基于ABAQUS的带加劲肋的顶底角钢连接节点性能研究Behavior Research Of Stiffened Flange Angle Connection Base On Abaqus
After investigation and research of America Northbridge earthquake in 1994 found that a lot of steel structure building fracture at connection. After the Kobe earthquake in Japan in 1995, it also occur the similar problem in the connection of steel structure welding part. The study found that the fracture originated from the beam column connection flange weld, , the researchers realized that, to avoid the welding connection of the brittle failure after experienced two earthquakes, it is necessary to change the connection pattern, to make the connection has a rotation ability, guarantee the connection ductility, but does not reduce the ultimate connection bearing capacity.
In the steel structure design, top and seat angle connections is often consideredasasimple joint, and this paper with stiffened rib of top and seat angle connection for research, the connection has a typical semi-rigid behavior.
After the verification of finite element analysis and experiment, comparison of initial stiffness of top angle stiffened with the seat angle stiffened found that seat angle with stiffeners increases joint stiffness greatly, the reason lies in the center of rotation shift down.
Through analysis of the results, we found that both the top and seat angle with stiffener or without stiffener angle connections in different pre-stress case, pre-stress has almost no effect on connection post yield stiffness, but have great influence on initial connection stiffness, when bolt preload is small, the initial stiffness is small, also can appear slip. When a certain degree of pre-stress of pre-stressed increases, the influence of pre-stress will be small, with the increase of joint surface friction when there is no slip. Screw hole spacing in pre-stressed bolt low case, top bottom effect of angle steel connections is larger, results show that the strength and the initial stiffness with the bolt clearance stiffness is larger than the bolt without gap. Through the analysis of the hysteretic behavior of that joint with stiffener hysteretic performance is better than no node of stiffening rib, but stiffener thickness on the hysteretic behavior of the joints have little effect.
According to the characteristics of stiffened top and seat angle, this thesis puts forward the calculation formula of effective width, finally through the component method calculation formula of joint initial stiffness are given.
Key Words:semi-rigid connection, finite element, top and seat angle, stiffened rib
摘要 I
目录 III
第1章 引言 1
1.1 研究的背景与意义 1
1.1.1 常用梁柱半刚性连接形式 2
1.1.2 半刚性连接的特点 3
1.1.3 半刚性连接节点分类 5
1.1.4 带加劲肋的顶底角钢提出 7
1.2 国内外研究现状 8
1.2.1 研究状况回顾 8
1.2.2 半刚性连接节点弯矩转角分析模型 8
1.2.3 国内主要研究成果 9
1.2.4 国外主要研究成果 10
1.3 本文主要工作安排 11
第2章 带加劲肋的顶底角钢节点与有限元分析理论基础 13
2.1 连接节点初始刚度计算理论基础 13
2.1.1 WF CHEN模型 13
2.1.2 基于组件法模型 15
2.2 有限元分析理论基础 16
2.2.1 有限元分析的优点 16
2.2.2 连接分析的特点 16
2.2.3 分析类型和求解器选择 17
2.2.4 实体单元(solid element) 17
2.2.5 接触定义 19
2.3 本章小结 20
第3章 带加劲肋的顶底角钢有限元校核与参数分析 21
3.1 有限元模型校核 21
3.1.1 几何尺寸 21
3.1.2 材料属性 22
3.1.3 G0S0 G0S1模型数值结果对比 22
3.2 ABAQUS模型参数分析 24
3.2.1 几何尺寸 24
3.3 本章小结 27
第4章 带加劲肋顶底角钢连接有限元参数化分析 28
4.1 预应力以及螺孔间隙对节点弯矩-转角曲线的影响 28
4.1.1 模型尺寸 28
4.1.2 预应力对模型的影响 28
4.2 角钢连接传力机制分析 31
4.3 带加劲肋框架分析 37
4.4 本章小结 40
第5章 带加劲肋顶底角钢连接初始刚度计算 41
5.1 引言 41
5.2 初始刚度计算 41
5.2.1 节点变形来源 41
5.2.2 柱子腹板抗压刚度 42
5.2.3 柱腹板抗拉刚度 43
5.2.4 螺栓受拉刚度 44
5.2.5 螺栓受剪刚度 45
5.2.6 孔壁承压刚度 45
5.2.7 受弯柱翼缘刚度 45
5.2.8 带加劲肋角钢受弯刚度 46
5.3 初始刚度计算公式 47
5.3.1 实验结果对比 48
5.4 半刚性初始刚度判断 48
第6章 角钢T型连接滞回性能分析 50
6.1 引言 50
6.2 模型建立 50
6.2.1 模型尺寸 50
6.2.2 模型简化 51
6.2.3 边界条件与材料属性 52
6.3 加载制度 52
6.4 分析结果 53
6.4.1 有无加劲的影响 54
6.4.2 加劲肋厚度的影响 54
6.4.3 简化模型对比 55
6.4.4 简化加劲肋模型 56
6.5 本章小结 57
第7章 结论与展望 58
7.1 结论 58
7.2 不足与展望 58
致谢 59
参考文献 60
第1章 引言
1.1 研究的背景与意义
自20世纪六七十年代,钢框架结构中梁柱之间的连接形式由铆接转变为栓焊连接或者焊接,如图1-1所示。学者普遍认为焊接节点具有较好的强度与抗震性能,然而在1994年发生的美国北岭大地震(里氏6.7级)[ ]与1995年日本阪神大地震(里氏7.2级)[ ]后发现,大范围的焊接连接节点出现了不同程度脆性破坏,在焊缝处产生裂纹向梁端或柱翼缘、柱腹板开展,大大较低了结构的延性,导致连接节点几乎失去了承载能力。研究认为焊接连接节点很难保证现场的施工质量,由于施工难度大,焊接缺陷的产生是不可避免。
第7章 结论与展望
7.1 结论
7.2 不足与展望
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