1. 简介
近年来,当前初中学生的阅读教学的情况是被视为该课教学的词汇和语法教学。教学语法,阅读教学成为主要的关注。Teachers usually teach reading by analyzing the text, new words and expressions,sentence drills, grammars and structure of the text. This reading teaching method is not good for students todevelop the reading ability because vocabulary and language points are separated from the context andstudents’ ability of discourse analysis are neglected. So teachers and students should update their attitudestowards reading teaching, which is very important for the teacher to cultivate students’ ability to readeffectively. It is more important to cultivate and develop students’ reading ability (Zu, 2008).Moreover, http://www.51lunwen.orgfor junior middle school students, teaching reading in English has mainly focused on thefollowing aspects: semantics, course design and pedagogy. Teaching and learning activities are mainlyconcened on prononciation and intonation, vocabulary, sentence patterns and grammatical rules. Althoughboth teachers and students have devoted their efforts to teaching and learning, the result is not sosatisfactory. They can seldom reach the goal they aim at. In reading comprehension, students remaindificient.
Based on the previous studies, the applications of Relevance Theory (RT) to English reading havedifferent focuses. Some studies concentrate on the implication of RThttp://www.51lunwen.orgfor to the study of different levels oflanguage, such as lexical meanings, syntactic features, and discourse coherence (Tang, 2009). Somecombine the RT with the reading comprehension in specific exams. For example, in the paper ‘Theapplication of RT in English reading’ (Wu, 2006), the author aims to explore the application of RelevanceTtheory in reading with the purpose of improving students’ reading comprehension in CET-4. The authorproposed three points in the paper which are as follows: first, “inferring the utterance interpretation”, including the determination of the explicit meaning (explicature) and implicit meaning (implicature).Second, “inferring the meanings of new words through context”, and at last, “discourse markers inaccelerating reading speed”.
1.2 Significance of the Study研究目标
Studies on RT have gradually shifted from reviews, surveys and modifications to theoreticalapplication in the study discourse, speech acts, metaphors, literature of utterance interpretation, coherenceand translation as well. Based on the previous studies, the researcher considers it important to conduct thepresent study. In this thesis, the significance of the study can be listed in the following two aspects:
First, from the perspective of theoretical significance, we find that researches seldom apply RT to theteaching of Enlglish reading on reviewing all the teaching strategies. So the present study could surelyenrich the theoretical research of English reading, and further effect the exploration of the English readingteaching.
Second, from the perspective of practical significance, in recent years, more attention has been paid tothe improvement of junior middle school students’ reading comprehension abilities and many Englishteachers hope to find out an appropriate theory that can be applied to teaching reading in English. However,there are rarely studies on English reading in the perspective of RT for junior middle school students. Thestudy of teaching reading in English from the perspective of the RT is intended to broaden the practicalapplications of relevance theory and accumulate some valuable implications for English teachers to perfectteacher-student classroom teaching and learning. The research is valued in theory and practice significantly.
Chapter 2 Literature Review文献回顾
2.1 Review on English Reading对英语阅读的评论
什么是阅读?站在不同的角度,可能会得出不同的结论。根据牛津英语词典,阅读被定义为“检查和解释意义的标志或标记。美国心理学家古德曼(1988)认为,读是心理语言课程,心理语言学的一个猜谜游戏,包括思维和语言的相互交互作用的过程。Grabe (1991) once pointed out that the description of reading has to account for the notions that fluentreading is rapid, purposeful, interactive, comprehending, flexible and, most importantly, graduallydeveloping. As concluded in Wikipedia (2010), reading is a complex cognitive process of decodingsymbols for the intention of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and/or constructing meaning. It isthe mastery of basic cognitive processes to the point where they are automatic so that attention is freed forthe analysis of meaning. Reading is a manner of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharinginformation and ideas. Like all language, it is a complex interaction between the text and the reader whichis shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community that is culturallyand socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practices, development, and refinement.Readers use a variety of reading strategies to assist with decoding (to translate symbols into sounds orvisual representations of speech) and comprehension. Readers may use morpheme, semantics, syntax andcontext clues to identify the meaning of unknown words. Readers integrate the words they have read intotheir existing framework of knowledge or schema (schemata theory).Other types of reading are not speechbased writing systems, such as music notation or pictograms. The common link is the interpretation ofsymbols to extract the meaning from the visual notations.
Chapter 3 Relevance Theory (RT) .............................. 30-48
3.1 Relevance Theory ..............................30-36
3.1.1 Communication as an Ostensive ..............................30-31
3.1.2 Context and Optimal Relevance ..............................31-33
3.1.3 The Principle of Relevance ..............................33-34
3.1.4 Explicature and Implicature.............................. 34-36
3.2 A Relevance –based Framework ..............................36-43
3.2.1 Reading as an Inference.............................. 36-37
3.2.2 Reading as an Optimal Relevance.............................. 37
3.2.3 Reading as a Context.............................. 37-39
3.2.4 Implication of RT to Figurative Speech.............................. 39-43
3.3 Cognitive Environment and Reading ..............................43-45
3.4 Teaching Model in the Present Study.............................. 45-48
Chapter 4 Methodology.............................. 48-57
4.1 Research Questions ..............................48
4.2 Subjects ..............................48-49
4.3 Instruments ..............................49-52
4.4 Research Procedures ..............................52-57
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Discussion ..............................57-70
5.1 Research Question One 57-60
5.2 Research Question Two ..............................60-64
5.3 Research Question Three ..............................64-68
5.4 Results of the In-depth Interview ..............................68-70
Cognitive environments are important in relevance-theoretic reading to help students to seek relevance.It’s important to decide the semantic meaning of words in context, to process main idea of the material onthe basis of relevance, to emphasize the building of personal background knowledge input and to giveinstructions of other reading skills. In a word, what has been emphasized here is on how to understand theencoded meaning of the words and paragraphs under the guidance of relevance.
