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英语的幽默(humor) —词源于拉丁语,其原意是“体液”,表示生理学上人体的四种体液以及这四种体液的不同比例对人的情绪、心理、体质所造成的影响。直至英国著名戏剧家本.森(Ben Jonson)于1598年和1599年分别创作的两部喜剧《个性互异》又《人皆幽默》(Every Man in His Humour)与《无人幽默》(EveryMan Out of His Humour)中的“humour” 一词的意思才发生了本质的改变,开始具有现代人文气息。而汉语的幽默一词,最早见于屈原的《楚辞?九章?怀沙》中的“孔静幽默”一句,意思为寂静无声。而具有现代意义的“幽默”含义则始于著名作家林语堂《征译散文并提倡“幽默”》一文,且林语堂先生还专门撰文《幽默杂谈》说明,“幽默”一词纯粹来自“humour”的音译,既可指滑稽搞笑的诙谐之风,亦可指风趣机智的端庄之气。幽默除了与人类日常生活紧密相关之外,其在文学中的体现更是淋滴尽致、无处不在。其中,小说就是一种寓幽默于其中的主要文学体裁。在中英文学史上,许多人尽皆知的作家皆因其幽默的笔法或语言风格而享誉盛名,其中,美国著名小说家欧.利就是典型的一位幽默大师,其许多代表作皆为讽刺幽默小说,闻名退迩。要对幽默一词进行准确而固定的定义,无疑是件吃力而不讨好的事。因为幽默是一种见仁见智的文化语言现象,它不单是一种说笑技巧,一种喜剧风格,更是一种人生态度及文化品位的体现。英美人对幽默的见解相比于中国人的更加宽泛(《21世纪大英汉词典》中对现代“humor”的定义就包含了 4条,包括与幽默有关的讯息、特点、性格及品质等;而《现代汉语词典》仅解释为“意味深长的诙谐风趣”,《新华字典》中则将"幽默”定义为“言辞举动表面轻松而实际含有深刻讽刺的”),并不仅仅局限于中国人所谓的善意的带有意识和智慧的令人微笑又不使人趟她的言行。很多时候,在英美人看来足以令人捧腹大笑的言语幽默,在中国人眼里却无论如何笑不起来,尤其是英国式的冷幽默,常通过自我艇低来达到讽刺艺术,显得更加灰色和隐晦(《深圳晚报:研究表明:英式“冷幽默”源头在基因》,2008.3.)。这就足以说明英汉两种语言文化对幽默的解读和表现形式都大为不同,甚至是英式幽默与美式幽默也大有区别,这里笔者暂不对此话题展开讨论。



本文在幽默翻译的可译性理论的基础上,以欧?亨利的《警察与赞美诗》的两汉译本为个例,探讨英语幽默小说的翻译问题。本文所选用的理论主要是以尤金. 达的功能对等论为指导,功能对等论要求译本读者在阅读和理解译本时,应该要达到能感知和原文本的读者理解的程度,译语文本的读者应该基本上能以原语读者理解和欣赏原文的方式来理解和欣赏译语文本(最大功能对等)。所以译者在传达原文内容时,要注意传达原文的风格、意境和神韵等。在英汉幽默翻译中,要更注意将幽默效果传达给译文读者。然而,在幽默翻译方面,是否真的能达到完全的功能对等,这是本文的一个研究问题所在。本选题详细分析了英汉两种语言各自的表现幽默的手法及其它们之间的异同点,从美国著名幽默小说家欧.亨利的短篇小说《警察与赞美诗》的原文及其两个汉译本着手,对两个汉译本进行对比与评析,探讨并总结出英汉幽默翻译的翻译策略,以求使译本最大限度地接近原文本的功能效果。然而在有些情况下,由于诸多因素的阻碍,该译本的功能效果并不能真正意义上地完全与原文的功能效果相对等,这些因素最主要包括英汉两种语言的语言异质和文化缺省。但我们也应该看到,尤金.奈达的功能对等理论在本文探讨的英语小说幽默翻译中,在有些情况下(普遍幽默)是完全可以达到的,但有的情况下(言语幽默和文化幽默)只能作为一种理想状态和追求的目标,并不能真正实现。




众所周知,世界上存在着两种人类的通用语言,即音乐与笑声。幽默就是能够使人的语言和生活充满笑声的添加剂,已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。尤其在西方,良好社交关系的建立与否,关键在于一个人是否具有较强的幽默品质。然而,虽然幽默在日常生活中随处可闻,但在学术领域里,幽默则是一个较为棘手,难以定义的学术概念。许多学者曾试着从不通过的学科领域对幽默进行研究和探索,例如哲学、心理学、社会学以及语言学等,结果却导致了 “认识论上的 .吹毛求疵(epistemological hairsplitting)”(Attardo, 1994:1)。Mahadev L. Apte 说根本不相信幽默与笑声的全人类学理论是存在的,而心理学与哲学理论也无法解释人类学幽默(Apte,1985:265)。Attardo (1994:3)认为,一个保罗万象的幽默定义,是不存在的。Schaeffer (1981:86)甚至断言,给幽默下定义是不可能做到的。Escarpit专门撰文《幽默定义的不可能性》On the Impossibility of Defining Humor表达他的观点。Lefcourt (2001:27)将给幽默下定义这一行为描述为“explanatory despair (解释性绝望)”。McGhee&Goldstein (1983:1)认为,人们对于如何定义幽默还未达成一致的意见。如前所述,这就足以证明,要对幽默做一个准确的定义好比难于上青天之事。其实,对幽默下定义的一个难点主要在于,用于描述幽默的术语并不浅显易懂,即使是众人皆知的辞典里对幽默的定义也毫不例外。例如,在《朗文当代英语词典》中,对幽默的定义如下:“使某事变得有趣的品质”,“特殊的人或人群发现的某种可以让事情变得愉悦的方法",”能够理解并欣赏愉悦情境或因某事而发笑的能力”。同样地,在《牛津高阶英语词典》(2004: :83),对幽默做了如此描述:"使某事变得有趣或偷悦的品质”,“对愉悦的事物发笑的能力’’。而《现代汉语词典》仅解释为“意味深长的诙谐风趣”,《新华字典》中则将“幽默"定义为"言辞举动表面轻松而实际含有深刻讽刺的"。



本文是以尤金.奈达的功能对等伦为主要理论指导的。美国著名语言学家尤金.奈达,也是西方翻译思想家的最主要代表人物之一,其最广为人知的翻译理论贡核心思想之一是提出了 “功能对等”的翻译原则。奈达认为,翻译其实是一种交际,而这一交际过程要依靠交际者通过听取或阅读相关翻译材料所接收到得信息来进行。要判断该翻译是否有效不能单从词汇意义、语法结构和修辞手段等层面上去进行比较,更主要的是应拓展到受众者对译文是否能正确理解并加以欣赏。据此,功能对等的实质是,译文接受者对译文的理解与欣赏的程度和方式应与源语接受者对原文的理解与欣赏的程度和方式相同,即原文读者与译文读者对各自文本的反应应是相同的。但奈达强调的对等,并不是指完全的“形式对等”,他认为为了保留原文的语趣和风味,可以牺牲形式上的对应,而达到清晰反映原文意图和意义的“动态对等”。然而,奈达的这一理论也遭到了许多质疑。


第三章英汉幽默表现形式 .......... 13

第一节英语幽默的语言表现形式.......... 14

第二节英汉幽默的对比.......... 16

第四章英语幽默汉译的难译性.......... 19

第一节英语幽默汉译的难点.......... 19

第二节英语幽默翻译难,但并非不可译.......... 21

第五章作者、作品、译者、译本介绍.......... 23

第一节作者、作品介绍.......... 23

第二节译者、译作介绍.......... 25









Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

As a brief introduction to the paper, this chapter consists of the following three parts: research backgroundof the study, research motivations and objectives of the study, and an overall structure of the paper. Phonetics is the linguistic science which describes and classifies the sounds of human language (Johnson& Johnson, 1999:235). By comparison with English reading and writing, English phonetic teaching andlearning in schools hasn’t got too much concern. New English Curriculum for 9 Years of Compulsory Education(2011) compounds the aims of English phonetic teaching in junior high schools: English phonetic teaching isone of the major contents of English teaching. The foundation for communication in English is the correct andfluent pronunciation and intonation. During the verbal communication, tones and intonations should be pointedout emphatically. In the initial stage of English teaching, phonetic teaching should be mainly carried outthrough imitation. With the purpose of helping students develop good habits of pronunciation, teachers ought toprovide plenty of opportunities for listening, imitating and practicing the English pronunciation. Through theabove description, it is clearly to be found that learning normative English pronunciation and intonation isnecessary for effective communication. As an implementation language for communicating with each other,English is very practical and flexible. Without any doubt, English phonetics is not an option of learning, but anessential part.


