Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Vocabulary is the foundation of English learning, which is related to pronunciationand grammar. In English learning, you can’t express yourself well without grammar,and you can’t express anything without vocabulary. In other words, The amount ofvocabulary directly affects students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing. Somestudents say they can’t understand the listening materials. To a certain extent, we cansay that the amount of vocabulary determines the degree of listening comprehension.Some students also don’t know how to express themselves in English correctly. As aresult, they seldom speak in English class. Others have difficulty understanding themeaning of articles because they are lack of vocabulary. So vocabulary is a direct factoraffecting reading efficiency. As for wiring, a lot of students have no idea of how to writea composition because they don’t have enough English words in their mind. So theamount of vocabulary determines the level of expression. It can be seen that vocabularyis fundamental to improve English learning. At the same time, vocabulary learningefficiency and rich vocabulary are very important to students’ English learning.
So how to learn vocabulary well is very important. However, most junior middleschool English teachers don’t realize the importance of vocabulary learning. And theydon’t spend their time thinking the better way to teach vocabulary. They are stillaccustomed to the traditional vocabulary teaching method. In actual teaching, teachersoften read the words in textbooks to the students one by one. Even if the teaching task iscompleted, vocabulary teaching is narrowly understood as “word teaching”, while theso-called “teaching” only explains and imparts knowledge in isolation, and explains toomuch and too carefully. Sometimes, some important phrases or usages of the words maybe given. We can see that the teachers teach the words in isolation.
1.2 Purpose of the Study
So far, we have known the importance of English vocabulary learning. Teachersshouldn’t teach vocabulary like before. They should first reflect, find out the rules ofEnglish vocabulary, carry out teaching effectively, and help students to arrange,summarize and classify constantly, thus forming a knowledge system. By summing upthe rules and making use of them, students can truly grasp the pronunciation andmeaning of words. What’s more, vocabulary should also be taught in practical way. Thatis to say, the teachers should put the words in phrases, sentences or conversations and soon to create a certain language environment and context for students, so they can graspvocabulary more easily, and apply the vocabulary they have learned to practice freely.
From the above, we can see the vocabulary teaching and learning and veryessential and important. Vocabulary is the foundation of a language, just like the bricksand tiles of high-rise buildings. Therefore, for students, there is no end to expandingtheir vocabulary. So in order to find an appropriate and effective model to enhancestudents’ vocabulary memory effect in junior high school, the author conducts aresearch on the application of multimodality-based vocabulary teaching model, whichcan also give the junior middle school teachers some advice.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Related Theories of the Multimodality
With the development of information technology, multimodality will inevitablyappear when people communicate with each other in daily life. Because the meaning ofdiscourse is not only transmit by verbal factors, but also embodied by non-verbal factorsin many cases.
2.1.1 Definition of Multimodality
Human beings perceive the world through five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smelland taste. The interaction between various senses and the external environment is calledmodality. So what is multimodality? Lots of scholars at home and abroad gave itsmeaning.
The concept of context was first proposed by Halliday (1978) and stated thatMultimodality includes diagrams, spoken and written language, and other semioticresources used to transmit meaning.
Kress and Leeuwen (1996, 2001) put forward the theory of multimodalcommunication. They also established the framework of grammatical analysis of visualimages. They pointed out that the gestures, language, body movements and so on weuse at the same time in communication mean that multimodal participation incommunication activities. Based on the framework of multimodal theory, O'Halloran(1999) added the applicable objects of multimodal discourse analysis. He definedmultimodality as a combination of the theoretical analysis and practice of integratinglanguage as well as other semiotic resources.
Gu (2007) defined that modality refers to the way people use their sensory organsto interact with the outside world. Zhu (2007) stated that modality is the medium andcommunication channel for people to communicate, such as image, discourse and othersymbol systems. Both scholars believed that the distinction standard between singlemode and multimodality was the number of sensory forms involved, single modeinvolves one kind of sensory, and multimodality involves multiple senses, coveringdifferent communication modes.
2.2 Relevant Theories of English Vocabulary Teaching
Vocabulary teaching is not only an important part of English teaching, but also thekey to the success of English teaching. Vocabulary is the basic element of foreignlanguage learning and communication, and plays an important role in language andcultural communication. Vocabulary is an important link in English teaching and it hasgreat in fluence on listening, speaking, reading and writing.