The facts that students of different reading comprehension level hold different attitudes towards thecognitive envionments, which leads us to consider relevance-theoretic reading teaching model a much moreinpidualized teaching model in order to make it benefit each student. This might add extra difficulty forteachers who engage in this new method. It might be a huge challenge for teachers to creat effectiveactivities and tasks for all students, especially for a huge group of students. Anyway, although there mightbe some drawbacks to use of the new model, the promising achievements it brings still deserveconsideration.
在传统的英语教学中,教师始终被视为主人,而学生们被视为公务员。有一个常见的景象,学生们坐的笔直的面对着老师和黑板,这种情况在中国各级学校都不例外。The teacher on a platform as a dictator, symbolizing his/her superiority and authority,spends a large amount of time delivering lectures and informing instructions while his students are servantsand passive followers, listening mechanically and taking notes or trying to memorize the words, drills andstructures busily. They have no chance to digest, to think and even to ask questions. They are just onlydemanded to make exactly correct responses to teachers’ stimuli but not praised to initiate their own use ofthe target languages. In a way, the teacher is separated from the students not only physically, but alsopsychologically. Under such circumstances, the interaction among the teacher and his students is always ina linear way: that is, “monologue”. Specifically speaking, almost all the voices only are produced from theteachers themselves. Therefore, the only result is that students seem to anticipate receiving instructions, butin essence, they are unwilling to jot down lecture notes from the teachers at all. In fact, all the classes aremotionless and static.
It is well known that there have been great changes in English teaching after the adoption ofdialogue teaching theory. The English teaching employing dialogue teaching theory is to create a moreeffective and efficient teaching atmosphere in real English classes. Then, English teaching style will bemore active. In a class like this, students will have more chances to voice themselves, join in class activities,answer the teachers’ questions and interact with the teacher voluntarily. However,www.51lunwen.org when we scan and probeinto the dialogue teaching theory in real English classes, admittedly, a series of pseudo-dialogues exist. Theso-called pseudo-dialogue refers to the inefficient, ineffective dialogue or even invalid dialogue, which hasseriously violated the concept and spirit of dialogue and reduces the quality of teaching (Ma Jun, 2009:45).There are major five types of pseudo-dialogues: (1) yes-no judgment dialogue, (2) skin-deep dialogue, (3) teacher-centered dialogue, (4) closed dialogue, (5) performing dialogue. These pseudo-dialogues fail toperform the function that a true dialogue does in teaching. What is worse, more and more pseudo-dialoguesemerge in English teaching. The classes are still teacher-centered, text-centered, examination-centered,grammar and vocabulary based, and the teacher is the master, students are servants. The relationshipbetween them is superior –inferior.The review of the theory and the survey of the previous studies show that few studies have beenconducted on pseudo-dialogues in English teaching. As a matter of fact, the study of pseudo-dialoguewww.51lunwen.org inChina began in one article How to avoid “pseudo-dialogue”? (Ma Jun, 2009:45). He is the first person thatraises this question, and then Chen Guisheng (2010:110) makes further research on this topic in one of hismasterpiece Ke Cheng Shi Hua--Dialogue Teaching. However, up to now, there are only several articlesconnected with pseudo-dialogue, while all of them are concerned with the subjects of Chinese, history,chemistry, politics and other subjects. None of works has been dealt with the subject of English teaching inJunior Middle School. Therefore, it is of significance to make a study of pseudo-dialogue in Englishteaching in Junior Middle School.
Chapter Two Literature Review文献回顾
2.1 The Definition of Dialogue对话的定义
In this study, it is essential and necessary to examine the etymology of the term “dialogue”.Actually, “dialogue” is from the Greek word “dialogos”, which means to have something done with twopeople speaking together, but some of the connotations of the Greek expressions tell us a bit more than this.The Greece “dialogos” is formed by two parts: the first part is the prefix-“dia”, which has two kinds ofmeaning—one means “double, twice”, and the other means “ between”, “across”, or “through”; For thesecond part, the suffix “logos”, in Greece, it is not only means “word”, “language”, “conversation” and“dialogue”, but also “thought”, “rationality” and “judgment”(Burbles,1993). Hence, dia + logue =“the wordbetween us”. And Knowles (1970) says that the approach to language learning under the philosophy of thisprinciple holds that students and teachers have enough time to be in dialogue with each other and will learnnew knowledge, attitudes, or skills. Heidegger states (1977: 79-82, cited from Burbules, 1993), “if we saythat the basic meaning of “logos” is means……“Logos” as speech really means to make manifest ‘what istalk about’…… “Logos” lets something be seen….for the speaker (who serves as the medium) or for thosewho speak with each other….Logos acquires the meaning of relation and relationship”.
