确定要研究积极上进的大学英语青年教师专业学习这个选题,是基于我个人的工作生活经历、大学英语青年教师群体背景以及大英教学改革背景三方面的考虑。接下来,我将在本小节一一阐述。对于教师这个职业,我有一种莫名的喜爱和向往。从师范大学的英语教育专业毕业后,我进入当地另一所高校教授公共英语。讲台之上,面对学生,我常会体验到一种难得的亲近和愉悦,犹如心流体验(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi1975)。但取得硕士学位和讲师职称后,我开始感到迷茫,大英教学将陪伴我的整个职业生涯,可我已开始感到超多的课时和重复性劳动产生的厌倦,我不知道努力的方向和方法。一次出国进修的机会暂时缓解了这样的焦虑,我取得了TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)证书,体验到西方文化和教学方法。但回到自己的课堂,中西差异、理想和现实差异、理论和实践差异又超乎想象。我慢慢体会到,单纯的学习教学方法是不够的,需要将教学和研究相结合,在理论和实践中往复穿梭,才会有厚实的基础和前瞻的目光。但如何做教学研究的问题让我产生了新的焦虑和恐慌。而作为女性教师,接下来怀孕生子的经历更加重了这困惑,让我进入前所未有的心理和职业荒宪期,面临中期职业危机(Mid-careercrisis) (Huberman 1992),自我怀疑,寻求改变。改变从来到北外进修开始。虽然巨大的知识输入量和极低的内化率让人感到挫败,但十几年的大英教学经历让我不由自主地思考语言学理论对教学的帮助,这让我慢慢找到了一个大英教师学习的状态,犹如东晋教育家葛洪在《抱朴子•勖学》中讲的,“夫学者,所以清澄性理,簸扬埃移,雕锻矿璞、碧炼屯钝,启导聪明,饰染质素,察往知来”,学习可以促进个体的个性发展、增进知识、启迪心智、提高洞察力。
心理学领域对教师学习的认识大致经历了行为主义视角、认知主义视角和社会建构主义视角的过程。早期的行为主义视角下,教师学习“是一种知识和技能的习得,教师是知识的接受者和消费者”(吴一安等2007: 8),通过观察和模仿可以提高教学能力,带来好的教学效果(Moore et al. 1996; Richards & Farrell 2005)。重视教师知识、技能和能力的提高,强调学习结果,但对教师的主体性和个体差异性关注不够。认知主义视角弥补了这一不足。学者们认为教师学习是一种经验学习,是教师在实践中对教学的个人认知建构和解释,内化为教师专业知识,强调积极思考和理解的作用(Richards & Farrell 2005; Richards & Nunan 1990; Roberts ;,陈振华2003;屈林岩2008;孙福海2005)。该视角重视教师的实践体验以及教师的学习主动性,侧重认知机制,但对教师与周围环境的互动关系不够重视。社会建构主义视角对此做出了贡献。学者们认为教师是知识的建构者和生产者以及反思性实践者,教师在原有知识基础上不断与社会语境互动对话,带来教师知识、观念、思维方式和行为模式旳变化(Borko 2004; Kelly 2006; Johnson& Golombek 2003; Putnam & Borko 2000;刘学惠、申继亮 2006;孙洋洋 2010)。该视角重视讨论人与周围环境的互动,但对人的主体性的凸显仍有待提升。Roberts (1998)曾对语言教师学习做过类似的总结,阐明了不同视角下,教师学习中教师、学习机制及环境的相互关系。他认为,教师学习可分为四种范式:(1)基于行为主义的模仿学习:人作为输入-输出系统;(2)基于人本主义的非指导学习:人作为自主行动者;(3)基于认知理论的建构式学习:人作为知识建构者;(4)基于社会文化理论的建构性学习:人作为社会成员。其中第一种范式强调学习过程的模仿性,要求环境提供输入和训练;第二种和第三种范式强调教师的主体性和内在过程,分别注重情感机制和认知机制;第四种是社会建构的范式,强调外部环境对学习的支持和中介,有效的人际互动是该范式的核心(刘学惠2005)。
关于教师学习的概念,以往的教育学和心理学专家从不同视角进行了审视。我在查阅前人对教师学习定义的同时,还进行了初步的数据分析,发现数据中教师专业能力的内容较为凸显。因而,在进一步梳理教师专业能力文献、参考部分学生学习策略概念的基础上,结合初步数据分析中浮现出的教师专业学习活动及教师专业能力特点,提出本研究对教师学习的操作性定义。本小节将依次介绍关于教师专业学习的前人研究定义、教师专业能力概念与分类、学习策略中的“元”概念和本研究定义。在以往的教师学习研究中,学者们从不同视角理解教师学习概念,如教师群体学习中文化的建构发展(朱益民2004)、教师学习的多元内涵和发展阶段(Schwilll et al. 2007;王丽华2007;杨骞、溪海燕2007)、教学实践的经验综合(Freeman & Johnson 1998;陈振华2003;孙福海2005)、教师知识能力获得和变化(Billet 2001;毛齐明2013;张敏2008)、教学实践过程(Adler 2000;Kelly 2006)、知识和实践的关系(Cochran-Smith & Lytle 1999)、问题驱动-自我指导学习(Glichman et al. 1998; Goodlad Johnl990)以及与教师发展相结合的学习视角(程文华2010;孙传远2010)等。
3.1理论基础 ..........32
3.2分析框架.......... 38
3.3小结.......... 41
第四章研究方法.......... 42
4.1个案研究.......... 42
4.3研究者工作.......... 47
4.4数据收集.......... 50
4.5数据分析.......... 53
4.6研究信效度及伦理 ..........58
4.7小结 ..........60
5.1爱恨交织的讲台.......... 61
5.2缤纷多彩的舞台.......... 67
5.3力不从心的科研.......... 72
5.5青年骨干教师.......... 75
5.6小结 ..........77
通过第五、六、七章的个案分析,我们可以看出,三位上进型的大学英语青年教师的在职专业学习呈现出丰富多彩的学习样态,体现出明显的教师专业学习共性和个体差异性。她们的专业学习共性主要体现为三点:专业学习类型大致相仿,主要分为教学、管理和科研三大类型;相应提高的专业能力类别相同,主要包括课堂教学、组织管理和教学研究等分项专业能力他们的一般学习需求相似,三位教师均有加入校内外教师学习共同体“圈子”的归属需求,渴望拥有和睦的家庭关系和亲密关系的爱的需求,以及希望职业发展环境稳定的安全需求。本研究按学习实践活动分类,较以往研究(Kreber et al. 2005; Van-Eekelen et al 2005;李志厚2005;王俊菊2012;王俊菊、朱耀云2008;张敏2008)更为直观具体、更为贴近教师学习实际。本研究对三项专业能力同等重视,较大多数仅对单项专业能力重视的研究更为全面,对教师学习样态描述的整体性更强。本研究对教师一般需求的关注证明,良好人际关系和互动有利于教师成长。但中国教师对家的特殊感情和责任构成教师部分困境,特别是女教师,照顾家庭会分散投入到教学和科研中的时间精力,给职业发展带来了时间、空间和情感上的多重挑战(周燕等2008;顾佩姬等2014)。三位教师的专业学习差异及原因是本章的分析重点,我将采用类型比较法进行分析。三类教师的学习差异主要体现在三位教师分项专业能力发展的不同侧重上。产生这种差异的原因主要与教师的元专业能力、优势需求及其影响下教师感知的环境有关,而其中元专业能力和优势需求起到主要作用。
语言不仅可以“客观地”表达命题思想,还可以表达言者的观点、感情和态度。因此,语言交际中,说话者多多少少会在话语中留下自我的印记,这是语言主观性(subjectivity)的表现(参看Lyons 1977: 739;沈家燈2001)。语言中的主观性可以体现在语音、构词、语法、篇章结构等方面。韵律变化、语气词、词缀、代词、副词、时体标记、情态动词、词序、重复等手段都可以用来表达言者的主观态度或视角(沈家煊2009)。语言中的主观性表达形式多样,有些在语言表层无法直观体现,如韵律变化;有些只能镶嵌在命题内使用,句法上无法脱离命题而独立使用,如语气词、词缀、代词、情态动词等;还有些语言形式的句法表现比较灵活,可以独立于命题之外,做整个命题的高层谓语,如副词。本研究仅探讨这类在形式上可以独立于命题内容,表达言者主观态度的语言形式。进一步说,语言交际中,言者常在命题之外添加一些信息来明示自己的言说方式,或表达自己对信息内容的把握程度、个人的情感态度或评价等等,这就需要特定的语言形式来表达这些功能。正是这个原因,我们使用的日常话语常包含两个部分:一是反映客观世界的命题;二是与发出命题的说话者相关的信息。这些与说话者相关的信息往往会用特定的语言形式编码,其中最为常用的编码形式之一是副词以及具有副词功能的短语或小句,如例(1-4)。
在很多语言中,副词是较难处理的一个词类,其复杂性来自其句法、语义、语用表现上的异质性和灵活性。英汉语中的副词都是语义类型复杂的词性集合,目前学界就副词的性质、外延和分类等问题尚难达成共识。鉴于此,很少有研究对副词进行系统的跨语言对比分析,这不得不说是副词研究的一个遗憾。很多学者都曾指出,不管是研究哪一种语言,都要通过跟其他语言的比较才能获得深刻的认识(吕叔湘1977/1992;沈家煊2011)。本节首先描述英汉语副词系统,总结英汉副词系统的跨语言共性,对比英汉语副词类别的重合和阙如;然后梳理英汉副词对比研究现状,总结目前研究存在的问题;最后对英汉副词对比研究的方法和思路提出自己的看法。依据形态,副词可分为三类:简单副词(如just,only)、合成副词(如somehow,therefore)和派生副词(如 interestingly,clockwise) (Quirk, et al. 1985; 438),这种分类方式不涉及语义和句法分布,因而不能揭示副词的属性特征。另有学者依据语义对副词进行划分,将英语副词分为地点、时间、方式、程度、添加/限制、态度/立场、连接以及其他,共八个类别(Biber,etal. 1999);类似的还有情状、态度、程度、、焦点和连接五个大类的分法(Downing & Locke 2006)。对副词分类还可以依据句法表现,如Radford (1988: 73)就据此将副词分为两大类:句修副词(S_Adverb)和动修副词(VP_Adverb)。除此以外,还有些分类是从语义-句法功能出发,揭示副词意义和句法之间的相互依存关系。根据Van Valin (2005),小句可以分为中心(core)和边缘成分(periphery),中心由谓词(predicate)和论元组成(紅guments),谓词本身被称作核(nucleus),边缘成分是指非论元成分。副词可以作用于小句的不同层面,如核、中心,或整个小句;还有些副词作用范围超出了小句,起语篇组织作用。从语义-句法角度看,副词的位置决定了其辖域和语义指向。