1.2 Research Motivations and Objectives

During the process of English teaching, many teachers will always encounter this problem: Although thestudents have learned English for years, many of them still cannot use it fluently. They just remember thewords by rote, and repeat the letters over and over again, so they can write every word correctly but can’tpronounce any one of them, so the situation of “dumb English” has been formed. As for this problem, we canfind that students are not able to use English very well, mainly due to their minimal knowledge ofpronunciation and limited phonetic training. If teachers want to help students learn English in the right way,English pronunciation should be emphasized in daily English teaching. In recent years, many English teachershave been aware of the importance of phonetic teaching, but the boring phonetic symbols, a great number ofcomplex pronunciation rules and monotonous teaching method always make students feel confused. Therefore,a significant job for English teachers, especially the ones from Junior High schools, is how to effectively carryout the phonetic teaching, and thus help students master the English pronunciation better and faster.This experimental study aims to further examine the positive transfer of L1 by training the Chinese JuniorHigh students’pronunciation of English front vowels .


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Overview of Language Transfer Studies

With the work of some linguists from America, thediscussion of transfer was commenced in the 1940s and 1950s. “The origins of the term go back toBehaviorism and its view that the first / native language habits. Although it was later discredited, the notion oftransfer has been revived again and remains one of the most fundamental in L2 acquisition research” (Johnson,2001). After that period, many linguists from different schools of thought has been studied the languagetransfer for a long time, so in the mind of linguists, language transfer has been proved to be a painstaking job todefine it. (Odlin, 1989).The investigation of Language Transfer Theory has generally gone through three stages: At the first stageduring the 1950s and 1960s, language transfer played an essential role in the field of SLA, and it was closelylinked with the theory of behaviorism. Later, it turned into the theoretical foundation of contrastive analysis.During the years from the late 1960s to 1970s, this theory entered into the second stage. With the influence ofGeneral Grammar from Chomsky’s view, Language Transfer Theory and Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis wereopposed by plenty of linguists. At the third stage, from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, Language TransferTheory obtained the development and therefore got back its important position in the field of SLA, then it wasseen as one of the significant strategies in language learning. At the same time, Language Transfer Theory wasalso a complex course of psychology influenced by many different factors.


2.2 Overview of Phonetic Teaching and Learning

In the language system, Acoustical Phonetics, Articulatory Phonetics and General Phonetics are usuallyincluded in the investigations of phonetics. In contrast with written language, it seems that spoken language ismore difficult. Therefore, the phonetic teaching becomes pretty important and indispensable for all our Chineselearners. With the improvement of the investigations, Pronunciation of L1/L2, English Phonology andPhonetics, Auditory Phonetics, Experimental Phonetics, Phonetics for L1/L2 Teaching, Phonology& Intonationof L1/L2, Acquisition of L1/L2 Phonology, Acquisition of L1/L2 Phonetics, Phonetics for L1/L2communication, Interface between Phonology & Phonetics, The Use of IT in Phonetic Teaching and otherrelevant researches have been investigated by scholars thus lead to the remarkable achievements. After having areview of the achievements related to the English phonetic studies in the past few years, we can find that thefollowing five aspects which are relevant to the English phonetics have been investigated: the acquisition ofphonetics, the further studies on phonetic theory, researches on the influence factors of speech learning ability,and the studies on English phonetic teaching method.In China, the phonetic teaching has really been explored since 2002. With regard to the theoryof phonetics,the relevant researches are still insufficient. He Shanfen (1987) raised that phonetic learning in China forstudents shouldn’t be studied out only by listening, some proper and effectual teaching methods must beexplored for our students. During the process of English phonetic learning, most errors have been analyzed bythe experts. As for learning the English pronunciation, there are various influence aspects excluding the dialector accent. In order to improve the English phonetic learning, some scholars stated that we should connect bothtraditional classrooms and cyber classrooms for the reason of the practicability and superiority of multimediateaching. Nowadays, how to promote and complete the theoretical structure of phonetics, and how to perfectthe institution of evaluation and examination have become the very important problems to be solved.



3.1 Research Questions.....23

3.2 Research Participants........23

3.3 Materials.....24

3.4 Research Instruments and Procedures......24

3.4.1 Instruments........24

3.4.2 Procedures .........25

3.4.3 Take the Pronunciation of Phoneme for Example ....26

3.5 Data Collection......27


4.1 Results and Discussion of the Recording Data....29

4.1.1 Problems on Pronunciation of Monophthongs......29

4.1.2 Problems on Pronunciation of Diphthongs......34

4.2 DataAnalysis and Discussion on the Experiment.....37


5.1 Major Findings.......43

5.2 Pedagogical Implications........ 45

5.3 Limitation and Prospects......... 46

Chapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Results and Discussion of the Recording Data

During the process of English phonetic learning, the phonemes of vowels and consonants are the basiccontent for learners to face in the first place. The sounds of vowels are produced without any obstruction of thearticulators, however, the production of consonants are influenced by a series of obstruction from thearticulators. Therefore, the learner can directly feel the position and manner of the obstruction, and he will findit not hard to pronounce the consonants. That is to say, it is very difficult for learners to correctly feel the exactposition in pronouncing these vowels. For most Chinese EFL learners, maybe the course of acquiring thepronunciation of vowels is more difficult than the one of consonants. This is why the author chooses thephonetic teaching of vowels to complete this experiment.Before this teaching experiment, the author made a recording of the participants in order to investigate thecurrent situation of vowels’ pronunciation from junior high students. Through the analysis of comparison ofthese recording data, the author has found out some problems.



This experimental study aimed to examine and analyze the junior high students’ pronunciation problemsof English vowels, and attempted to facilitate the phonetic teaching in Junior High schools. The author selected60 junior high students from No.18 Junior High School in Jiaozuo as the participants. In the light of thephonetic teaching experiment in September and the observation of three months, the major findings can begeneralized as follows:Firstly, during the process of English phonetic learning, the pronunciation of each vowel is very difficultfor students to grasp, because different vowels’production is generally determined by the position of the tongueand the relative opening of the mouth. Just as analyzed by this investigation, some pronunciation problems arevery common among the junior high students. They have always confused the short vowels with longvowels, and most of them take the one-sided view that long vowels are pronounced only longer than shortvowels on the part of duration, ignoring the quality of different sounds. That’s why the sentence “She wants tolive here.” is usually misunderstood as “She wants to leave here.” through their production. In addition tothis, almost all the students neglect a detail that the duration of the same vowel will alter in different phoneticcontexts, which means the duration of the vowel sound that is followed by a voiced consonant will be longerthan that of the same vowel sound that is followed by a voiceless consonant.


