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本文是一篇英语论文,英语摘要分为两大类:通报性或指示性摘要(indicative abstract)和报道性或资料性摘要(informative abstract)。只通报论文主题,不介绍研究的材料、方法和结果,用一般现在时表述。许多专业杂志在其目录页的标题下都有一个指示性摘要,特别是编者认为较重要的一些文章标题后。(以上内容来自百度百科)今天为大家推荐一篇英语论文,供大家参考。


Chapter One Literature Review

1.1 Studies on Teacher Talk Abroad

Teacher talk,the speech used by teachers in classroom is, of crucial importance,not only for the organization of the classroom but also for the process of secondlanguage acquisition (Nunan, 1991). Teacher talk realizes the process of languageacquisition and the organization of classroom activities. Another function of teachertalk was noted by Dulay (1982:1), ‘Teaching a second language means creating a newlanguage environment for students.The entire responsibility for creating the languageenvironment falls on the teacher who is teaching a language that is not used in thecommunity.’ Because of the crucial importance that teacher talk plays in languageteaching, lots of scholars have made a great number of researches on teacher talk.Since 1950s, western linguistic circles have begun to do observation and study onteacher talk.After 1970s, some researchers such as Coulthard (1977), Graies (1977), Gales(1979), Henzel (1979), Shapir (1979) began to do more in-depth researches on teachertalk. Sinclair & Coulthard (1975) found a significant characteristic of teacher-studentconversation that was there was no ‘information gap’ between teachers and students.It is concluded that their study was concentrated on teacher-centered classroom. Intraditional classroom, teacher talk mainly plays the role of explaining.In 1970, Flanders reformed the ways to analyze teacher talk and found somedifferent ways which teacher could accomplish their teaching in terms of students’behavior, speech and reaction.


1.2 Studies on Teacher Talk in China

In recent years, the research of English teaching in China has been in line withthe western linguistic circles. However, the language teaching in our country stressedon content and result as well as paid attention to knowledge acquisition instead ofcultivating the learning process and learning method of students (Huang Guowen,2000). The theses aiming to investigate foreign language classroom or languageteacher are less. However they mainly studied on western theory and review (LinRuchang, 1996). Besides, only a few theses are relevant to teacher talk.The advantages of teacher talk are presupposition, lacking of faulty wording andspecific strict structure. Obviously, it is helpful for students to understand and acquire.However, teachers paid more attention to the specification of teacher talk and ignoredthe flexibility and persity of language. Thus, there are repetitive and stereotypedlanguage in classroom no matter what kind of class was taught. The language oforganizing teaching is invariable fixed sentence from introduction to the homeworkthat is always simple copy which makes students feel boring. In turn, students mightlose the active willing to exchange their ideas.Domestic researches in the field of teacher talk started relatively late comparedwith western countries. Lu Yang (1996) introduced discourse analysis and five levelsof Birmingham school affected by Halliday’s functional theory.


Chapter Two Theoretical Framework

2.1 Teacher Talk

There are many different definitions on teacher talk. In a broad sense, teacher talkmeans the totality of the professional language that teachers use which includesin-class language, out-class language and language used in other activities such aspicnic, class meeting and parents’ meeting. In a narrow sense, teacher talk mainlyrefers to the in-class language. This is quoted in Longman Dictionary of LanguageTeaching and Applied Linguistics, teacher talk is defined as “that variety of languagesometimes used by teachers when they are in the process of teaching. In trying tocommunicate with learners, teachers often simplify their speech, giving it many of thecharacteristics of foreigner talk and other simplified styles of speech addressed tolanguage learners.” (Richards, 1992: 471)Nunan (1991) regarded teacher talk as the language for organizing and teachingused in second and foreign language classroom. As the instrument of conductingteaching plan, it is not only the tool for teachers to carry out teaching aims, but alsothe main resource for learners’ language input which plays an important role inlearning process and language acquisition.Rod Ellis (1985: 145) thought that teacher talk is “the language that teachersaddress to second language learners is treated as a register with its own specificformal and interactional properties”. Besides, he proposed a further definition that“teachers address language learners differently from the way they address other kindsof classroom learners. They make adjustments to both language form and languagefunction in order to facilitate communication. These adjustments are referred to asteacher talk”.(Rod Ellis, 1994: 726)


2.2 Some Related Theories

In the late 1970s, Krashen put forward an important theory called Monitor Modelwhich included the acquisition learning hypothesis, the natural order hypothesis, themonitor hypothesis, the input hypothesis and the affective filter hypothesis. Inputhypothesis is the most influential theory in teacher talk which explains how secondlanguage acquisition takes place. Krashen (1981) considered that only afterprocessing comprehensible input can second language acquisition happen.Comprehensible input is the fundamental basis for the learners’ processingmechanism. Krashen (1982) demonstrated that the comprehensible input should be instage ‘i+1’ which means the knowledge input should be a little bit higher than thelearner’s current knowledge level. Here requests the learner understand the meaningof the new knowledge not the form. According to the crucial role of input to teachertalk, it is useful to study the most effective input for second language acquisition.“The Input Hypothesis claims that human acquire languages in only one way--byunderstanding messages, or by receiving ‘comprehensible input’. We progress alongthe natural order by understanding input that contains structures at our next‘stage’--structures that are a bit beyond our current level of competence.” (Krashen,1985: 2) Therefore, the language acquisition takes place when the learner understandthe knowledge containing “i+1”—which is necessary but not sufficient condition tomove from stage “i’to stage “i+1” (Krashen, 1982: 2).



3.1 Research Questions.........27

3.2 Instruments.......27

3.3 Subjects .......29

3.4 Data Collection .....30


4.1 Situations of Teacher Talk in Four Teachers’Teaching ....31

4.2 Students’Attitudes Towards Teacher Talk....43

4.3 Major Findings......48


5.1 Implications to Teachers ......51

5.2 Limitations .......53

Chapter Five Implications and Limitations

5.1 Implications to Teachers

Teacher talk is the main source of language input for students and the criticmeans to organize the classroom activities and to convey information to students. Theimportance of teacher talk had been widely acknowledged by researchers. So thequality of teacher talk plays a significant role in student’s language acquisition. Forteachers, first of all, they should enrich their language knowledge and masterprofessional language skills so that they can make sure the normalization of teachertalk. Teachers should pay great importance to the standard of pronunciation andintonation, the accuracy of speech and the rich content and logic of language. Besides,to make the language profitable for students to imitate and learn, teachers shouldavoid the negative effect of nonstandard use of language. Secondly, over-complexityand over-simplicity of language should be avoided. If necessary, teacher should adoptthe adjustments of speed, pronunciation, lexis and structure to make teacher talkcomprehensible. Thirdly, the impact of Chinese dialects should be paid attention to. Ina way, language has a close relationship with culture. So teachers should confirm tothe western culture in the teaching process. In conclusion, teachers should improvethe quality of their speech continually in verbal behaviors and nonverbal behaviors.



In language learning, the importance of teacher talk is obviously known by manyscholars and teachers. Teacher talk plays crucial role both in organizing the classroomactivity and in improving students’language acquisition.In this thesis, the author talked about the amount of teacher talk and three typesof teacher talk that are questions, feedback and interactional modifications. As for theamount of teacher talk, the study shows that the amount of teacher talk still accountsfor a large percentage in classroom. So teachers should minimize the amount ofteacher talk and create more chances for students’ to produce output. As forquestioning ways, teachers show a trend of using more referential questions thandisplay questions. As for feedback, the results show that positive feedback outweighsnegative feedback and general praise accounts for a large percentage in all types offeedback. Thus, teachers should choose more evaluative feedback to students and useless critical feedback. As for interactional modification, it can be drawn that there isless effective communication between teachers and students.According to the detailed and descriptive analysis of teacher talk in this thesis,the author put forward effective suggestions for language teaching. Firstly, teachersshould spare no effect to improve the quality of teacher talk. Secondly, teachersshould turn their role from the provider of knowledge and the controller of topic intothe role of the mediator of activities, the promoter of learning and facilitator ofinteraction. Thirdly, teachers should make sure that the language input is sufficient forstudents to gain enough comprehensible input and meanwhile do not provideexcessive teacher talk. Fourthly, the learning strategies, learning styles, personalcharacteristics and learning motivations of inpiduals should be taken into account.Fifthly, teachers should adopt more evaluative praises to communicate with studentsto promote students’learning process.


References (omitted)



Background of the Research

Since the 1970s, language teaching method has gradually changed from theaudio-lingual method to communicative approach. More and more teachers’ andstudents’ behaviors on class are noticed by researchers. English teaching pays muchmore attention to the students’ competence of using language and communication.During the communicative class, teacher talk is not only one effective teaching mediabut also one effective teaching tool. On one hand, teacher talk plays the exemplaryrole of target language; on the other hand, teacher talk is also an important way forstudents’ language input. Among all the teacher talk, teacher questioning occupies thelargest percentage in the foreign language teaching classroom.There are three reasons to choose teacher questioning in junior EFL classes asthe topic of this thesis.The first reason is that teacher questioning plays an extremely important role injunior EFL classes. Questioning has been regarded as one important media in thelanguage teaching on class, and it is widely used during all the teaching stages. It issaid that questioning occupies 20%~40% among the teacher talk (Wang Duqin, 2002).Just as what Postman (1979:140) has found out, “all our knowledge results fromquestions”. And Peacock (1990:128) has also addressed that the purposes for teachersto ask questions are to find out what students do or do not know and understand, or toremind them of schoolwork in the previous lessons. And questions can also be used tochallenge, stimulate and develop students’ thinking. So there is no doubt that teacherquestioning is not only the fundamental tool for teachers to organize the class but alsoan important source of foreign language input for students to get for languagelearning.


