1.1 Research Background
English is a particularly important foreign language in China. Since the reformand opening up, the upsurge of learning English has been increasing. Especially afterChina joined the WTO, English's special position in science, technology and otherfields is becoming increasingly prominent. Any foreign language learner can notlearn a new language without the memory and accumulation of vocabulary.Vocabulary is very vital for students to master English better. If students can learnvocabulary better, they will do well in English. Wen (1996) proposed that the firstand most troublesome problem encountered by learners in learning foreignlanguages is vocabulary. Middle school students, college students, including workingpeople, many English learners think that vocabulary learning is very difficult, theyoften forget while learning, while they remember the words ,they will not necessarilybe used correctly. At present, It is self-evident for most students to pass the collegeentrance examination and English is the core subject of the college entranceexamination. Wen (1993) shows that students can improve the level of English byproper vocabulary learning. If English vocabulary learning does not talk aboutstrategies, The results are often not ideal. Wen (1996) also pointed out that peoplecan improve the academic performance of students by using vocabulary learningstrategies , because it is the most controllable factors. If junior high school studentscan master English vocabulary at this stage, whether their learning strategies arevocabulary learning strategies will not only affect their current English performance,but also may affect their future English learning. If junior high school students donot master scientific and effective vocabulary learning strategies at this stage, it isvery likely that their English achievement is not ideal, which not only underminestheir self-confidence in learning English. It may also erode their interest andenthusiasm for English learning. The English Curriculum Standard for CompulsoryEducation was formulated and issued in 2011. In the Curriculum Standard (2011), itis written : “In the implementation of English course, It will improve students’learning efficiency in a scientific way and help them choose right learning directionby using learning strategies effectively, it can also help students to developautonomous learning ability and the custom to lifelong sustainable learning.”
1.2 Research Purpose
Vocabulary is vital for students to master a language, but students have someproblems in learning English. Thus it is very essential for students to apply Englishvocabulary learning strategies effectively. Therefore, there are two main purposes ofthis study:
Junior high school students are the research object in this paper. In this paper,the use of VLS is investigated by using questionnaire for junior high school students.This research hopes to help students learn vocabulary learning strategies and guidesstudents to use them effectively in English learning. Students can find some usefuland suitable strategies to improve their vocabulary learning efficiency.
A detailed analysis of the results of the usage of VLS for junior high schoolstudents is made in this paper, the research hopes to help students find out theshortcomings of vocabulary learning strategies usage, this research also offers someways for students to learn vocabulary better.
The research on the application of vocabulary learning strategies is full ofpractical significance. Mastering a word includes not only remembering thephonological forms and matching meaning, but also using the word in a realisticsituation. In fact, plenty of Chinese students, especially the young, have trouble inlearning English, especially in learning English vocabulary. Teachers make greatefforts in teaching, and give students much homework to consolidate the classlearning. However, the progress is slow. Maybe there is a reason that students do notknow what vocabulary learning strategies is and they do not know how to use thesestrategies. At the same time, teachers do not offer enough guides about these usefulstrategies or learning methods. Therefore, it is urgent to change this situation. Theauthor conducts the research to have a detailed investigation about the usage ofvocabulary learning strategies for students in a junior high school. This researchhopes to offer some suggestions for vocabulary learning and language learningstrategies training in junior high schools.
2.1 Definitions of Core Concepts
This paper studies English vocabulary learning strategies for students in ajunior high school, so the main concepts involved in this paper are learning strategiesand English vocabulary learning strategies.