Reference (omitted)


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background

Autonomous learning is “the ability to take charge of one's own learning" and to hold theresponsibility for all the decisions concerning all aspects of the learning, especially indetermining the objectives, defining the contents and progressions, selecting methods andtechniques to be used, monitoring the procedure of acquisition properly (speaking rhythm,time, place, etc.) and evaluating what has been acquired (Holecl981:3). With the developmentof the society and the reform of English education, autonomous learning has become a hottopic in the area of English learning in recent years and it is an essential ability for Englishlearners, especially for the junior middle school students. Because of their physical andmental development, they are at the key stage to develop autonomous learning ability, so it'svery urgent and important to strengthen the research about the present situation ofautonomous learning in junior middle school and how to improve junior middle schoolstudents' autonomous learning ability.With the further research of autonomous learning, people have realized that good learningstrategies play an important role in cultivating students' autonomous learning ability. Wendenpoints out that learning strategy is the key to promote autonomous learning whilemetacognitive strategy is the key to learning strategy (Wenden 1985). Because trainingstudents' metacognitive strategy is one of the main approaches of improving students'autonomous learning ability. However, the current domestic research mainly focuses on thetheories, the definitions, the cultural adaptability, the necessity and feasibility of autonomouslearning, and the investigation of present situation of autonomous learning ability, etc. Thereare only a few researches about metacognitive strategy training and its effects in autonomouslearning, and they mainly concern about the college students,the high school students and thesecondary vocational students. Actually, junior middle school students are at the key stage todevelop autonomous learning ability because of their physical and mental development.


1.2 Purposes

This study aims to investigate the overall situation of autonomous learning for juniormiddle school students and it mainly concerns aspects of learning motivation, learningcontent, learning time, learning methods, learning process, learning outcomes, and learningenvironment, so as to sum up the main problems existed in autonomous learning for juniormiddle school students. Then,based on the problems, the author can put forward somerelevant metacognitive strategies so as to train junior middle school students' autonomouslearning ability. What's more, the results of the research can provide English teachers injunior middle school with a frame of reference when they are fostering students' autonomouslearning ability.


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Autonomous Learning

So far, there are different terminologies of autonomous learning, such as "self-regulatedlearning", “active learning", self-instruction", "self-planned learning", “learner autonomy”,“self-directed learning”,“self-access learning", "independent learning", "self-direction" andso on(quoted in Xu Jinfen and Zhan Xiaohai 2004:2). Then what is autonomous learning,there is no agreed definition. The scholars in the Eastern or Western give their own definitionsand names in accordance with their research.The concepts of “autonomous learning" originated in 1960s in the debate about thedevelopment of lifelong learning skill and the development of independent thinkers. One ofthe earliest and most frequently cited definitions of autonomous learning was given by Holecand he defined it as “the ability to take charge of one's own learning" and to hold theresponsibility for all the decisions concerning all aspects of the learning, especially indetermining the objectives, defining the contents and progressions, selecting methods andtechniques to be used, monitoring the procedure of acquisition properly speaking (rhythm,time, place, etc.) and evaluating what had been acquired (Holec 1981:3). From the definitiongiven by Holec we could find that he defined autonomous learning in terms of the capacity tomake decisions at successive stages and it covers the main areas of what the learners shoulddo during the learning process. His definition gives prominence to the use of metacognitivestrategies, which contains planning, selection, evaluation and so on.


2.2 Metacognitive Strategies

There are a variety of different definitions of metacognitive strategies given by different With previous researchers' terminologies and descriptions of metacognitive strategiesfrom different dimensions, the definitions of metacognitive strategies are various.Nevertheless, they have some common parts and they all emphasize planning, monitoring,and evaluating of the learning, because they are the core parts of metacognitive strategies. Inthe author's opinion, metacognitive strategies refer to knowing about one's knowing. Itenables a cognitive goal to be reached and help learners reason out the rashness, blindness andirrationality in learning. Metacognitive strategies mainly contain three different aspects: planning strategies,monitoring strategies,and evaluating strategies. Planning strategies refer to the arrangementof the learning targets and learning process before learners start their learning activities;monitoring strategies indicate that according to their learning targets and plans,learnersmanage and monitor their learning process, learning methods and learning results consciouslyduring the process of autonomous learning; evaluating strategies refer to learners' evaluationand introspection of the learning process and learning results, and adjust their learningstrategies on the basis of practical learning situation.


Chapter Three Research Methodology........ 17

3.1 Research Questions........ 17

3.2 Research Subjects........ 18

3.3 Research Instruments........ 19

3.3.1 Questionnaire ........19

3.3.2 Test Papers ........20

3.4 Research Procedures........ 20

Chapter Four Analysis and Discussion........ 22

4.1 Data Analysis of the Questionnaire........22

4.2 Pre-testing Data Analysis........ 25

4.2.1 Overall Pre-testing Scores........ 25

4.2.2 Pre-testing Scores in Basic English........ 26

4.3 Metacognitive Strategies Training........ 27

4.4 Post-testing Data Analysis........ 35

4.4.1 Overall post-testing Scores........ 35

4.4.2 Post-testing Scores in Basic English........ 37

4.5 Summary of the Effects of Metacognitive ........ 38

Chapter Five Conclusion ........39

5.1 Summary of the Study ........39

5.2 Limitation of the Present Study ........42

5.3 Recommendation for Further Research........ 42

Chapter Four Analysis and Discussion

This chapter mainly includes four parts: first, the author analyzed the collected data of thequestionnaire to get a general view of the present situation of middle school students'autonomous learning,and then summed up the main problems existed; secondly, the collecteddata of pre-testing scores was analyzed so as to compare with the post-testing scores; thirdly,aiming at the problems, the author put forward some relevant metacognitive strategies fortraining in the teaching experiment; finally, the collected data of post-training test wereanalyzed, and through practical metacognitive strategies training experiment, the authorwould like to check whether these training strategies effective or not and whether the students'overall grade point average and the average scores in basic knowledge, reading and writingare improved faster than that in original teaching way.



As we all know that autonomous learning is the ability to take charge of one's ownlearning and to hold the responsibility for all the decisions concerning all aspects of thelearning, especially in setting learning targets, making learning plan, choosing learningmethods, managing learning time,monitoring learning process, and evaluating learningresults. But to cultivate and improve junior middle school students' autonomous abilities inthese aspects, the first and the most important thing is to improve students' subjectconsciousness because it is the essence of and precondition of autonomous learning. Withoutstrong subject consciousness, it is easy to strengthen students’ dependency on the teachers,because they have not clearly realized that learning is an important thing for themselves notfor the teachers. Only when they realize this point can they be more responsible and positivefor their own learning.


Reference (omitted)


绪 论


2007 年,教育部正式颁布《大学英语课程教学要求》,明确了“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。”按照这一要求,全国各高等院校据此制订自己各专业的人才培养方案和目标。而实际中遇到的问题是,有相当一部分的大学生在完成大学期间的英语学习任务之后,并不能达到培养目标所设定的效果,英语不仅没有成为他在大学后生活、工作和社会交往中的有效工具,反而在大学期间就开始成为其学业中需要花费大量时间和精力去攻克的“难关”,因为有学期考试,有四六级考试。很多学生为了考试和过级而学英语,并不是为了使用它。因此造成还有一种现象就是,考试和过级能考个好分数,但是却一直都是“哑巴”英语,不会说,不会用,只会做题。这种现象的存在,问题出在哪里?这是值得教育者深思的一个问题。对于体育院校的学生来讲,文化课的基础本来就很差,再加上专业训练要花费大量的时间,因此,即使经过高考到了大学,本来英语就是其升学路上给自己拉分的科目,考上大学之后,英语仍是体育类大学生眼中的头号 “公敌”。上课时,听不懂,说不出,做题也不会,为了考试达标想尽一切办法,但最终还是经常落个不及格的结果。随着经济全球化的加剧,体育文化产业也日益国际化,大众化,对懂英语会体育的高素质专业人才的需求也与日俱增。英语作为一种国际化的主流通用语言之一,是每一位大学生必须掌握的基本技能。对于体育院校的大学生来说,学好英语这门语言,不仅可以向世界人民积极推广中国传统体育文化,还可以将世界的体育文化吸收进来,最终促进我国体育事业的发展。





