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Although this question is an ancient and traditional teaching skill, today it is alsoplays an important role. Ancient Greek scholar pointed out: "the mind is not a vessel thatneeds to be filled, but the burning torches which deed to ignite.” and what can ignite thetorch Mars is asking questions in class. In a sense, the dialogue mentioned here dependslargely on the questions in the classroom. Research shows that in the high school,classroom questioning is the teaching strategies which are used with relatively highfrequency in class. With the rapid development of science and technology, classroomteaching methods has undergone great changes, because there is new educationaltechnology which is also applied to the classroom, but did not affect the position ofclassroom questioning, which shows its unique vitality. Meanwhile, the high schoolEnglish classroom questioning strategies and availability of basic education curriculumreform is based on standardized English teaching. 1999 "Chinese Communist PartyCentral Committee and the State Council on deepening educational reform promotedquality education decision" clearly states that "facing the round development of students"is the goal of implementation of quality education. "We have to focus on thedevelopment of students” needs teachers in the modern classroom design high qualityeducation by effective classroom teaching to develop various potentials of each student.As for senior high school, English classes exists a lot of inefficient or ineffective question.For example, the purpose is not clear; asking questions is just a kind of way ofpunishment, the waiting time is a little bit short. Teachers are lack of sufficientknowledge, such as feedback. These problems have hindered the development ofstudents so that students lose interest in learning English, they can not mobilize theenthusiasm of students to learn English, they regard learning English as a burden, thenthat the student's English is not very good is an inevitable result.
In order to implementthe new curriculum reform better, to achieve overall development of students, teachersmust pay attention to questioning strategies, namely to mention what kind of problemscan better promote the development of students. Therefore, the high school Englishclassroom questioning strategies and their effectiveness research is important. In thispaper, the author attempts to study Marylou Dantonio and paul C.Beisenherz the QU: Estquestioning strategies (Questioning for Understanding: Empowering Student to think for understanding the question: to enable students to use their brains) to study whether theQU:Est strategy can improve the students’ English proficiency, whether it helps improvestudents' interest in learning English. at the same time, I hope QU: Est interrogationstrategies can improve high school students' achievement in English, inspire them tolearn English interestedly. In order to maintain their curiosity to learn English, we helpthem build a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. Meanwhile, we hope thatthrough this study, a high school English teacher questioning strategies can improve theawareness of the importance of using the classroom and we can use QU: Est questioningstrategies flexibly to apply it to their actual teaching, both from internal and external toimprove their ability to form a unique style issues. Meanwhile, experimental researchalso has many limitations because of many reasons, look forward to your guidance.

Chapter II literature review

2.1 Summary of Classroom questioning abroad
In other countries, asking questions in class can be tracked back to Socrates'midwifery', it is also known as the "Socratic method." From the information available,study abroad classroom questioning the most influential figures of the studyingclassroom questioning abroad is psychologist reggae (Wragg). Overall, the main resultsof the research questions focus on the function of the classroom, classroom questioningclassification, the purpose of classroom Questioning, the strategies of classroomquestioning and other aspects. Asked by functional studies in the classroom in 1912,psychologist Stevens from the perspective of positivism study questions, he pointed outthat teachers are asked daily about 395 questions and the questions raised among teachersvaries greatly (Dan Antonio, 2006) in 1973, researchers who is doing research onclassroom questioning functions summarized the questions of 12 kinds of functions(Wragg, EC, 1984); while the U.S. pedagogy experts LH Clark and LS. Starr thinks thereare 19 kinds of questions that the classroom functions. (L. H. Clark, LS. Starr.1985). Asfor the function, the researcher’s views on this issue is not entirely consistent, but inseveral fundamental aspects of the point of view are the same, Such as: inspire studentsthinking, stimulate students' interest in learning, for diagnostic teaching. Classification ofquestions in the classroom, the early psychologists to ask questions in class is pidedinto two systems, namely "open and closed "and" Memory and thinking "; since the1950s, the most widely used question type is Bloom's cognitive sub-Class system, hepided classroom questioning into six different levels from low to high, namely recalling the level of questions, understanding level's question, application level question,analyzing the level of questions, comprehensive level of questions to evaluate the level ofquestions ((LW Anderson, LA. Sosnick, 1998.

