Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Reading has always played an important role in the education field of countries aroundthe world. English reading classes are the main approaches to help students improve theirreading abilities and understanding skills. For senior high school English teaching, how toimprove the classroom teaching quality of English and strengthen senior high school students’learning ability has been an issue to English educators. However, there were many problemsin the current English reading teaching. Most of the teaching time of teachers concentrated onhow to teach vocabulary and using language instead of ignoring the cultivation of readinghabits and the improvement of reading skills.
Wang Qiang (2017) pointed out that the Core Competencies of English subject includedthe Core Competencies and essential character of the discipline. The Ministry of Educationannounced the English Curriculum Standards for Senior High Schools in January 2018, (2017edition), and this revision of the curriculum standard has made the most of the prominentachievements and reputations of international curriculum reform.
At present, Core Competencies are the crucial foundation for China’s curriculum reform,and are being practised gradually into curriculum arrangement and design. From our points ofview, Our purpose is to improve teaching qualities and achieve the goals of promoting thedevelopment of students’ Core Competencies in English. Reading class is an effective way tocultivate students’ Core Competencies in English.
Obviously, the traditional English teaching model in senior high school has affectedstudents’ all-around development, and can not thoroughly meet the requirements of socialdevelopment and the requirements of teachers. The traditional reading teaching methodneglects the personal cognitive view of each student except for the literal meaning. Hence, ithas become an imperative for teachers to improve and even reform their teaching model.
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
Willis (1996) pointed that task-based language teaching refers to an approach whosebasis is to use tasks as the cores in language teaching. Some experts has proposed a number ofeffective foreign language teaching methods which are based on numerous researches andinpidual practice. It combines the fundamental theory of language teaching with concreteclassroom teaching tasks. “learn in order to practice” is a basic principle to practice, and in theprocess of teaching, it is also related to the “learn to use, learn in use”. Therefore, it has drawna lot of domestic and foreign language learners’ attention. Now many experts at home andabroad are to conduct the practical innovation to explore a more effective method which ispropitious to the condition of foreign language teaching. The results indicate that task-basedlanguage teaching is one of the beneficial ways to contribute to students’ language ability andcommunicative ability.
However, there still exists some difficulties in the concrete reading teaching process.Students has been already used to traditional English reading teaching method. The teachingprocess has to follow the examination-oriented education system so that students’ readingability can not be cultivated effectively. Generally speaking, language forms are much vitalinstead of students' reading ability. This study attempts to apply the task-based languageteaching which are based on the core competence to verify the next hypothesis: Whetherusing Task-based language teaching can cultivate private senior high school students’students’ language learning interests from the perspective of English core competence;Whether Task-based language teaching based on English core competencies can arouseprivate senior high school students’ learning motivation and learning ability; Whether usingTask-based language teaching is able to private senior high school students’ English readinggrades in the background of English core competence.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction to the Task-based Language Teaching
With the rapid development of communicative language teaching, Task-based LanguageTeaching is motivated primarily by a theory of learning rather than a theory of language.Definitions of task vary in or goal that is carried out using language.
2.1.1 Definition of Task-based Language Teaching
Reading is one of the most important activities in language use. As a senior high schoolEnglish teacher, the first thing is to deeply understand the definition and master the mainconcepts of reading in the process of exploring problems in reading. Applied linguists havebeen working on revealing the nature of reading. Russell G.Stauffer (1969) stated that readingis a comprehensive process where comprehension is a definite condition. At the same time,Goodman (1976) has proposed that students should be inspired to use syntax. Yuan Pinghua& Liao lan (2010) proposed some points that learners read the passage or article to receiveinformation.
Zhang Xianchen (2018) convinced that reading teaching could be pided into five levelsunder the new curriculum standard: the first level is that students obtain concrete information;the second is to understand and imply the writer's writing purpose; the third part is to analyzeand discuss the discourse structure; then evaluate and value the authors’ ideas; lastly is thetransfer and application after reading, or how it influences you after reading the article.
As a consequence, Task-based Language teaching requested that teachers shouldconcentrate on the development of students' key competences, encourage students to activelyparticipate in reading activities. It is vital for students to set up a correct view of life, andvalues, strengthen responsibility for society.