第一章 大学英语教学在体育院校中的重要作用

一、 实施大学英语教学是改进体育院校传统教育观念的需要



二、 大学英语教学是对体育院校学生进行素质教育的需要



第三章 体育院校英语教学的现状调查及数据统计 ...... 13

一、 调查设计 ........ 13

二、 调查数据与结果 ........ 13

第四章 体育院校英语教学的问题及分析 .... 23

一、 教师教学方面 ...... 23

二、 学生学习方面 ...... 26

三、 其他方面 ........ 28

第五章 体育院校大学英语教学改革发展建议 ........ 31

一、教师和教学方面 ...... 31

2二、学生教育方面 ........ 32

三、教学管理方面 ........ 33

四、创新型建议 ...... 34

第五章 体育院校大学英语教学改革发展建议

一、 教师和教学方面:









一、 研究的背景



二、 研究的现实意义

英语教学改革提倡让学生从做中学,学中做,学了用的教学方法,发展学生运用语言进行交流旳能力,在教学目标上要求“培养尊重其它文化的意识与态度,帮助学生形成对自己文化的认同感与自豪感;使学生有能力从不同的文化视角来审视和理解同样的事件和经验,提高对文化差异性的欣赏能力” ?传统的教学模式难以实现这一英语教学目标。为了实现这一目标,英语教师应该改变陈旧的教学思想,逐步采用切实可行,受学生欢迎的新型的教学模式,那就是我所提倡的英语活动教学模式。营造出合作学习的氛围,引导学生用所学英语知识解决实际问题,反过来,在使用英语的过程中更加熟练地掌握英语。培养学生的合作学习,让学生在交流之中,互相帮助、共同进步。引导学生尽量用英语来思考问题,使之成为一种技能,被学生牢牢掌握,终生受益。英语活动教学方式顺应了这一要求,体现了以学生为本的教学理念。所以,它的意义是巨大的。它的意义体现在以下几个方面:1.点燃了学生学习英语的热情。英语活动教学能激起学生学习的内在动机,学生的热情被慢慢点燃,有了想学习的欲望。趁着这个时候,教师抓紧机会,培养学生积极思考、敢于动口的好习惯。有了这个习惯,所学的英语自然会朗朗上口,学生就会觉得学英语挺有意思的,挺有成就感的。浓厚的兴趣自然而然就产生了。有了浓厚的兴趣,才会主动去学习,学习就会被学生视作一件快乐的事,而不是一种负担,学生就会有一种愉悦的学习情绪,才会产生创造性的思维。2.培养学生用英语表达自己的观点,用英语进行交际的能力。语言是人们进行思想交流传递信息的工具,它与思维是时时刻刻联系在一起的。在传统的英语教学模式下,培养出来的学生用英语进行交流的能力较差。学生要开口说英语,与别人交流之前,一般是先从母语翻译到英语,然后再小心翼翼地说出来,这样说出来的英语往往不地道,中国味十足。英语活动教学的主要特点之一是训练学生的口语为中心,让学生大胆开口说,把一些语法错误通过多说多练的形式加以改正,正确的用法在使用中牢记。



一、 活动教学的内涵



二、 活动教学的原因



第三节初中英语中活动教学的实施策略.......... 8

一、活动教学的基本过程........ 8

(一)活动准备........ 8

(二) 活动实施........ 9

(三)活动评价........ 10

二、初中英语中活动教学的操作要领........ 10

(一)英语活动教学的“自由”........ 10

(二)英语活动教学中的“鼓励评价”........合 11

(三)英语活动教学中现代化教学手段的运用........ 12

三、初中英语活动教学的基本方法........ 12

第四节英语活动教学应注意的问题........ 23

一、活动要具有趣味性和可操作性 ........24

(一)活动趣味性........ 24

(二)活动的可操作性........ 25

二、面向全体学生,合理应用评价手段........ 25

(一)面向全体学生设计活动........ 25

(二)活动结果要及时反馈和评价........ 25

第五节结束语 ........27









第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

信息技术日新月异,互联网技术不断普及,计算机网络已经成为了当代信息化、自动化重要领域之一。利用互联网实现教育信息的分散化服务,将优质教育资源进行共享,为广大用户提供远程的学习环境,自然成了各级教育专家和软件开发公司重点研究探讨的领域。许多中小学也在逐渐对基础教学设施进行完善,目前在全国各地去的中小学校都能够普遍地看到多媒体教学模式,不仅如此,在部分示范性中小学以及经济发达的地区,基本上实现了计算机、声控设备等设施的 100%覆盖[1]。从实质上看,多媒体技术的出现,很好地对声音、图像、计算机网络技术等进行了融合,使得教学工作更加容易展开,令人感觉到惟妙惟肖的全新体验。随着国家教育信息化建设的推进,数字化校园网络以及多媒体技术的相关应用也得到迅速发展。在 2004 年教育部颁发的《初中英语新课程标准》中就强调[2]“英语课程教学教学强调学生实际应用能力的掌握,注重从英语实际应用环境的创建来培养学生学习英语的兴趣和激情。在教学过程中,需要积极引入现代信息技术,根据初中英语教学目标以及所在学校信息化建设的实际环境和条件,围绕初中英语学科知识及教学资源进行整合,通过网络技术这种新型载体,构建多媒体英语教学环境,实现“任务驱动、自主探究、协作交流”等学习策略及目标[3];通过多媒体网络技术教学,可以将初中英语教学摆脱过去传统的“填鸭式”教学模式,能够更好的将生活实际场景利用多媒体教学手段进行模拟,让学生成为英语课堂的主角,以形成积极的学习态度,使学生能够以多种渠道、多种方式接触到英语,实现一种更为灵活、自由的信息化教学模式。初中英语信息化教学实践表明,CAI 教学系统的应用,能从根本上改变教与学的方式。因此,外语教学 CAI系统的开发已经成为外语教学中的一个重要环节[4]。


1.2 英语辅助教学系统研究现状



第二章 系统开发相关技术及体系结构

2.1 C/S 与 B/S 模式

传统的 C/S 结构已经很难适应目前越来越大的管理信息系统规模和复杂度,特别是在多用户,分散的数据库网络组建的环境下,为了进一步提高网络英语教学辅助管理系统的灵活应用,本系统选用目前流行的 B/S 浏览器与服务器结构,满足用户需求。C/S(即客户机/服务器模式)类型软件分为服务器和客户机两层,它也是输入、输出设备[17]。服务器通常采用高性能的 PC、工作站或小型机,同时,客户机也具备一定的数据处理和存储能力,很多工作可以在客户端处理后再提交给服务器,通过把应用软件的数据与逻辑处理在服务器和客户机的合理分配,才能实现网络传输过程中服务器运算量和网络流量的平衡,发挥系统最大处理效率。这种开发模式开发的软件多限于局域网应用,也需要安装专门的技术实现远程访问。由于不同的服务器连接个数不同和数据通信量的限制也不同,C/S 结构的软件的适应在用户数目有限。此外,当软件需要升级或完善时,其维护成本也是很高的。国内目前的大部分公司内部、ERP(财务)软件产品即属于此类结构[18]。为了克服对 C/S 结构的不足,B/S(浏览器/服务器模式)是随着 Internet 技术的兴起而诞生了。B/S 结构,软件应用的用户表现完全在 Web 服务器实现,业务逻辑完全在应用服务器端实现,客户端只需要浏览器即可进行业务处理,属于一种全新的软件系统构造技术[19]。这种结构已经更成为当今应用软件的首选体系结构,目前大多公司采用这种结构。


