留学生计算机作业格式:Multimedia Systems And Applications Computer Science Essay

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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw20237780 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网

本文是计算机专业的留学生作业格式范例,题目是“Multimedia Systems And Applications Computer Science Essay(多媒体系统与应用计算机科学论文)”,这份报告提供了多媒体计算的细节。多媒体计算是近年来的主要研究课题之一,该领域广泛应用于网络、游戏、电信和广播网络等不同行业。多媒体计算给出了多媒体系统、多媒体应用程序和多媒体软件的详细视图。它用于呈现不同领域的文本、音频、视频和图形。多媒体计算的发展对这些领域产生了巨大的影响。从根本上说,多媒体计算使用诸如音频、视频、个人电脑和存储设备等元素来获得动画、文本、视频和声音的同步,以呈现信息。多媒体计算主要依靠系统和人机交互。

Abstract 摘要

This report gives the details of multimedia computing. Multimedia computing is one of the major research topics in recent years, this field is widely using in different industries like web, gaming, telecommunications and broadcasting networks. Multimedia computing gives the detailed view of multimedia systems, multimedia applications, and multimedia softwares. It is used in presenting the text, audio, video, and graphics in different fields. The development in multimedia computing has made a strong impact on these fields. Fundamentally multimedia computing use the elements such as audio, video, personal computers, and the storage devices to get the synchronisation of animation, text, video and sound to present the information. The multimedia computing mainly depends on the systems and the human computer interaction.

The input and output of the computer has changed to the window oriented display using the bitmapped displays. The stable rate in the continuous media like audio and digital video must be considered in the multimedia input and output. Multimedia applications are now exploring the capabilities of the multimedia computing. Understanding the multimedia functionality in advanced application domains like visualization systems, intelligent interfaces, virtual reality environments, and collaboration environments provides the different possibilities which are not available previously in the human computer interaction. This report discusses the multimedia applications, multimedia systems, technologies and softwares with designs and operating systems.



This paper presents the detailed research about multimedia computing and the contents of multimedia computing. The purpose of this paper is to present the detailed review about the multimedia computing which involves the concepts like multimedia systems, multimedia technologies, softwares and multimedia applications. In this presentation about the multimedia computing the challenges are it is difficult give the review because the multimedia computing is the integration of several multimedia concepts and is difficult to present them as a single component. As an MSc student, while developing a research paper the rule and regulations must have to be followed.


And all the information which is required for the research has to be accessed in proper way by using the facilities provided by the university. The research paper should not create any controversy in further approach, and the details presented in the paper must be correct and honest. The main aim of this paper is to provide the detailed view about multimedia computing and its concepts including the views like the back ground, current status of multimedia computing and possible advancements in future. To achieve this detailed research is required in the field of multimedia and in the technologies using and in the application domains. And the analysis on existing works in multimedia computing field is needed to get an idea about what currently happening in the field and to find the advantages and disadvantages, so that it is possible to know the future enhancements needed.

Multimedia is the well known word and widely using in information industry. “Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media like text, graphics drawings, and images”. In general Multimedia can be defined as a field that integrates various forms of media such as text, audio, video, graphics with the computer-controlled integration. Multimedia concept is used to display the text, images, graphics and drawings in the form of audio and video presentations. (Dave Marshall, 2001).


According to Reisman (1994), the multimedia computing is the rapidly using technology to present the data in the audio and video contexts rather than in normal text and graphics format. In the present days the multimedia systems are using to display the presentations of data as a multimedia content. These systems are capable of processing the multimedia data such as audio, video, graphics, text and images. These systems having the window based display with bitmapped processing. The images and the videos presented through this displays are modified by using the different multimedia technologies like image processing, video compression, visualization etc. The present multimedia systems use the elements like audio, video, storage devices such as CD-ROMS, DVD, Hard disk to get the synchronisation of multimedia contents animation, text, video, audio.