2.2. Domestic Research Classroom Questioning
Domestic research on classroom questioning can be tracked back to Confucius. Heproposed, If students have not been thinking and understanding, they would not like tosay how to response the teachers. But if they can not think of meditation, they would notgo to inspire him. In recent years, research on classroom questioning has been greatlyfinished, which is mainly reflected in two aspects. First, previous studies about classroomquestioning researchers pay more attention to the theory, now concerned more about thepractice. Questions in the classroom for empirical research particularly based on thecontext of teaching, which makes the study of a classroom questioning have a big leap.Second, theoretical research, theoretical thinking perspective has undergone greatchanges. Previous research on classroom questioning study focused on teachers andstudents between the "ask" and "answer", while now focused on teachers and studentsbetween the "dialogues".Domestic research on classroom questioning focused mainly on the following aspects:the principle of classroom questions, the functionality Energy of asking questions in class,classroom questioning strategies, classroom questioning the validity and effectiveness ofclassroom discipline-specific questions and combination.

Chapter III research design ..... 11
3.1 Objective ..... 11
3.2 Research Objects ......... 11
3.3 Research instruments........... 13
3.3.1 Experiment ......... 13
3.3.2 Survey......... 20
3.4 Data Collection.... 20
3.4.1 Experimental data collection...... 20
3.4.2 The results of the questionnaire collected.......... 20
Chapter IV Results and discussion.......... 22
4.1 Analysis of experimental data ..... 22
4.2 Analysis of survey results ........... 34
5.1 Suggestions for classroom strategies’ use for high school Englishteaching ....... 51
5.1.1carefully designed core issues..... 51
5.1.2 Meticulous design and processing issues........... 51
5.2 limitation of the research..... 53
5.3 implication of further study......... 53

Chapter IV Results and discussion

After the experiment, the next step is to collect data and analyze the data. Dataanalysis was to test whether the application of QU: Est question strategies can helpimprove high school students' English scores and whether the use of QU: Est questionstrategies can help to improve high school students interest in learning English. As we allknow, there are a number of techniques which can be used to analyze the data, but in thisexperiment, I use SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 16.0 to analyze theData. The data in this experiment consists of two parts: the experimental data andquestionnaire data.



English teaching is a skill, it is because it can not only give students the wisdom ofenlightenment, but also give students enjoyment in English. Asking and answeringbetween teachers and students can enhance mutual understanding, to make teaching morepurposeful, so that students can be affected to acquire knowledge, capacity development,is the most common method of classroom teaching, and the use of classroom questioningstrategy is the mean to achieve this goal. In this paper, the author used the QU: Estquestioning strategies. By experiment verification, try to prove the effect of the use ofQU:Est questioning strategies, that is, whether high school students can improveacademic performance in English.As discussed in Chapter IV, the experimental group after the test, the average scoreis 111.26 points, the highest score is 131 points, the lowest score is 82 points, thestandard deviation is 12.105;as for the posttest control group, the average score is 106.52points, the highest score is 128 points, the lowest score is 81 points, the standarddeviation is 13.315, the experimental group posttest mean scores has increased by 4.738points than the control group , while the mean difference between these two variables ofthe experimental group and the control group post-test post-test is 4.738, the differenceof the standard deviation of 13.040, standard error of the mean difference is 2.012. Thedifference between the 95% confidence interval, lower and upper limits are 0.674 and8.802, does not contain zero, indicating that as for the experimental group and the controlgroup post-test post-test between these two variables there are significant differences. t=3.588, 42-1 = 41 degrees of freedom, two-tailed t-test probability of significant 0.023,far less than 0.05, but also indicate that after the test, these two group posttest betweenthese two variables are significant differences. In summary, QU: Est questioningstrategies can make high school students improve academic performance in English.
Reference (omitted)

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