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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202313382 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1Background of the Study
Code-switching, as linguistic phenomenon has a long history. However, as thetopic of academic research, it did not attract linguists' attentions until 1970s in abroad. Ithas been studied from different approaches, namely sociolinguistic approach,grammatical approach, psycholinguistic approach, conversational analysis approach andpragmatic approach.The researches of code-switching in China are not as many as in abroad thatmainly focus on English/Chinese code-switching and the code-switching of Chinesemandarin and dialect. However, the studies on the code-switching of Chinese andlanguages of minority nationality are so rare that until now,in many minority languagesonly Uygur, Mongolian and Tibetan are involved in code-switching studies. TheMongolian/Chinese code-switching has been studied by Bao Xiuming (2008),TongYanhong (2010),Naogantuya (2001) and Bai Naren (2013). Bao Xiuming's researchdiscovered the structural features of Mongolian/Chinese code-switching, Tong Yanhongstudied the Mongolian/Chinese code-switching on university campus. Naogantuyastudied Mongolian/English code-switching in Mongolian popular songs from theperspective of adaptation theory. Bai Naren investigated the Mongolian/Chinese code-switching from the perspective of register theory. However, many fields are still inblank such as Mongolian English teacher's classroom code-switching. Therefore,thepresent study aims to investigate the Mongolian English teacher's classroomcode-switching from the perspective of adaptation theory.

1.2Significance of the Study
The phenomenon of Mongolian/Chinese code-switching in Inner Mongolia has notcaught much attention from researchers. So far, some researchers have been done onstructural features in Mongolian/Chinese code-switching within the theoreticalframework of Myers Scotten's matrix language frame model, on motivations ofMongolian/Chinese code-switching within the theoretical framework of Yu Guodong's(2004) adaptation model. However, many fields are still in blank such as MongolianEnglish teacher's code-switching in classroom. It is because too difficult to study forresearcher that involves three kinds of languages such as: Mongolian, Chinese, andEnglish that are belonged to different language families. English is belonged toIndo-European Family, Mongolian is belonged to Altai Language Family and Chinese isbelonged to Sino-Tibetan Language Family. It increases the difficulty of researches onMongolian teacher's classroom code-switching. In this paper, the researcher studies theMongolian English teacher's classroom code-switching from the perspective of adaptation theory.From the academic point of view,researches on features of the Mongolian Englishteachers' code-switching in classroom would be a supplement to the field ofcode-switching. The particularity or the universality found in it would be contributive tofuture studies.From the practical value,the findings in the thesis are contributive to foreignlanguage teaching in Inner Mongolia. Besides,it would help us know more about theMongolian students and teachers' foreign language teaching and learning.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Terminological Definitions
The definitions of code and code-switching vary from researcher to researcher. Themost popular definition of code is proposed by Wardhuagh (1986) who states that codecan refer to any symbols used for communication such as numbers, words, signals, etc.which will carry concrete meaning. In sociolinguistic, it defines such term as languageand language varieties (dialect, register or style). The term ‘code’ is popular because itis more general and neutral than any term as dialect, language, style, standard language,pidgin and Creole.Researches on code-switching arouse in foreign countries and have been gainedmore researchers' attentions from 1970s. Up to now, there have been numerous studieson code-switching from various perspectives, including psychological perspective,ethnographical perspective, sociological perspective and linguistic perspective.However, researchers often define code-switching according to their own researchpurposes, methods,and perspectives, thus formed the fact that until now, there is nounified definition of code-switching.Hans Vogt proposed the term of code-switching for the first time in his articlepublished in the year of 1954, stated that code-switching was perhaps not a linguisticphenomenon, but rather a psychological one and its causes were obviouslyextra-linguistic (Vogt 1954). From then on, researchers have proposed variousdefinitions of code-switching. Gumpertz (1982:59) proposed the definition ofcode-switching as “the juxtaposition within the same speech exchange of passages ofspeech belonging to different grammatical systems ir subsystems”. However heneglected the code-switching in written discourse.