Chapter Three Research Design ...............................27-31
3.1 Research Questions............................... 27
3.2 Research Participants ...............................27-28
3.3 Research Methods............................... 28-30
3.3.1 Observation and Audio-recording ...............................28-29
3.3.2 Research Questionnaire............................... 29-30
3.3.3 Interview............................... 30
3.4 Data Collection ...............................30-31
Chapter Four Data Results and Discussion ...............................31-49
4.1 the Observation and Audio-recording............................... 31-33
4.1.1 Non-interactivity............................... 31-32
4.1.2 Unequality ...............................32
4.1.3 Passivity ...............................32-33
4.1.4 Non-creativity............................... 33
4.1.5. Unilateral Output............................... 33
4.2 Results and Discussion............................... 33-49
Chapter Five Conclusion ...............................49-57
5.1 Summary of the Major Findings of this Study............................... 49-51
5.1.1 Major Findings of the Characteristics............................... 49
5.1.2 Major Findings of the Factors Leading ...............................49-51
5.2 Pedagogical Suggestions ...............................51-54
5.2.1 Improving Teachers' Qualifications ...............................51-53
5.2.2 Guaranteeing Enough Time and Space ...............................53-54
5.3 Limitations and Prospects for Further Study ...............................54-57
It is important to note that there are some limitations of the present study. The first limitation isthat the samples involved for data collection is not enough. Although the collected data reflects the realsituations of pseudo-dialogue in Junior Middle School to a certain extent, only 12 teachers are involved asthe audio-recorded subjects, which may not be enough to cover all variables and situations.The second limitation is that the observed classes are audio-recorded rather than video-recordeddue to some practical difficulties. Van Lier (1988: 238) argues that “video recording is preferable, sincenon-verbal behavior is important for analysis.”
As a result, this study has had no access to the non-verbalbehaviors accompanying the teacher-student interactions or to the independently occurred non-verbalinteractions between teachers and students. Hence, for the follow-up researches on dialogue in classroomteaching, video recording is advocated.In addition, this research chooses the Affiliated Junior Middle School of Henan NormalUniversity as research school, it is a key middle school, however, it is known that most of elementaryschools in our country are in the countryside. Therefore, this school does not have general representativefeature and cannot has strong evidence to stand for all the elementary schools in our country in spite ofaccurate data from the Chapter Four.
Lastly, it is important to point out that the present study only discusses some aspects ofpseudo-dialogue. And this thesis, to some degree, has already found the causes which lead to pseudo-dialogues. While how to effectively apply the dialogues teaching theory into English teaching in JuniorMiddle School still has some problems and needs to be discussed urgently. And the following aspectsshould be further discussed by the follow-up researches.
第一章 绪论
一、 研究背景
在英语学习过程中,学习者的学习动机与英语学习关系密切,是影响学习者英语学习的最重要的动力驱动因素之一,英语学习动机不仅影响学习者的学习热情和积极性,也对英语学习效果产生影响。当然,英语学习效果也会影响学习者的学习动机水平。如果一个学习者的英语学习动机较强,在英语学习中可以提高学习的兴趣和积极性,进而取得较好的英语学习效果,好的学习效果又会增强学习者的英语学习动机;反之亦然。这正如著名的教育心理学家奥苏伯尔(D. P. Ausubel)曾经说过:“动机与学习之间的关系是典型的相辅相成的关系,绝非一种单向性的关系。”
(一) 英语学习动机是中学英语课程标准的情感目标之一
第二章 文献综述
一、 学习动机的内涵
虽然“动机”在外语学习的研究中被广泛使用,但中外学者对于动机概念的阐述有所不同,至今尚未形成统一的说法。心理学家一致认为,动机主要属于影响人的活动与实践的非认知因素。传统教育心理学把学习动机定义为激发与维持学生从事学习活动的原因,但现代教育心理学赋予这一概念更多的含义。正如沃尔福克(A. E. Woolfolk)所说:“学习动机不只是涉及学生要学或想学,还涉及更多含义,包括计划、目标导向、对所要学习与如何学习的任务的反省认知意识、主动寻求新信息、对反馈的清晰知觉、对成就的自豪与满意和不怕失败”,并把学习动机定义为“寻求学习活动的意义并努力从这些活动中获得益处的倾向”。
第三章 研究的理论基础.............................. 25-30
一、 成就动机理论与动机的期望..............................25-26
二、 需要层次理论.............................. 26-28
三、 成就目标理论.............................. 28-30
第四章 欠发达地区中学生学习动机..............................30-48
一、 研究涉及的概念 ..............................30-31
二、 调查研究的实施.............................. 31
三、 调查结果分析.............................. 31-46
四、 结论.............................. 46-48
第五章 提高中学生英语学习动机的建议.............................. 48-53
一、 加强个性修养,提高人格魅力.............................. 48-49
二、 英语教师应与学生建立和谐师生关系..............................49-50
三、 教师应提高专业素质..............................50-53
第三章 理论框架.................................. 26-40
3.1 基本概念.................................. 26-29
3.1.1 词块.................................. 26-28
3.1.2 写作.................................. 28-29
3.2 词块理论.................................. 29-40
3.2.1 词块分类.................................. 29-31
3.2.2 理论基础 ..................................31-37
3.2.3 词块的功能.................................. 37-40
第四章 实证研究.................................. 40-47
4.1 研究的问题.................................. 40
4.2 研究对象.................................. 40
4.3 研究工具.................................. 40-42
4.4在写作教学中的具体实施.................................. 42-46
4.5 数据的收集.................................. 46-47
第五章 数据分析 ..................................47-52
5.1 问卷结果分析.................................. 47-48
5.2 写作分析.................................. 48-52
In China, grammar was more important than vocabulary, grammar teaching was the main teachingcontent in class, and however, vocabulary was in a secondary position. In recent 30 years, the secondlanguage acquisition research gets a high level of attention; it also shows that people improve therecognition of the importance of the second language vocabulary. In the research field of second languageacquisition, the connotation of vocabulary knowledge, the process of vocabulary acquisition and themethods and strategies of vocabulary learning have been researched more, and they are also have morepractical guidance. In the actual process of learning, learners are in the dominant position in vocabularylearning, vocabulary acquisition should be more from the point of view of the learners.