Purpose of the Research

Although effective teacher questioning can be helpful for English teaching,seldom teachers pay attention to how to make teacher questioning effectively. There’sno doubt that effective questioning is one essential part in effective teaching,especially, when large groups are taught. Through skillful questioning, teachers couldencourage students’ curiosity, make them search for the new knowledge, clarifyproblems and concepts related to the teaching material, and enhance students’self-confidence. Therefore, learning how to make questioning effectively is prettyimportant for teachers, especially, for the language teachers.So under the guidance of three theories of Krashen’s Input Hypothesis, Swain’sOutput Hypothesis and Long’s interaction theory, and with the basis of some relatedresearches, this thesis makes a deep and complete research about 16 English teachers’questioning in National High-Quality Junior English Classroom, aiming to explore theproblems existing teachers’ questioning in Junior English Classroom and find out thereasons, put forward some suggestion to improve the effectiveness of strategies andmethods on teacher questioning in class.


Chapter One Literature Review

1.1 Basic Concepts

In the view of the pervious studies, teacher talk has been defined differently fromdifferent perspectives.Based on Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied linguistics(2005), teacher talk refers to “the variety of languages used by the teachers when theyare in the process of teaching.” Long (1983:126-141) finds out that teacher talk is thelanguage which is used by the language teachers to teach the native students. Spolsky(2000) thinks that teacher talk is one technical terminology, which refers to “a specialof language, especially, marked by a special set of vocabulary associated during theteaching process”. Richards (2001:543) thinks “the language teachers often simplifytheir speeches, giving students many of the characteristics and styles of speechaddressed to the language learners to communicate with the students.”Some researchers at home also give some definitions of teacher talk, such asChen Qiuxian (2007). He finds out that teacher talk refers to the language used in theclassroom instruction and classroom organization in order to instruct languageknowledge, communicate and organize classroom activities.As for the definitions of English teacher talk, Song Deyun and Pan Longming(2000) describe it as following: English teacher talk is composed of English used inthe classroom, including the instruction, teacher-student interaction, and teacherfeedback and so on. And teacher talk can be used to teach linguistic knowledge, guideclassroom communication and organize classroom activities.


1.2 Relevant Researches

Teacher talk, especially, teacher questioning has been regarded the hot area ,which is studied by many researches. In this section, some researches on teacher talkare introduced first, and then some relevant researches about teacher questioning areintroduced from different aspects. In western countries, many educators and linguists began to observe and studythe classroom teaching systematically and deeply from 1950 to 1970. The researchmethods of this phase are mainly to record, describe and understand. During thisperiod, more and more researchers focused on the researches on teacher talk, a varietyof language used by the teachers in the classroom. And many researchers abroadstudied teacher talk from different perspectives with different methods.From 1970 to 1990, a large amount of research methods have been used todescribe and understand the foreign language classroom, which more directly showthe problems in the process of foreign language learning and fully reveal theimportance of classroom interaction. And most of the researches on teacher talk havebeen made from the perspectives of linguistics, revealing the feathers of teacher talkin pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax and context. Besides, the research has mainlyfocused on the amount and quality of teacher talk, teachers’ way of questioning andfeedback, and the interactional communications between teacher and students.


Chapter Three Methodology....24

3.1 Research Objectives....24

3.2 Research Subjects........24

3.3 Research Instruments.........26

3.4 Data Collection.....27

Chapter Four DataAnalysis and Results.......28

4.1 Types of Teacher Questioning..........28

4.2 Strategies of Teacher Questioning....32

4.3 Ways of Teacher Questioning....41


Major Findings....46


Limitations.......... 50

Recommendations for Future Researches.....50

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Results

4.1 Types of Teacher Questioning

Although there are so many classifications made by different researchers fromdifferent perspectives, this research will focus on Long and Sato’s classification:display question and referential question.Display question refers to the question whose answer has been knownbeforehand by the teacher. And the answer is certain and closed. Generally speaking,display questions are used by teachers to ask for comprehension or confirmationcheck, or clarification requests. Just as Pica and Long (1986:93) point out, “teacher is‘knower’ whose primary function is to give information and to test whether studentshave received it by asking them to display their knowledge”. Here are some examplesof display questions from the sixteen English teachers’classes:

(1) How many paragraphs are there in this passage?

(2) Can you tell me in which city we have 2000 Olympic?

(3) Is Zhengzhou a city of Shandong Province?



In this section, major findings of this thesis are summarized, and implications ofthese major findings are also included. After that, the limitations andrecommendations for further researches are all introduced. Teacher questioning is an effective way to improve students’ thinking andunderstand the information or knowledge more deeply. And effective questioning canlead to efficient learning and teaching. So the research of teacher questioning has beenplaying an important role in the second language acquisition.The research is carried out to find out some basic characteristics of teacherquestioning of the sixteen outstanding English teachers in National High-qualityJunior English Classroom Teaching Cases from three different perspectives. On thebasis of class observation and analysis of the data, the main findings are asfollowings: As for the types of teacher questioning, teachers in the teaching competitionprefer to raise more referential questions than display questions. The sixteen teachersaltogether posed 1143 questions in classes. Referential questions account for 53.5%,while display questions account for 46.5%. Display questions can lead to students’production on words or phrases level or simple-sentences level, while referentialquestions can provide students with more opportunities to produce more complexsentences. Therefore, more referential questions are needed to pose in the junior EFLclasses.


References (omitted)


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Zhu Xi, a great philosopher in Chinese Song Dynasty, once made a famousannotation of The Analects (《论语》): “言治骨角者,既切之而复磋之;治玉石者,既琢之而复磨之;治之已精,而益求其精也”, which means always endeavoring todo better. When it comes to language use, he once remarked that “People have manybeliefs about language. The important one is that ‘good’ usage involves clarity andprecision. Hence, it is believed that fuzziness, ambiguity, imprecision, and generalwooliness are to be avoided” (Channell, J, 2000:1). It reveals that fuzziness inlanguage is the most common case. In fact, fuzziness is an inherent feature of humanlanguage.In ancient times, many linguists and philosophers had been awared of theexistence of fuzziness in language use. Greek philosopher Eubuildes proposed theterm fuzziness of the language more than 2000 years ago. Many scholars have longrealized that language fuzziness is ubiquitous and inevitable. English philosopherBertrand Russell wrote in Vagueness: “Representation is vague when the relation ofthe representation system is not one-one, but one-many. Vagueness, clearly, is amatter of degree, depending upon the extent of the possible differences betweendifferent systems represented by the same representation”.Our Chinese linguists and scholars also present their opinions about fuzziness.Professor Miao Dongsheng (苗东升)’s opinion is that “fuzziness means uncertaintywith regards to category of object and gradual change of category membership ofobjects” (Miao Dongsheng, 1987). The fuzziness of language is cause by manyreasons, and three of them are generally accepted: The existence of fuzziness ofobjective reality itself; the fuzziness of human thinking and understanding; and theeffects of social and historical factors are also involved.


1.2 Significance and Objectives of the Research

As one of the most important and complex literary genres, poetry has its ownunique features. The semantic fuzziness exists generally and essentially in differentlanguage all over the world and it must have a certain influence on the poeticlanguage. Poets with different history backgrounds and different personal stylesexpress their feelings through their poems. In this case, applying the fuzziness theoryto the study of poetic language is not only a theoretical supplement but also a practicalcomplement. With the fuzziness theory, it will offer a wider research field for poeticlanguage; and it can provide a series of valuable materials for the research of fuzzylinguistics. In consequence, it will contribute to a deeper creation, appreciation andcommunication of poetry. Moreover, it is possible to further the contrastive study ofChinese and English poetry, and also has the chance to promote the cognitive poetics,a newly emerging interdisciplinary study. On the other hand, it will also contribute tothe further study of vague language. To combine the fuzzy theory and the study ofpoetic language is not only a supplement of the theory, but also an improvement ofthe research value.


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Studies on Language Fuzziness

In fact,some scholars has noticed the existence of fuzziness in human languageearly in ancient time, and many of them mentioned the concept of “fuzziness” andmany scholars had stated their opinions about fuzziness. However, it was Americanscientist L.A.Zadeh who proposed Fuzzy set theory in 1965, which marked that fuzzytheory had gone into the scientific stage. And after that, the study of languagefuzziness developed into some independent disciplines gradually. From then on,scholars focus on not only the precise phenomenon, but also the fuzzy or vaguephenomenon in scientific researches, which breeds the Fuzzy Linguistics, a newbranch in linguistics. In fact,some scholars has noticed the existence of fuzziness in human languageearly in ancient time, and many of them mentioned the concept of “fuzziness” andmany scholars had stated their opinions about fuzziness. However, it was Americanscientist L.A.Zadeh who proposed Fuzzy set theory in 1965, which marked that fuzzytheory had gone into the scientific stage. And after that, the study of languagefuzziness developed into some independent disciplines gradually. From then on,scholars focus on not only the precise phenomenon, but also the fuzzy or vaguephenomenon in scientific researches, which breeds the Fuzzy Linguistics, a newbranch in linguistics. Theory proposed by Zadeh in 1965 was regarded as the birth of fuzzy theory. Hence,many other scholars in different schools conduct researches from different aspects,such as language, logic, cognition, and pragmatics and so on. The section to willsurvey their studies about fuzziness from different aspects.In the aspect of fuzziness in natural language, George Lakoff,


2.2 Studies on Poetic Language

“Poetry is simply the most beautiful, the most impressive, and the most effectivemode of saying things.” said Matthew Arnold. (Rozakis, 2005:52) English andChinese poetry spread widely around the world with a long history; therefore, it is avery large scope of the study on poetry, including literature, philosophy, psychology,sociology, linguistics. On the basis of the classical theories, in linguistics, the study ofEnglish and Chinese poetry has made rapid progress and achieved fruitful results. The history of Chinese classical poetry can be traced back to three thousand yearsago, evolving from the Book of Songs (《诗经》) which is looked as the first poetrycollection in the period of the Spring and Autumn. In Chinese Han Dynasty, thereappears Yuefu poetry (乐府诗), and in the following period, the development ofChinese classical poetry can be categorized as: five characters (五言) in Wei Jin,Shi (诗) in Tang Dynasty; Ci (词) in Song Dynasty and Qu (曲) in Yuan and MingDynasty. Tang Dynasty is the most prosperous period in the development of Chineseclassical poetry, and Shi in this period grows rapidly and a great number of them werecreated and there emerges many famous and creative poets in Tang Dynasty. In termsof Ci which comes from Shi, is very different from Shi in the length of lines. Itproliferates over the period of Song Dynasty.


