Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
With the rapid development of society and the promotion of global economicintegration, English, as an international language, plays an extremely important role intoday’s social communication. Good English proficiency is the foundation ofsuccessful language communication, and also lays the language foundation foradapting to economic globalization and social informatization.
English writing, as an output skill among the four basic language abilities, is amedium of information transmission, a bridge of cultural exchange, and an importantcarrier of thought and culture. Good English writing proficiency can reflect theoverall English level of language learners. Besides, in the English College EntranceExamination, English writing has always been the required test type, accounting for17% of the whole test, aiming to test senior high school students’ capacity of usingEnglish language knowledge and the understanding of cultural knowledge. However,errors in English writing exists in students’ writing, which not only leads to conveyincorrect information, but also fails to achieve a good communicative effect. In thereal English teaching, English teachers pay more attention to students’ writing scoresinstead of focusing on their writing errors. Some oral comments will be usually givenby teachers based on the common writing errors of students. In the meantime, Englishwriting has always been a difficult skill for students and they frequently make variouslanguage errors in English writing, such as text errors, syntax errors and so on.Without scientific correction and analysis of writing errors, students’ writing errorswill always appear. Therefore, it is urgent to analyze the errors of senior high schoolstudents’ English writing.
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance
1.2.1 Research Purpose
In the English writing of senior high school students, English writing errors arecommonly made by students. Students are influenced by their mother tongue, andsometimes their writings do not conform to English writing styles and even appearChinese style English in their writings. The reason why writing errors exist is thatstudents’ writing errors are not corrected by using a scientific method. In addition,teachers can not figure out all the students’ writing errors in person in a short time aswell as giving students effective writing guidance to avoid errors, which frequentlymakes the errors exist in students’ English writing all the time. Thus, based on theabove situation, the research purposes of this thesis is to help teacher understand thecurrent situation of senior high school students’ English writing ability and helpEnglish teachers take measures to help students avoid errors.
1.2.2 Research Significance
The significance of this research focuses on the following two aspects. As for thetheoretical significance, this research can enrich relevant theories of analyzingEnglish writing errors. When it comes to practical significance, this research canoptimize the teaching in English writing.
(1) The Theoretical Significance
Error analysis plays a significant role in studying English writing errors. At thesame time, the development of error analysis is also relatively mature. But when theauthor attempts to search for relevant articles on China National KnowledgeInfrastructure (CNKI) by typing the key words “error analysis” and “English writing”,it can be seen that 147 articles are found from the year 2010 to 2020. Only 70 articlesbelong to the area of analyzing errors in English writing. In addition, the author alsofinds only 13 articles focus on the writing errors in senior high school students.Obviously, the articles about the error analysis used in senior high school students’English writing errors are insufficient. Thus, this research can provide somereferences for this area.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Errors and the Classifications of Errors
2.1.1 The Definitions of Errors
Corder (1967), a famous British linguist, once put forward the distinction ofmistakes and errors. It is believed that errors refer to language deviations from thestandard target language caused by language learners’ failure to fully grasp andinternalize the language rules. It is related to the ability of foreign language learners.Mistakes are identified as the improper performance such as slips of tongue caused bylanguage learners in a bad psychological state like nervousness or anxiety, but this hasnothing related to the level of knowledge of learners. Subsequently, Corder (1971) putforward a deeper understanding of the two items. Errors are associated with failures incompetence and language learners are not able to correct them by themselves whilemistakes are related to failures in performance and have little influence on learners’own knowledge level.
Dulay & Burt (1974) proposed that errors are the deviations from the standard offormal language form in conversation or composition. Jame (1998) explained thedifferences of errors and mistakes more deeply. Mistake can only be corrected bylearner’s agent if their deviance is pointed out. Errors cannot be self-corrected untilfurther relevant input has been provided by the learners.
Luo Xiaojie (2003) pointed out a clear definition of errors and mistakes. Inlanguage teaching, errors refer to systematic errors made by learners who do notacquire phonology, vocabulary, grammar and other language knowledge. In otherwords, the learners have not acquired the language system of the target language.
2.2 Error Analysis
2.2.1 The Origin and Development of Error Analysis
Before error analysis is prevalent in the second language learning, contrastiveanalysis theory is an effective theory for scholars to do related research, which wasproposed by Lado in the 1940s and 1950s. It has been supporting the research offoreign language teaching in the early time and it was fully developed at the sametime too. However, with the development of cognitive theory, the limitations of erroranalysis came out that contrastive analysis theory could not accurately predict theerrors made by foreign language learners in the process of language acquisition,because the errors would be various in different language environments. Theoccurrence of errors is affected by many factors and it is difficult to carry out theresearch simply by predicting without the foundation of specific data. In this case,contrastive analysis theory is not prevalent and language scholars start to conduct theresearch of language errors. Thus, error analysis was born.
Error analysis was put forward in the 1960s and 1970s. It is an extension ofcontrastive analysis theory, and it is on the basis of the cognitive psychology andbehavioral psychology. In this moment, error analysis mainly focused on the aspect ofits concept and the relevant application researches have not started yet. Corder (1967),an advocate of error analysis, first pointed out the basic concept of errors and putforward related supplements of errors to make it become complete in the followingresearches. Subsequently, Corder (1981) made a clear statement of error analysis thatit is an experimental technique for validating the theory of transfer to tell somethingabout the psycholinguistic processes of language learning. After he put forward thistheory, many foreign language researchers have conducted a lot of researches, and ithas become one of the indispensable theories in foreign language learning.
3.1 Research Subjects................................15
3.2 Research Questions....................................... 15
3.3 Research Instruments.................................... 15
Chapter Four Results and Discussion....................18
4.1 The Overall Description of Senior High School Students’ English WritingErrors........................................18
4.1.1 Substance Errors................................19
4.1.2 Text Errors......................................22
Chapter Five Conclusion....................................59
5.1 Major Findings............................................ 59
5.2 Implications of the Study............................... 61
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 The Overall Description of Senior High School Students’ English Writing Errors
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
The author has used error analysis to study the writing errors of students’ texts,to find out the causes of errors. In this part, the major findings of this research shownbelow mainly focus on the following three aspects.
(1) There are three types of English writing errors in senior high school students:namely substance errors, text errors and discourse errors. Firstly, as for substanceerrors, students’ errors in English writing mainly include misspelling, unused oroverused capitals and errors of punctuation. Secondly, for text errors, there are mainlytwo aspects. One is lexical errors and the other is syntax errors. In the lexical errors,eight types of lexical errors can be found, namely errors of articles, nouns, verbs,pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. As for syntax errors,there are mainly two types. One is the errors of simple sentences, and errors of thistype occur in the simple declarative sentences frequently, while other sentences suchas exclamatory sentences do not occur errors. As for errors of the subordinatecomplex sentences, they mainly fall into three categories. The first one comes to theerrors of adverbial clauses, mostly focusing on the adverbial clause of time. Thesecond one is the errors of attributive clauses. The nominal clause falls into the thirdone, including errors of the predicative clauses, object clauses and appositive clausesrespectively. As for errors of subject clauses, students did not use this clause in theircompositions, so there are no errors of this clause. Thirdly, as for discourse errors,students’ errors are both concentrated on the macro errors and micro errors. Macroerrors present in the aspect of the paragraph. There is not logical structure betweenparagraphs in students’ compositions. Some students directly write detailed writingpoints in their first paragraph without introducing the main purpose of the article. Asfor micro errors, errors commonly focus on the two ways. On the one hand, studentsmisuse the cohesive words in their compositions. On the other hand, they do not usecohesive words between successive simple sentences.