国内外很多学者都探讨过副词的句法和语义特征,涉及副词的句法位置和语义指向(Ernst 1984,2002;张谊生2000)、副词的连用顺序(Cinque 1999; Ernst2009; Haumaim 2007; Nilsen 2004;黄河 1990;史金生 2011;袁毓林 2002)、影响副词句法位置的因素(Costa2004,2008)、副词的语用篇章衔接功能(屈承熹1991;祖人植、任雪梅1997)以及副词功能类别的语法化(Berry 2011;徐时仪2006)等。目前英汉副词研究在以上方面己经有了丰厚的研究积累,这为我们进一步探讨英汉副词的句法语义特征提供了理论支持。但大部分副词研究是以单一语言为研究对象,涉及跨语言对比的研究相对不足。目前,有关英汉副词的对比研究多是微观层面的个案研究。从研究内容来看,多为词义相近的英汉副词的比较,比如表示总括的“都”与“air (王还1983)、否定副词“不、没(有)”和“not、no"(张孝忠1984)、焦点副词“只”和“only”(卢英顺1995;徐以中2010)。就研究方法而言,多数研究使用比较法,通常以词为对应单位,或以某种语言的某个语言成分为参照点,比较另一种语言中与其相对应的语言成分在结构形式、句法分布、意义、功能上的异同。分析方法基本上是义项对比或对应的描写,较为偏重句法。比如王还(1983)基于英语“air的各个义项,分析它与汉语“都”的对应关系以及用法上的异同;张孝忠(1984)也是从词汇意义出发,结合句法表现,对比汉英否定副词“不”、“没(有)”和“not”、"no";莫运国(2010)从语义、句法分布和语用功能三方面对比分析英汉情态副词的共性和差异。
3.1 Jackendoff的概念语义理论.......... 30
3.2概念的词汇化.......... 38
3.4小结.......... 41
4.1事件语义学.......... 43
4.2词汇语义的分解方法.......... 47
4.3事件类型.......... 48
4.4事件的表层实现方式.......... 51
4.5事件语义学视角下的语言对比研究.......... 52
4.6 小结.......... 56
第五章英汉“言说行为表达”对比分析.......... 57
5.1 SAE的性质和分类.......... 57
5.2 SAE表达的概念语义..........60
5.6小结 ..........73
语言,是人类所特有的信息交流与交换的重要手段,是人类物质与精神文明保存与传承的载体。因此,对于人类大脑语言功能的研究一直是人类探索的重点。最早的关于人脑中语言功能的研究可以追溯到十九世纪中旬,Paul Broca在对8个失语症患者的尸体解剖后发现大脑损伤分布于左半球,由此发现大脑语言的表达区域位于大脑左半球额叶前侧,后称“布洛卡区”(Broca, 1861)。此后不久,Wernicke也在研究中发现了语言理解区,位于大脑颞叶后侧(Wernicke, 1874)[2]。至此之后,由丁?有效研究技术的缺乏,对大脑语言功能的研究出现停滞,直到Ellis与Young在总结语言功能障碍病患的基础上提出的语言认知心理学模型(Ellis etal., 1988)。图1.1中将语言认知中的语言呈现分为听觉系统呈现和视觉系统呈现两种方式,即听到的字词与看到的字词。字词按其呈现方式分別被收入听觉或视觉分析系统,进行输入比对。如果字词是已存在于输入系统中的,即可直接理解出该字词的语义。如果字词并不存在于已知的输入词库中,那么只能根据其音位层或字形层读出或写出该字词,但并不能明白其语义。模型中可以看出,视觉.5听觉通路的输入和输出交换可以不经由语义系统,说明我们读出看到的字词而无盖加工理解其含义,即语义未得到激活。值得一提的是,这种认知模型是建立在拼音文字系统的基础上,适用于英、法、德、意等表音文字,而对于汉字等表意文字,在其适用性方面仍盖验证与补充。
事件相关电位,即 Event-related potentials,简称 ERP,是由 Sutton 在 1960年左右提出的概念[4]。这项技术源于对人脑中生物电的发现。自然状态下,大脑收放电称作自发电位electroencephalogram,简称EEG。相较而言,事件相关电位开始时被称作Evoked potentials,即诱发电位,简称EPs,是因为这种大脑神经的电位变化现象的产生前提是外界给予一定的刺激或者撤销一定的刺激,而这种刺激活动对大脑来说具有意义。所以可以说,ERP是一种特别的EP,这两个概念有时可以重叠甚至相互替换。从1924年Berger发现引起a节律减少的EEG论文被认定为噪声[5]到1934年和1935年Adrain与Jasper得到相同的发现[7],ERP受到科学界的承认经过了很长时间。然而它的发现对心理学的发展起到了举足轻重的作用。此后,ERP发展的标志性事件包括:1935至1936年,Pauline以及Davis第一次突破性的获得清醒被试的明确的ERP记录[8]并发表于1939年的诱发电位论文之中。1947年,Dawson首次实现利用叠加技术降低信噪比并提取人体EP,然而效果并不尽如人意;于是,1951年,他再一次发明了新的方法——机械驱动-电子储存方式进行EP的叠加与平均,取得了很好的效果。Galambos与sheatz发表了使用计算机进行平均与叠加的论文(1961),这是历史上的首创。1964年,Walter及其合作者联合发表了关于Contingent Negative Variation (关联性负变化,即CNV)的文章,这是被发现的第一个ERP认知成分,这标志着ERP研究的新时代已经到来。下一个突破性的进展发生于1965年,Sutton等研究者发现了 P3成分。ERP技术的发展催生了心理生理学以及认知神经科学,并极大地促进了认知心理学的发展。
第3章基干视觉感知的英文词汇识别研究.......... 15
3. 1实验背景......... 16
3. 2实验思路与设计......... 16
3.3实验结果......... 18
第4章基于听觉感知的英语词汇识别研究......... 25
4. 1实验背景......... 25
4. 2实验思路与设计......... 26
4.3实验结果......... 27
第5章蒙、汉、英三语认知关系研究......... 34
5.1实验背景......... 34
5.2实验结果......... 35
5. 2. 1行为数据及分析 .........35
5.2.2 ERP数据及分析......... 36
5.3综合讨论......... 37
第三章与第四章分别基于文字和语音呈现方式,分别进行了语言间(英-蒙、英-汉)的启动对比。本章将综合上述因素,讨论语音在语义理解中的作用以及不同的语言文字体系在学习过程中互相影响的关系。主要分析第三语言的学习方式,第三种语言学习与第二语言及母语的联系,蒙古族大学生的英语学习是通过母语蒙古语学习的还是通过第二语言汉语学习的。由于本章是对上两项研究的综合对比,因此不再赘述实验设计及实施部分。从语言认知的角度考察被试对剌激是否理解以及理解的程度高低。直接的结果可以由下表5.1和5.2呈现。从图5.1中可得,在词汇判断任务反应时方面,排除刺激材料的分类问题而只比较不同语言间(英-蒙、英-汉)的差异,可以看出:无论是语音还是文字呈现,从第三语言(英)到第二语言(汉)间的反应时长要快于第三语言(英)到第一语言(蒙)的时间,说明前者的判断加工难度对蒙古族为母语的被试来说小于后者。这种无论语音及字形上的压倒性优势可以说明,蒙古族大学生的L3 (英)的学习方式是依靠L2,即汉语言的方式习得,而非L1 (蒙)。具体来看,实验材料为语音材料时,被试所用的判断时间要少于文字材料的判断用时。英-蒙之间的差异只有几十毫秒,但是英-汉之间的差异约100毫秒。虽然不排除音速的传播快于视觉这一事实,这种现象仍然可以在一定程度上说明语音的处理对蒙古族被试来说相对文字要容易得多。这与被试的母语背景密切相关,也就是说,蒙古族被试的母语是拼音文字,因此习惯上对语音信息的熟悉度和倾向程度更高。借助有效的语音信息,大脑对语义的加工会更迅速。从得出的标准差数据来看,差值最小的是英语-汉语材料的判断,为14.49,说明被试间水平比较稳定;而其他情况的标准差差距较大。
1. Introduction
1.1 English language education across China
The phenomenon of English as a global language has impacted countries allaround the world. In Asia, it is having significant and profound effects on the region'slanguage policies, educational systems and patterns of language use (Bolton,2008;Kirkpatrick, 2008; Nunan,2003). As Tsui and Tollefson (2007: 18) point out, ‘Englishis perceived by language policymakers in Asian countries as a multinational tool thatis essential for achieving national goals and by inpiduals as an indispensableresource for personal advancement'. Asian countries have therefore promoted theacquisition of English by their citizens, such as by making English an officiallanguage, a language of instruction or a working language, increasing resources forEnglish language learning and teaching,and increasing the amount of curriculum timeallocated to English. According to Osnos (2008) that a vast national appetite haselevated English to something more than a language: it is not simply a tool but adefining measure of life's potential. China today is pided by class,opportunity, andpower, but one of its few unifying beliefs,something shared by waiters,politicians,intellectuals, tycoons,is the power of English…English has become an ideology,aforce strong enough to remake your resume', attract a spouse, or catapult you out of avillage.