Chapter Three Theoretical Framework ....... 20

3.1 A Brief Introduction to Fuzziness..... 20

3.2 The Development of Fuzzy Theory ........ 21

3.2.1 The Origin of Fuzzy Theory: Fuzzy Sets Theory ...... 21

3.2.2 Several Schools of Fuzzy Theory..... 22

Chapter Four Research Methodology..... 25

4.1 Research Methods......... 25

4.2 Data Collection ........ 25

Chapter Five Contrastive Study and Analysis ......... 27

5.1 The Semantic Fuzziness in Chinese and English Poetic Discourses ....... 27

5.2 Similarities and Differences of the Semantic Fuzziness between Chinese..... 42

5.3 A Summary of Semantic Fuzziness in Chinese and English Poetic Discourse.... 48

Chapter Five Contrastive Study and Analysis

5.1 The Semantic Fuzziness in Chinese and English Poetic Discourses

Semantic fuzziness refers to the indeterminacy generated from differentunderstandings of the implication of words (黎千驹, 2007). Fuzziness is the essentialattribute of language, and fuzzy language phenomenon exists generally both inChinese and English. They have many similar applications in reflecting semanticfuzziness. In this section, the semantic fuzziness in Chinese and English poeticdiscourses will be displayed and discussed with examples in classified aspects. It is widely known that the poetic language is extensive and profound, with onecharacter having various meanings. Words are the basic parts and most importantelements in a poem, which are also the most essential factor causing semanticfuzziness in the poetry. People in their daily communication try to get as muchinformation as possible with the least effort, but in poetry, by contrast, the poets oftenunconventionally use the words structure, deliberately creating a lack of information,and induce the reader to think and fill information gaps themselves. The followingpart will analyze them in the application of words structure with examples.



The aims of this study are to see how semantic fuzziness is formed in poetry, andthe contrast of the use of semantic fuzzy language in Chinese and English poeticdiscourses. As discussed above, we have gained some findings and outcomes basedon the pervious parts.In the first place, as a natural property of language, fuzziness is fully displayed inboth Chinese and English poetry. The presenting of semantic fuzziness has somecertain features in the use of language in Chinese and English poetry. Generallyspeaking, the semantic fuzziness will be presented through word structure, rhetoricaldevices and semantic ambiguity of poetic language itself. From the property of thewords, semantic fuzziness can be found in nouns, verbs, numerals and quantifiers andso on, which indicates that the word structure is an important part of semanticfuzziness in poetry. With the intelligent use of words, poet can express their feelingsor emotions through in a fuzzy way.In addition, rhetorical device is another essential method to convey fuzzymeanings. In the previous chapter, many figures of speech are listed and applied in theexamples of Chinese and English poetry, such as simile, metaphor, hyperbole, andoxymoron. From these examples, we can feel the fuzziness in different aspects and itcan be concluded that the rhetorical devices are able to convey semantic fuzzinessbecause the basis of them is to fuzz the boundaries of things. At last, the semanticambiguity of poetic language. Many linguists and scholars emphasize the importanceof uncertainty in poetic language. The literary critic Hume believes that it is againstthe principal of criticism to make every word in poetry precise and accurate, becausethe works create in that way are totally boring and tedious. Consequently, the artisticbeauty of poetry is closely related to the fuzziness of the words, which indicates thatthe ambiguity of poetic language is the root of semantic fuzziness in poetry.


References (omitted)



1. Research Background

With the development of the society and globalization, strengthen culturalexchanges, language is an important carrier of cultural exchange. Language is fromsimplification to double, or even the persification. While code-switching as acommon phenomenon in language communication, refers to the alternativeemployment of two languages within the same linguistic communication(Myers-Scotton, 1998:25). Research on code-switching has drawn enormous attentionfrom scholars in the field of social linguistics, psychological linguistics, syntactic andconversational analysis etc and other related fields, which has a high value oflinguistics research. Therefore, code-switching in advertising language is worthanalyzing and discussing particularly.In recent years, China's automobile industry has obtained the considerabledevelopment and progress and has laid a necessary and solid foundation for thebeginning and development of automobile advertising. With the development ofautomobile industry, automobile advertising became more and more important. Theauto advertising is an important carrier of the auto promotions, which could showcompanies and self brands from a few to several words, knock on the door of themarket into the consumer's mind. As a language expression form, the research ofcode-switching in auto advertising will provide us precious materials for the study onthe functions of code-switching.


2. Significance of the Study

The study is of great significance both theoretical and practical significance.The right reasons are as following:Theoretically, as a kind of effective communication strategy, code-switchingmaybe briefly defined as the alternate use of two or more languages by bilingual ormultilingual speakers in the same utterance or conversation. The study of CS from thepragmatic perspective is considered to be a dynamic way to probe into this aspect.Based on Verschueren’s Linguistic Adaptation Theory in his book UnderstandingPragmatic (1999), some scholars attempted to probe into the various functions in autoads, but there are still many questions left unanswered due to the dynamics andcomplexity and the particular characteristics of auto ads. So this article will describeand explain the dynamic distribution features and motivation from Yu Guodong’slinguistic reality, social conventions, and psychological motivations. This researchwill significantly broaden the coverage of code-switching studies and enrich thedomain of auto ads studies. It will deepen our understanding of this languagephenomenon as well as the adaptation theory. With the pragmatic analysis of auto ads,we will have a new view on understanding and evaluating auto ads and get someimplications on how to make better use of code-switching strategy to achieve ourgoals in various communicative activities.


Chapter One Literature Review

1.1 Literature of Code—switching

Since 1970s, the study of code-switching has been one of the focuses forresearchers in various disciplines: sociology, psychology, linguistics and so on.Code-switching has aroused Chinese and foreign linguists’ attention and gained theiremphasis.The term of code—switching was firstly used by Hans Vogt in his articlepublished in the year of 1954, giving that “code-switching in itself is perhaps not alinguistic phenomenon, but rather a psychological one, and its causes are obviouslyextra linguistic”(Auer, 1998:32; Alvarez 一 Caccamo, 1998).Eldridge (1996:303) briefly defined code-switching may be as the alternationbetween two (or more) languages.Haugen (1956) also refers to the code-switching which occurs when a bilingualintroduces a complete unassimilated word from another language into his speech ,andcharacterizes the phenomenon as one of the three stages in diffusion, together withinterference and integration.Gumperz(1982:59) studies the phenomenon of code—switching and defines it as“the juxtaposition within the same speech exchange of passages of speech belongingto two grammatical systems or subsystems”.Auer (1998:62)define that two languages juxtaposed in discourse and/or within asentence,are called variously language alternation,code—switching, code-mixing”.The definition of Versehueren(1999) is that code-switching, a cover term forlanguage or code alternation, is an extremely common occurrence and a favoredstrategy, especially in oral discourse.


1.2 Literature of Advertising Language

Advertising, as an important part in real social communication, provides all kinds of information about the product for consumers to attract customers to buyproducts. Advertising reflects what the advertiser believes the consumer wants andwhat it is capable of providing (Barabba, Zaltman1991). The purpose of advertisingcan be concentrated to a word “AIDA” (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action).Advertising comes from the Latin word “adverture”, means to attract people'sattention. To the Middle English period, the word adverture evolved to advertise,means to make someone pay attention to something or inform somebody ofsomething.Advertising has been defined variously with different points. Kelly-Holmes(2005) described it as “functional dialect”, which refers to the result of the processwhere language is chosen to be used for a particular purpose, and consequently theproduct becomes more attractive”.Thomas C.O Guinn, Chris T.Allen, RichardJ.Semenik(1998) referredadvertising as a paid, mass-mediated attempt to persuade.George&Miehael (2004) defined advertising is the basis used in theadvertisement to attract attention or interest of customers to influence their feelingstoward the product or service.


Chapter Three Data Analysis and Discussion ....26

3.1 Data Statistics and Analysis ..........26

3.2 Types of Chinese-English Code-switching in Automobile Advertising in Chinese Market....37

3.2.1 Insertional Code-switching in Automobile Advertising ......37 Phonological Insertion ........37 Lexical and Phrasal Insertion ..........38 Clausal Insertion .........40

3.2.2 Alternation between Chinese- English ....40

3.2.3 Congruent Lexicalization Code-switching.....41

Conclusion ........43

1. Major Findings of the Study ....43

2. Implications of the study..........45

3. Limitations and Suggestions ....46

Chapter Three Data Analysis and Discussion

3.1 Data Statistics and Analysis

Measuring the success of advertising is to see whether advertising complies withthe USA scholar E. S. Lewis’s (1898) four basic requirements (AIDA principle):Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Car advertisement is no exception. Throughautomotive advertising language, we can see the social, cultural background, brandimage and attitude to life. Advertising language has become a tool for car enterprisesto compete or capture market. Different target audiences ask advertising designers toadopt different strategies and techniques, and code-switching as a language structureand pragmatic strategy is to realize the adaptation to linguistic reality, socialconventions and audience psychology, to achieve the communicative intention, that isto say,English-Chinese code-switching in auto advertising as realization of adaptationtheory.From the perspective of pragmatics, Verschueren points that language use isbased on internal or external factors of language, the language selection process indifferent levels of consciousness. Code-switching also belongs to language selectionand a strategy of communication for both sides of communicators to achieve specificintention. Chinese-English code-switching as an effective communication strategy,from the view of adaptation theory to analyze Chinese-English code-switching in autoadvertising, can be more profound understanding this phenomenon and the role itplays in advertising language.



