Wicked Problem Assignment
Aims of this Session本次课程的目的
To help and support IBP students to gain knowledge about the required academic skills and writing capabilities in order to succeed with completing the first assignment.帮助和支持IBP学生获得为了成功完成的第一项作业所需的学术能力和写作能力。
Develop knowledge & background information for Assignment 1.
Discuss Wicked Problems
Discuss features of Essay writing
Writing requirements / Do’s & Don’ts
Basic intro on how to reference for your assignment
Further study help & resources
Wicked Problem弱问题
Features of a W.P弱问题的特征
They are complex它们很复杂
There are no ’simple’ solutions没有简单的解决办法
Solving one problem ultimately leads to another一个问题的解决最终引向另一个问题
They are not ‘tame’ (Rittel & Webber 1973) easily solved simplistic problems
Wicked Problems cont..弱问题续
Solutions are usually ‘good’ or ‘bad’, not true or false. 解决办法只有好坏之分,没有对错之分
They are unique problems that cannot be solved by traditional methods.它们是特殊的问题,不能通过传统办法来解决
There is no one point to say when you have finished – no stopping rule.
Possible examples of W.P关于弱问题的例子
Designing & testing new piece of software for the market.
The redevelopment of Darling Harbour & possible demolition/ relocation of The Exhibition Centre.
Assignment 1: Task作业1任务
600 word Essay
Worth 20%
Due 23rd March 2012
Answer the Q - addressing content delivered in lectures 1-3
Need minimum 5 references
Submit through Turn-It-In
Marking Criteria
Let us look at how you will be assessed.
Look at the marking criteria
Marking CriteriaWeight
•Identify the characteristics of a W.P.
•Relate the W.P. to business issues40%
•Critical analytical approach30%
•Text structure
Brainstorm possible ideas: 头脑风暴可能的想法
Discuss with a partner/small groupBrainstorm possible ideas
Look at the samples.
With a partner discuss what mark (Z/P/C/D/HD) you would give each criteria for the assignments.
Sample 1案例二
Not in essay style.
No introduction or conclusion.
No logical connections between ideas. Just a list of bullet points.
No in-text citations.
References not in Harvard UTS style.
Sample 2案例二
Essay style
Clear introduction and conclusion
Logical connections between ideas
Supports ideas with in-text citations
Reference list is in Harvard UTS style
Essay Writing文章写作
We’ll briefly look at:
Features of essay writing文章写作特点
Intro to paragraph structure
Your introduction & conclusion writing
Meeting uni expectations/requirements
Brief introduction into how to reference
Do’s & Don’ts
Intro to Paragraph Structure段落结构简介
Topic Sentence – ‘controlling idea’ –what the paragraph is about
Support Sentences –
Support Sentences -
Support Sentences -
Concluding sentence – summarising the topic and argument of the paragraph
Introduction & Conclusion介绍和总结
Very important
What do they need to include?
Check this link on how to write effective introductions & conclusions for essay writing
What’s expected of you希望你做到以下几点
Answer the question clearly清楚地回答问题
Present the information in essay style and format
Clear, well written language appropriate to undergraduate level.
Meets the referencing requirements
Meets the marking criteria
Well presented & accurate spelling/grammar
Intro to referencing for your assignment作业简介
You need to show where your ideas come from你需要展示你是如何得出观点的
Cite reliable sources
Use Harvard UTS style
Must include in-text citations AND reference list (and these should match perfectly).
John C. Camillus, professor of strategic management at University of Pittsburgh’s Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of business, Harvard Business Review Vol. 86 (5) may 2008, page 98-106.
Armineh Mardirossian, sustainability manager. Woolworth limited
Anup Shah, Environmental Issue, Global Issues,
Camillus, J.C. 2008, ‘Strategy as a wicked problem’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 86, no. 5), pp. 98-106.
Mardirossian, A. Year, Title of web page, viewed date,
Check the marking criteria carefully仔细检查评分标准
Pay attention to your referencing
Pay attention to the structure of your writing
Write in FULL paragraphs
ANSWER the question!
Check grammar, spelling & punctuation
Leave things to the last minute把事情留到最后一分钟才做
Just give a list of bullet points
Plagiarise / Copy & Paste
Reference ‘Wikipedia’ or un-reliable sources
Further helpful resources更多有用的资源
HELPS academic workshops
HELPS online self-study resources
Learning resources for students
UTS Library Study Skills