1.2 English Education of the Migrant Workers' Offspring
In the mid-1980s,economic reform in China and the fransition to a marketeconomy, accompanied by the phasing out of food rationing systems, led to arelaxation of the household registration system (HRS, HuKou). This resulted inmassive internal migration as workers were allowed to move from rural areas to theeconomically productive areas (Dong, 1989; Li,Stanton, Fang, & Lin, 2006; Wei,1996; Wu & Zhou,1996; Wu & Treiman, 2004). Rural-to-urban migration,the majortype of internal population movement in China^ reflected the trend of rapidindustrialization and the need for a mobile workforce that could meet the demands ofthe thriving market economy. Eastern and coastal urban regions and city groups in theYangtze River Delta, including Shanghai,were major destinations for migrants fromimpoverished western and central inland areas of mainland China. The estimatednumbers of internal migrants in China is currently 147.35 million,approximately12.3% of the population, which is increasing by an average rate of 10% per year.Many urban studies indicate that the floating population in a number of metropolisessuch as Beijing and Shanghai, which contains both rural labor migrants and othersdeparting from their place of official residence, were one-third and one-fourthrespectively of those cities' inhabitants (Appleton et al. 2002).
n. Theoretical basis
2.1 Dynamic Systematic Theory
According to Dynamic Systematic Theory in second language learning dynamicsystems are characterized by what is called COMPLETE INTERCONNECTEDNESS:all variables are interrelated, and therefore changes in one variable will have ai#impact on all other variables that are part of the system. In many complex systems,the outcome of development over time can therefore not be calculated exactly; notbecause we lack the right tools to measure it,but because the variables that interactkeep changing over time and the outcome of these interactions, unless they take placein a very simple system,cannot be solved analytically. The theory emphasizes theconstant change in the language learning process. From a dynamic systematic*approach, language acquisition emerges through interaction with other human beingswithin a social context. For example, Kirby and his colleagues, who have developedthe Iterated Learning Model,have been able to model "the process by which theoutput of one inpidual's learning becomes the input of other inpiduals' learning"(Smith et al.,2003,). In other words, they see language as a culturally transmittedsystem, which means that learning as an iterative process works both within theinpidual and between inpiduals at the social level. In this view, language learningis both inpidual learning and learning through interaction. They develop throughinteraction with their environment and through internal self-reorganization. However,for our discussion of migrant workers' offspring's second language learning we willtake a model as developed by Van Geert (1991) to describe what constitutes languagelearning.
2.2 Social Context of Language Learning
In this model. Stem identified five groups of variables; social context,learnercharacteristics, learning conditions, learning process,and learning outcomes. The firstthree sets of variables can determine the learning outcomes through learning process.Stem further developed the contextual factors into school environment, homeenvironment, community, region,national and international environments. Theinteraction between different levels directly or indirectly influences the Languagelearning at the center. The different levels of context can be termed as scales, one ofthe metaphors handed down from history and social geography (Swyngedouw 1996;Uitermark 2002) as well as world system analysis (Wallerstein 2004). A concept that inits most basic form points toward the fact that sociocultural events and semioticprocesses of meaning making develop not along a horizontal continuum of spread,rather they develop and move on a vertical and stratified continuum of layered scales,for example, globalization, as we understand it here revolves therefore around scalesand the semiotic reifications taking place within and across them. It involvesconnections between local phenomena and phenomena occurring at higher,trans-localscale-levels, and effects of such connections at all scale-levels involved. One of thecontemporary outcomes of this stage of globalization is called super-persity: the'persification of persity' (Vertovec 2007,2010) consisting of an increased numberof new,small grouped, multiple-origin, scattered yet trans-regionally connected,socioeconomically differentiated, legally stratified people that move to new places andorganize their lives with the assistance offered by new technologies. U
Chapter 3 Research Design and Data Analysis.........12
3.1 Methodology ........13
3.2 Data Analysis........ 14
Chapter 4 Discussion........ 29
4.1 the underdeveloped areas in some parts ofChina........ 29
4.2 migrant women'educational experience on their children'seducation........33
4.3 Non-Shanghainese students'English learning........34
Chapter 5 Concluding remarks........36
IV. Discussion
4.1 The English language education in elementary level in the under developedareas in China
Based on both the quantitative and qualitative data, the research puts forward thefactors underlying the migrant students' English learning. In the first stage,throughconducting three independent sample T-tests,we found out about the significantdifference in English test performance among the Shanghainese students,Non-Shanghainese who started their primary education in Shanghai and theNon-Shanghainese who arrived in Shanghai in the middle or near the end of primaryschool education from their hometowns. The mean scores of these three groups arerespectively 57, 47,and around 36. The P values of three T-tests are .000 which meansthe difference between groups is notable. This result means the later the migrantstudents arrives in Shanghai the greater the gap in English test scores betweenShanghainese and migrant students. Underlying this gap in the three groups ofinformants in the study is, first of all, the uneven distribution of English languageeducation resources between less developed and developed regions in China. Second,the different starting age to leam English among different regions in China causes themigrant students' underperformance in English when they were transferred to Shanghai.Third,the family background of the migrant students, to a large extent, decided the kindof educational resources they can access.
The research by investigating social contextual factors in language learningshows that the unequal access to social,economic, and cultural resources in currentinformational and globalization age,are increasingly playing a large part in the lowachievement in English. In addition,the mothers' cultural capital and habitus isinvestigated to explain how the maternal educational experiences are shaping theirchildren's education in positive and negative ways. Specifically,we studied how themothers' migration experience and lack of cultural capital (available time,materialresources, educational knowledge, information about the educational system,andsocial confidence) limits the positive influence on their children, schooling. In the lastpart, we argued from the perspective of second language acquisition theories, that themigrant students' low proficiency in English is a result of a series of interconnectedfactors in language learning process. Among these factors we highlighted the initialstage of language acquisition,be it LI or L2,and the affective factors, such as attitude,confidence, etc. Analyzing some of the variables in second language learning from themacro to micro level,the research highlighted the influences of family background onsecond language learning,that is further. complicated by inpidual and contextoalfactors.