Recently years, English-Chinese code-witching in automobile advertisingappears with high frequencies. Car is a common traffic tools and car advertisement isthe main way of selling. Advertisers borrow code-switching to achieve adaptation tothe linguistic reality, social conventions, psychological motivation, so as to achievethe promotion of products. Code-switching in advertising not only respond to thechanges of the times, language habit and consumption psychology, but also theflexible use of Verschueren’s adaptation theory and Yu Guodong’s Chinese-Englishcode-switching adaptation model. We think the application of adaptation theory inautomobile advertising provide a lot of guidance and reference on advertisingcreation.Based on the research and analysis of the most popular and characteristics CScorpus in 100 autos advertising, we can found Automobile advertising language useChinese-English code-switching, mainly to realize the adaptation to linguistic reality,social conventions and psychological motivations. English-Chinese code-switchingadaptation to linguistic reality is car advertisement adapt to precision-making and filllexical gap; Chinese-English code-switching adaptation to social conventions in caradvertising adapt to customers’ consumption culture, consumers’ aesthetic conception,the expectations of consumers.; adaptation to the psychological motivations is theautomobile advertising adapt to consumers’ psychology of pursuit of fashion,identity-establishing, performance requirements, philosophy of life, environmentaland health. Adaptation to mental motivations of English-Chinese code-switching inauto advertising possess the largest proportion and frequency of code-switching as thepursuit philosophy of life with 15% and auto advertising as adaptation to the socialconventions rank the second largest and the ad strategies are much more to meetcustomers’ expectation with a percentage of 20%.


References (omitted)


Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Research Background and Motivation

Debate on translation practices has been locked in "free translation" vs "literaltranslation" for thousands of years both home and abroad. In recent years,translationstudies have broken free of linguistics, and achieved great development in terms ofculture communication, translators' subjectivity, and so on. For instance,Snell-Homby proposes "the cultural turn” with a view that culture has great impact ontranslation; Levefere puts forward rewriting theory, and states the significance oftranslators' subjectivity; Chinese scholar Huang Zhonglian elaborates 7 variationtranslation methods in his work Variation Translation Theories. These theoriesactually affirm that translators can play an active role in translation process andscientifically apply creative methodologies to achieve the best translation effects.However, creativism in translation has never been formally proposed and researchedas an independent topic.Translation is by no means a discipline limited to linguistics, as it is frequentlyrelated to other subjects in content. Therefore, in this paper, the author puts forwardthe notion of creativism in translation in an attempt to demonstrate and elaborate itwith Hermeneutics, a school of philosophy, and Reception theoiy, a branch ofAesthetics.News, both as an information and culture carrier, is playing an increasingimportant role in modem society in recent years with the rapid development ofeconomic globalization and information industry. News communication also becomesmore and more important to the political,economic and cultural exchange betweenChina and the world.


1.2 Data Sources and Research Methodology

The author worked as a translator in CCTV News Content soft news translationproject for about two years, translated and published about 100 pieces of Englishnews on the website. The pieces of soft news selected in this paper are all from thepractice in the project. CCTV News Content is a website established by ChinaCentral Television on January 1st’ 2011, which serves as a platform for CCTV toupload clean and logo-free video news materials to broadcasters around the world.As for methodology, this thesis tends to apply both descriptive and qualitativeones, integrated with textual analyses of typical C-E soft news sample pieces. Firstly,the author makes detailed descriptions about the research background, the researchmotivation and the research object, i.e. creativism in soft news translation. Secondly,the author adopts an analytical method to introduce the history of translation theories,summarizes the developing trend, and analyzes the relevant theories used in C-Etranslation of soft news researches, followed by a theoretical framework. Thenqualitative-analysis method is employed for soft news translation case studies inCCTV News Content, in which comparative studies on two versions of the translatedtexts are conducted to further illustrate the issues in C-E soft news translation and theappropriate translation methods.


Chapter II Literature Review

2.1 A Review of Development of Translation Theories

Western translation theory is for a long time locked in a debate over"word-to-word" (i.e. “literal,’) and "sense-to-sense" (i.e. "free"). The discussion ontranslation goes back to Cicero (1st century B. C.) and St Jerome (4th century). In hiswork De optimo genre oratorum {On the Best Kind of Orators、, Cicero makesattempts to outline his view on translation,that is,being achievable in translation onlyby conserving the 'force and flavor of the passage?,not by translating 'word for word、”(J. Hubbell, 1992:72). Cicero rejects the overwhelming translation method at that time-replace each inpidual word of the ST with its closet grammatical equivalent in TT,which has great impact on translation theories in succeeding centuries.St. Jerome,a great biblical scholar noted for his authorship of the Vulgate -- arevised Latin translation of the Bible, also takes the liberal translation method, whichin his own words "in the case of the Holy Scripture, where even the syntax contains amystery I render not word-for-word, but sense-for-sense” to better present theoriginal. (Jeremy Mundy, 2012:60) Jerome refuses to apply the word-for-wordapproach because, by following so closely the form of the source text, it produces anabsurd translation, twisting the original meaning. It is generally believed that St.Jerome is the first scholar that has a clear argument on "free translation" V.S. "literaltranslation".


2.2 A Review of Previous Studies on Translation of Soft News

It is not until the 21st century that news translation attracts the scholars' attentionand opens a new area of news translation studies. In this section, based on lots ofliterature searching on C-E translation of soft news, the author analyzes someinfluential translation theories and approaches that are frequently used to analyze C-Etranslation of soft news,such as Variation theory,Skopos theory in Functionalistapproach, and Relevance theory,etc. Huang Zhonglian in his book Translation Variation Theory puts forward thattranslation can be pided into a pair of complete translation and variation; andtranslation of news,or trans-editing belongs to the latter. He defines it as one of thealternatives of translation methods. His interpretation of this term is widely accepted,namely, trans-editing is not just duplicating but a variation of the original texts.Necessary changes should and must be made in the decoding and re-encoding processin order to achieve a better transmission effect.Functionalist approaches are usually taken as guidance of soft news translation,among which Skopos theory is the key. There are three major rules in Skopos theory—Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule, in which Skopos rule is the primary.Skos is the Greek word for "aim" or "purpose" and is introduced to translationtheory in the 1970s by Hans. J. Vermeer as a technical term for the purpose of atranslation and of the action of translating.


Chapter III Creativism in Translation ..........15

3.1 Understanding is the Axiom - a Hermeneutic View of Creativism......... 15

3.1.1 An Overview of Henneneutics Theoiy......... 15

3.1.2 Henneneutics and Creativism in Translation......... 17

3.2 Creativism in Translation in Reception Aesthetics......... 19

3.2.1 Horizon of Expectation .........20

3.2.2 Indeterminacy .........21

3.2.3 Aeslhetic Experience......... 22

Chapter IV Case Studies .........25

4.1 Definition and Features of Soft News......... 25

4.2 An Introduction to CCTV News Content Soft News Translation Project......... 29

4.3 Case Studies .........30

4.3.1 Creativism at Lexical Level......... 30

4.3.2 Creativism at Syntactic Level .........37

4.3.3 Creativism at Text Level......... 44

Chapter V Conclusions .........51

5.1 Major Findings of the Research......... 51

5.2 Limitations of the Research......... 52

5.3 Suggestions for Future Researches......... 53

Chapter IV Case Studies

4.1 Definition and Features of Soft News

As soft news is used as cases for the study of creativism in translation, it isnecessary and significant to figure out the definition and features of soft news.News can be pided into different types in accordance with different standards.As this thesis focuses on the translation of soft news,category of soft news and hardnews in terms of the nature of occurrence are applied. The word "soft news" derivesfrom the western journalism, referring to news with deep emotional factor and livelystyle, which can easily arouse target readers' sensory stimulation and stir up theirreading desires."Notions of hard news and soft news emerged in the last century: the former wasrelated to notions of accuracy,objectivity, neutrality for conveying information; thelatter was more an entertainment genre " (Richard. K,1998)"Hard news refers to news stories chronicling concisely when, where, who,what, why and how of an event and is also called spot news or straight news, and softnews stand back to examine the people,places and things that shape the world,nationand community and focuses more on emotion, interest or unusualness instead oftimeliness". (Li Liangrong,2001)



As tran^ating today comprises activities ranging from the use of translationmemories and terminology banks to localization and community interpreting,researches into translation are persified. Anthropology, historiography, sociology,cognitive sciences, all lend models. However, translation itself still keeps one stepahead and no inpidual approach seems able to encompass it. This is partly attributedto the complexity of translation, partly because these researches have too readilybrought into the traditional construction of translation as a derivative type ofmanufacture under cramped conditions. Problem templates invite imaginativemanipulations and selections.Thus,in this paper, the author borrows ideas from Hermeneutics and Receptiontheory, the former lay great emphasis on the understanding of both source text andtarget text,while the latter focus on the reception and reflection of target readers, togive some guidance to translation studies.News plays an important role in people's life due to its informing andcommunicating functions. Based on the two-year translation practices on the CCTVC-E soft news translation, the author selects two pieces of news to conduct casestudies on the translation respectively from lexical, syntactic and text dimensions, notaiming at obtaining specific translation approaches in case of the restriction fortranslators' subjectivity and creativism in translation practices, but for giving atinspiring of creativism in translation.