根据Reisman(1994),多媒体计算是一种快速使用技术,以音频和视频的形式呈现数据,而不是以正常的文本和图形格式。目前,多媒体系统被用来将数据的表示形式显示为多媒体内容。这些系统能够处理音频、视频、图形、文本和图像等多媒体数据。这些系统具有基于窗口的显示和位图处理。利用不同的多媒体技术,如图像处理、视频压缩、可视化等,对通过该显示器显示的图像和视频进行了修改。目前的多媒体系统使用音频、视频等元素,以及cd - rom、DVD、硬盘等存储设备来实现动画、文本、视频、音频等多媒体内容的同步。

According to Different multimedia technologies are used in developing the multimedia content like audio, text, images and video. There are different approaches using in each context, like for displaying the image several processes like jpeg encoding, gif encoding and jpg encoding etc..And for video we use the mpeg-4 technology, and digital video technology is used. Similarly different approaches are used in editing graphics and animations etc. The technologies used for animations and graphics are different from the technologies used for editing of text, audio and video. In the presentation of general data as a multimedia data we need to us all these technologies at one instance, because the data is the combination of text, images, audio, video and more. (Fernando Pereira, 1999)The present multimedia is one the major field which is using in a high extent in information industry, because in any information related thing, there is a need of multimedia to present data. The multimedia is given as by the name itself, combining two or more media as one information. The multimedia concepts used in the development of games in high extent because the games developed depends on the graphics and animations, these concepts can be designed by using the different softwares like Maya , 3D max,3dsmax etc these softwares are mainly using in the development of visual effects and graphics animations etc. There are different softwares which are used to display the images, audio, text and video. The softwares like Adobe, Flash are used to edit or display the images, text, audio, video in the required format. These application softwares of multimedia containing different tools and each tool has its own specification in developing, editing or displaying the information. (Mahbubur Rahman Syed, 2008)


3.Key areas 重点领域

According to Fernando Pereira (1999), In general multimedia computing is the key area in information industry. The key areas in multimedia computing are multimedia systems, multimedia technologies, multimedia softwares and multimedia applications. These areas are explained in detail below. The multimedia computing has more applications and important in several fields. The multimedia computing also includes the topics like multimedia operating systems. Multimedia is mainly depends on the systems and technologies used in displaying the information and also on the multimedia softwares which are used in developing the information. To accept all these technologies and to execute the components of softwares used in developing the multimedia systems must contain the operating system which is capable of processing the multimedia components. The operating system which can capable of processing the multimedia contents like audio, video, text, graphics is known as multimedia software.

Fernando Pereira(1999)认为,一般来说,多媒体计算是信息产业的关键领域。多媒体计算的关键领域是多媒体系统、多媒体技术、多媒体软件和多媒体应用。下面将详细解释这些领域。多媒体计算在多个领域有着广泛的应用和重要意义。多媒体计算还包括多媒体操作系统等主题。多媒体主要依赖于用来显示信息的系统和技术,也依赖于用来开发信息的多媒体软件。要接受这些技术并执行用于开发多媒体系统的软件组件,必须包含能够处理这些多媒体组件的操作系统。能够处理音频、视频、文本、图形等多媒体内容的操作系统被称为多媒体软件。

The multimedia is the hot area with its applications and tools that are used in developing the multimedia components. The presenting of information which consist the audio and video along with images, graphics and animations is difficult to process, because the operating system has to run all the fields like systems and softwares and the technologies of multimedia simultaneously so that it can provides all the information in the display that contains the multimedia components. The key area in multimedia is its life cycle. The life cycle that is followed when a multimedia component is produced is known as multimedia life cycle. The life cycle consists the phases such as analysis, design, implementing, testing and executing. To develop a multimedia application such as presenting the information, gaming applications or animated displays etc, have to follow the multimedia life cycle. First we need to analyse the requirements and identfy the charecterstics and have to to the analysis about the designs . such that we need to clarify which designs has to be use, and which is the best software to develop the designs and the technologies that has to use. From the above analysis the implementaio or the development of the application has to done, the testing is the important phase in development, the testing has to done according to the appliction developed and the performance has to be analysed . (Ralf Steinmetz, Analyzing the Multimedia Operating systems,1995 ).