References (omitted)
绪 论
第一节 研究目的与对象
现代汉语语气词是汉语较之于西方语言特有的一种词语。在英语中,语气一般是由主语和动词的限定成分次序来决定,然而汉语主要使用语气词,比如在句末添加“吗”、“呢”、“吧”等语气词来表达不同的语气。语气词是表达语气的虚词,常用在句子末尾或句中停顿处表达说话人对命题内容的不同思想、感情等主观态度。根据不同的交际语境以及说话人的主观态度,同一个命题内容可以表达不同的意义。于是,说话人的主观态度对人们的交际具有很大影响。虽然语气词在现代汉语中的数量较少,但其在书面语和口语中使用频率非常高,在语法学、翻译学以及对外汉语教学研究中,一直备受研究者的关注。基于此,我们选取老舍先生的话剧《茶馆》及霍华(John Howard –Gibbon)、英若诚的两部英译本作为研究现代汉语疑问语气词“吗”、“呢”、“吧”的专书,希望通过我们的研究,为文学翻译研究及对外汉语教学研究提供一些基础性研究成果。剧本《茶馆》是老舍(1899-1966)创作的一本不朽名著,其讲述了老北京裕泰大茶馆历经清末、民初及抗战胜利后国民党统治时期这三个年代间的北京社会风貌,充分反映了解放前社会的黑暗、政府官员的腐败。老舍先生在《茶馆》中刻画的人物性格特点十分鲜明,人物语言高度口语化、个性化,大量语气词的使用充分体现了剧本中人物不同性格和身份地位以及话语参与者之间的人际关系。《茶馆》不仅是一部文学巨著,也是一个丰富的语料宝库。从语言学角度来说,《茶馆》堪称现代汉语语言的实录,它反映了现代汉语语言的基本面貌,具有很大的研究价值。自问世以来,《茶馆》受到了国内外文学、语言学及翻译界的极大关注,曾先后被译为英语、日语、罗马尼亚语等多种语言。
第二节 研究现状
第一章 句末语气词“吗”的意义、用法及英语翻译
第一节 句末语气词“吗”的意义与用法
现代汉语中,语气词“吗”是一个典型的疑问语气词,其主要作用是突出疑问焦点,强化疑问语气。从疑问句的形式类别来看,语气词“吗”主要用于是非问句句末,也可以用于反意问、回声问。如:A:你这样做也太过分了。B:过分吗?你也不问问他们以前到底对我做了些什么。句末语气词“吗”既可以用于真性疑问句(疑问度为百分之百),也可以用于假性疑问句(疑问度为零)。此外,“吗”也可以用于介于真性疑问和假性疑问之间的其他不同疑问度的疑问句中。比如下面各句的疑问度是依次降低的:A: 你有孩子吗?>你孩子上学了吗?>你孩子昨天没有去上学吗?B: 我可以这样做吗?>我这样做可以吗?>我不可以这样做吗?>我这样做不可以吗?>我这样做真的不可以吗?>我这样做难道不可以吗?是非问句(又叫然否问句、一般疑问句),结构上像陈述句,只是要用上疑问语调或兼用语气助词,要求作肯定或否定的回答,句末常用语气助词“吗、吧、啊”等,但不用“呢”。在汉语和英语中,是非问句都是疑问句的主要类别之一。在结构形式上,两者存在着语言内部及语言间的差异,但其语用功能基本相同,即寻求对其所包含命题的肯定或否定回答。在翻译过程中,汉英是非问句表面的一致会使译者忽视疑问结构体对语用功能的标示作用,往往使得译文在语用功能效果方面出现一定程度的关联缺失,交际者的话语语气不能在译文中得到很好地表达与传递。
第二节 句末带“吗”的是非问句和英语是非问句的对比
徐盛桓(1998)提出了语用嬗变理论来解释英语是非问句的结构特点[57]。他认为,疑问结构体由疑问标示与疑问项组成,疑问标示包括:疑问句末的问号;疑问句句末的标记语调;倒装语序;句首添加的“wh”词及词组以及其它特定的句式结构。疑问项是指疑问句中起信息探寻作用的内容或范围。由此我们可以发现汉英是非问句在形式结构上有其共同之处:两者都有其肯定式和否定式,都有结句标点“?”,英汉语中均有附加问和陈述问。而区别在于汉语是非问句标准句式为“基本形式(肯定)+吗+ ?或基本形式(否定)+吗+ ?” 而英语是非问句的标准形式是主谓倒装,另外英语中没有与汉语“陈述句+吧”相对应的形式。夸克(Quirk 1985)对英语是非问句的功能进行了全面的归类和分析。夸克以问句是否包含“问话人的期望”(speaker`s expectation)将疑问句分为“中性问题”(neutral question)和“引导性问题”(conducive question)[33]。朱纯深和吴旭东(2004)对英汉是非问句的构成及其功能进行了归纳与对比分析,并通过实证研究,分析了英语是非问句汉译之难点。他们将是非问句的主要功能归纳为:寻求信息、引导回答和展示情感等三类,而表达这些语用功能的是非问句则相应地被称为“中性问题” (neutral question)、“引导性问题”(conducive question)和“展示性问题”(manifestational question)[60]。彭小川(2006)认为,带“吗”的是非问句应分为两类:表中性问的是“吗 1”;表示诧异、怀疑或反问的是“吗 2”[60]。
第三章 句末语气词“吧”的意义、用法及英语翻译.....50
第一节 句末语气词“吧”的意义与用法 ..........50
第二节 句末语气词“吧”的英语翻译 ............53
一 陈述句句末语气词“吧”的英语翻译 ......54
(一)表示揣测意义的陈述句末语气词“吧”的英语翻译 ........55
(二)表示宣告意义的陈述句末语气词“吧”的英语翻译 ........57
(三)表示同意意义的陈述句末语气词“吧”的英语翻译 ........58
二 疑问句句末语气词“吧”的英语翻译 ......59
(一)句末带“吧”的典型是非问句的英语翻译 .......60
(二)句末带“吧”的附加问句的英语翻译 ...........62
三 祈使句句末语气词“吧”的英语翻译 ......64
第三节 小结 .......65
第二章 句末语气词“吧”的意义、用法及英语翻译
第一节 句末语气词“吧”的意义与用法
结 语
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
Starting from 1991 the Test for English Majors Band 8 (TEM-8) has undergone 22years' practice. It is a criterion-referenced proficiency test,and its objects are based on theNational Teaching Syllabus. (Zou Shen,1997: 12) TEM-8 has received wide recognitionfrom colleges and universities and the whole society as well. It is held every springtowards the end of the English majors' BA (Bachelor of Arts) program. This test isdesigned by the testing center in Shanghai International Studies University under thesupervision of the National Ministry of Education. The test candidates consist of Englishmajors. If they fail in the first test, they will have only one more chance to make up thistest. And it is used to evaluate an English major graduate's competence. To a certain extent,the TEM-8 certificate for an English major student is very important and useful; it mayinfluence his or her career or further education. For many employers, they tend to see acompetent English major graduate as an equivalent to a holder of the certificate of TEM-8.Many Hong Kong universities, such as Hong Kong Baptist University, require that theapplicants from Mainland China have a TEM-8 certificate when they apply for the MA(Master of Arts) program of English literature or English linguistics. Many universities inMainland China also require that postgraduates of English major should have a TEM-8certificate to apply for their graduate degree's diploma.
1.2 Research purpose and significance
The title of the dissertation clearly reveals that the main object is to study thetranslation errors of English majors, find the causes for them, and give some copingstrategies. It will adopt textual analysis as the basic method in the process of researching.The author of this thesis has collected some translation exercises of third-year English majors from Yangtze University and selected some cases to analyze. Inductive method andcomparative analysis will be widely used in this thesis.From the linguistic point of view,error is defined as "a linguistic form or combinationof forms which, in the same context or in the similar conditions of production,would notbe produced by the native speakers." (Lennon,1991: 35) Or it can be interpreted as theviolation of target language norms. In the field of applied linguistics,many scholars stressthe significance of learners' errors. The father of Error Analysis (EA),Corder (1967) has commented in his influential article that learners' errors are significant in three differentrespects. First,it is helpful for the teachers to know how much the students have learnt andhow much they need to improve, if a systematic analysis is undertaken. Second,it isinformative to the researchers, because learners' errors provide an insight into theirlanguage learning process, and reveal the stages of acquisition, and the strategies thatlearners use to learn a target language. Third, it is significant to the learners themselves,because error commitment is an inevitable feature of their learning, and even can beregarded as one of the motives the learners use in order to make progress. In fact,translation errors occur frequently in English majors' practices, and many stu#nts thinkthat translation is extremely difficult in TEM-8. Therefore, in this thesis,guided by EA, theauthor focuses on translation errors and their causes,tries to employ EA to explore thecauses of translation errors and searches for the coping strategies in the hope that it canhelp students to improve translation ability and make forther improvement in translationteaching and learning.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 A Brief History of Translation Teaching in China
According to Mu Lei (1999: 35),"Modern systems of foreign language instructionin China began in 1862" when the first foreign school — Tongwenguan InterpretersCollege was set up by the Qing Government. Translators were trained there for the mainpurpose of serving the Chinese merchants in doing business with foreigners. From thenon, translation teaching (to be exact, teaching translation) was used as a means ofteaching foreign languages and it was not until 1978 that translation became anindependent course offered to university or college students, namely translation teachingnowadays. In the year 1902, Tongwenguan Interpreters College was incorporated intoMetropolitan College as the Translation Department. This is generally regarded as thebeginning of translation education in institutions of higher learning in China.As early as 1944,Yan'an Foreign Languages School began to offer courses intraining translators and interpreters for political, military and foreign affairs. Fu Ke (1989)records its teaching programs, teaching methods and existing problems in his book OnForeign Languages Teaching. According to Mu Lei (1999: 8), they are "the earliest andmost elaborate records on translation teaching." The teaching practice in this period hasaccumulated useful experiences and paved the road for later translation teaching in China.Between 1949 and 1978, courses in translation were offered in some foreign languagesinstitutions and departments in the country, including the present Guangdong Universityof Foreign Studies, Tianjin Foreign Studies University, Dalian University of ForeignLanguages. But at the same time translation was mainly taken as an exercise to learn aforeign language, not as an independent course for the students. The concepts of teachingtranslation and translation teaching were always mixed up and there was no distinctionmade between them. The translation course was mainly offered for the undergraduatesmajoring in foreign languages and there were no specific departments or programs totrain translators and interpreters. (Mu Lei, 1999: 35) As a result, the number of qualifiedtranslators and interpreters was quite limited.
