留学生论文开头部分的ABSTRACT和INTRODUCTION怎么写?我们就拿Unconsolidated-UndreainedTriaxialCompressionTest 这个主题为例,小编就此论题给大家做个示范:
In this project, unconsolidated-undrained triaxial compression teststo determine the strengthand stress-strain relationships of a cylindrical specimen ofcohesive soils by measuringthetotal stresses applied to the specimenareconducted.In this test experiment, thespecimen is subjected to a confining fluid pressure in a triaxial chamberand sheared in compression at aconstant rate of axial deformationthe compressive strength of a soil.The compressive strength of a soil isdetermined based on the total stress.The unconsolidated undrained triaxial strength is applicableto situations where the loads are applied sorapidly that there is insufficient time for the dissipation ofinduced pore-waterpressure and consolidation during theloading period.
1. Introduction介绍
In materials science, triaxial shear test is a method commonly used to measure the mechanical properties of deformable solidssuch assoil. Based on several key parameters, triaxial shear test can be categorized as consolidated drained test, consolidated undrained test and unconsolidated undrained test. In this project, anunconsolidated-undrained triaxial compression testto determinethe strengthand stress-strain relationships of a cylindrical specimen ofcohesive soils by measuringthetotal stresses applied to the specimenis conducted (All values obtained shall be consistent to Practice D6026). Subjected to a confining fluid pressure in a triaxial chamber,thespecimen is sheared in compression at aconstant rate of axial deformation(strain controlled and no drainage is allowed).In this test method, the compressive strength of a soil isdetermined based on the total stress.Therefore, theultimatestrength is highly dependent on the pressure level established in the pore fluidduring the loading process. As no fluid flow is permittedduring the loading process, the ultimatestrength obtained differs fromthat developed in the case where drainage occurs.
In the case that specimens are fully saturated, consolidationis not observed after the application of the confining pressure as drainage is not permitted.As a result, specimens of the same material and with approximately the same water content andvoid ratio during testing will exhibitsimilar, if not the same, undrained shear strength. In the case that specimens arepartially saturated (compactedspecimens),consolidation may occur when the confining pressure isapplied, even though drainage is not permitted. Herein, specimens of the same materialtested at different confining stresseswill exhibit different undrained shear strength.
The unconsolidated undrained triaxial strength is applicableto situations where the loads are applied sorapidly that there is insufficient time for the dissipation ofinduced pore-waterpressure and consolidation during theloading period (in other words, no drainage observed).