Vocabulary is one of the basic materials of language, without enough words you can not listen, speak,read and write effectively, and can not communicate effectively in English.English is the indo-European language, Chinese is the Sino-Tibetan language, except the prepositionsand a few onomatopoetic words, there are few similarities between them, so Chinese will cost more energyin vocabulary learning. In junior high schools, the vocabulary learning has always been a difficult part.Vocabulary teaching methods are still very old and inefficient. Students are eager to find the most effectivevocabulary learning method.
1.2 Research Motivation and Objectives研究目的和动机
Whether based on the communication needs of student, or the examination-oriented education form,students are eager to expand their vocabulary. Vocabulary learning is also the key to English learning, andat the same time, it is the bottleneck of restriction for the most English learners. The learners spend a lot oftime reciting the words, but they always had little effect. The overall objective of the Englishwww.51lunwen.org course in basic education is to develop students' overall language proficiency. The vocabulary curriculum requiresmiddle school students to learn to use 1500 ~ 1600 words and 200 ~ 300 idioms or fixed matches.Meanwhile, the students should have the ability to infer the word meaning from the context, and tounderstand the meaning of words. Thus, finding good vocabulary learning methods and strategies cangreatly shorten the learning time and improve learning efficiency.A more serious problem is the high rate of the words forgetting in English vocabulary learning, this isnot only the barrier to the students of using the words and learning English continually, but also largelyinfluence the students’ enthusiasm and confidence in English learning.
For the problems of English vocabulary learning, many junior high school students are changing andtrying new vocabulary learning method constantly, but what kind of method is more effective vocabularylearning method? Different students may have different recognitions of effective learning method, but theywill have various problems in the course of study, then, the main purpose of this paper is to find out themain problems in English vocabulary learning of junior high school students and to find out the reasons forthese issues.So the teachers can help the students learn efficiently, relieve the burden of the students, make thestudents read better and expand their vocabulary, use the language flexibly, and achieve the objective ofEnglish communication.
Chapter 2 Literature Review文献综述
Compared with the vocabulary learning of native language, the vocabulary learning of foreignlanguage is a much more complex and special procedure. In theory, foreign language learning (mainlyrefers to the foreign language learning which start from mastering the mother-tongue language learning)has already been completely different from native language learning in the foundations of cognitive, theability www.51lunwen.orgof communication, and the emotion and the environment. The vocabulary learning of foreignlanguage is affected by the inpidual differences, environmental factors, emotional factors, etc. Forexample, from the emotional factor, such as the motivation and personality of foreign language learnersdetermine the success or failure in a large extent (Shu & Zhuang, 2008).
Similarly, the vocabulary knowledge is also very important to us. Notice that the word information isactually to learn the meanings of the new words in this context. From the situation of learning vocabularyby themselves, to find out in the dictionary is the most common way. Understand the meanings of thewords, the next step is to memory. Research shows that a word in a repeated more than seven times onlycan be remembered. After the words memory, if you do not use them timely, the will be easily forgotten.Learn the new words can be used in writing or in time after the dialogue, for example, according to severalnew words to write a small story, make a dialogue and consolidate the memory (Gains, R. 1986).
Chapter 3 Research Design................................. 26-30
3.1 Research questions .................................26
3.2 Research participants................................. 26-27
3.3 Research methods and procedures................................. 27
3.4 Data collection .................................27-30
Chapter 4 Results and Analysis .................................30-40
4.1 Results and discussion of questionnaires................................. 30-35
4.2 Results and discussion of interviews .................................35-38
4.3 classroom observation .................................38-40
Chapter 5 Concluding Remarks................................. 40-52
5.1 Major findings................................. 40-41
5.2 Pedagogical implications................................. 41-42
5.3 Some Suggestions................................. 42-49
5.4 Limitation and Prospects................................. 49-52
To find out these problems, the teachers or the parents can make a plan to help the student to learn theEnglish words. English vocabulary learning is the difficult part all the time. Most of the student think thatreciting the English words is so boring, now, to find out the main problems of learning English wards, andthen, to find the reasons which appear there problems. To find out these problems that can help the teachers,the teachers is the participant of learning, they always meet all kinds of problems, through this investigation,the teachers will understand the students, for this, the teachers will have some methods to solve theseproblems.
According to this investigation, the factors of the family are also important. The investigation showssome family factors of learning English vocabulary. Through this, parents should pay attention to their children, and parents need to know the pressure that they give. Parents and their children are also lack ofcommunication, and the parents should know the importance of communicating with their children.
Although only the students answer the questions in this investigation, but the questionnaire reflect theproblems which are in all aspects. According to this questionnaire, the students know the problems ofthemselves. The author hopes this investigation can help the students, the teachers and the parents to solvethe problem try their best to solve the problem, and strengthen the communication.The author hopes the students will have more interest, strong motivation, free communication, in thisway, the author thinks that the English vocabulary learning is no longer a difficult part.