2.2 Views on Translation Error Studies
Researchers abroad and at home have studied translation errors from differentaspects and theoretical perspectives, Melie and Albir (2002; 11-15) hold that the analysis of translation errors should beconducted from two aspects: lack of knowledge and inadequate application orassimilation of the principles governing translation. However, Liao Baisen (2010)believes that the analysis of translation errors is closely related to the process oftranslation, so he suggests that the process-oriented approach, such as Gile,s sequentialmodel of translation, be more preferable to analyze translation errors. According to Gile'smodel (1994),the process of translation is pided into two stages: comprehension andreformulation. At the first stage of comprehension, translators first employ their firstlanguage ability and background knowledge to establish a meaning hypothesis,temporarily assigning a meaning to the part of the text being worked on,and then checkthe meaning hypothesis for fidelity and linguistic acceptability. At the second stage ofreformulation, translators verbalize the meaning of the text in the target language andcheck whether relevant information is included and extraneous information is notincluded. Errors in translation can be traced back to those two stages. Language errorsmight be the translators' failure in the checking process of linguistic acceptability at thesecond stage of reformulation. If translation errors were found,it would mean thattranslators failed in fidelity checking of the first stage of comprehension. However,Gile's model is not suitable for the analysis of students' translation errors, because itcannot offer solutions to students' errors in particular linguistic contexts. (Ouyang,2008:11)
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework..........10
3.1 Definitions ........10
3.2 Error Analysis as the Theoretical Basis........12
Chapter Four An Overview of Translation Teaching........16
4.1 Translation Skill Requirements for English Majors........ 16
4.2 Development and Present Situation of Translation Teaching........ 16
4.3 Translation Competence........ 20
4.4 Summary ........23
Chapter Five EA-based Translation Error Analysis........ 25
5.1 Analysis of Errors in Students' Translation Practices ........25
5.2 Typical Errors in Students' Translation Practices........ 40
5.3 Causes of Errors in Students' Translation Practices........ 44
5.4 Suggestions for Handling the Problems ........47
Chapter Five EA-based Translation Error Analysis
5.1 Analysis of Errors in Students' Translation Practices
According to Ellis (1995,70),“Errors are not something to be avoided but are aninevitable feature of the learning process. Indeed, the very concept of 'error' comes to bechallenged on the grounds that learners act systematically in accordance with the mentalgrammars they have constructed and that their utterances are well-formed in terms of thesegrammars."According to Corder (1967: 167) “A learner's errors are significant in three differentways. First to the teacher in that they tell him, if he undertakes a systematic analysis,howfar towards that goal the learner has progressed and,consequently, what remains for him tolearn. Second they provide to researchers evidence of how language is learned or acquired,what strategies or procedures the learner is employing in his discovery of the language.Thirdly, they are indispensable to the learner himself because we can regard the making oferrors are a device the learner uses in order to learn."So,in the process of translation, students tend to make some mistakes or errors. Inorder to find the problems,the author of this thesis presents several examples, all ofwhich are student's translations of the source texts in TEM-8. The following are theEnglish-to-Chinese translation or Chinese-to-English translation source texts (ST), inwhich all the sentences are numbered for discussion's convenience and the student'starget texts (TT) follow the ST.
Since TEM-8 is becoming more and more important, students and teachers pay moreattention to it. According to students' feedback and our investigation, translation is a bigdifficult for students to do TEM-8. Therefore,this thesis turns to the study of errors in thetranslation exercises concerning authentic TEM-8 translation materials and put forwardsome coping strategies, hoping that it can give English major students a little help in theirtranslation competence improvements. However, there are some limitations in the presentstudy. Although the author has conducted the present research on errors in the translationexercises and analyzed some typical problems,putting forward some constructivesuggestions for teachers and students, there are still some limitations and problems thatneed to be mentioned. The selected examples might not be enough for analysis of theproblems, and the analyses are not detailed. The other limitation of the study is that thisthesis mainly discusses errors in the translation exercises, thus some other aspects areneglected, such as translation teaching, translation exercise design, the coursearrangement and the time of translation class every semester, and so on. They are allcalled for further study and investigation. Besides,as the number of examples is notenough to get more usefiil problems, those suggestions given above are not tooconstructive and may be only helpful to those students who are strongly willing to learntranslation well but of little help to lazy students.Finally, the author of this thesis wants to give some suggestions for futureresearchers. With the rapid growth of economy,the demands of various fields aredifferent at different periods, which can be described by the popular saying at home: theplan cannot catch up with the change. Though a very good translation methodology isgreatly advocated at present, it could not last forever. Teachers and researchers shouldcontinuously do researches and introduce new methods for students to keep up with thedevelopment of society. Besides,translation classes should adapt to the students andencompass a variety of pedagogical approaches, laying the emphasis on pedagogic orprofessional activities depending on whether the sessions are aimed at undergraduateEnglish majors. The author also hopes that more and more universities could pay moreattention to translation teaching, and therefore help students to cultivate their translationcompetence.
References (omitted)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
21 St century is a time which tends to international exchange and cooperation day by day‘The ability to use English has been considered as the necessary ability of internationalexchange, and has become the requirement of basic quality for modem talent in globalintegration. Recently, the requirement of English talent is especially urgent in all kinds offields in China, and the requirement of English level is becoming higher and higher. It doesnot only stay in the level of passing CET4 and CET6, but the most important thing is oralcommunication and practical ability. As the matter of fact, many Chinese students haveexcellent ability in English reading and writing, but a few of them have good ability inEnglish oral communication. The cause of this phenomenon is that Chinese teachers pay moreattention to grammar, reading, writing and translation, but ignoring the oral communication,and the Chinese English learners also ignore the initial purpose of English learning —communication. Thus, the essential task is to enhance the communicative ability and toemphasize the speaking. In recent years, college English education devotes much attention tocultivate the ability of English oral communication. And the teaching program of collegeEnglish sets the final goal of teaching in having the ability in English oral communication.The traditional pedagogy considered error as the sign of failure in language learning, andaccuracy as the basic goal in teaching. Thus,teachers controlled the students' output andavoided the students making errors. But for learners,making errors is common and inevitable,and error is the main characteristic in the second language acquisition (SLA). Errors reflectthe stage of learners,interlanguage development, so it is regarded as a positive part in theprocess of SLA. Error analysis makes people pert their attention from the initial avoidanceof errors to error study and correction, this provides a more direct and effective method inSLA study. Through analyzing errors, teachers could find out the shortcomings both inlearning and teaching.
1.2 Significance of the Study
This study is significant in several aspects. First, it has the theoretical significance. Thecontroversy over the topic of error correction, however, remains unsolved up till now (Lee,1997:466), Some western researchers have done some work on error correction in westerncountries, and they mainly focus on the value of error correction and the types of errorscorrection, such as,Corder (1967),Allwright (1975), Hendrickson (1978), Kr^hen (1983),Ellis (1991),Carroll and Swain (1993),Long(1996),Lyster and Ranta (1997). While in China,many researchers also done the theoretical studies,their studies are about Error Analysis (EA)theory and the error correction strategies, such as Gui Shichun (1985),Wang Churning(1990),Dai Weidong and Shu Dingfaag (1994). Little empirical research has been done aboutthe in-class oral error correction for non-English majored college students. This study takesthe non-English majored college students as the research objects, and find out the necessity oferror correction in oral English classroom and propose the theory about the effectivecorrective feedback for the teachers and the learners' uptake to the corrective feedback.
Chapter 2 Two Literature Review
2.1 Major Terms Definition
According to Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics, error isdefined as following: (in the speech or writing of a second or foreign language learner) theuse of a linguistic item,(e.g.,a word,a grammatical item, a SPEECH ACT,etc.) in a waywhich a fluent or native speaker of the language regards as showing faulty or incompletelearning. A distinction is sometimes made between an error, which results from incompleteknowledge, and a mistake made by a learner when writing or speaking and which is caused bylack of attention, fatigue, carelessness, or some other aspect of performance (Richards, J.C.,Piatt, J, & Plant,H.,1998). And a distinction is also made between an error and a slip. Edge(1989) says a slip is what a learner can self-correct if pointed out if he is given the chance,whereas an error is what a learner cannot self-correct even if his wrongness is pointed out. Anattempt is a guess or when neither the intended meaning nor the structure is clear to theteacher (James, 1998:80-81).Experts have some different versions of definitions of the word error. And while definingerror, they often compare error with mistake or slip. Corder is regarded as a pioneer indefining the term of error, he (1967) points out that an error is a deviation in learner languagewhich results from lack of knowledge of the correct rule. It contrasts to a mistake. An errorcan be overt (the deviation is apparent in the surface form of the utterance) or covert (thedeviation is only evident when the learner's meaning intention is taken into account) (Ellis,1994:700). H. D.Brown (1994:205) shows the difference between error and mistake. He saysthat a mistake is a performance error that is either a random guess or a slip,in that it is afailure to utilize a known system correctly.