2.2 MVC 设计模式

Struts 在 MVC 模式中对 Model 的实现主要可以从系统的内部状态以及引起状态改变的动作进行理解。Struts 框架并没有为设计和创建模型组件提供现成的框架,其内部状态可以根据应用系统功能业务的不同复杂程度分别选择由一组JavaBean 表示或者 EJB(Enterprise JavaBean)和 JDO(Java Data Object)来表示。在Struts 框架模型层的实现中,有两类重要对象,分别是 Action 和 ActionForm,所有的 Action 对象从 Struts 的 Action 类派生,Struts 应用的 Action 类可以使用这个业务代理接口,而不必直接和持久化框架交互。通过定义属性描述客户端窗体数据来封装具体的处理逻辑,通过 ActionForm 组件对象来调用业务逻辑模块来处理用户的请求,并将返回的操作数据或结果提交到视图层,从而实现视图层与模型层之间的数据交互。除了内建行为,还有一个用来定义你自己的标记的标准设施,它被组织成“自定义标记库”。Java 开发者很容易在 JSP 当中直接嵌入由 Java 语言编写的小程序来实现条件业务逻辑和循环。为了减小 JSP 语言编写规模,加快开发效率,MVC 模式中通过将复杂的处理逻辑分离到 Model 和Controller 组件中去[24]。在 Struts 框架中,一些自定义标记能够很好的与模型层进行交互来实现和 Model 部分中的 ActionForm 的映像,完成对用户数据的封装以及创建 JSP 窗体等。


第三章 系统分析与建模.... 13

3.1 可行性分析....... 13

3.2 系统业务流程分析....... 14

3.3 系统功能需求分析....... 15

3.4 教学系统建模......... 18

3.5 非功能性需求......... 24

3.6 本章小结..... 26

第四章 系统设计.... 27

4.1 系统设计原则......... 27

4.2 系统体系结构设计....... 28

4.3 系统功能模块划分....... 29

4.4 网络拓扑结构设计....... 30

4.5 数据库设计....... 32

4.5.1 概念结构设计 .... 32

4.5.2 基本数据表设计 ...... 33

4.5.3 数据库连接配置 ...... 36

4.6 本章小结..... 36

第五章 系统功能模块实现...... 37

5.1 系统开发环境建立....... 37

5.2 系统总体功能流程图......... 38

5.3 主要功能模块实现....... 40

5.4 本章小结..... 50

第六章 系统测试与验证

6.1 系统测试流程及环境

本文在初中英语网络教学辅助系统设计完成后,在开发过程中采用并行的软件测试方法对其进行了系统性的测试,测试主要分为 3 个阶段,首先是在开发阶段进行的开发人员测试,第二个阶段是单元测试,测试人员按照用例对系统进行单元测试,这些都完成后,最后的一个阶段就是进行整体测试和联机测试。其详细步骤描述如下[41]:

1 在进行需求分析阶段根据获取的系统用例模型以及功能结构图,建立基于用例模型的系统测试方案,用于对实现后的系统单元模块进行测试(包含系统单元测试数据);2. 根据系统各模块的特征项,结合需求编写系统测试预测试项;


4 通过软件编码,对设计的跟踪得以实施。测试人员根据各功能模块的实现代码,由模块实现人员根据程序执行的路径以及具体的逻辑实行白盒测试,并生成BUG 报告,根据报告进行模块代码的优化及完善;



本文系统设计建立在 SSH(Struct+Spring+Hibernate)框架的基础上,初中英语教学辅助系统基于目前流行的浏览器/服务器结构,采用模型、视图与控制层即可以简化应用程序开发和维护的设计模式,和三层客户/服务器模式在逻辑上将应用功能分为三层:客户显示层、业务逻辑层、数据层,并利用软件工程的原理和方法,结合自身初中英语开放式教学实际特点进行系统分析、设计、实现及测试。本文主要做了以下工作:




(4)利用 Struct+Spring+Hibernate 开源框架和目前流行的 B/S 结构,最大努力的提高系统模块“高内聚,低耦合,易扩展”。




Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Present Study

Eco-linguistics is also called ecology of language, which dating from the term “ecology”.Haugen made his statement; the term ‘language ecology’ has increasingly come about in thelanguage learning field, also in the literature, in a range of framework. This literature onlanguage ecology includes the discussion related to cognitive development and humaninteraction, the development and survival of languages, the promotion of linguistic persity,language planning and language acquisition, the ecology of classroom interaction anddiscourse. Since coming to new century, with the development of industrial reform and therapidly development of economy, the environment problems become more and more seriously,consequently people realize the effect on the environment, and people realize the importanceof language plays in the whole environment. After entering the 21st century, the practice offoreign language teaching offered an objective condition for the generation of ecologicallinguistics. More and more foreign language teaching researchers and workers have realizedthe shortage of today’s language teaching methods: there was no doubt that most of teachingmethods played very important role in language classroom, but these kinds of foreignlanguage teaching method analyzed classroom teaching in a static point of view or made alinear analysis. It is unable to satisfy the needs of real communication and the purpose oflanguage teaching goal. Ecological language teaching emphasizes the role of mobility playedin foreign language classroom teaching, which was recognized by more and more languageresearchers.


1.2 Significance of the Present Study

Ecological language teaching realize weaken students of the traditional languageteaching methods, its pay more attention to the interaction among different learning factors, and put all the factors in a whole teaching process, at the same time, Eco-linguistics point outthat language classroom teaching was dynamic and it’s vital to survey foreign languageclassroom teaching in a sustainable way, the classroom teaching was a process for bothteachers and students to explore how to improve the Students’ level of foreign language andtheir abilities. As a practical discipline that studies the interactive relationship betweenlanguage and the environment, Eco-linguistics induced and enhanced the development ofecological language teaching. Starting from the basic principles of Eco-linguistics, ecologicallanguage teaching focuses on the holistic, dynamic, interactive, and situated features oflanguage. It also reveals such characteristics as the interaction between language learners andthe environment, the interaction between all related factors in language teaching and learning,and aiming at language learner’s initiatives and sustainable development as well. In theprocess, not only the students should grow up, but teachers can develop themselves in verybroad terms.


Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Basis of Eco-linguistics

Ecological linguistics (Eco-linguistics), also called language ecology (Ecology ofLanguage), which is the combination of ecological Science and linguistics, Eco-linguisticsappeared in the 1990s as a new paradigm of linguistic research which considered not only thesocial context where language is embedded, but also the ecological context in which allenvironments are included. Michael Halliday’s 1990 paper new ways of Meaning: thechallenge to applied linguistics is often regarded as a seminal work which provided thestimulus for linguists to consider the ecological context and consequences of language.Among other things, the challenge that Halliday put forward was to make linguistics relevantto the issues and concerns of the 21st century, particularly the widespread destruction ofecosystems. The main example Halliday gave was that of 'economic growth', where hedescribed how the orientation of the English language with regard to unmarked terms such aslarge, grow, tall, and good gives growth a positive aspect, despite the negative ecologicalconsequences. Since Halliday's initial comments, the field of Eco-linguistics has developedconsiderably, primarily in the direction of analyzing the ecological impact of specificdiscourses rather than languages in general.


2.2 Basic notion of Eco-linguistic

2.2.1 Origin of This Theory

Eco-linguistic is also named ecology of language, it is the new study field in languageareas, EL was dated from the word” ecology” ,it was the combination of ecology andlanguage, and it was studied from the aspect of the relationship among language, ecology andenvironment. The theory stress status the study, which puts language into ecosystem, andlearning language in the process of learning environment. The creation of EL is the needs ofbuilding the harmonious relationship between human being and the environment, it embodythe self-development of language. Because of the influences of Eco-linguistic, the ecologicallanguage teaching model appearsJust as the linguists point out, language is a phenomenon. Ecology here is a metaphor,and it means the relationship between language and different ethic and geographyenvironment, all these factors put together and influences each other. As Haughen (1972)pointed out: EL is a subject which study the interaction between language and languageenvironments. Language like other animals and plants, they all have their own life, and so it isthe language, language has its own life, as language researcher, it is necessary to analyze thelanguage from the view of ecology; language is not only a phenomena, it is also the humanbeing’s activity, which the inpiduals and terms take part in it and play roles in it, whenusing the language’s communicative functions, the outside and inside environment getinvolve in it. The application and study of EL aims at studying the language features- holistic,dynamic, and interactive and situated and so on. (WangYanping 2010: 134-137) the featuresof language call for the application of ecological language.