References (omitted)


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

In the 21st century,the international competitive power of a country is dependent toa large extent on mastering of the world economic trend and information, communicatingwith other countries and joining in the international affairs and economic activities of hercitizens. In the accelerating process of globalization, English, as an internationallanguage,has been continuously playing a very important role,and is still in a dominantposition on terms of communication between countries. No matter what changes oneducational policies in any country may take place,the position and the role of Englishamong all the languages in the world won't change in a short time, which is beyond alldoubt.Since the beginning of the reform and opening in China, English teaching in schoolshas been attached more and more importance to and more and more people haveswarmed into the tide of English learning. English teaching has nearly been popularizedin primary schools in our country since the beginning of this new millennium,and thereis no doubt that great achievement in English education has been made in China.However, some problems existing in English teaching have been arousing disputes,which have triggered governmental reforms on the system of college entranceexamination to some extent. Among the disputes, the most heated one is over theproblem of practical effectiveness of English teaching. Many people argue that mostChinese students still lack practical English ability such as communicative competenceafter receiving English education for more than ten years. For example, many collegestudents are still in the state of “Dumb English”,for they still can't make basiccommunication with English natives, which is quite thought-provoking.


1,2 Purpose and Significance of the Present Study

Based on the previous researches and through the questionnaires for students alongwith interviews with teachers, the present study aims to reveal the situation hownonintellectual factors influence the English achievements of junior high school students,and find out the main causes influencing the underachievers' nonintellectual factors inEnglish learning, and then tries to discuss the related countermeasures.According to the rationales of the New Curriculum Standards (2003&2011),teachers should face all the students, stress the students' leading roles and respect theinpidual differences. Therefore, underachievers, an equal group of students to others,shouldn't be ignored. Furthermore,junior high school students are not psychologicallymature, so their nonintellectual factors in English learning should also be paid muchattention to.The present study focuses on underachievers' nonintellectual factors in Englishlearning and aims to have a general understanding of the correlations betweennonintellectual factors and English achievements. Through dealing with the differencesbetween underachievers and the other groups of students in nonintellectual factors, thepresent study tries to explore the causes affecting underachievers' nonintellectual factors.Thus, the significance can be seen as follows.


Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Definitions of Underachievers

The word "Underachievers" has a synonym “LDs”,which is a widely-used term inwestern countries. LDs stands for students with learning disabilities, which was firstproposed by an American educator Samuel A. Kirk. A speech made by Kirk to a group ofparents in 1963 is often considered as the symbol for using the term to describe thechildren who performed poorly at school. He commented in his book EducationalExceptional Children that “some have difficulty learning to read,to spell, to write, or tocalculate,,and "there are children who are not receptive to language but are notdeaf; who are not able to perceive but not are not blind; and whocannot leam by ordinary methods of instruction but are not mentally retarded, all of thesechildren are learning disabled" (Kirk/Gallagher,1962). In the 1980s, Learning DisabilitiesAssociation of Canada,gave a definition of LDs as follows: A learning disability is agroup of disorders which lead to ineffective processing of information and which aremanifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening,speaking,reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical abilities. The disorder is intrinsic to theinpidual and results in a significant discrepancy between academic achievements andpotential (Hammill, et al.l987).


2.2 Definitions of Nonintellectual Factors

So far,the academic circle hasn't held identical views about the definition ofnonintellectual factors yet. Different scholars have different explanation on the definitionof nonintellectual factors. The scholars in the western countries are in agreement on theview of Wechsler that nonintellectual factors are from intelligence activities, and they areworking and researching under this view.In 1974,American psychologist D. Wechsler generalized nonintellectual factorsfrom the psychological structure of intellect and intelligence behaviors as follows: (1) Allkinds of intelligence level from simple to complex reflect the function of nonintellectualfactors. (2) Nonintellectual factors are a necessary part of intelligence behaviors. (3)Nonintellectual factors could not take place of the basic ability of intelligence factors, butcould restrict the intelligence. In our country there are many formulations about nonintellectual factors,and amongthem, there are three kinds attracting people specially. Yan Guocai pidesnonintellectual factors into three gradations: the first one is general nonintellectualfactors that include every psychological factor except intelligence factors; the second oneis nonintellectual factors in narrow sense which are made up of 5 psychological elements,such as motivation, interest,affect, will, and character; the last one is detailed intellectualfactors which have 12 factors, namely, achievement motivation, learning desire, learningenthusiasm; self-esteem, self-confidence, enterprising spirit; sense of responsibility,sense of obligation, sense of honor; self-control, perseverance and self-independence.


Chapter 3 Research Methodology............ 21

3.1 Research Questions............ 21

3.2 Subjects of the Research............21

3.3 Research Instruments............ 24

3.3.1 Questionnaire for Students............ 24

3.3.2 Interviews with Teachers25............25

3.3.3 Reliability and Validity of the Questionnaire............ 27

3.4 Procedure of Data Collection............ 27

3.5 Procedure of Data Analysis............ 28

Chapter 4 Analysis of Data and the Related Findings............ 30

4.1 Correlations between Nonintellectual Factors and English Achievements............30

4.2 Differences of Nonintellectual Factors between the Underachievers............33

4.3 Differences of Nonintellectual Factors between the Underachievers............ 35

4.4 Causes of the Underachievers' Nonintellectual Factors in English Learning.............37

4.5 Analysis of Teacher Interviews............52

4.6 Major Findings ............57

Chapter 5 Related Countermeasures............ 58

Chapter 5 Related Countermeasures

5.1 Strengthening the Understanding of New Curriculum Standard and FormingGood Teachers' Beliefs

It is discussed above that teachers attribute the underachievers' low Englishachievements to their family most while attribute little to teachers themselves, which isquite contradictory to the results of the students' questionnaires and also different fromthe results of previous studies. However, it is very common that many junior Englishteachers have such a kind of wrong cognition.In spite of the improvement of English teaching and learning conditions in juniorhigh schools, the phenomenon that a number of underachievers have many difficulties inEnglish learning is still veiy serious nowadays. English teachers seldom try to find thecauses lying in themselves, nor do they make great efforts to make some changes forunderachievers. It can be commonly seen that English teachers pay much attention totop-achievers and ignore underachievers in classroom teaching. Therefore it is verynecessary for English teachers to improve their teachers' beliefs. Teachers’ beliefs play acritical role in their teaching and the kinds of thinking and decision making that underliestheir classroom practice.



The author made great efforts to carry out the research from the beginning to theend. After reviewing a lot of related literature on nonintellectual factors, the research wasconducted step by step: pre-tests and test of the validity and reliability for thequestionnaire, investigating through questionnaire and interviews, data analysis, etc.Every step went on in a standardized way smoothly. Thus, it can conform that the datadrawn from the questionnaire and interviews are objective and effective. With the help ofSPSS 17.0, the results of the research are reliable. Totally speaking, the research wentsuccessfully, and all the goals set have been reached.Compared with the related research on nonintellectual factors, the research has gotsome different results which can be regarded as the highlights. One of the differences liesin the way of dealing with qualitative research and quantitative research. Most relatedresearchers just use the findings of the qualitative research on teachers to support thequantitative research on students. While in the author's study, the findings of thequalitative research are not in full accordance with the findings of the quantitativeresearch, and the disaccordance is regarded as the new phenomena which can serve asthe hints for further study, which is worth studying.Although some findings have been obtained in the present study, there are still somelimitations that should be mentioned. The limitations are presented as follows:Firstly, all the subjects in the present study are only confined to the schools of acounty town. Thus, it can not represent the characteristics of all junior high schoolstudents in the countryside and big cities in China.


References (omitted)


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

The vocabulary system in a language is a dynamic and open one. Constantlyabsorbing foreign words is an important way to enrich and develop the language. Inthe history of human beings, different nations communicate with each other, whichmakes different languages influence and permeate with each other. Both English andChinese are languages with long histories and large number of users. As a result oftrades between nations, cultural communications and other factors, there exist a greatnumber of loanwords in English and Chinese. Loanword is an organic part of Englishand Chinese lexical system. When loanwords enter into a language as new words, athorough transformation is needed. Morphological characters and phonemic featuresneed to be changed to adapt to the word formation model and phoneme model of therecipient language according to morphological and pronunciation rules. What is moreimportant is that meanings of loanwords should be changed to adapt to the semanticsystem of the recipient language. Therefore, loanword is the result of human cognition,i.e. the product of repeated cognitive processing. In the environment of sourcelanguage and recipient language, people make repeated processing of new loanwordsaccording to their perception of the real world, cognitive model as well asencyclopedic knowledge.


1.2 Significance of the Study

Vocabulary is the representative of the subjective and objective world, whichcombines human’s spiritual products with those of the objective world. Vocabulary ishuman’s experience of the real world, and in return, human’s experience of the realworld is classified to certain language category in a certain way, and such languagecategory is expressed by vocabulary. In a word, vocabulary is the generalization of acertain category. From the perspective of cognition, words are concepts. For a longtime, the research of vocabulary really needs to be strengthened. This is because ofthe numerous members of the vocabulary system, which makes it shows greatheterogeneity. In addition, vocabulary changes fast, with new members joining in andold members dropping out. All of these bring a lot of difficulties to vocabularyresearch. Loanwords are words from foreign languages, which are the heterogeneouscompositions of a language. With novel forms and changeable meanings, it is nowonder that loanwords research is always the hot topic, even one of the eternal topicsof linguistics.Meaning is the most obvious and frequent factor that causes language changes.With stable word form, word meaning shows changeable contents and has greatflexibility. Like other words, loanword is idealized cognitive model based on creators’and users’ experience and perception of the real world. Although loanwords shownovelty in word forms, meaning construction is still constrained by cognitive rules.The process in which loanword meaning is gradually understood, accepted and usedby more and more people is in fact the meaning category change from perceivedmeaning to experiential meaning and at last to functional meaning.