2.2 The New Discovery on Task-based Language Teaching
2.2.1 Task-based Language Teaching studies abroad
The early research of task-based teaching began in some foreign countries. Task-basedteaching approach was widely accepted and applied to practical teaching in 1980s, which wasdeeply favored by educators. Foreign scholars and experts have paid attention to the problemswhich is existing in the implementation of task-based teaching. Experts have proposed plentyof solutions or measures for these problems in order to solve this problem.
Inspired by Palmers' theory, Prabhu (1987) proposed a learning-centered teachingmethod in the 1980s. The main views are as follows: students focus on task execution,language learning is accompanied by a task to happen, that is, learning in doing. Anylanguage acquisition needs to go through a long and difficult process, that is, learners need toexperience different language environments, repeatedly contact a language sample, and thenbe strengthened, so as to gradually establish internal language ability.
Prabhu proposed teaching reform has caused a great uproar in foreign language teaching.However, Prabhu teaching methods also have many shortcomings, such as the lack ofnecessary instructions for the formulation and arrangement of tasks, the lack of difficulty indealing with tasks, and so on. After that, Jane Willis (1996), Skehan (1998), Candlin (1987),Tomlinson (1998) have further pointed out the shortcomings of the model and supplementedand improved it.
Candlin (1987) deeply improved the task proposed by Prabhu. From his point of view,the task proposed by the Prabhu has no level in the actual practice operation, and can not playa positive role in the students' mastery of knowledge. He also put forward that the task inteaching practice should be more distinctive and hierarchical.
Jane Willis (1996) proposed the most front-line teachers has taken advantage oftask-based teaching model. The author also uses this model in teaching reading courses. Thismodel pides reading teaching into three parts: pre-task, task cycle and language focus.
In addition, Tomlinson believed that second language learning concentrated on copingwith practical communicative tasks, while classroom teaching takes tasks as the main part andthe task itself is not only a way to apply language skills to real situations, but also afundamental condition for new language learning (Tomlinson, 1998:258)
Chapter 3 Methodology.........................................15
3.1 Research Questions............................................... 15
3.2 Research Subjects....................................15
3.3 Research instruments..................................16
Chapter 4 Results Analysis and Discussion........................................24
4.1 Results Analysis and Discussion of the English Test........................ 24
4.1.1 Results and Discussion of Pre-test................................ 24
4.1.2 Results and Discussion of Post-test..............................25
Chapter 5 Conclusions............................................. 33
5.1 Major Findings of the research..................................33
5.2 Pedagogical implications...................................34
Chapter 4 Results Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Results Analysis and Discussion of the English Test
The author used the independent-samples t-test to analyze their first stage test results soas to ensure that the English achievements in the experimental class and the control class wereequivalent and meet the request of the experiment.
4.1.1 Results and Discussion of Pre-tes
Table 4-1 presented some basic descriptive statistics, including sample number, samplemean, standard deviation and standard error of mean. As was shown in the table, the averageEnglish results in the experimental class and the control class were 21.79 and 21.31respectively. There was a little difference between the two classes.
Chapter 5 Conclusions
5.1 Major Findings of the research
Based on the English Subject Key Competence, this research applies task-basedlanguage teaching in private high schools English class. The author analyzes the results fromthe dimensions of language competence and learning ability and puts forward the suitableapproaches of task design. Finally, the author carries out the experiment in two parallelclasses and collects concrete data through questionnaires, pre-test and post-test and interviews.The quantitative data and qualitative data collected in this study were analyzed by SPSS22.0data analysis software. The effects of applying task-based language teaching to Englishreading are clearly demonstrated. The main findings are as follows:
Firstly, most of the high school students involved in the survey have a high level of corecompetence. The data also showed that the subjects believed that there were the followingproblems in language ability: natural fluency of pronunciation, use of vocabulary description,real communication in English, less than 6% of students with "complete ability "; More than2% of the subjects were absolutely unable to understand the rhythm of English poetry, usevocabulary description, use a specified number of words and phrases, and real communicationin English. Therefore, senior high school students’ language learning interests can beimproved from the perspective of core competence.
Secondly, learning motivation and learning ability in private high schools under thebackground of core competence can be improved. The overall evaluation of learning abilityand motivation of the subjects is relatively high, mainly reflected in the following points:actively seeking advice from others, using various resources to expand knowledge; Thesubjects' interest in self-learning and learning channels, the use of English reading strategiesand the generalization ability of summary and induction, clear learning motivation, makelearning plans and overcome learning difficulties are more recognized.
Thirdly, students' reading grades have been obviously improved by means of task-basedlanguage teaching.