2.2 Relevant Theories
When we discuss the theoretical basis of the effectiveness of corrective feedback anduptake, three relevant theories must be mentioned. One is the Interaction Hypothesis which israised by Michael Long in 1985; the other is the Comprehensible Output Hypothesis which isproposed by Merrill Swain in 1985; the third one is the Noticing Hypothesis which is built bySchmidt in 1986. Long has the further research on the basis of Krashen's Input Hypothesis. He finds outthat both parties of communication will attempt to hold the negotiation of meaning in order tokeep the conversation going smoothly, and then produces the interactive modification, so as topropose the Interaction Hypothesis.Like the input hypothesis, the interaction hypothesis emphasizes the significance ofcomprehensible input. It also seeks to explain how acquisition comes about and makes claimsregarding which kinds of interaction will best promote it. Input is at “i+l”,one step ahead ofthe learner's existing L2 knowledge; interaction 一 i+l,or the interaction hypothesis.Compares Krashen's input hypothesis with Long's interaction hypothesis, the only thing newis the addition of an "interaction" component, which leads to input (Ding-Yanren: 134).
Chapter 3 Research Design and Method...........25
3.1 Research Design ..........25
3.2 Participants.......... 25
3.3 Data Collection ..........26
Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussion.......... 28
4.1 Students' Errors Most Frequently Corrected .......... 30
4.1.1 Error Types.......... 30
4.1.2Distribution of Errors.......... 31
4.2 Corrective Feedback Most Actively Responded with Students' Uptake ..........34
4.2.1 Types of Corrective Feedback ..........34
4.2.2 Types of Uptake ..........36
4.2.3 Distribution of Students Uptakes.......... 39
4.3 Corrective Feedback Most Frequently Used and Feedback.......... 43
Chapter 5 Conclusion .......... 50
Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Error Treatment Sequence by Lyster and Ranta (1997)
The sequence begins with a learner's utterance containing at least one error. Theerroneous utterance is followed either by the teacher's corrective feedback or not; if not,thenthere is topic continuation. If corrective feedback is provided by the teacher,then it is eitherfollowed by uptake on the part of the student or not (no uptake entails topic continuation). Ifthere is uptake, then the student's erroneous utterance is either repaired or continues to needrepair in some way. If the utterance needs repair,then the teacher may again providecorrective feedback; if no further feedback is provided, then there is topic continuation.Lyster and Ranta's analytic model was designed to capture learner uptake only in turnsimmediately following corrective feedback,but the uptake is not necessary indicative oflearning. Nonetheless,they believe that the student-generated repairs which can lead to uptakein the error treatment sequence may be important in L2 learning. Although their study dealwith classroom observation predominantly conducted in a French learning context, it is worthbeing applied to other languages' learning contexts,since the study might reveal effectiveinteractions between teachers and students, which can facilitate SLA. And it might beimportant to conduct a classroom observation study in an ESL or EFL context.
The current study was inspired by Lyster and Ranta's (1997) study, and has explored therelationship between error types and corrective feedback, and also the relationship betweencorrective feedback and uptake for non-English majors in college. With the help of the datafrom classroom observation, students' questionnaire, and teachers,interviews,the results ofthe current study show both similarities and differences to and from those in Lyster andRanta's study.The following is a summary of .the major findings:First, in three categories of errors—grammatical errors, phonological errors, and lexicalerrors,most of errors responded with teachers' corrective feedback is lexical errors (43%) inthe current study. This results from the students' low competence of oral English; theyhaven't mastered enough vocabulary, thus they usually can not use the correct words in theirutterance, and teacher has to provide some words to ensure accuracy or fluency. However,students think that they always or often make grammatical errors; they regard grammar as themost important aspect in EFL learning and they often make errors on grammar.
References (omitted)
0.1 Research Objectives
This research is intended to investigate the English as foreign language (EFL)undergraduates’ using the self-regulated strategies (SRSs) to regulate their motivation. Itconsists of two related studies. Study one addresses the SRSs the subjects use to regulate theirmotivation by the form of a structured-questionnaire from a quantitative approach, whilestudy two is an interview based on the result of study one and previous researches.Motivation is the direct cause and inner motive power of English learning, but in theprocess of learning, students are hardly consistent in keeping high motivation all the way,especially when they face bald, insignificant stuff and materials which are hard to understand.At this point, for the sake of keeping the motivations going, they must take certain SRSs toadjust them. In fact, in the recent years, researchers at home have begun to pay close attentionto the dynamic essence of motivation. But there remain still many unsolved problems. What’sthe overall pattern in using motivational regulation strategies (MRSs) among Chinesenon-English undergraduates? Are there any differences in the use of MRSs in terms of genderand specialty? Are there any link between the use of MRSs and academic achievement?In order to solve these problems, this study is intended to have a survey among Chineseundergraduates by using the questionnaire. It is mainly designed to examine the SRSs Chinesenon-English undergraduates use to adjust their motivation, and the relation of motivationalregulation with their academic achievement, gender and specialty. Besides, interviews wereconducted to get further knowledge about undergraduates’ SRSs for motivation.
0.2 Significance of the Study
The present research is expected to display the significance in four aspects.Firstly, although motivational regulation has been regarded as an important aspect ofself-regulated learning (SRL) and is thought to have a great impact on academic achievement,there is still relatively little investigation about it. On the previous studies, researches in this field were confined to the monitor and control of the cognitive strategies. Undeniably, thecognitive strategies, such as retelling, refining, organizing, are extremely important tolearning, but the motivation, i.e. how much students are willing to expend on the study, is alsovery vital.Secondly, previous studies on the relationship between motivation and SRL are mainlysingle-way cause and result relation, that is to say, it holds the view that different motivationconstruction will have great impact on learners’ use of metacognitive and cognitive strategies,but there is still little study on whether learners use some kinds of SRSs to adjust theirmotivation or not.Thirdly, some scholars had made several researches on motivational self-regulation(MSR) on different subjects, such as American college students (Wolters, college 224‐35),students in college of Taiwan region (Cheng Binlin, relation 79-102), Chinese college students (Li Kun,strategy research 305-13), and so on. For foreign language learning, there has been raresystematic experimental study so far that has been devoted to examining how motivationalregulation bears on foreign language learning. We know little about whether and how Chineseundergraduates regulate their motivation, to say nothing of the role of motivational regulationin their foreign language learning.Lastly, this research will provide pedagogical implications for English teaching, andgive help to students to deal with the obstacles they will encounter in language learning.
Chpater One Literature Review
1.1 Motivational Regulation
Although the term SRL is originally a concept in educational psychology, it has beenpaid increasing attention by language researchers, and the fostering of students’ ability toregulate their learning is now more and more increasingly acknowledged as a major objectivewithin language education. The critical importance of motivation in affecting the learning of second language (L2)has been generally recognized, however, the previous researches are mainly devoted toanalyzing how to motivate learners rather than to analyzing what motivation itself is. In recentyears, the emphasis of researches on motivation have begun to shift from distinguishingvaried motivations, the motivational theories and the role of motivation to discussing thedynamic features of motivation and the maintenance of motivation (e.g., D rnyei, “themes”,“attitudes”; D rnyei and Ottó; Li and Wu; Manolopoulou-Sergi; Zhou and Rao). Previousresearches found that students who are good at regulating their motivation should learn morethan the students less skilled at that.Motivational regulation is a new terminology in the field of L2, but it shares muchsimilar meaning with the term “control of motivation” in the field of L2 learning, and itssignificance for L2 learning has been generally recognized. This type of self-control ofmotivation has also been recognized as a vital aspect in theories of volition, and it takesself-control of motivation as an inpidual’s ability to ensure the completion of his previouslyset goals in the face of competing demands or distractions (Corno and Kanfer 335).
1.2 Some Items Related to MSR
Except researches on whether and how learners regulate their motivation duringlearning process, there are still many researches on the relation of motivational regulation with other items, such as the other components of SRL, academic achievement, gender andspecialty. By investigating the differences in using different strategies under different learningcontexts and their relation with other components of SRL, Wolters (college 233-34) foundthat intrinsic regulation and learning goal orientation were moderately and positively related,and extrinsic regulation and performance goal orientation as well; while intrinsic regulationwas negatively related to performance goal orientation, and extrinsic regulation was alsonegatively related to learning goal orientation. In addition, intrinsic regulation had a positiverelation with learners’ reported use of elaboration, critical thinking, organization, andmetacognitive strategies, while extrinsic regulation was negatively related to those items. Ithas found that intrinsic regulation is a significantly positive predictor of learners’ use ofmetacognitive strategies, elaboration, and critical thinking.There were moderate to strong relations between students’ regulation of motivation andtheir use of metacognitive and cognitive strategies. Each MRS was correlated significantly toat least three cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies. Learners who were reported touse more frequently the MRSs tend to report used more metacognitive and cognitivestrategies as well. All the five MRSs were correlated positively with effort, furthermore,students who reported using more MRSs also paid much more efforts and persistence forlearning task (Wolters, high 295).