Chapter 3 Reconstructions of Ecological Classroom Teaching.......19

3.1 The Ideal of Ecological Clastudentsroom Teaching....19

3.2 A Teaching Sample…………22

Chapter 4 Research Design …......28

4.1 Research Questions ......... 28

4.2 Subjects of the Study ..... 28

4.3. Methods for the Study ......... 29

4.4 Data Collection and Analysis of the Study.........29

4.4.1 Pre-test....30

4.4.2 A Questionnaire before the Experiment and Its Analysis.....31

4.4.3 Mid-test and Post-test.....34

4.4.4 Analysis of the Three Tests........34.

4.4.5 Interviews about Ecological Linguistics Teaching Mode.....36

4.5 Findings and Discussions of the Study.........37

4.5.1Research Findings......37

4.5.2 Discussions of the Study.......37

Chapter 5 Conclusion......39

5.1 Major Findings .... 39

5.2 Limitations ..... 39

5.3 Recommendations for the Future Teaching.....39

Chapter 4 Research Design

4.1 Research Questions

The study was carried out in Tin Ka Ping Experimental Middle School, which is a seniormiddle school in the city of Chi Feng,Inn Mongolia Province.Jin Shan is an underdevelopedmountainous city in the north of Inn Mongolia Province and the school is about 38 kilometersaway from the downtown.There are 72 teaching classes and about 5000 students and 400professional teachers here.The subjects for the study were the students in Class 20 and 21,Grade One.Before they came to this school,they had learned English for three years in thejunior middle schools.This is a vary famous school in this area,the students scores in each exam are importantpart of assessing the teacher’s teaching and work,thus duo to be fair to the teachers’teaching,the new students are pided into different classes and then enrolled in differentclasses with computer according to their scores in the entrance examination as a consequence,all classes are nearly at the same level of learning achievements.Therefore,the two classesthat I choose from were very similar in many aspects. They are the same level of Englishability on average,with the same learning material and the same class hours of English,andthe same teacher. Besides,they had never been cultivated by the Eco-linguistic Teachingmethod before. Thus they were suitable for the experiment Three years of English learningshowed their average levels of achievements.



Learning never takes place in a vacuum; the impact of the environment on learning alanguage plays an active role, both at the macro level of the culture in which the learningtakes place or the educational system, and at the narrower level of the school or classroomethos. What is of particular significance to us is that ecological or systems approachemphasize the importance of taking into account the total environment of the learner if we areto explain adequately how and why people learn. They also stress the dynamic, interactivenature of all the language learners. The learning process must be viewed holistically with asmuch emphasis being placed on relationships and interactions as on the participants and thecontent of what is learned. The whole learning process, therefore, becomes more than merelythe sum of its parts. Though this topic of my study is not new for research since many peoplehave studied more or less , there are also two things that can be took into considerationemphasized. Firstly, the study of classroom ecology is really cater to the new teaching content,because there is a very vital element of language teaching reform in English education in bothjunior and senior high schools. According to the new standard, the teaching methods can havean effect on teaching and learning process, thus, an ecological environment and assessmentused in English classroom is necessary. Secondly, after the present study, it can be concludedthat the research of ecological classroom can be conducted well though it is related to manyfactors including linguistic factor, including the learning style, learning method and learningenvironment.


Reference (omitted)


1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research

Since open door policy was adopted, China has experienced big changes, politicalstability, economic prosperity and cultural prosperity, especially the success of the 2008Olympic Games and the 2010 World Expo, significantly improving China's internationalstatus. Therefore, more and more foreigners want to set foot on the land of China. China'stourism industry ushered in the development of unprecedented opportunities and challenges.According to the National Tourism Bureau statistics, in 2009 the number of inbound tourismto foreigners was 21,937,500 , while the number in 2010 is 26,126,900 people, an increase of4189400 in only one year and the growth rate of about 19.09%. So, the demand for employeesin the tourism industry is increasing, and at the same time, the higher requirement on thequality of practitioners is also put forward. Those who have professional skills and Englishtalent are welcome by more and more enterprises. Higher occupation school students as themain staff on tourism line,in order to meet the needs of the future development of tourismindustry,their English level also needs to be improved.At the same time, the higher occupation education in China has ushered in a hithertounknown development opportunity. In 2002, at the National Conference on the occupationeducation, all regions, departments are called on to earnestly implement the "Decision of theState Council on promoting the occupation education reform and development" (of the[2002]16) to strengthen the occupation education leadership and support. Since then, underthe guidance of the employment, the reform and development of occupation educationgradually becomes the focus of the society, further expanding the scale and the ability to servethe society has also increased.


1.2 Significance of the Research

1.2.1 Theoretical Significance

At present, the research on Tourism English course in higher occupation schools is still inthe exploratory stage, so we lack reference and enlightenment of the related research theory.This paper conducts the investigation and study of tourism English course in higheroccupation schools, using ESP teaching theory and the demand analysis theory to analysis onthe problems of tourism English Teaching in higher occupation schools, and puting forwardthe countermeasures, which, to a certain extent, fills the theory blank of the research oftourism English Teaching in Higher occupation schools in china. Therefore, this paper has acertain theoretical significance. In recent years, with the development of the tourism industry, the level of Englishpractitioners are increasingly highly required. Although the graduates in Tourism Specialty inhigher occupation school can basically achieve the requirements of the jobs in the hotel,restaurant, airport, travel agencies and other places with their understanding of theprofessional skills, and the employment rate is also high, because of limited Englishproficiency, candidates for the post entry conditions is very low, take the simple, mechanicalwork and the chance of promotion and salary raise is relatively small. So the stability ofgraduates of higher occupation school is not strong. They get bored easily at work. These arenot conducive to the students' occupation career.


2 Literature Review

2.1 Definitions

Through the above introduction of ESP can be seen, tourism English with ESP associatedwith a particular occupation, used in certain occasions, with professional, tourism Englishbelongs to the category of ESP, make the foundation can be analyzed in ESP on the demand oftourism English teaching.It is offering tourism English of higher occupation school for thepurpose of tourism training a group of both professional skills, and a good command ofEnglish first-line service personnel, to provide warm and thoughtful service for the foreignvisitors.Therefore, tourism English pided in this study should belong to a branch ofEOP.(Figure 2.4).Learners have their own clear learning objectives, namely, esp after training, they can usethe English in their professional and industry, their specialized English. Characteristics oftourism English in higher vocational education is that students need to use English to solvepractical problems in foreign-related tourism service. Its purpose is clear and has highpractical value.Tourism English in higher vocational education is no longer just a languagediscipline. To a great degree, it is a means or a tool to learn for the students. Therefore,tourism English teaching should be based on the combination of English language andtravling professional knowledge and skills to train the tourism English pragmatic ability ofstudents. Tourism English covers many fields, such as traffic (Transportation), tourism(Sightseeing), entertainment (Entertainment), shopping (Shopping) (Lodging),accommodation, catering (Food) etc..


2.2 Relevant Researches on ESP and Needs Analysis

The research on ESP (English for specific purposes abroad) theory began in the 1960s.Tom Hutchinson and Alan Water (1987) think that there are five stages from ESP’s rise todevelopment :The first stage (the 1960s to the early 70's), the stage of register analysis to Barber,Halliday, McIntosh, Strevens, Ewer, Herbert, John Swales as the representative.The study isfocused on the differences in vocabulary, grammar and other aspects between a field ofEnglish literature and other fields to find out the grammar and lexical features in this field,and to provide the basis for the teaching syllabus compilation. The representative works are:"English structure of science and technology" (Herbert, 1965), "the basic science andtechnology English Course" (Ewer, 1969). The importance in the register analysis stage is inthe field of education. It can help educational institutions develop a more targeted teachingoutline. It focuses on the common language and learning skills in the present and future studyand work, making the ESP can better meet the needs of learners to improve the quality ofteaching.