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Definitions of Loanword

Every living language is in constant change. Languages change at different times,in different regions, in different ways and at different levels. When two languagescome into contact, some words filter from one language to the other. Just as Chen(1980:285) has pointed that “every living language has a greater absorbing functionwhich, in most cases, is reflected in its vocabulary… In time of social necessity, itwill absorb the new words that it does not have and the new words that mirror thereality of the outside objective world.” In this way, loanwords come into existence.Different dictionaries give loanword different but similar definitions. Accordingto Webster’s New Word College Dictionary, a loanword is “a word of one languagetaken into another language and naturalized” (1972). A loanword is also “a word inone language that has been borrowed or taken over from another language” accordingto Longman dictionary of Contemporary English Language (1993). According to《辞海》, loanword refers to “word which has been borrowed from languages of othernations or countries” (2002).Throughout the history, many researchers and scholars also give explanations onwhat loanword is. For instance, Cannon (1992:134-162) believes that “a loanword is aword taken or a borrowed word over from another language and modified inphonemic shape, spelling, paradigm or meaning according to the standards of theEnglish language”.


2.2 Studies of Loanword in English and Chinese at Home

The research of loanword in China began from the 1940s. Lv (1942) introducedtwo methods of bring foreign words into Chinese, that is free translation andtransliteration. In 1950, Luo studied loanword from the perspective of culture. In hisbook Language and Culture, he summarized four types of loanwords in modernChinese. A research on the Loanwords in Modern Chinese written by Gao and Liu in1958 was the first book that analyzed loanword in Chinese systematically. However,the topic has almost been neglected since then and it was not until the 1980s that thetopic was popular again. In 1991, Shi in his book Loanwords — the Carrier of Foreign Culture made acomprehensive introduction of loanword in Chinese. Shi described a variety ofsituations of loanword in Chinese from the angle of history. He collated researchachievements of the predecessors’ and made a creative discussion of loanword fromthe aspect of word formation.Except studying loanword in Chinese, scholars in China also do researches ofloanword in English. From the perspective of social culture and linguistics, scholarshave studied the historical origin, methods of borrowing and influences on Englishlanguage and culture. In his book Advanced English Lexicology, Wang (2002) studiedthe source, classification and characters of loanwords in English borrowed fromChinese. Wang (2002) pided the process of English assimilating Chinese into fourstages. In the first stage, the destiny of loanwords from Chinese was unclear. Thesecond stage was preliminary assimilation, in which borrowing was mainly onmorphological and semantic level. The third stage was infiltration stage. In this stage,components of loanwords from Chinese which were not completely absorbed byEnglish would be adjusted to adapt to English grammar system. The last stage wascomplete assimilation, where wholly assimilated loanwords from Chinese wereusually hard to find exotic features.


Chapter Three Theoretical Framework and Research Methodology.......16

3.1 Theoretical Framework.........16

3.1.1 Definition of Category and Categorization ....16

3.1.2 Prototypical Categorization Theory.........17

3.2 Research Methodology of the Present Study....22

Chapter Four Comparative Study of Loanword Categorization..........24

4.1 Patterns of Loanword Categorization........25

4.2 The Restriction Mechanism of Loanword Categorization......38

4.3 The Evolution of Loanword Meaning in English and Chinese ....56

Chapter Five Conclusion ....68

5.1 Major Findings of the Present Study .........68

5.2 Implications of the Present Study.......70

5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study.......71

Chapter Four Comparative Study of Loanword Categorization in English and Chinese

The objective world is like a kaleidoscope, presenting us a colorful scene, whichmust be organized by our minds. The cognition of human beings begins withcategorization, then categories are obtained, at last concepts are formed systematicallyaccording to categories. Therefore, categorization is the basis of category and concept.For newly emerging things in the objective world, people have to organize them so asto form meaningful concepts and concept structures, which is a cognitive process.When language comes into existence, people naturally fix categories on expressionsof language. This process is expressed as “objective world — categorization —lexicalization — words and expressions” (Wang, 2005: 96). In short, vocabularyderives from human being’s perception of the objective world, and then throughpeople’s cognition activity, finally concept system is formed and got stability in acertain language. As the alien member, loanwords need to go through furthercognitive processing when they are absorbed by the recipient language.



In recent years, with social and cultural communications among differentcountries, language contact is increasing and different languages influence each other.An interesting phenomenon is the borrowing of foreign words. During the process ofpeople’s perception of the world, for the convenience of communication, peopleabsorb foreign words from other nations to fill the vacancies of their native languages,without creating new words. The vitality of loanwords is different. Some just exist fora very short of time, some become active for a period of time while others becomebasic words of the recipient vocabulary. Words enjoy the core position of languageuse. Language phenomenon on the level from text to sentence cannot be separatedfrom the use of words. Therefore, we should attach importance to loanwords, studythem and better use them.In the former chapters, the categorization patterns of loanwords in English andChinese are studied under the framework of cognitive linguistics. The similarities anddifferences of restriction of cultural context, mental schema and language itself onloanword categorization are explained. The evolution of loanword meaning likelexical meaning expansion and changes of grammatical meanings are expounded withexamples. This chapter would summarize some findings of the present study anddiscuss limitations of the present study and give some implications for further study.


References (omitted)


1 Introduction

1.1 Study Background of Ethnic Discourse

Cultural discourses as systematic and comprehensive studies cover almost allspheres of society and our daily life. Text and context are the main targets of discoursestudies presenting exhaustive information and phenomena. Thus Chinese discoursesheds light on almost every aspect of Chinese issues and events. Based on socialpractices and academic innovative perspective, as a master and leader of Chinesecontemporary discourse studies,Professor Shi-xu classified Chinese discourse issuesinto eight categories which are,respectively, development discourse, professiondiscourse,ethnic discourse,sovereignty discourse, crisis discourse,Eco-discourse,cultural communication discourse and intercultural discourse (Shixu,2010:73_74).Among these discourse issues,ethnic discourse as a long existing phenomenon inChina is a prominent one. Ethnic culture as an important feature of ethnic discourse isused to distinguish one nationality from another. Without a doubt, ethnic literature asa crucial component of ethnic culture reflects certain ethnic features. The studies onethnic literature for sure will shed light on understanding and comprehending ethnicdiscourse.In general,literary works of all sorts reveal contemporary culture and certainphenomena, moreover,the literary works embodied within authors' educationalbackground along with personal experience and ideologies reveal social issues,besides,the literary works play a role as a channel to connect context and texttogether to stimulate the construction of discourse. Therefore,the study of ethnicliterature is a necessary step to approach ethnic discourse.


1.2 Background Information of International Mullah NasrudinAfandi

Mullah Nasrudin Afandi as an universal image is known to the world and hasvarious names in different regions. Many peoples of the Near,Middle East andCentral Asia claim Nasreddin as their own {e.g. ^Turks,AfghansJranians,and Uzbeks).His name is spelt in a wide variety of ways; Nasrudeen^ Nasrudin,Nasruddin,Nasrud-Din,Nasredin, Naseeruddin,Nasr Eddin,Nastradhin,Nasreddine,Nastratin,Nmrettin,Nasrettin,Nostradin, Nastradin and Nazaruddin (which means Victory ofthe Deen) ? In severalcultures he is named by the title alone. Nasrudin Afandi often appears as a whimsicalcharacter of a large Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bengali,Bosnian,Bulgarian, Chinese, Greek, Gujarati, Hindi,Italian,Judeo-Spanish, Kurdish, Pashto,Persian, Romanian, Serbian,Russian,Turkish, and Urdu folk tradition of vignettes(wikipedial). Mullah Nasrudin Afandi as a well-known icon around the world iswidely spread among people of all minorities in China especially in Xinjiang. He iswell-received by people in China as the typical Uyghur ethnic image. In this thesis theresearcher used his name that is spelt in the fashion of the Uyghur ethnic group asMullah Nasrudin Afandi {Afandi for short).


2 Literature Review

2.1 The Development of Ethnic Literature

The word "minzu” (Nation) first appeared on the newspaper of current affairs inChina—the article translated from Japanese newspaper Tokyo Daily. In modemChinese language,dating back to the origins of word "minzu",it was from the lateQing Dynasty and early Republic of China that politicians and patriotic persona suchas Liang Qichao initiated to solve the problems of national prosperity in the homeland through ethnic discourse. This,however, was devoted to nationalist sentimentand the patriotism of scholars and intellectuals that was ignited by western countries'tyranny during the time China was in a social transformation from traditional to themodem. Afterwards the notion of Nationality was introduced from abroad and shapedits own concept in China (Yuan, 2011). Simultaneously, the proposition of nationalityas part of culture brings enlightenment and development of nationalism which couldbe revealed through literary works. National culture and literature are linked to eachother which lead to initiation of ethnic literature. As one of the essential formats ofethnic-state building and cultural representation, literature, with other given nationalcodes such as language, religion, art and folkways, play an important role indisseminating the national advanced culture, fussing national cohesion and promotingnational spirit (Tang,2010). Making a general survey of literary history in China,inevitably,the degree of social development and progress of nations of the day limitedthe development of national literature.


2.2 The Development of Uyghur Folk Literature

The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang for short) is located inNorthwest China, with its capital city Urumqi. Xinjiang, located on the ancient silkroad, which runs across northwest of China horizontally that is known to the wholeworld,is never lacking interest from people at home and abroad. With complex terrain,ranging from desert territory, numerous prairies and vast basin oases, Xinjiang isfamous throughout the world for its mysterious history and culture.Xinjiang, with a population of 19.25 million by year 2000,of which 5 million arethe Uyghurs as the principal minority group there,the rest are the Hans, Kazaks,Mongolians, Huis, Xibes, Kirgizes, Uzbeks,Tajiks,Russians, Manchus,Daurs andTatars. The multicultural background is due to the variety of multi-ethnic groups here.Thanks to a long-standing history, cultural communication amid clashes betweeneast and west as well as ethnical persity, Xinjiang is deposited with a kaleidoscopeof ethnical folklore and customs. For ages,the ancient Silk Road has witnessed theevents of the remote past and ringing camel bells as if they were chanting endlesssentimental and plaintive tunes. Since ancient times, there were various ethnic groupswhich have lived in Xinjiang, and the main way of living has been through thebreeding of livestock. Xinjiang in total has 55 ethnic groups spread across the vastmyriads of terrain. The differences among ethnic groups make Xinjiang versatile indifferent culture and folklore.