第一章 引言
1.1 研究背景
学生的这种课堂表现影响到了教学质量和课堂的教学效果。有的教师对不参与课堂活动,保持沉默的学生给予了这样消极评价:胆小,不爱动脑筋,学习不刻苦等。学生听到老师如此评价自己,心中对老师产生了不满,课堂上更加沉默不语。沉默对教师和学生都造成了负面影响,不仅影响教师的授课情绪,还不利于学生语言能力的提高。关于学生的课堂沉默现象,受到国内外研究者的普遍关注,Tannen.D(1996);Nakane(2002);Jaworskiand Sachdev(1988);李佳美(2003);喻志英(2003)范亚林(1997)从不同层面,不同角度对课堂沉默进行了研究,并且取得了一些成果。然而,在从学生视角研究课堂沉默的因素方面,目前却很少有人谈论到。因此,本文试图从这方面对学生的课堂沉默问题进行研究。
1.2 目的和意义
1.3 论文结构
第二章 文献综述
2.1 研究现状
国外不少的学者已对学生的课堂沉默进行了较为深入的研究,其研究主要集中在对男女生课堂沉默差异和文化背景差异的探讨上。Kramarae and Treichler(1990)的研究表明:女生喜欢这样的学习环境:在讨论中,她们能够平等的参与和分享,与教师之间能够自由自在相处。Myra and David Sadker(1994)的实验表明最初女生在学校里表现很好,在课堂上得到高分并且很少受到惩罚,但即便如此,小学女生很少从老师那里得到更多帮助。他们的实验发现,在小学和中学,尽管教师鼓励有问题举手发言,但他们更多注意和听取的是男生的反映。Tannen(1996)的研究也发现:女生更乐于进行小组讨论,而不是全体讨论,在小团体讨论中她们感到愉快和舒适,而在全体讨论中却鼓励竞争和占有。
根据Ferris and Tagg(1996),由于受传统文化的影响,亚裔学生在班级上比较沉默,容易害羞,不愿回答问题;Jaworski and Sachdev(1988)的研究表明:在传统的课堂上教师主导着课堂,这样的课堂环境培养了学生在学习上的惰性,他们上课不喜欢思考,喜欢教师讲,自己听被动的教学方式。教师在课堂上权威性造成了学生的课堂沉默。Nakane(2002)在课堂教学中,也注意到一部分日本学生由于语言能力欠缺,在公共场所不敢大胆的表现自己,他认为社会文化背景也会导致学生的课堂沉默不语。在我国,近几年也有不少学者开始对课堂沉默问题进行了探讨,现在对其作简单的梳理,归纳为以下几方面:关于在英语学习中课堂沉默的原因,李佳美(2003)提出学生在英语课中保持沉默的原因是传统文化因素、教师授课方式和学生自我认知。
第三章 研究设计.............................. 16-18
3.1 研究问题 .............................16
3.2 研究对象............................. 16
3.3 研究工具............................. 16-18
3.3.1 课堂观察............................. 16
3.3.2 访谈 .............................16-17
3.3.3 问卷............................. 17-18
第四章 结果与讨论............................. 18-32
4.1 课堂中的沉默现象............................. 18-19
4.2 访谈 .............................19-20
4.3 数据分析............................. 20-26
4.3.1 教师的分析............................. 20-21
4.3.2 学生的分析 .............................21-25
4.3.3 课堂环境方面 .............................25-26
4.4 讨论............................. 26-32
4.4.1 教师............................. 26-29
4.4.2 学生............................. 29-32
第五章 结论............................. 32-34
5.1 主要研究发现............................. 32
5.2 教学启示............................. 32-33
5.2.1 对学生的启示............................. 32
5.2.2 对教师的启示............................. 32-33
5.3 局限性 .............................33-34
北京林业大学的学校图书馆501室有200个座位,是一个独立的听音室。从2010年4月19号2010年4月29日笔者在501室做了一项调查。The investigation was carried out through two periods with thepurpose of looking into the utilization of this autonomous listening room, that was to say,what the students were actually doing there. And the results (see Appendix I for detail) gotfrom the survey were worrisome. The first period of this survey was conducted from April19th, 2010 to April 22nd, 2010, and altogether 1468 students came to the autonomouslistening room, but the number of the students who did unrelated business was 776, and theutilization rate of the autonomous listening room was only 47.1%. The second period ofthis survey was conducted from April 26th, 2010 to April 29th, 2010, and altogether 1908students came to the autonomouswww.51lunwen.org listening room. This time the number of students who didunrelated business was 1038, and the utilization rate of the Room 501 was only 45.6%.From the two periods of the survey, the author found that altogether 3376 students came tothe listening room, but actually only 1814 students among the total did the autonomouslistening. The rate of the whole utilization of the Room 501 was only 46.6%, and thatimplied 53.4% of the students, i.e. more than half of students did not do the listening, buteating, sleeping, talking with others, watching movies, playing games, playing withcell-phones, reading unrelated books, and so on.
The author analyzed the results and found the situation was alarming: on one hand, theresources of the school library were seriously wasted; and on the other hand, students'abilities of autonomous listening was unsatisfying. Because of all these reasons, the authordecides to do a research with the aim of improving the utilization of the autonomouslistening room and students' autonomous listeningwww.51lunwen.org abilities.Among the five basic skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation) inEnglish learning, the author focuses on listening in this thesis. Listening is the inputprocess and it plays a significant role in education and daily communication. It also plays adefining part in facilitating language learning. Listening is an integrative skill and aprimary approach by which all incoming information is taken in. Rivers (1981) stated that75% of the acquired information came from listening and speaking, and 45% of the totalcommunication time was spent on listening. Krashen (1982) put forward his famous InputHypothesis which stressed that the ability to produce language was primarily based oncomprehensive input, i.e. through listening and reading. Thereby listening is an essentialskill and it plays an irreplaceable role in English learning.
1.2 Objective of the research研究目标
Meta-cognitive strategy is a significant learning strategy and it plays an essential rolein English learning. In this study, the students are trained from three aspects: planningstrategy, monitoring strategy, and evaluating strategy. The final goal is to optimize theutilization of the autonomous listening room in the library of Beijing Forestry Universityand solve problems existing in the present autonomous listening.The study intends to explore whether the training of meta-cognitive strategy iseffective in improving learners' autonomous listening, and what the differences betweenthe students of the experimental group and the control group are as to the use ofmeta-cognitive strategy. In addition, measurements that can be done to improve the utilityof the autonomous listening room in the library of Beijing Forestry University are alsodiscussed.
