建筑论文: 论制约生态建筑发展的“症结” 由硕士毕业论文中心,硕士论文组整理提供,本文阐述了 论制约生态建筑发展的“症结”
【摘要】 进入21世纪,人们正面临着资源耗尽、能源枯竭、环境恶化等生存问题所困扰。据有关资料表明,建筑的相关活动对于人类日益恶化的生存环境具有不可推卸的责任。为了实现人类社会的可持续发展,发展生态建筑已成为建筑发展的必然趋势,但是现实社会中生态建筑的发展却不尽如人意。近年来,虽然生态建筑的生态化技术措施不断提高,生态建筑思想日渐成熟,但是生态建筑的设计实践推广道路却仍然漫长而艰辛,并且远远滞后于生态建筑思想。因此,研究制约生态建筑发展的“症结”,即分析生态建筑发展过程中面临的困难和阻碍,已成为现阶段生态建筑发展面临的一个紧迫问题。本文研究分析了国内外生态建筑的研究进展、生态建筑的基本概念和基本特征,并在深入探讨生态建筑的多层次、多方面合作关系以及生态建筑涉及的多学科、多角度等多方面因素的情况下,提出制约生态建筑发展的“症结”及其产生的根本原因。本文希望通过对制约生态建筑发展的经济因素、政策因素、人们的观念因素、生态导入以及建筑的普遍性需求与特殊性需求等“症结”研究,为生态建筑在现实的发展过程中提供可行性的新思路。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Entering the 21st century, people are troubled with resource depletion, energy depletion, environmental degradation and other problems in their survival life. Data shows that construction-related activities lead to the deteriorating of environment for mankind. In order to achieve the sustainable development of human society, developing ecological architecture has become the inevitable trend of architectural development, but the current development of ecological architecture is not satisfactory. In recent years, although measures to the ecological architecture and the eco-technology have improved increasingly and the ecological architecture ideas have come into being , the road to promote the ecological architecture practices is still long and arduous, which is far behind the ecological architecture ideas. Therefore ,to study the problems of restricted development of ecological architecture, that is to analyze its difficulties and obstacles , has become a pressing issue at the present stage.This paper analyzes the process of the domestic and foreign research of ecological architecture, the basic concepts and basic features of ecological architecture and after the further discussion of cooperation relations which are multi-level and multifaceted as well as factors related to ecological architecture which is multidisciplinary and multi-angle , it shows the problems of restricted development of ecological architecture and its root causes. This article hopes to provide new ideas for the development of ecological architecture at present through the study of economic factors, policy factors, people’s concept of factors, the prevalence of ecological applications and construction needs and special requirements. 更多还原
【关键词】 生态建筑; 症结; 可持续; 自然环境;
【Key words】 Ecological Architecture; Crux; Sustainable; Natural environment;
摘要 3-4
Abstract 4
1 引言 7-14
1.1 课题研究背景 7-12
1.1.1 建筑生态化的必然性 7
1.1.2 课题研究现状 7-12
1.2 生态建筑发展的现存问题 12-13
1.3 课题研究的目的与意义 13-14
2 生态建筑的基本概念 14-18
2.1 生态建筑的发展历史 14
2.2 生态建筑的基本概念 14-15
2.3 生态建筑的特征 15-18
2.3.1 系统性 15-16
2.3.2 相对适应性 16-17
2.3.3 可持续性 17-18
3 制约生态建筑发展的“症结” 18-36
3.1 经济因素 18-21
3.1.1 社会经济发展水平 18
3.1.2 高建造成本 18-20
3.1.3 生态服务性价比 20-21
3.2 政策因素 21-25
3.2.1 法律法规不完善 21-23
3.2.2 规章及评价标准缺乏操作性 23-24
3.2.3 缺乏配套的经济激励政策 24-25
3.3 观念因素 25-28
3.3.1 淡薄的生态意识 25-26
3.3.2 缺乏对生态建筑的认知及构建的责任感 26-27
3.3.3 “享乐主义”精神 27-28
3.4 生态导入 28-32
3.4.1 推进建筑生态化的程序 28-30
3.4.2 “拿来主义” 30-31
3.4.3 缺乏整合设计 31-32
3.4.4 设计与技术应用的复杂性 32
3.5 建筑的普遍性需求与特殊性需求 32-36
3.5.1 生态建筑的普遍性需求与局限性 32-33
3.5.2 生态建筑局限性的具体体现 33
3.5.3 建筑的特殊性需求意义 33-36
4 初探推进生态建筑发展的现实途径 36-38
4.1 逐步推进生态建筑的生态化水平 36
4.2 完善政策制度体系 36-37
4.2.1 完善生态建筑的相关法律法规 36-37
4.2.2 增强规章和评价标准的操作性 37
4.2.3 建立配套经济激励政策 37
4.3 提高人们的生态意识 37-38
结语 38-39
参考文献 39-42
致谢 42-43
在读期间公开发表论文(著)及科研情况 43
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