3 Theoretical Framework..........27

3.1 Discourse & Discourse Analysis......... 27

3.2 Contemporaiy Chinese Discourse Studies......... 30

3.2.1 Cultural Discourse Analysis......... 31

3.3 A Cultural Discourse Analysis of Ethnic Literature......... 35

3.4 Data Collection & Research Methods.........37

4 Analyses on Discourse Subjects, Contents, Social Effects.........39

4.1 Afandi's Stories in Literature......... 39

4.2 Afandi's Stories in Film and Television Production/Plays/Programs......... 47

4.3 Afandi's Stories in International and National Academic Conferences......... 51

4.4 Afandi's Stories in News......... 55

4.5 Results 585 Conclusion......... 61

5.1 Findings......... 61

5.2 Implications......... 63

5.3 Limitations......... 64

4 Analyses on Discourse Subjects, Contents, Social Effects andMedia in Dissemination of Afandi*s Stories

4.1 Afandi*s Stories in Literature

Within the wide spread knowledge of Afandi and Afandi's stories (includingAfandi's anecdotes and jokes in general ) in China and all over the world (includingAfandi's stories in Turkey/Iran/Russia,etc), Afandi has become the master of humorand wisdom, and his anecdotes with jokes and stories formed a world-class discoursesystem. Expanding our horizons to the international arena, the first man who broughtAfandi's stories into China was Ge Baoquan. As a translator, famous researchers offoreign literature, specialist of Russian literature, Ge was the first diplomatist sentabroad after the foundation of China; in the 1960s,Ge started to translate Russianliterary works into Chinese. He translated Arab Juha's folklore into Chinese publishedby China Folk Literature and Art Press in 1982. Following this, in 1983,he translatedVu Gauderski ,s Ghoja Nasrudin,s Stories into Chinese named Nasrudin's Stories,iSbon afterwards, in 1989,his Nasrudin,s Jokes—AfandVs Stories in Turkey was issued.These stories/jokes and anecdotes of Afandi which were widely spread in China in the1980s were all derived from folklore in Russia, TurkeyAran,etc. Thus the inflow ofAfandi's stories from abroad enriched Afandi's stories in the mainland and made ittranscultural, especially in Xinjiang due to its geographical dominant position.



Under globalization,the cross-cultural and interdisciplinary trends in societyplay a large contributinary role in Afandi's stories and tales' dissemination in differentfields. Behind this prosperity, chasing back through the history of the literary field,promoting a trend,the whole picture of the development of Afandi's stories and talescan't be separated from the governments' relative policy which is the main supporterof ethnic literature's publication.Before the foundation of states, on 2th of July,1949,Literary and Art Congress(Wen Dai Hui) created for the first time, the establishment of the Ethnic LiteraryFoundation was included in cultural unity framework. The Communist Party impliedgovernmental and Artistic policies by authorizing a national writers association. At thesame time, regarding national unity and implementation of national policy, thegovernment attached great importance to ethnic writers and ethnic literary works. As aresult^ in the second Literary Congress in 1953,the government constitutionalized thedevelopment of ethnic literature as an important mission. During the second and thirdliterary Congress in 1956 and 1960,they enlarged the ethnic literature component.Also in this Congress, famous Chinese literati Lao She made his reports on ethnicliterature which emphasized the importance of promoting ethnic literature in nationalunity and ethnic regional autonomy policies' cany-on. He also called for enlargingethnic writers and ethnic cultural propaganda. Moreover, with the support of thegovernment, in March of 1950,the Communist Party 七d central governmentestablished the China Folk Literature and Art Research Association,to head this GuoMoruo was selected as the director. Branch associations were established within allthe provinces (with the exception of Taiwan).


References (omitted)


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research background

English as a language has been becoming more and more popular all around theworld. As time goes by,there are more and more people starting to leam English as theirsecond language in China, However, the real situation in China is that although we havespent a lot of time and energy on learning English,we cannot proclaim ourselves assuccessful language learners. Learning a foreign language is not an easy and simple task,it is, actually, a very complicated process, during which many factors should beconsidered. There are many teachers and language researchers who focus on differentfactors, such as personality, language learning aptitude, language learning strategy,language learning motivation and cognitive style that may affect learners' learningbehavior.In this paper, the author will only focus on language learning motivation. Becausemost people agree that learning is most likely to occur when people are motivated toleam(Williams & Burden,1997). In the real learning context,motivation is either astrong desire for learning and acquiring knowledge or an inner cause that pushes studentsforward with enthusiasm and willingness. Jakobovits(1970),based on a research aboutAmerica universities and middle school,found that the factors influencing Englishlearning are: motivation accounted for 33 %,learning capability accounted for 33 %,intelligence accounted for 20 % , the other factors accounted for 14 % . It means thatmotivation plays a vital role in language learning. Motivation can affect a learner'slearning strategy that will directly influence learner's learning efficiency and learningattitude. If a learner has a low learning motivation that leads to a bad learning attitude,that means even if he or she has the ability to leam language and even if the teachers aregood at teaching, he or she can not achieve an ideal learning result. So,for languageteachers,it is a big challenge as well as a great duty for them to improve and maintaintheir students' learning motivation.


1.2 Research significance

Learning motivation is one of the classifications of motivation. It is a sort of internalimpetus that pushes forward learners to learn something. Students' learning activities,infact, are the results of intelligence factors and non-intelligence factors' mutual influence.A survey(李铮 & 姚本先,2002) indicated that students' learning achievement was justrelated moderate level to intelligence factor, but it is nonintelligence factor thatdetermine students' learning achievement. Non-intelligence factors mainly include need,motivation, interest, emotion, temperament, character and so on. Learning motivationplays a very important role in learners' learning process. It determines how much timelearners want to spend and how much effort they want to give in their study. With thedevelopment of our society, new requirements for education are coming; more and moreresearchers and educators are focusing on learning motivation. The researches aboutlearning motivation have two obvious advantages. On the one hand, it could helpresearchers and educators get to know something about learners' psychological status, onthe other hand,and more importantly, it can help teachers get to know students' learningmotivation so that they can adjust their teaching methods to help students achieve a betterperformance.


Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Learning motivation

Although the phrase 'learning motivation,is widely used by many people indifferent books and dissertations, scholars at home and abroad have differentunderstandings about the concept of learning motivation, and there is still not a conceptabout learning motivation completely accepted by all.In China,冯忠良 and 伍新春(2000) defined learning motivation in their book as"learning motivation is sort of internal trigger device that inspire inpidual to dolearning activities,sustain learning activities and let inpidual's learning activitiestoward a certain learning goal."郭德俊(2005),another scholar has defined learningmotivation as "learning motivation refers to a kind of inpidual's internal psychologicalprocess or internal impetus that was leaded, inspired by a learning goal and sustaininpidual's learning activities." In 毛晋平(2006) opinion, "learning motivation is kindof internal impetus that directly drives learners to leam." And he also emphasizes thatlearner's learning desire,learning extent’ learning attitude (positive or negative) are allrelated to learning motivation. There is another definition of learning motivation I wouldlike to introduce that is “learning motivation is an intermediate variable that drive andsustain a certain learning behavior and move it to a particular goal."


2.2 Foreign language learning motivation

Language learning motivation is one of behavior motivations of human beings.Gardner (1985) defined it as "language learning motivation is a combination of the desireto learn a particular language, the effort paid for learning it and a positive attitude to learnthat language. It is an internal impetus drives learner to leam and as a non-intelligencefactor it facilitates learner's learning activities." In Gardner's (1985) opinion, foreignlanguage learning motivation is a positive psychological status of learners in the processof learning foreign language. Specifically speaking, foreign language learners are veryinterested in the target language and have strong motivation to leam it. Gardner claimedthat foreign language motivation includes four parts: the purpose of learning foreignlanguage,the desire of learning foreign language, the degree of effort of learning foreignlanguage and the attitude of learning foreign language. These four parts are closelyrelated to each other. Only when language learners have a clear learning purpose, astrong desire,a lot of hard work and positive learning attitude, could real foreignlanguage learning motivation could occur. Oxford (1994) said "foreign language learningmotivation determined learner's confidence to overcome learning difficulties.”


Chapter 3 The Methodology.........18

3.1 Research Goal and Questions......... 18

3.2 Subjects.........18

3.3 Instruments .........19

3.4 Data Collection......... 21

3.5 Data Analysis......... 21

Chapter 4 Results and Discussions.........22

4.1 Differences of English Learning Motivation among Different Groups.........22

4.2 Differences of Attribution among Different Groups......... 36

4.3 The Status Quo of Students' English Learning Motivation......... 40

4.4 Interview with Students .........42

Chapter 5 Conclusion......... 45

5.1 Major Findings of the Research......... 45

5.2 Implication of the Research......... 46

5.3 Limitations of the Research......... 48

5.4 Suggestions for Future Research ......... 49

Chapter 4 Results and Discussions

4.1 Differences of English learning motivation among different groups

This part is dealing with the differences of English learning motivation betweendifferent groups. The author will firstly present the differences between high-achievestudents and low-achieve students and then present the differences between male studentsand female students. The following is the data collection of intrinsic motivation's factors betweenhigh-achievers and low-achievers. (MQ = Mean for each question,MTM = Mean foreach type of motivation,SDQ = Std.Deviation for each question, SDMF =Std.Deviation for each motivation factor,TM = type of motivation, MF = motivationfactor,HA = High-achiever, LA=Low-achiever, Q = questions) Before the discussion, I would like to make an explanation: the questionnaire wasdesigned according to Likert Scale, and the highest score is 5 which means strongly agree,the lowest score is 1 which means strongly disagree. Thus, the higher scores students get,the higher learning motivation he or she has. And if students get lower scores it meansthey have lower learning motivation. The following figure is the comparison amongintrinsic motivation factors:



In this thesis the author has used questionnaire and interviews to investigate thestatus quo of English learning motivation of the students in rural junior middle school.With the help of SPSS and Excel,the author has analyzed the differences of Englishlearning motivation and attribution between high-achievers and low-achievers, andbetween male students and female students.