Chapter Two Literature Review文献回顾
2.1 Learner autonomy自主学习
It is not an easy task to define what learner autonomy is and no consensus what hasever been reached on it. Different researchers hold different views over it, Gardner &Miller (1999:5) stated that there were three reasons accounting for this difficulty:"First, different writers have defined the concept in different ways. Second, autonomy is an areaof ongoing debate and therefore definitions are continuing to mature as more discussions take place.Third, these concepts have developed independently in different geographical areas and therefore theyhave been defined using different (but often similar) terminologies."After going through the literature related to learner autonomy, we can find severaldefinitions from various angles. In some researchers' opinions, learner autonomy is a kindability or a capacity in one's blood; some believe that learner's actual exercises and theirattitudes are two factors which can not be ignored, while others view it as an action orperformance.
3.2 SUBJECTS 27-28
3.3.1 Questionnaires 28
3.3.2 Pre-test and post-test 28-29
3.3.3 Semi-structured interview 29
3.5.1 Pre-training phase 30-31
3.5.2 On-training phase 31-32
3.5.3 Post-training phase 32
3.6.1 Data analysis of tests 32
Summary 33-34
Summary 53-54
5.2.1 Suggestions for teachers 55
5.2.2 Suggestions for the school 55-57
The findings of the present study have answered the previous research questionsand put forward some implications for the utility of the autonomous listening room inBeijing Forestry University. However, since the present study is constrained by time,energy and technology, there are still some limitations in the present study that need tobe noticed in the future research.
1) The sample is based on the investigation of 113 students of non-Englishmajors from Beijing Forestry University. In other words, the study is carried out inone college; the circumstance occurs here might not happen in other schools.Therefore, to some extent, the sampling of the study is limited.
2) There are differences between inpiduals. This research is conducted with noconcern on the inpidual differences,
3) The training of meta-cognitive strategy leaves out consideration of the othertwo learning strategies: the cognitive strategy and social/affective strategy. Thestudents in experimental group have been trained by the same strategy and with thesame method, so it would receive better effect if the other two strategies were takeninto account.
4) The training period of meta-cognitive strategy is comparatively short. Besides,six months after the training, students in both experimental group and control grouptook part in CET-4. Passing rate of the experimental group was 90.91%, while thepassing rate of the control group was 86.21%. Whether the variation of the passingrates related to the training is unknown. That is to say, the subsequent variation whichtheir listening strategy will bring in the following semester has not been explored yet.
一、 研究背景
在我国,英语是作为外语来学习的,所谓外语指的是“母语以外的,只在学校里学习而且在日常社会生活中很少有交际用途的语言。”这意味着学生获得英语的主要途径之一就是课堂教学,因此教师的质量直接决定着学生的英语质量水平。正如叶澜教授指出的:学生生命质量的提升和教师生命质量的提升有着密切的关系,学生的发展依赖于教师的主动发展。“时代向教育提出的挑战不只是数量的扩展或原有教育的修补与完善,它要求重新认识教育在社会中的地位与价值,重新确立教育目标,重新构建课程、重新设计教育的组织原则和方法原则,这一切的重建都涉及教师发展问题。” 美国卡内基促进教学基金会前任主席厄内斯特?波伊尔(EmesU.Boyer)指出“归根结底,谁更了解学生在课堂上的情况呢?谁更能鼓励学生呢?谁更能准确地评价每一个学生在学习方面的进步呢?除了教师谁更能创造一个真正的学习大家庭呢?毫无疑问,教师是搞好一所学校的关键。”同时在2011年出台的《国家中长期教育改革和规划纲要》中也向教师提出了新的要求,即教师要改变已有的人才培养观念、构建富有创新的人才培养模式、教育质量评价和人才评价制度都要作出改变。这不仅赋予我国教师专业化发展更为深刻的内涵,也对教师专业成长提出了更高的要求。
(一) 课程标准的相关文献
1. 关于某一时期的英语课程标准的研究
2. 关于英语课程标准的对比研究
3. 以英语课程标准为背景进行相关元素的探讨
第三章 对初中英语教师专业成长要求........................ 34-44
一、对初中英语教师专业成长的要求 ........................34-36
三、初中英语教师专业成长的意义........................ 40-44
第四章对初中英语教师专业成长要求........................ 44-50
(一) 基础教育课程改革........................ 44
(二) 新课程标准的新理念........................ 44-46
二、初中英语教师专业成长的要求........................ 46-49
(一) 专业理念........................ 46
(二) 知识结构........................ 46-47
(三) 能力结构........................ 47-48
(四) 自我专业成长的意识........................ 48-49
三、初中英语教师专业成长的意义 ........................49-50
第五章 对初中英语课程标准的一点思考 ........................50-58
一、教师专业成长的一条理想途径 ........................50-51
(一) 课程标准同初中英语互为关系........................ 50
(二) 课程标准........................50-51
二、对初中英语课程标准的建议........................ 51-54
(一) 添加教师专业成长........................ 51
(二) 添加理论........................ 51-52
(三) 添加案例选择........................ 52
(四) 添加操作标准........................ 52-53
(五) 完善文本表达........................ 53-54
(六) 完善内容标准 ........................54
三、成长理想模型建构........................ 54-58
三、课程标准作为一个外在的文件影响着初中英语教师专业成长,课程目标是课程标准的逻辑起点,课程内容直接指向课程目标。因此笔者主要从课程目标和课程内容两个方面具体分析了 9部课程标准对初中英语教师专业成长的影响,并就九部课程标准对初中英语教师专业成长的意义做了分析。
1. 简介
本章主要通过对英语学习者的调查以及研究,来探讨计算机辅助教育模式下,英语学习者在逻辑性思维方面的能力是否有所提升,以及影响学习者的外界因素和内部因素,An activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing orunderstanding language (i.e. as a response). For example: drawing a map while listeningto a tape, listening to an instructions and performing a command, may be referred to astasks. Tasks may or may not involve the production of language. A task usuallyrequired the teaching to specify what will be regarded as successful completion of thetask. The use of a variety of different kinds of tasks in language teaching is said to makelanguage teaching more communicative… since it provides a purpose for a classroomactivity which goes beyond the practice of language for its own sake (Crystal,D, 1991).From this definition, we can say the author take a pedagogical perspective. Tasksare defines in terms of what the learners will do in class rather than the world outsidethe classroom. The third definition comes from Breen. Breen (1987:23) describes thetask as follow:…any structured language learning endeavor which has a particular objective,appropriate content, a specified working procedure, and a range of outcome for thosewho undertake the task. “Task” is therefore assumed to refer to a range of work planswhich have the overall purposes of facilitating language learning- from the simple andbrief exercise type, to more complex and lengthy activities such as groupproblem-solving or simulations and decision-making.