3 Research Design ....21

3.1 Purpose and Questions of the Research.......21

3.2 Subjects of the Research......21

3.3 Research Instruments.......22

3.3.1 Student Questionnaire.....22

3.3.2 Interview.....23

3.4 Research Procedures....23

3.4.1 Administration of the Questionnaire ......23

3.4.2 The interview......2

44 Data Analysis and Discussion.......25

4.1The Analysis of the Questionnaire of the Students.......25

4.2 Analysis of the Interview Record of Tourism English Teachers .....34

4.3 Analysis of Graduate Interview Record ...... 38

4.4 Analysis of the Interview Record from the Working Units..... 40

4.4.1 English Requirements by the Employers ..... 40

4.4.2 Suggestions on Tourism English curriculum. ...... 40

4.5 Findings ....... 42

4.6 Suggestions on Improving Tourism English Teaching ....... 44

5 Conclusions ....... 53

4 Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1The Analysis of the Questionnaire of the Students

In the investigation of the interest in tourism English learning (Figure 4.1), 62 studentschose "interested", accounting for 37.8% of the total; 82 chose "general", accounting for 50% ;12 chose "not interested", accounting for 7.3%, 8 chose “hate”, 4.9%. From the survey results,about 12.2% students don't like tourism English, which means that, most of the students areinterested in Tourism English, though the English level of all the students' in the highervocational school is not high. It is quite beneficial for the teaching of tourism English. It issaid that interest is the best teacher. As Pi Liansheng, in the book "learning and teachingpsychology", points out from a psychological point of view, interest is the good feelings in theprocess of understanding things (Pi Liansheng, 2002). It is the good emotion that arouses thecuriosity of people to inquire deeper, which requires the tourism English teachers to explorethe method of how to make such a good mood continue in the process of teaching.



Tourism not only asks for more English talents but also put forward more requirementson the teaching of tourism English. In order to train more service talents for tourism, weshould carry out the research on tourism English teaching. As a branch of ESP, the teaching oftourism English should also be based on needs analysis of ESP. This study, based on the needsanalysis of ESP, does analysis research on the students at school, some graduates, sometourism English teachers in tourism major in Higher Vocational College, and employers,aiming at evaluating tourism English teaching objectively, finding out the gap, and thenproposing some effective suggestions to improve teaching.Through quantitative and qualitative analysis of the survey results, the author finds someproblems in the tourism English teaching in Higher Vocational College, which lie in theteaching methods, teaching means, teaching materials, teachers, evaluation methods etc.Combining the results of needs analysis with the problems, the author proposes somesuggestions to improve the current situation of tourism English teaching, such as makingreasonable teaching goal; creating student-centered classes; trying to develop school-basedteaching materials; putting teaching focus on the students' listening and speaking ability;adding cultural elements into the teaching content to reflect the characteristics of tourismEnglish; improving teachers’ comprehensive ability to encourage teachers to develop into"double-qualified" teachers.


Reference (omitted)


第一章 文献综述

1.1 国外研究的现状

古希腊哲学家苏格拉底著名的问答法体现了人的个性;柏拉图沿用苏格拉底的问答法,把回固已有知识的过程看作一种教学启发的过程。在教学中,我们要充分了解学生已掌握的内容。亚里士多德认为:“要使人善良而有德行,必须通过天性、习惯和理性三个方面来实现。”并论证了教育与人的自然发展相适应的原则,(张如珍,1997:73) 。在“古希腊三贤”的教学思想中已经看到差异教学的影子。古罗马著名的教育家昆体良认为:“每个学生都有自己天性的特殊倾向,老师要仔细观察,培植各人的天赋特长,沿着学生的自然倾向最有效地发展他的能力”(单中惠,朱镜人,2004:39)。他曾在《雄辩术原理》中说道:“一个高明的教师,当他接受托付给他的儿童时,首先要弄清他的能力和天赋素质”(昆体良著,任钟印译,1982:18)。近代捷克人文主义教育家夸美纽斯也深受其思想影响。尼德兰的人文主义教育家伊拉斯漠特别重视教育方法问题,要求教师了解学生,因材施教(朱家存、徐瑞,2008:80-81)。法国 16 世纪后期文艺复兴时代的人文主义者、教育思想家蒙田在教学方法方面,反对强制压迫,主张自然发展。蒙田认为:“没有一种完全适合于一切学生的教学方法,教师应‘掌握分寸’,因材施教”(吴式颖,1999:166)。17 世纪英国哲学家、教育家洛克在《教育漫话》中写道: “照料儿童的人应该仔细研究儿童的天性和才能,并且应该经常试试,看他们最容易走哪一条路子,哪一条路子最与他们相适合”(洛克,傅任敢译,1985:61-62)


1.2 国内研究的现状

孔子在 2000 多年前就提出并实践了因材施教的教学思想。他注重对学生的了解。他曾说过:“由也果”、“赐也达”、“求也艺”(孔子著,孟陶宁等编,2010:97-98)。意思是:仲由做事果断,端木赐通达事理,冉求有才能。对学生的缺点也曾说过: “柴也愚,参也鲁,师也辟,由也喭。”意思是:高柴愚直,曾参迟钝,颛孙师偏激,仲由鲁莽(孔子著,孟陶宁等编,2010:221)。孔子对于个性不同学生的问题也给予不同回答。论语中曾记载,子路问:“闻斯行诸?”子曰:“有父兄在,如之何其闻斯行之!”冉有问:“闻斯行诸?”子曰:“闻斯行之!”公西华曰:“由也问‘闻斯行诸?’ 子曰:‘有父兄在’;求也问,‘闻斯行诸?’子曰:‘闻斯行之’。赤也感,敢问?”子曰:“求也退,故进之;由也兼人,故退之。”(孔子著,孟陶宁等编,2010:225)。孔子针对子路与冉有的不同性格特点给予了不同回答,充分体现了孔子因材施教的教育理念。孟子曾说:“君子之所以教者五:有如时雨化之者,有成德者,有达财(材)者,有答问者,有私淑艾者”。意思是:君子有一种教学方法,对学生,有的要给予及时而又春风化雨般的指导,有的要成全他的品德,有的要培养他的才能,有的可以回答他的问题,帮他解惑,有的没有来亲自登门学习的,也通过自身的风范,而使其成为自己的弟子,受自己的影响。孔孟因材施教的思想在中国第一部教育专著《学记》中得到进一步发展:“学者有四失,教者必知之。人之学也,或失则多,或失则寡,或失则易,或失则止。此四者,心之莫同也。知其心,然后能救其失也。教也者,长善而救其失者也。”(冯国超主编,2005:245)意思是:学习的人有四类缺点,教师不可以不知道。在学习过程中,有些学生的缺点是贪多;有些学生学的太少,有些学生的缺点是把学习看的太容易,不求甚解;有些学生的缺点是遇到困难就放弃。这四类学习者身上的缺点是由于不同心理至成的, 作为人师必须全面了解学生的心理特点,帮助学生克服缺点,发扬优点,使其获得发展。


第二章 理论框架

2.1 差异教学



2.2 多元智能理论

随着经济多元化发展及人类社会由工业会进入信息社会,人们在教育上追求优质教育,公平教育。心理学界对智能的研究也在逐渐多元化,不论是对智能定义的阐述,还是智力测验都在逐渐摆脱一元化的束缚。通过大量的研究,加德纳于 1983 年出版了《智能的结构》一书,正式提出了多元智能理论。加德纳认为:“智能是解决问题或制造产品的能力,这些能力对于特定的文化和社会环境是很有价值的。如果你的语言和数学很好,你的智商测试和成绩一定很高,从而可以进入一所名牌大学就读。但当你一旦离开学校,是否仍然能有良好的表现,往往在很大程度上取决于你是否拥有和能否运用除此之外的一些智能。我所给予同等注意力的,正是语言和逻辑一数学以外的智能”。(Gardner,2004:6)这八种智能为: 语言智能:是指用言语表达、语言思维和语言欣赏深层内涵的能力。逻辑一数学智能:是数学和逻辑推理的能力以及科学分析的能力。视觉一空间智能:人们准确地感知视觉空间世界、辨别空间方向的能力。身体-运动智能:是指人能巧妙地操纵物体和调整身体的能力。音乐智能:是指人敏锐地感知音调、旋律、节奏和音色的能力。人际关系智能:是指能够有效地理解别人和与人交往的能力。自我认识智能:是一种深入反思自己内心世界的能力。自然观察者智能:是指观察自然界中的各种形态,对物体进行辨认和分类,能够洞察自然和人造系统的能力。