2.2.1 Content of Vocabulary Teaching
It is necessary to define the term "vocabulary" first. Everyone may have differentideas. According to Imam(2016), vocabulary is defined as the knowledge of words andword meanings. Vocabulary teaching is to teach vocabulary as teaching content, to learnand use vocabulary as the goal, and indirectly involve explaining vocabulary incultivating students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other languageabilities. In language teaching, vocabulary teaching is not only the basic link, but alsothe key link.
Vocabulary teaching is not simply teaching words. English vocabulary teachingbegins with teaching knowledge and training skills, and finally develops students’English thinking. Vocabulary learning focuses on forms, grammatical rules, collocation,function and meaning of words (Wallace, 1982; Nation, 1990; Harmer, (1990). So Weshould also take these four aspects as guidance in English teaching. Specificallyspeaking, vocabulary teaching mainly includes the following aspects: 1) vocabularyforms, which includes pronunciation, part of speech, prefix, suffix and spelling. 2)Grammatical rules means a linguistic rule for the syntax of grammatical utterances, suchas tense of English verbs. 3) Collocation refers to a group of two or more words thatusually go together, which can form a certain meaning, such as idioms and phrases. 4)Function refers to the use of language to form a meaning to communicate. 5) Meaningof the words, including meaning in specific context, definitions in dictionaries,connotation and denotation, and so on.In this thesis, the author mainly teaches vocabulary from the aspects of forms,collocation, meaning and usage of words.
3.1 Research Questions..........................25
3.2 Research Participants..............................25
3.3 Research Instruments..............................26
Chapter Four Results and Discussion..............................41
4.1 Comparisons in Short-term Vocabulary Memory Effect......................... 41
4.1.1 Comparisons in Short-term Vocabulary Memory Effect of Part One:Pronunciation.........................43
4.1.2 Comparisons in Short-term Vocabulary Memory Effect of Part Two:Blank-filling..........................44
Chapter Five Conclusion......................59
5.1 Major Findings.................................. 59
5.2 Pedagogical Implications...........................62
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Comparisons in Short-term Vocabulary Memory Effect
Immediate test is conducted in class on the purpose of checking whether themultimodality-based vocabulary teaching model can improve junior high schoolstudents’ short-term memory effect. Immediate test consists of three parts. The first partis distinguishing the pronunciation of words; the second part is filling in the blanks withappropriate forms of the given words; the third part is translating the sentencesaccording to the pictures. The data comparisons will be carried out from the whole testand each part of the test. The results are shown as follows:
Table 4.1 shows an overall statistics descriptions of two classes. In the immediatetest, the average immediate test score of experimental class(23.31) is significantlyhigher than the score of the controlled class(20.02). The difference between the means is3.29 points on a 30-point test, which shows the effect of the multimodality-basedEnglish vocabulary teaching model is better. The Std. deviation value is 2.883 inexperimental class and 3.963 in controlled class, which also shows themultimodality-based English vocabulary teaching model is better.
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
This empirical research explores the influence of multimodality-based vocabularyteaching model on junior middle school students’ memory effect and interest. Theauthor has found that multimodality-based vocabulary teaching model has a positiveinfluence on students’ vocabulary learning. Both quantitative and qualitative analysisshow that multimodality-based vocabulary teaching model can stimulate junior middleschool students’ interest in vocabulary learning and has effectively enhance students’memory effect. The major findings are as follows:
In terms of short-term effect, from the perspective of the test as a whole, theaverage immediate test score of experimental class(23.31) is significantly higher thanthe score of the controlled class(20.02). The difference between the means is 3.29 pointson a 30-point test. The experimental class students are significantly different fromstudents in controlled class on the score of immediate test. (t=4.502, p=0.000<0.005).So we can see the experimental class does better in the immediate test. From theperspective of each part of the immediate test, the average score of the first part(pronunciation) of the experimental class(3.36) is a little lower than the score of thecontrolled class(3.78). The difference between the means is 0.42 points. And the t-testshows that students in experimental class were significantly different from those incontrolled class on pronunciation part score(t=-2.384, p=0.019<0.05). About the secondpart (blanking-filling), the average score of the second part (blank-filling) of theexperimental class(7.91) is significantly higher than the score of the controlledclass(6.22). The difference between the means is 1.69 points. And the t-test shows thatstudents in experimental class were significantly different from those in controlled classon blank-filling part score(t=4.141, p=0.000<0.05). As for the third part(sentence-making), the average score of the third part (sentence-making) of theexperimental class(12.04) is significantly higher than the score of the controlledclass(9.80). The difference between the means is 2.24 points. And the t-test shows thatstudents in experimental class were significantly different from those in controlled classon blank-filling part score(t=3.766, p=0.000<0.05).