A task is an activity in which: meaning is primary; there is some communicationproblem to solve; there is some sort of relationship to comparable real-world activities;task completion has some priority; the assessment of the task is in terms of outcome.For all the definition above , David Nunan (1991) concluded that these definitionsall emphasize the fact that tasks involve communicative language use in which theusers’ attention id focused on meaning rather than grammatical form while thesedefinitions vary somewhat. Finally Nunan (1989) defines a task in the following way:A task is a piece of classroom work that involves learners in comprehending,manipulating, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention isfocused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to express meaning, and inwhich the intention is to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form.He also gives a clear definition as: the task is a piece of meaning- focused workinvolving learners in comprehending, producing, and/or interacting in the target language, and that tasks are analyzed or categorized according to their goals, input data,activities, setting and roles (David Nunan ,1989). Nunan’s book Designing Tasks forCommunicative Classroom symbolized for the task- based language teaching in theclassroom.
Chapter Two Literature Review 文献综述
Many language teaching experts have tried to find out what elements constitute atask. David Nunan (1989) thinks that a task has such six elements as goals, input,activities, role of teacher, role of learner and setting. He explains the features of thesesix elements respectively as follows: goal: exchanging personal information; input: thematerials that the learners work on; activities: what learners actually do with the input;teacher role: monitor and facilitator; learner role: conversational partner; setting:classroom/ pair work.Skehan (1996) distinguish three aspects of learner goal: accuracy, fluency andcomplexity. Firstly, accuracy refers to the learners’ ability to perform the level ofinterlanguage complexity they have learned. Secondly, Fluency concerns the learnersability to mobilize an interlanguage system to communicate meaning in real time.Finally, complexity is concerned with the elaboration of the underlying interlanguagesystem. Skehan (1996) highlights the necessity of the three areas in communication.The deficiency in any one may lead to unsuccessful communication.As for input, task-based input consists of teachers’ instruction and the material inthe text. Before the task is carried out, teachers should offer students enough relatedinformation so that the students are clear about what they will do. Task-based inputprovide games, role plays, simulations and task-based communication activities forcommunicative classroom teaching.
As for the definition of ESP, experts have their different explanations. Since ESPcame onto being in the 1960s, definitions of ESP have been found in the literature.Although a frequent term among linguists and language teachers, ESP’s exact meaningor references scope is still varied in the eyes of ESP researchers. Here, four influentialdefinitions will be quoted in order to provide a rich understanding of the definition ofESP.
(1) Hutchinson& Waters (1987) see ESP as an approach to language teachingrather than a product, by which they mean that ESP does not involve a particular kind oflanguage, teaching materials or methodology. They suggest that “the foundation of theESP is the simple question: Why does this learner need to learn a foreign language?” theanswer to this question relates to the learners, the language required as well as thelearning context, and thus establishes the primacy of need in ESP. Need is defined bythe reasons for which the students is learning English, which will vary from studypurposes to work purposes. These purposes are the starting points that determine thatthe language be taught.Hutchinson and Waters’ definition of ESP is a little bit abstract and general,although learners’ needs are stressed greatly. From their description, it is hard to get afull clear picture of ESP except that we know ESP is closely related to needs and needsanalysis.
(2) Pauline Robinson’s (1991:32) also accepts the primacy of needs analysis indefining ESP. Her definition is based on two key defining criteria and a number ofcharacteristics that are generally found to be true of ESP. Her key criteria are:
Chapter 3 Research Methodology .............................34-40
3.1 Participants and Experimenters............................. 34-35
3.2 Materials .............................35-36
3.3 Procedure .............................36-40
3.3.1 Experiment 1: Production .............................36-37
3.3.2 Experiment 2: Perception............................. 37-39
3.3.3 Experiment 3: Phonological Similarity .............................39-40
Chapter 4 Results .............................40-49
4.1 Production Task............................. 40-42
4.2 Perception Task............................. 42-44
4.3 Word Similarity Task .............................44-46
4.4 Analysis of the Three Factors............................. 46
4.5 Analysis of the Two Potential Factors .............................46-49
d principles of task-based language teaching were explained in chapter 2. In chapter 5,the author tried to implement the theory of task-based language teaching into legalEnglish teaching. And one sample unit of task-based language teaching is presented.In chapter 4, the data collected from the investigation have been presented andinterpreted. The results have exposed some of the important problems with legalEnglish teaching in universities in Chongqing and displayed, at least partly, the statusquo of legal English teaching in universities in Chongqing in front of us. The problemsexiting in legal English teaching call for a new reform in the teaching methodology. Theauthor suppose that what ought to be done first of all is to improve teachingmethodology in the class. Based on various problems exposed in legal English teachingand features of task-based language teaching, the author suggests that task-basedlanguage teaching be used in it.