Chapter Three Results and Discussion ..........25
3.1 Reliability of the Questionnaire .....25
3.2 Overall Pattern in the Use of MRS........26
3.3 Factors Influencing the Use of MRS .....27
3.4 Motivational Problems Encountered by Learners .........41
3.5 MRS Taken by Learners.....43
Chpater Four Implications.........53
4.1 Helping Teachers Change Their Training Mode....53
4.2 Helping Learners Self-regulate Their Motivation .........54
Chpater Four Implications
4.1 Helping Teachers Change Their Training Mode
Though cognitive, metacognitive and motivational regulations share equal importance,and the critical significance of motivational regulation has been generally recognized, most ofprevious studies were on the metacognitive and cognitive aspects, motivational regulation isstill a relatively less researched field. There is no denying that metacognitive and cognitiveregulation strategies are important for English learning, but the motivational aspect is alsoindispensable because how much learners are willing to spend on learning determines greatlytheir achievementsMotivation has been generally recognized as a determinant of vital importance ininfluencing language learning. Foreign language educators have been trying to find out howthey can stimulate their students’ interest; however, in the past researchers’ focuses weremainly set in the perspective of the strategies teachers can make in stimulating their studentsduring the process of teaching; little attention was given to discussing how teachers can helpstudents self-keep and -increase their motivation when they encounter motivational problemsduring English learning.According to the findings of the present research, the employing of MRSs do play acritical role in reflecting learners’ English achievement, and the high English achievers usedmore MRSs than the low achievers. The finding tells us the key importance of students’self-regulating their motivation and reminds trainers of the awareness of that. Therefore,teachers should help students establish awareness of regulating their motivation when theydon’t feel like fulfilling their English learning tasks. We also found there do exist femaledominance and specialty dominance which tell teachers more helps should be given to thosemale students and students of science. In order to help learners achieve higher Englishachievement, it is of great importance and significance for both learners and educators torecognize that. Teachers and trainers’ attention should be paid to not only how they canstimulate students’ motivation but also how to assist them to self-regulate their motivation.
Motivational regulation has been viewed as a critically important aspect of SRL and hasgreat impact on academic achievements, and the lack of motivation is a frequent problemexperienced by EFL Chinese undergraduates, however, the relevant studies on it is little withstill several problems to be solved. Five major findings can be drawn from the results presented in this investigation.
(i)Chinese EFL undergraduates do frequently rely on some MRSs to maintain orincrease their motivation in English learning until fulfill the tasks, such as negative-basedincentive, performance self-talk, mastery self-talk, volitional control, interest enhancement,task value enhancement, self-reward, and self-efficacy enhancement.
(ii)Language proficiency does influence the use of MRSs, that is, the high-proficiencylearners used more MRSs than the low-proficiency learners. In general, the means of HG forfive types (negative-based incentive, performance self-talk, mastery self-talk, interestenhancement, and task value enhancement) of MRSs were significantly higher than those ofMG; Means of HG were significantly higher than those of the LG for seven of the eightMRSs with the exception of self-reward; Means of MG were significantly higher than thoseof LG for five MRSs (mastery self-talk, volitional control, interest enhancement, task valueenhancement and self-efficacy enhancement).
References (omitted)
Chapter One Introduction
1.1Research Background
It is well known that human being has entered into a rapidly developing world ofinternet, science and technology. The life-long learning has been the important aim of schooleducation. Therefore, in order to master knowledge faster and better, it is not only necessaryfor students to have efficient learning methods and strategies but also to get to know their ownlearning and thinking process in order to improve their self-monitor and self-regulationeffectively. This kind of ability of thinking and self-control refer to one kind of metacognitiveabilities, and those high tactics or skills which enable learners to be more effective andsuccessful in their self-study are defined as metacognitive strategies. And, many researchersmake comments on the role of metacognitive strategies in language learning according totheir researches and understanding. For example, Oxford (1990: 136) proposes that“metacognitive strategies are essential to successful language learning.” In China, Wen(1995) mentioned monitoring role of metacognitive strategies for the first time. Since then,researchers in China show great interest in the study on metacognition.Learners can do self-study by applying network media autonomously. Thepopularization and application of network has changed the traditional mode of study to acertain degree. Online learning becomes a new approach with the coming of informationtechnology. With characteristics of personalization, coordination, plenty of resources,learning under the network environment is beneficial for students' creativity and independentlearning ability. Cultivating the students’ ability under online autonomous learning is anecessity in the present development of society and also an important aim in the schoolteaching. Therefore, online learning becomes an important way of study, and puts forwardhigher demand for autonomous learning ability, especially, the demand for metacognitiveability, the ability of self-planning, self-monitoring and self-regulation,which are vital toinpidual life-long learning and development.
1.2 Purposes of the Study
Through a survey on metacognitive ability and metacognitive strategies under onlinecollege English autonomous learning employed by Independent College science students inShandong University of Science and Technology, the paper focuses on three questions: thefirst, aims to investigate the general situation of students’ metacognitive ability,metacognitive strategies under online college English autonomous learning; the second,intends to examine the differences existed in the use of metacognitive ability andmetacognitive strategies under online college English autonomous learning between high andlow achievers, the last is to examine the relationships between metacognitive ability,metacognitive strategies and their CET scores among Independent College students.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definitions of Key Terms
What is Learner Autonomy? Some scholars defined it as a learning process, and someviewed it as a kind of ability. Many different researchers and theorists defined learnerautonomy in many different ways. Even the same researchers have offered differentinterpretations in different periods of time.The definition of “autonomous learning” originated from the discussion on thedevelopment of life-long learning skills in the 1960s. Holec (1981: 47) defined autonomy as“the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”, which has been a major influence in thedebate about autonomy in language learning. Later, Dickinson (1987:11) defined autonomy as“the situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all of the decisions concerned withhis [or her] learning and the implementation of those decisions”.Bound (1988: 17) viewed autonomy as an educational goal that was “an approach toeducational practice”. Littlewood (1999) defined learner autonomy in educational term as theability to acquire knowledge without depending on the teacher. From these definitions, we canget know that autonomous learning is a kind of competence instead of skills.In addition, many scholars gave different ways of definition as well as from varieties ofpoints of concepts. Some researchers defined learner autonomy based on the psychologicalpoint of view. Rathbone (1971) pointed out “the autonomous learner is a self-activated makerof meaning, an active agent in his own learning process.”For other researchers, different factors are taken into account. Dickinson (1987: 11)regarded “autonomy as a special learning environment”. Similarly, Nunan viewed autonomyas a capacity by saying “learners who have reached a point where they are able to define theirown goals and create their own learning opportunities have, by definition, becomeautonomous” (Nunan, 1995).
2.2 Relationships between Metacognition and Online Autonomous Learning
The concept of autonomous learning has a full realization of the function of learners’autonomy and stresses the application of metacognition, which can not go without learners’autonomous participation. Autonomous learning and metacognition have a closer relationshipin flexible and opening online learning environment. In this research, it is believed that thedevelopment of online autonomous learning and metacognition is interacted and mutuallypromoted each other. On the one hand, metacognitive ability is the internal condition of onlineautonomous learning. Metacognitive development affects the level and quality of autonomouslearning, whether metacognitive process is regarded as the important procedure ofautonomous learning or metacognitive ability is referred to the internal element ofautonomous learning. On the other hand, autonomous learning and metacognitivedevelopment mutually promote each other. The process of learners’ online autonomouslearning is also the process of learners’ metacognitive development. By autonomous learning,learners’ metacognitive knowledge is accumulated and strengthened. At the same time, self- monitoring capability of metacognition is enhanced as well. With the development ofmetacognitive level, learning efficiency increases and learners’ self-efficiency and confidencecan also be promoted, which will further strengthen meaningful learning and learners’autonomous learning.
Chapter Three Research Methodology ......... 22
3.1 Research Context.........22
3.2 Research Questions .........22
3.3 Participants .........22
3.4 Research Instruments.........23
3.5 Data Collection.........24
3.6 Data Analysis .........25
Chapter Four Results and Discussion .........26
4.1 General Situation of MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL .........26
4.2 Relationships between MAOCEAL, MSOCEAL and CET4 Score.........31
4.3 Differences in MAOCEAL, MSOCEAL between High .........35
Chapter Five Conclusion .........39
5.1 Main Findings .........39
5.2 Implications.........39
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research..........42
Chapter Four Results and Discussions
4.1 General Situation of MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL
This section explains the first research question---the overall situation of metacognitiveability and metacognitive strategies under online college English autonomous learning usedby Independent College science students in SDUST. According to Oxford (Version 7.0), the mean of each item of strategy indicates thefrequency of subjects using strategy. The specific corresponding relationship betweenfrequency and scores follows: 4.5~5 indicating “always”, 3.5~4.4 indicating “frequently use”,2.5~3.4 “sometimes use”,1.5~2.4 indicating “rarely use”, 1.0~1.4 “never use”. As shown inTable 3, the total mean value of MA is 63.9745. There are 24 items in MA, the score 63.9745refers to the mean value of the all 24 items, that’s to say, the mean value of each item shouldbe 2.67. Therefore, the explanation for the result is “medium: sometimes”. And the meanvalues of MK (the total score in this aspect is 30), ME (the total score in this aspect is 30) andMR ( the total score in this aspect is 60) are 16.1975, 14.7643 and 33.0127 respectively,which shows that the means of MK and ME are in the low degree, of them, the mean of MRis in the middle degree, and the standard deviations of MK and ME are not so big, which suggests that there is not a big difference in the use of MK and ME. The mean value of MK isslightly higher and ME’s is slightly lower, which shows that the students use MK morefrequent than that of ME during their English study. The unobvious differences among thethree mean values of MK, ME, and MR also demonstrate that the students almost use thethree subcategories equally in English study. The results are related to their wholemetacognitive ability, which becomes relatively better with age, and they know how to plan,monitor and evaluate in English learning. That is probably the reason why the three meanvalues are almost the same.