2.2 Previous Study on Code-switching Abroad
Code-switching is the inevitable consequence of bilingualism or, more generally,multilingualism. Since 1970s, it has been studied by many researchers in both writtenand spoken discourse from various approaches abroad and at home, China. Theapproaches mainly include pragmatic approach, sociolinguistic approach, andgrammatical approach, psycholinguistic approach, and conversational analysis approach.The approaches are discussed respectively in the following sections. Researchers consider that the occurrence of code-switching is because of thedefects of language ability in 1920s. Until 1960s,they began to renewing concepts tostudy the code-switching from sociolinguistic approach. Fishman who was the firstresearcher studied the code-switching from sociolinguistic approach and offered the firstsystematic description method for the study of code-switching factors. Fishman (1965)found the selection of language in multi-lingual situation was not an arbitrary behaviorbut was affected by three factors including personal identity in communication,communicative situational context and the topic of communication. Fishman's Registertheory studied the patterns of language selection from the social construct. Heconsidered the stipulation of context which was called domain determined the types oflanguage use. Blom and Gumperz (1972) were intrigued with how inpidual makingchoice of language with the accordance of language and social constraint.

Chapter Three Theoretical Frameworks..........14
3.1Verschueren's Adaptation Theory.........14
3.2Yu Guodong's Adaptation Model.........14
Chapter Four Methodology.........16
4.1Research Questions.........16
4.4Data Collection and Data Analysis.........18
Chapter Five Results and Discussion.........21
5.1 The Frequency of Mongolian English Teacher's Classroom Code-Switching.........21
5.2Students' Attitude toward Teacher's Classroom Code-Switching.........22
5.3Mongolian English Teachers' Code-switching Patterns.........23
5.4Types of Mongolian English Teachers' Code-switching in Classroom.........27
5.5Reasons for Mongolian English Teachers' Classroom Code-switching.........32
5.6Adaptation Theory and Code-switching.........39

Chapter Five Results and Discussion

This chapter is the most important part of the present study that reports the findingsof the research. Firstly,it investigates the frequency of Mongolian English teacher'sclassroom code-switching and students' attitude towards teacher's classroomcode-switching based on the analysis of questionnaires. Then the features of MongolianEnglish teacher's classroom code-switching are studied from two aspects: types andpatterns of code-swdtching. The author classified Mongolian English teacher'sclassroom code-switching of collected data into three types and seven patterns. What'smore? Why do Mongolian English teachers switch code in their classroom teaching?Mongolian English teachers apply code-switching for many reasons. However, it ismainly due to promoting students' understanding of target language. In the end, inaccordance with the Yu Guodong's (2004) adaptation model,the author attempt todiscover the adaptability of Mongolian English teachers' code-switching.



This is the final chapter of the present study. In this chapter the author mainlyconcludes the thesis in the following four sections; main findings of the thesis,implication, limitation of this research and suggestions for further study. Teacher's classroom code-switching has been studied from various perspectives inChina. Inner Mongolia is a typical bilingual area that most people of this area cancommunicate both in Mongolian and Chinese. Even the teachers also apply bothMongolian and Chinese to conduct their classroom. The collected recordings are fromthe teachers of the northeastern part of Inner Mongolia. Therefore, it is natural andcould insure the validity and facticity of the findings of this thesis. The authorsummarizes the main findings of this study as follow:
1.Code-switching is frequently used by Mongolian English teachers in their Englishclassroom teaching and mainly can be pided into three types, namelyintra-sentential code-switching, inter-sentential code-switching and tagcode-switching. The intra-sentential code-switching accounts for the largestproportion among three types of code-switching and then the inter-sententialcode-switching. The tag-switching has the lowest proportion.
2.The Mongolian English teachers' code-switching is much more complex than anyChinese English teachers,classroom code-switching that seven kinds ofcode-switching patterns occur in the Mongolian English teachers' classroom namely,Mongolian/English/Chinese code-switching, Mongolian/English code-switching,English/Mongolian code-switching,Mongolian/Chinese code-switching, Chinese/Mongolian code-switching, Chinese/English code-switching and English/Chinesecode-switching.
Reference (omitted)

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