(1) The results in chapter 4 show that the rural junior middle school students'English learning motivation is at a medium level. And students' intrinsic motivation is alittle bit stronger than extrinsic motivation. There are eight motivation factors that reflectstudents' English learning motivation. According to the scores that each motivation factorobtained we can make a comparison list like this: sense of achievement factor >functional value factor > self-efficacy factor > reward or punishment factor > desire oflearning factor > interest factor > group attitude factor > pressure factor.

(2) There are obvious differences in English learning motivation betweenhigh-achievers and low-achievers. The high-achievers' intrinsic motivation is muchhigher than that of low-achievers and low-achievers' extrinsic motivation is a little bithigher than that of high-achievers'. High-achievers' English learning motivation is higherthan that of low-achievers'. It indicates that English learning motivation is positivelyrelated with students' English performance. That is to say the stronger students' Englishlearning motivation is the better their English performance is. High-achievers obtainedthe highest scores on the factor of sense of achievement while the low-achievers obtainedthe highest scores on function value factor. Neither high-achievers nor low-achieversshow much interest and desire in learning English.


References (omitted)


1. Introduction

The acquisition of English articles is an important issue of Second LanguageAcquisition (SLA) studies. Though articles are quite fundamental in English grammarand are usually taught in the very first classes of an English course,it is difficult forlearners to be proficient in their correct use. Evidence in previous studies has shownthat “children make mistakes in article use until they are at least four years old orpossibly older in LI acquisition while adult learners of English often have consistentdifficulty in the use of articles until very late stages of acquisition, or do not everreach a native-like level of performance" (Zdorenko & Paradis, 2007: 483). Thereasons behind this can be complex: first, the forms of English articles {the and a) aresimple but there is no one-to-one correspondence between form and meaning; second,the usages of English articles vary greatly in different contexts of situation; third,because articles belong to the category of functional words which are not salient inmeaning, learners may often ignore their occurrence in spite of their high frequency.Of course, LI transfer can also be a problem, especially in the early stages of L2acquisition. For the learners whose mother tongue doesn't have an article system,attaining the proficiency of English articles can be difficult. For example,articleomission, a common mistake among Chinese learners,has been attributed to the lackof article system in Mandarin in many previous studies (Cai & Wu,2006; Yan,2003).Linguists have established some theories in order to incorporate these factors into aunified system. One of the most influential theories concerning the acquisition ofEnglish articles is the Semantic Fluctuation Hypothesis proposed by lonin (2003),which is also the theoretical framework of the present study.

The FH proposed two important semantic parameters in the systems of articlesacross different languages in the world: definiteness and specificity. The acquisitionof articles is the process of correct setting or resetting of these semantic parameters bylearners. lonin (2003: 15) emphasized that this process is to a large extent influencedby the mother tongues of learners. If the learner's mother tongue doesn't have anarticle system,then the setting choices of the learner will fluctuate between twosemantic parameters until adequate linguistic input leads the learner to the correctchoice. The FH has attracted great attention and been revised for several times sinceits proposal. The most updated version of the FH was proposed by Ko (2010) whoincorporated a new semantic parameter: presuppositionality. Because the FH isintended to establish a universal theoretical framework on the acquisition of articlesacross various languages, the reliability of the FH is dependent on the tests on learnersof different mother tongues. So far the FH has been validated for Korean andJapanese learners,but it doesn't seem to fit well for Chinese learners. The outcomesof previous related studies vary greatly and no reliable conclusion can be drawn sofar.In the FH LI transfer is an important factor that will have a great influence on theacquisition of articles. The effect of LI transfer can be summarized as: If the semanticparameter setting of articles in learners' mother tongue is similar to that in the targetlanguage, the learners will not fluctuate between different semantic parameters in theacquisition of the target language because they don't need to reset the parameters. Ifthe semantic parameter setting of articles in learners' mother tongues is different fromthat in the target language, the learners will fluctuate between different semanticparameters (in the manifestation of article substitution between a and the) because thelearners need to reset the parameters in the course of acquisition. As the process ofacquisition continues, adequate linguistic input will lead the learners to the correctparameter and then the fluctuation effect will disappear.


2. Literature review

2.1 The Fluctuation Hypothesis (FH)

The Semantic Fluctuation Hypothesis (FH) is a feature-based theory concerningthe acquisition of articles proposed by lonin (2003). The FH adopts formalapproaches to second language acquisition. Chomsky (1965) proposed that LIacquisition is constrained by Universal Grammar (UG),which restricts the range ofpossible grammars. In the Principles and Parameters framework (Chomsky, 1981),UG is hypothesized to consist of universal principles, which are operative in alllanguages, and parameters, aspects on which languages vary. Children are bom withthe knowledge of principles and parameters "built in"; they then use the input toestablish which parameter settings are instantiated in their LI. But the question ofwhether adult L2-acquisition is constrained by UG is far from uncontroversial.Proposals concerning UG access in L2-acquisition are often grouped into three majortypes: the No Access position, the Partial Access position, and the Full Accessposition. The FH sticks to the last position and claims that L2-acquisition is fullyconstrained by UG like L1 -acquisition. Since all the L2 learners have acquired theirmother tongues, what they need to do is to reset the parameters which are quitedifferent in various languages. Learners will make mistakes in the process of SLAbecause they wrongly reset these p^ameters for many different reasons.Under the FH (lonin,2003),L2-grammar is UG-constrained. L2-leamers' errorsare predicted to be non-random,but to reflect possible UG parameter settings. On thisview, L2-leamers' errors represent possible linguistic options which exist in naturallanguage and/or are predicted by linguistic theory.


2.2 Studies Testing the FH

After it was proposed, the Fluctuation Hypothesis has been examined in manystudies. The predictions of the FH are confirmed in a series of studies with adult speakers of Russian and Korean, two languages with no articles (lonin,2003).It isthen concluded that L2-learaers have direct UG-access to semantic distinctionsunderlying article choice and they will show the effect of fluctuation in the acquisitionof English articles because their mother tongues do not allow them to set the correctparameter right away.The FH was also tested in Snape et al (2006) using the data collected fromJapanese, Spanish and Chinese learners of English. They found that Japanese L2learners of English fluctuated between definiteness and specificity in the use of theand a. The Spanish L2 learners, as predicted, didn't fluctuate and performed as well asnative controls because the semantic encoding of Spanish articles is similar to that ofEnglish. The above findings supported the FH, but it wasn't the same case for Chineselearners. It is revealed that the Chinese learners, unlike the Japanese ones, did notfluctuate between definiteness and specificity.


3. Research methodology...........22

3.1 Research questions and hypotheses.........22

3.2 Definition of key terms .........24

3.3 Participants .........24

3.4 Procedure.........25

3.5 Test materials.........26

4. Results .........29

4.1 Results for question 1......... 29

4.2 Results for question 2 .........35

5. Discussion.........38

5. Discussion

Two findings have been made based on the analysis of the results of two tasks.The first one is that the Fluctuation Effect between different semantic parameters(definiteness, specificity and presuppositionality) doesn't appear amongMandarin-speaking learners in the acquisition of English articles. The second one isthat Chinese learners of English can distinguish between grammaticalized Chinesedemonstratives and ungrammaticalized ones and consider grammaticalized onesequivalent to English definite article the.As is mentioned above,the Fluctuation Effect is not significant among Chineselearners of English. This finding is not consistent with the predictions of the FH ifChinese is considered as a language with no articles. According to lonin (2003),learners whose mother tongues are articleless will fluctuate between differentsemantic parameter settings (definiteness, specificity and presuppositionality) in theacquisition of English articles.Two possible reasons may account for the inapplicability of the FH to Chineselearners.First, the FH is not semantically universal thus it can only be applied to a numberof languages. Or put it in another way, the FH is disproved by the results of Chineselearners. This reason is adopted and considered as the conclusion in Dai & Wei(2008).



Two research questions have been proposed in the present study: the first one iswhether the Fluctuation Effect between different semantic parameters (definiteness,specificity and presuppositionality) appears among Chinese learners in the acquisitionof English articles; the second one is whether Chinese learners of English candistinguishes between grammatical ized Chinese demonstratives andungrammaticalized ones and whether they consider grammaticalized Chinesedemonstratives as English definite article the.In order to answer these two questions, two tasks have been conducted among 60Mandarin-speaking learners of English (30 high proficiency learners and 30 lowproficiency learners) in the present study: the first one is a forced choice elicitationtask based on Ko (2009) while the second one is a translation complete task fromChinese to English.The results of task one show that Chinese learners don't fluctuate betweensemantic parameters definiteness, specificity and presuppositionality. They can set thecorrect semantic parameters in the acquisition of English articles. The results of tasktwo show that Chinese learners can distinguish between grammaticalized Chinesedemonstratives and ungrammaticalized ones and they consider grammaticalizedChinese demonstratives as English definite article the. Thus this paper suggests that inthe acquisition of English articles Chinese learners can set the correct semanticparameters via LI transfer of the grammaticalization of Chinese demonstratives. Thusthe FH is still confirmed.


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