第三章 实验........20

3.1 实验目的......... 20

3.2 实验对象......... 20

3.3 实验工具及设计......... 20

3.3.1 测试....... 20

3.3.2 问卷....... 20

3.4 实验过程......... 20

3.5 结果与分析..... 35

3.5.1 实验前、后学生英语水平状况..... 35

3.5.1 实验前、后学生英语水平状况..... 35

3.5.2 被调查学生对差异教学的态度与建议..... 36

第四章 教学启示........41

4.1 对教师的建议...... 41

4.2 对学生的建议...... 43

第四章 教学启示

4.1 对教师的建议









1.1 研究背景

英语是一门语言。语言的特性决定了我们进行英语教学的最终目的是使学生在掌握语言的同时获得交际的能力。语言技能包括听说读写四个部分。英语教师应注意兼顾学生的听、说、读、写能力,使这四种能力相互促进,平衡发展。在许多初中英语课堂中,教学活动以教师为主,学生的主体性相对较低,对于学生的写作教学和口语教学关注度不高。“有学者研究发现,在以教师为中心的中国英语课堂教学中,教师话语往往占用了 70%甚至 90%的课堂时间,学生参与课堂活动和发表见解的机会很少,教师与学生之间缺乏交流,因而不利于学生语言交际能力的培养”(赵晓红,1998)。教师发挥自身的潜能并且积极地采取策略激发学生的自信心、兴趣和潜能是提高课堂教学质量的关键。教师在教学中不应该只是知识的提供者,而更应该扮演引导者的角色。教师应能运用有效的教学方法以激发并提高学生参与交际的积极性,鼓励学生主动运用语言。写作和口语是最基本的语言输出,但是在培养学生写作和口语习惯以及试图提高学生写作能力和口语能力的过程中,教师面临着很多难题。教师面临的主要问题是不知道该怎样有效引导学生写出高质量的作文以及如何提高学生的交际能力。学生在学习写作和口语的过程中也有诸多困惑。学生面临的问题主要是,不敢开口说话,不知道该怎么写作等。


1.2 研究意义

由于缺乏真实自然的语言环境,所以我国的英语教学具有特殊性。这就要求英语教学工作者必须尽可能地在非自然英语环境中创造有利于输入输出的语言学习条件。这样才能保证英语学习者拥有足量优质的语言输入输出,进而提高听说读写的综合运用能力。在初中英语教学方面还需要进行深入的研究并且需要找出能够帮助学生提高写作能力和口语能力的好方法。注重输出的复习模式旨在探索出一种符合初中英语写作和口语教学规律的复习模式,重点是培养和训练学生的写作能力和口语能力。本文主要应用第二语言习得理论,结合 Krashen 的输入假设和 Swain 的输出假设,在前人研究的基础上,提出初中英语巩固复习阶段的注重输出的课堂教学模式。



2.1 输入输出的定义

冯纪元和黄姣(2004)通过实验证明了,引导写作和短文重构这两种语言输出活动确实能引起学生对语言形式的注意并且对学生的语言习得也有很大影响,而且效果是长期的。王素丹(2001)通过设计调查问卷并分析相关数据,发现课堂对话的不流利现象大都是因为学生缺少语言输出引起的。王颖(2003)认为输出假设的 4 大功能对学生外语语感的培养有很大作用。王颖论述了输出假设能够促进二语习得的心理语言学机制,并指出在语言输出与内部监察过程中,在语法编码过程中检查交际意图与语言输出是否匹配,能使学习者注意自己中介语的缺陷和不足,这样可以提高学习者的意识,继而为学习者学习语言创造了理想的条件。赵平(2000)通过分析学生的写作过程,从而验证了注意假设和检验假设对语言学习的作用并指出对于学习者而言,元语言功能在语篇结构上可能发挥更大的作用。赵培(2004)论述了输入和输出对语言习得的重要作用,并且指出大学英语课应该不仅仅注重输入,而应该以输出为中心,要把输入和输出放在同等重要的地位。


2.2 国内外关于该课题的研究现状

为解决初中英语教学中存在的问题,大量教育工作者进行了许多有意义的尝试。近年来二语习得领域的大部分研究,重点是对输入输出重要性的论述以及对输入输出策略的探讨,但是对进行过首次输入输出后的信息再次输入输出却未给予充分的论述。包天仁教授提出的“四位一体”英语复习教学法是有关英语复习的教学策略,但教学法主要论述了中考和高考总复习中的相关复习方法,对初中英语巩固复习阶段的复习策略并未给予充分论证。束定芳等人(1996)认为:“外语教学理论研究者借鉴语言学理论以及其他相关学科的研究成果,主要应着重其对外语教学的启发意义。”我国学者开始关注输出假设是在 2000 年以后。梁正溜(1999)在《外语界》发表一篇名为“在英语教学中要注重输出”的文章。文章从“在词汇教学中注重输出”和“在阅读教学中注重输出”这两个方面来具体说明注重输出的概念,方法以及具体的操作案例。文章认为英语课堂教学应该是师生互动的交际过程,而不仅仅是以教师的讲授为中心。英语课堂教学应该始终包含学生的理解以及语言输出。只有通过输出,才能验证学生是否理解并且在验证的基础上,学生可以有根据地进行修正。如果没有输出,就很难验证学生是否理解。学生学了多年英语仍不会应用的现象和只有输入没有输出的教学有着密切联系(尤其达,1997;尤其达,2001)。


3.理论依据...... 9

3.1 输入理论....... 9

3.2 输出理论...... 10

4.研究设计..... 13

4.1 研究目的...... 13

4.2 研究对象...... 13

4.3 收集数据的工具...... 14

4.3.1 问卷调查...... 14

4.3.2 前测和后测.... 14

4.3.3 访谈 .... 15

4.4 研究步骤 ..... 15

5.数据分析..... 23

5.1 前测和后测 ......... 23

5.1.1 前测.... 23

5.1.2 后测.... 25

5.2 实验前的问卷调查.... 26

5.3 访谈.... 28

5.3.1 实验前的访谈........ 28

5.3.2 实验后的学生访谈 .... 29

5.4 结果分析 ..... 29


5.1 前测和后测

对照班和实验班在初一年级分班的时候是两个平行班,并且两个班级英语水平无明显差别。为了进一步确定实验班和对照班的学生在英语写作能力和口语能力方面是否存在明显差异,笔者对两个班级的学生进行了前测。前测口语总分 5 分。前测写作总分 15 分,时间为 20 分钟。测试结束后,由笔者和英语组内其他教师在学生姓名保密的情况下,根据评分细则评阅试卷和评判口语录音,以保证学生得分的公平性。两个班级学生的前测成绩见附录五。上表是实验班和对照班人均口语成绩的均值检验结果。分析结论应通过两步完成。第一步,两总体方差是否相等的 F 检验。这里,F 统计量的观测值是.400,对应的概率 P-值为.529,显著性水平设定为 0.05,由于 P-值大于 0.05,可以认为两总体的方差无明显差异。第二步,两总体均值的检验。在第一步中,由于两总体方差无显著差,因此应看第一行 T检验的结果。其中 T 统计量的观测值为-.309,对应的双尾开率 P-值为.758,显著性水平为0.05,由于概率 P-值大于 0.05,因此任务两总体的均值无显著差异。图中的第七列和第八列分别为 T 统计量的分子和分母;第九列和第十列为两总体差的 95%置信区间的上限和下限。即说明两个班级的口语水平无显著差别。









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