Legal English belongs to the area of ESP. In order to understand legal Englishbetter, definition of ESP, classification of ESP, and origin of ESP have been presented inchapter 2. Based on the understanding of ESP, the present study discussed legal English,including its definition, history development, characteristics. Legal English teaching,which is one important focus in this paper, has been discussed in chapter 2 as well,tracing its origin and development in the United States and China.
第一章 绪论
第一节 研究缘起
国民素质取决于教育,尤其是基础教育,所以各国政府将基础教育的发展视为适应全球化挑战的战略方针,与国家的前途和民族的命运紧密联系在一起,于是基础教育的改革运动在世界范围内逐渐兴起。全球性的基础教育课程改革促使我国重新审视本身的基础教育课程体系,由于“固有的知识本位、学科本位问题没有得到根本的转变,所产生的危害影响至深,这与时代对人的要求形成了极大的反差”、“传统的应试教育势力强大,素质教育不能真正得到落实”等原因的存在,造成我国的基础教育课程却处于滞后的状态(朱慕菊,2007: 7-8)。在世纪之交之际,我国新一轮基础教育课程改革正式启动,2001 年 6 月 8 日,教育部印发了本次改革的指导性文件—《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》,其中明确提出了“积极开发并合理利用校内外各种课程资源。学校应充分发挥图书馆、实验室、专用教室及各类教学设施和实践基地的作用;广泛利用校外的图书馆、博物馆、展览馆、科技馆、工厂、农村、部队和科研院所等各种社会资源以及丰富的自然资源;积极利用并开发信息化课程资源”(教育部,2001)。因为“没有课程资源的广泛支持,再美好的课程改革设想也难变成中小学的实际教育成果,因为课程资源的丰富性和适切性程度决定着课程目标的实现范围和实现水平”(钟启泉,崔云漷,张华,2001:402)。作为本次基础教育课程改革重点之一的英语课程改革的指南,教育部最新制订了《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011 年版),将“丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道”作为英语课程改革的基本理念,并提出相应的“课程资源开发与利用的建议”。
第二节 研究目的与意义
一、 研究目的
第二章 文献综述
第一节 课程资源的概念
研究国外对课程资源的概念研究由来已久, Dewey 为了与教育科学的内容进行区分,提出了“教育科学的资源”(赵祥麟,王承绪,2006:211)的概念,指出符合科学的“某些结果”就是教育者利用的教育科学的资源,并将教育过程作为资源。后来 Dewey,(1902:5-12)提出教育过程由学习者、社会和有组织的学科三个基本因素组成。“活动分析法”倡导者博比特(F.Bobbitt)在《怎样编制课程》(How to Make a Curriculum)一书阐述了课程编制的步骤,从中可以将课程资源的概念归纳为能够被分析为各种活动,与学校教育相关、且能达到教育目标的不同领域内的人类经验。“错误分析法或困难分析法”倡导者 Charters(1923:80,82,75)认为课程的内容由理想和活动构成,课程编制的目的不是实现教育目标,而是克服在实现教育目标的过程中遇到的错误与困难,并分析学生活动中理想的运用情况,所以在他看来课程资源是克服在实现教育目标的过程中遇到的错误与困难的各种学生活动和活动中所要运用的理想。国内对课程资源研究仅仅只有十年之久,课程资源的概念研究基本上从课程目标、课程编制、课程活动、学校课程、教学过程五个角度出发分别做出界定,没有形成统一的概念。
第三章 研究设计................................ 22-72
第一节 研究内容与方法................................ 22-23
一、 研究内容 ................................22-23
二、 研究方法................................ 23
第二节 理论研究 ................................23-39
一、课程资源的理论基础................................ 23-25
二、课程资源开发与利用的理论基础................................ 25-31
三、 相关理论对资源开发与利用的启示 ................................31-39
第三节 实证研究 ................................39-72
一、 调查问卷的数据统计与分析................................ 39-70
二、 访谈 ................................70-72
第四章 研究结论与启示................................ 72-80
第一节资源开发与利用存在的问题................................ 72-74
第二节 问题原因分析................................ 74-76
一、 主观原因................................ 74-75
二、 客观原因 ................................75-76
第三节课程资源开发与利用的启示................................ 76-80
第五章 结语 ................................80-82
第一节 小结................................ 80
第二节 本研究的不足之处................................ 80
第三节 有待研究的问题 ................................80-82
(一) 学生应主动地向家长说明英语听力课程资源资源开发与利用对英语学习的重要性,并同时考虑家长的财力状况,在财力允许的范围内征求家长的支持。
(二) 学校为英语教师和学生提供一个良好的交流平台,鼓励家长积极参与家长见面会,注重家长见面会的质量,将课程资源的开发与利用作为家长会讨论的重点之一,交流彼此之间的关于英语听力课程资源开发与利用的建议。这样可以一方面使家长对学生购买英语听力课程资源进行理性的资金支持,同时在家中督促学生进行资源的开发与利用。例如,保证学生有一定的时间通过电视节目、广播或网络观看和收听英语节目,监督学生利用资金去书店等场所购买英语听力学习资料。