The current research shows that MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL used by IndependentCollege students are not in high level. There are three categories: metacognitive knowledge,metacognitive experience and metacognitive regulation in MAOCEAL, and self-planning,self-monitoring and self-evaluation are the three models of MSOCEAL. The participants ofthe Independent Colleges can not have good command of these strategies, which suggests thatthey do not have the general knowledge about MSOCEAL or they haven’t realized theimportance of them. And, another possible reason for the results lies in the neglect of thefunction of MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL by English teachers to a certain extent. So it is vitalfor both teachers and learners to pay much attention to the role of MAOCEAL andMSOCEAL in English learning. Owing to the great significance of MAOCEAL andMSOCEAL in English language learning, especially for Independent College Studentsstudying English online, therefore, the author of the current study pay close attention to thediscussion of MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL and their impacts on English achievements.
References (omitted)
Chapter One Introduction
1.1Research Background
It is well known that human being has entered into a rapidly developing world ofinternet, science and technology. The life-long learning has been the important aim of schooleducation. Therefore, in order to master knowledge faster and better, it is not only necessaryfor students to have efficient learning methods and strategies but also to get to know their ownlearning and thinking process in order to improve their self-monitor and self-regulationeffectively. This kind of ability of thinking and self-control refer to one kind of metacognitiveabilities, and those high tactics or skills which enable learners to be more effective andsuccessful in their self-study are defined as metacognitive strategies. And, many researchersmake comments on the role of metacognitive strategies in language learning according totheir researches and understanding. For example, Oxford (1990: 136) proposes that“metacognitive strategies are essential to successful language learning.” In China, Wen(1995) mentioned monitoring role of metacognitive strategies for the first time. Since then,researchers in China show great interest in the study on metacognition.Learners can do self-study by applying network media autonomously. Thepopularization and application of network has changed the traditional mode of study to acertain degree. Online learning becomes a new approach with the coming of informationtechnology. With characteristics of personalization, coordination, plenty of resources,learning under the network environment is beneficial for students' creativity and independentlearning ability. Cultivating the students’ ability under online autonomous learning is anecessity in the present development of society and also an important aim in the schoolteaching. Therefore, online learning becomes an important way of study, and puts forwardhigher demand for autonomous learning ability, especially, the demand for metacognitiveability, the ability of self-planning, self-monitoring and self-regulation,which are vital toinpidual life-long learning and development.
1.2 Purposes of the Study
Through a survey on metacognitive ability and metacognitive strategies under onlinecollege English autonomous learning employed by Independent College science students inShandong University of Science and Technology, the paper focuses on three questions: thefirst, aims to investigate the general situation of students’ metacognitive ability,metacognitive strategies under online college English autonomous learning; the second,intends to examine the differences existed in the use of metacognitive ability andmetacognitive strategies under online college English autonomous learning between high andlow achievers, the last is to examine the relationships between metacognitive ability,metacognitive strategies and their CET scores among Independent College students.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Definitions of Key Terms
What is Learner Autonomy? Some scholars defined it as a learning process, and someviewed it as a kind of ability. Many different researchers and theorists defined learnerautonomy in many different ways. Even the same researchers have offered differentinterpretations in different periods of time.The definition of “autonomous learning” originated from the discussion on thedevelopment of life-long learning skills in the 1960s. Holec (1981: 47) defined autonomy as“the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”, which has been a major influence in thedebate about autonomy in language learning. Later, Dickinson (1987:11) defined autonomy as“the situation in which the learner is totally responsible for all of the decisions concerned withhis [or her] learning and the implementation of those decisions”.Bound (1988: 17) viewed autonomy as an educational goal that was “an approach toeducational practice”. Littlewood (1999) defined learner autonomy in educational term as theability to acquire knowledge without depending on the teacher. From these definitions, we canget know that autonomous learning is a kind of competence instead of skills.In addition, many scholars gave different ways of definition as well as from varieties ofpoints of concepts. Some researchers defined learner autonomy based on the psychologicalpoint of view. Rathbone (1971) pointed out “the autonomous learner is a self-activated makerof meaning, an active agent in his own learning process.”For other researchers, different factors are taken into account. Dickinson (1987: 11)regarded “autonomy as a special learning environment”. Similarly, Nunan viewed autonomyas a capacity by saying “learners who have reached a point where they are able to define theirown goals and create their own learning opportunities have, by definition, becomeautonomous” (Nunan, 1995).
2.2 Relationships between Metacognition and Online Autonomous Learning
The concept of autonomous learning has a full realization of the function of learners’autonomy and stresses the application of metacognition, which can not go without learners’autonomous participation. Autonomous learning and metacognition have a closer relationshipin flexible and opening online learning environment. In this research, it is believed that thedevelopment of online autonomous learning and metacognition is interacted and mutuallypromoted each other. On the one hand, metacognitive ability is the internal condition of onlineautonomous learning. Metacognitive development affects the level and quality of autonomouslearning, whether metacognitive process is regarded as the important procedure ofautonomous learning or metacognitive ability is referred to the internal element ofautonomous learning. On the other hand, autonomous learning and metacognitivedevelopment mutually promote each other. The process of learners’ online autonomouslearning is also the process of learners’ metacognitive development. By autonomous learning,learners’ metacognitive knowledge is accumulated and strengthened. At the same time, self- monitoring capability of metacognition is enhanced as well. With the development ofmetacognitive level, learning efficiency increases and learners’ self-efficiency and confidencecan also be promoted, which will further strengthen meaningful learning and learners’autonomous learning.
Chapter Three Research Methodology ......... 22
3.1 Research Context.........22
3.2 Research Questions .........22
3.3 Participants .........22
3.4 Research Instruments.........23
3.5 Data Collection.........24
3.6 Data Analysis .........25
Chapter Four Results and Discussion .........26
4.1 General Situation of MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL .........26
4.2 Relationships between MAOCEAL, MSOCEAL and CET4 Score.........31
4.3 Differences in MAOCEAL, MSOCEAL between High .........35
Chapter Five Conclusion .........39
5.1 Main Findings .........39
5.2 Implications.........39
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research..........42
Chapter Four Results and Discussions
4.1 General Situation of MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL
This section explains the first research question---the overall situation of metacognitiveability and metacognitive strategies under online college English autonomous learning usedby Independent College science students in SDUST. According to Oxford (Version 7.0), the mean of each item of strategy indicates thefrequency of subjects using strategy. The specific corresponding relationship betweenfrequency and scores follows: 4.5~5 indicating “always”, 3.5~4.4 indicating “frequently use”,2.5~3.4 “sometimes use”,1.5~2.4 indicating “rarely use”, 1.0~1.4 “never use”. As shown inTable 3, the total mean value of MA is 63.9745. There are 24 items in MA, the score 63.9745refers to the mean value of the all 24 items, that’s to say, the mean value of each item shouldbe 2.67. Therefore, the explanation for the result is “medium: sometimes”. And the meanvalues of MK (the total score in this aspect is 30), ME (the total score in this aspect is 30) andMR ( the total score in this aspect is 60) are 16.1975, 14.7643 and 33.0127 respectively,which shows that the means of MK and ME are in the low degree, of them, the mean of MRis in the middle degree, and the standard deviations of MK and ME are not so big, which suggests that there is not a big difference in the use of MK and ME. The mean value of MK isslightly higher and ME’s is slightly lower, which shows that the students use MK morefrequent than that of ME during their English study. The unobvious differences among thethree mean values of MK, ME, and MR also demonstrate that the students almost use thethree subcategories equally in English study. The results are related to their wholemetacognitive ability, which becomes relatively better with age, and they know how to plan,monitor and evaluate in English learning. That is probably the reason why the three meanvalues are almost the same.
The current research shows that MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL used by IndependentCollege students are not in high level. There are three categories: metacognitive knowledge,metacognitive experience and metacognitive regulation in MAOCEAL, and self-planning,self-monitoring and self-evaluation are the three models of MSOCEAL. The participants ofthe Independent Colleges can not have good command of these strategies, which suggests thatthey do not have the general knowledge about MSOCEAL or they haven’t realized theimportance of them. And, another possible reason for the results lies in the neglect of thefunction of MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL by English teachers to a certain extent. So it is vitalfor both teachers and learners to pay much attention to the role of MAOCEAL andMSOCEAL in English learning. Owing to the great significance of MAOCEAL andMSOCEAL in English language learning, especially for Independent College Studentsstudying English online, therefore, the author of the current study pay close attention to thediscussion of MAOCEAL and MSOCEAL and their impacts on English achievements.
References (omitted)