Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1Purpose and Significance of the Study
According to the national curriculum, reading is an important skill that studentsshould acquire in their learning. Nowadays, lots of information pours into people'slife which they get by reading. Everyone should have the ability to filter and organizeamount of the information.Reading is the process of interaction between reader and text. In English class,the goal of reading is to help students to get the linguistic knowledge, the conceptionor ideas that writer intends to interpret. However, students have their own experiencewhich can influence the process of reading comprehension. Teacher has theresponsibility of guiding students to activate their prior knowledge related to thereading materials.Schema is the form that people's knowledge and experience exist in their minds.Teachers should help students to recall their earlier schema and form the new duringthe class. Schema theory is applied in the field of language teaching; what's more,itcovers the teaching contents including linguistic schema, content schema, and formalschema. Teachers should consider which schema, when and where should becontained in the teaching procedure. Therefore, reading in the class is not only thecommunication between students/readers and text but also between students andteacher, or inter-students.
1.2Background of the Study
Reading as the important part of language learning is paid auction to byadministrators and teachers. There are two texts in each module of senior highstudents' English books from required book 1 to book 5, moreover, there are morethan four reading texts in each module in selective books. Teachers spend more timeon reading in their teaching plan. In order to lead students to read better, teachersshould know how the reading comprehension is achieved by readers. In the terms oftraditional views, the objective of reading comprehension is on the language to becomprehended instead of on the readers. Schema theory is the psycholinguisticmodel of reading which focus on the background of readers within the text. Since the schema applied into the field of cognitive, educators and linguistics have done theirstudies about schema theory on second and foreign language reading which supportthe view that students' background knowledge has strong relation with the readingcomprehension. The researcher tries to change her opinion on readingcomprehension through the schema theory. Nowadays, the subject role of students ishighly fined. No matter what students read for, teachers should pay attention tolearners' prior knowledge or experience. Thus, the researcher chose the schematheory to guide her teaching of reading.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Schema Theory
Early in 1781,the philosopher Immanuel Kant had claimed that “newinformation, new concepts, new ideas can have meaning for an inpidual only whenthey are related to something the inpidual already knows” (smith, 1963). Thisnotion was reconstructed by German psychologist Bartlett and he called it Schemawhich refers to people's past experience and prior knowledge. The terms 'Scripts','frames' or ‘schemata,also refer to the background knowledge. The experience isstored in people's mind for further recall. Bartlett believed that people canunderstand the text and recall the information when they are in the similar context ofpast experience. It is said that readers can have a better understanding of texts if theyhave read the similar passage or they had background knowledge about the texts.Thus, schema is important for students to get the ideas of the text. According toBartlett, he emphasizes the importance of the readers' prior knowledge but does notdescribe how the schema is constructed during the process of reading. Later, theschema theory was revived in the Artificial Intelligence work during the 1970sand 1980s (Cook, 1994). With the development of computer, the operation of theknowledge on the internet is similar to human's intelligence. It is easy to trace theknowledge stored on the computer. This kind of knowledge is called proceduralknowledge. Schema is the procedural knowledge existing in people's mind. "Schema6 theory receives an enormous amount of attention in the Artificial Intelligence (AI)work, where it was developed for the help which it provides in the two crucial AIproblems of visual recognition and the understanding of texts. (Cook, 1994),’ Andthe development of AI work has good effect on the schema theory of readingcomprehension. The most important contribution to the reading is the study ofcoherence of the text.
2,2 Reading Theory
Reading is the basic skill students should acquire in language learning, as wellas the means of the long-life learning. With the research of depth and width inreading, the definition of reading changes accordingly. In the early studies, educators regarded the reading as the decoding process.Readers got the information by recognition of the words. This version is from thegrammar translation method. Grammar and vocabulary are the important contents inlanguage learning. As the Goodman (1988) says, the writer encodes thought aslanguage and the reader decodes language to thought. The notion of reading stated byGoodman is a psycholinguistic process which focuses on the transfer between wordsand thoughts. Williams in 1984 defines reading is an active process during which a reader processes, understands and constructs the meanings of the written words bybringing in necessary schemata. Nowadays, Reading is regarded as a complexinteractive process between readers and texts. Readers have their own priorknowledge, attitude, beliefs and experience which can influence the results ofreading comprehension. Thus, reading requires students' critical analysis of the text.The process of reading is the activation and reconstruction of readers’ concepts.According to the different notions of reading, there are three major reading modelsoccurred.
Chapter 3 Instructional Design.........22
3.1Theory of Instructional Design.........22
3.2Instructional Elements Analysis.........24
Chapter 4 The Instructional Design of Module 3 in Student's Book.........41
4.1The Teaching Procedure of Roy's Story.........41
4.2Explanation of the Teaching Procedure.........45
4.3Evaluation and Reflection of the Instructional Design.........50
4.3.1Evaluation of the Instructional Design.........50
4.3.2Reflection of the Instructional Design.........52
Chapter 5 Conclusion.........55
5.1Results of the Study.........55
5.2Implications for Reading Teaching Based on Schema Theory.........57
5.3Limitations of the Study.........58
Chapter 4 The Instructional Design of Module 3 in Student's Book 6
According to the analysis of the instructional elements, the researcher designedone reading class based on schema theory. The reading text Roy's Story was chosenfrom module 3 in Senior High student's book 6. Because the reading material is astory which has the clear stylistic characteristics, the formal schema was emphasizedhere to help students to understand and recall the story. There are three parts in thischapter which are the teaching procedure of Roy's Story, the explanation of theteaching procedure and the evaluation and reflection of the class design. Students are required to work in group and each group includes four studentsand they listen to the tape exclude the last two paragraphs. And then the teacher asksstudents to say the time found in the story. At the same time, the teacher writes downthe answer on the blackboard in a line.
The answer to the first question is that the teacher can apply the schema theoryinto the instructional design. The teacher can construct the teaching procedure basedon the conditions of learners and the instructional content. Especially for the genre ofstory, the teacher realizes the importance of formal schema to find, recall andorganize the important informations of the story. Moreover, the teacher can designthe teaching procedure based on the formal schema of story and integrate the readingstrategies into the teaching procedure such as, scanning the important information,remembering the story. Because the stories mainly reflected the social life and theconcepts and beliefs of human, it is important to activate students' prior contentschema about the topics of stories.
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