According to Matthew E. Hodges and Sasnett(1993), Multimedia computing gives the in-depth overview of information design, advances in multimedia technology and system representations to system designers, system planners and to the users. The concepts of multimedia such as multimedia systems, multimedia designs, multimedia softwares and multimedia applications are all parts of multimedia computing. Multimedia computing is responsible for presenting the information in audio and video format. The systems which are able to process the multimedia components like data and applications are called as the multimedia systems.

根据Matthew E. Hodges和Sasnett(1993),多媒体计算为系统设计者、系统规划者和用户提供了信息设计、多媒体技术和系统表示的深入概述。多媒体的概念,如多媒体系统、多媒体设计、多媒体软件和多媒体应用,都是多媒体计算的组成部分。多媒体计算负责以音频和视频格式呈现信息。能够处理数据和应用程序等多媒体组件的系统称为多媒体系统。

These systems have different characteristics, components. The characterisation of multimedia systems is based on their capability of processing, storage, manipulation, generation of multimedia information. The designs which use the multimedia concepts to present the data containing the text, images, graphics, and drawings as a multimedia presentation like audio and video format are known as multimedia designs. The designs are used based on the requirement in the presentation of data. The softwares that are used in developing the multimedia components of data are known as multimedia softwares. There are different types of softwares like adobe, flash, 3dsmax using for various applications. The multimedia computing has been using in different fields. It has a wide range of applications in various domains like gaming, World Wide Web, interactive TV, virtual reality etc. The Multimedia computing applications use the multiple fields of media sources like text, video, audio as a collection. Multimedia computing is the combination of all the above multimedia concepts. The above all concepts are explained below in detail.

Multimedia computing evolved with the concepts of multimedia such as multimedia systems, multimedia technologies, multimedia softwares and multimedia applications. This research section clearly focuses on the detailed views on these multimedia fields. The existing works in these fields are described in the literature review section.


According to Dave Marshall (2001), the definition for the multimedia systems can be given as the systems which are able to process the multimedia components like data and applications are called as the multimedia systems. These systems have different characteristics, components. The characterisation of multimedia systems is based on their capability of processing, storage, manipulation, generation of multimedia information.

根据Dave Marshall(2001)对多媒体系统的定义,可以将能够处理数据和应用等多媒体组件的系统称为多媒体系统。这些系统有不同的特点和组成部分。多媒体系统的特性取决于其处理、存储、操作和生成多媒体信息的能力。

The multimedia systems use the bitmapped windows oriented displays to display the contents. These are capable of processing the multimedia contents. The multimedia computing is more dependent on the configuration of these systems. The configuration of the systems can results in the display of multimedia contents and to process some of the multimedia softwares and technologies the high configurations are required. The characteristics, challenges, key issues and the desirable features of multimedia systems are given below.



According to Mahbubur Rahman Syed(2008), In general the multimedia technologies can be defined as the technologies which are used in processing of the multimedia contents to present the multimedia information. The technologies include video, audio, text, image and graphics. Each of these technologies is responsible for providing the data as multimedia content.

Mahbubur Rahman Syed(2008)认为,多媒体技术一般可以定义为对多媒体内容进行处理以呈现多媒体信息的技术。这些技术包括视频、音频、文本、图像和图形。这些技术中的每一种都负责以多媒体内容的形式提供数据。

These technologies are responsible for processing the images by using the technologies like jpeg encoding and decoding, and like the other formats gif, and jpg. And technologies that are used for encoding and compressing the videos use the MPEG-4 technologies. The technologies are based on the multimedia concepts like generations and the dimension views. The whole technologies of multimedia are responsible for presenting the data in detailed view which consist of the multimedia contents.

The present world is dependent mostly on the multimedia and its applications. The developments in this multimedia computing provide various features for the users and developers. With the applications of multimedia the information industry changed a lot. The evolution in multimedia provides the features like games, internet, and presentations of data in variety of formats. The fields of multimedia like systems, technologies, applications and softwares are all used simultaneously in the systems achieving the best results. And by overcoming the drawbacks like memory usage and temporal relationship between data, multimedia applications can processed easily and gives the best results. The above paper discussed the concepts of multimedia and key issues and desirable features of multimedia computing.



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