................35
Chapter Four RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................53
4.1 Research Questions.....................................53
4.2 Research Material Selection................................................54
4.3 Multimodal Metaphor and Metonymy Identification..........................55
Chapter Five RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.............................................67
5.1 The Verbal,Pictorial and Music Mode in the PSAs................................67
5.1.1 The verbal mode..................................67
5.1.2 The pictorial mode.............................71
5.1 The Verbal,Pictorial and Music Mode in the PSAs
It can be found that there are three types of modality in the PSAs of this studyincluding verbal mode,pictorial mode and auditory mode,which are related with fivesenses.Concretely,verbal mode consists of all the existent verbal parts especially thesubtitles and tips.The subtitles can be character signs,spoken signs,voice-over or thelyrics.Pictorial mode embraces all the images after removing the verbal mode.As forauditory mode,although both sound and music exist in the materials,because of thewide range of sound mode and the scarcity of relative theories,merely music mode istaken into consideration in this paper.
5.1.1 The verbal mode
The verbal mode is the usual method for designers to describe and highlight thetheme and narrate the plot.In the PSAs of public health emergencies,the form ofdiscourse is not common while words and phrases present more.In such multimodalenvironment,the meaning of verbal mode may be not clear and restricted by theconcrete context.Accordingly,this section to a certain extent paves the way for thestudy of interactive relationships in Chapter 5.2.
6.1 Major Findings of the Research
Through refining Chapter 5,the major findings of the whole research are asfollows,which are consistent with the order of research questions.
First,mono-modal analysis is composed by the respective interpretation of verbalmode,pictorial mode and music mode.First of all,the study of verbal mode containsthemes,keywords and main mood structures of the PSAs.According to the results,theconcluding words shown in the end of the PSAs are wielded to classify the themes inthe PSAs from three countries.Chinese doctors,scientific prevention and control means,serving chopsticks and vaccination are the four parts in China,wildlife protection,homequarantine,suggestions of protective gestures and vaccination in UK and suggestions ofprotective gestures and vaccination in France.It can be also found that the evolution ofthe themes about COVID-19 gradually changes according to the development of theepidemic.Furthermore,the keywords in three countries’PSAs with the help of AntConcare“chopsticks”,“John Elton”and“freedom”,which,to a certain extent,reflects thedistinctive focus of the corresponding PSAs.After the comprehension of the PSAs froma macro perspective,the main mood structure which is related to interpersonal functionunder the theory of Systematic Functional Linguistics and embraces declarative,imperative and interrogative mood is counted.The results show that the declarativemood in the PSAs from China,UK and France consistently occupies a larger proportion(71.7%,82.5%and 57.8%respectively)whereas the imperative and interrogativemoods rank the second and third place respectively.Combining the function ofdeclarative mood and the features of PSA,the frequent use of such mood tries to giveplay to the role of persuasion.There is a specific phenomenon that imperative moodhave the tendency to appear in the PSAs which are about suggestions of protectivemeasures during the epidemic.It is partially because such intuitive and powerfulexpressions are more suitable for those PSAs which attempt to convey the informationof what to do or not to do.Another distinctive characteristic of interrogative mood isthat it is usually shown in the narrative plot,which can undoubtedly arouse the interestsof addressees.