2.1.1 Definition of learning strategies
Learning strategy as a concept appeared as early as 1950s, but there are manydefinitions of learning strategy concept, so far there is no recognized definition. Hereare a few representative definitions :
Stern (1983): Learning strategies are a general feature, at the same time, it isalso a general trend. It is adopted by language learners. However, learning skills arethe specific learning behavior that students can observe. Weinstein and Mayer (1986):Learning strategies are a behavior or thought. Learners can use them to promote theprocess of information processing. Chamot (1987): Learning strategies are skills,path, or other conscious behavior. Learners adopted them to optimize the learningprocess, learners also can strengthen the memory of language and informationknowledge. Rubin (1987):Learning strategy is a strategy that learners construct andact directly on the learning process. It can promote learners' language system to agood direction. Oxford (1989):Language learning strategies are behaviors or actions,learners take them to make language learning more purposeful,successful andenjoyable. Rod Ellis (1994): Strategy is composed of behavioral and psychologicalactivities, they are related to a stage in language use process and the whole languagesystem. Wen (2003:191): Learning strategies are some actions taken for learners inorder to learn effectively. The definition has two points: firstly, improving learningefficiency is the purpose of using strategies. Secondly, the learner's action is theessence of the strategy, it can be an external action or an internal psychologicalactivity. English Curriculum Standards defines "learning strategies" as "variousactions and steps, they are taken by students to learn and develop more effectively ".The new curriculum standard says: the role of English learning strategy is to makelearners use their energy and time scientifically, so that English learning is efficientlabor. At the same time, It is an useful way for improving students’ learningefficiency by teaching students to master right learning strategies.
2.2 Theoretical Basis
This paper has two theoretical bases, they are second language acquisition andcognitive psychology.
2.2.1 Second language acquisition
It provides a good theoretical basis for second language learning and teaching,it is second language acquisition theory. The theory holds that second languagelearners can creatively construct their own unique "interlanguage "(inter-language)(Selinker ,1972) . At any time in second language learning, learners in their mindshave an incomplete picture of language structure, a set of hypotheses about languagestructure. By contacting the second language, it can be easily deposited in thelanguage structure of long-term memory. On this basis, Tarone (1983) put forwardthe term "linguistic competence continuum "(Continuum of Competence): anygrammatical form in the transitional language may be used at any point on thecontinuum. Most learners can use the rules learned at different points in continuum,but their accuracy is different. Because of the different environment of language use,second language learners are different from children's acquisition from their mothertongue, and they are difficult to achieve their own accuracy and appropriateness. Thelearner is always in a position of the transitional continuum. Moreover, the secondlanguage input uses the teacher-style language, most of them learn the language inthe classroom environment, the communication between the teacher and the learneris often unnatural, and the content is rarely related to the learner's real interest. Butthe mother tongue input uses the nanny language, the child acquires the mothertongue in the normal language environment, mothers communicate with theirchildren in their native tongue with a real, direct purpose and expect the child torespond. So we can't expect second language learners to learn the language throughformal grammar courses like native speakers. Instead, we must naturallycommunicate in the second language environment, and constantly conducthypothesis building and hypothesis testing, to naturally learn their own transitionallanguage. According to Keith Johnson and others, it is best to adopt the combinationof learning and acquisition. Learning can consciously acquire declarative knowledge(knowledge about); acquisition can unconsciously acquire process knowledge(knowledge on how to). The combination of the two can better learn the language.
3.1 Research Questions...............................13
3.2 Research Subject................................13
3.3 Research Method............................... 14
CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................17
4.1 Results and Discussion of English Vocabulary Learning Concepts............... 17
4.2 Results and Discussion of the Use of English Vocabulary Learning Strategiesfor All Junior High School Students........21
CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION...........................33
5.1 Major Findings..................................33
5.2 Suggestions................................... 34
4.1 Results and Discussion of English Vocabulary Learning Concepts
In three vocabulary learning concepts, the average value is more than 3, andstudents’ acceptance level is repetitive memory > context > practical application.The specific acceptance levels of junior high school students to three vocabularylearning concepts are: repetitive memory (M=3.30), context (M=3.21) and practicalapplication (M=3.10).
5.1 Major Findings
In this survey, the use of vocabulary learning strategies for junior high schoolstudents is analyzed and discussed. After that, the author draws the followingconclusions.
The idea that words need to be memorized repeatedly is accepted by mostjunior high school students. They also accept the concept that learning words byusing and guessing words from context. The concept of vocabulary learning variesfrom grade to grade: students in seventh grade only accepts the idea of rotememorization to learn words, three concepts are generally accepted by students ineighth and ninth grade. High and low score group students have many differences invocabulary learning concepts, the two concepts are completely different. Students inlow score group generally accept the concept of rote memorization, but they rarelylearn English vocabulary in practical use and context. On the contrary, students inhigh score group rarely use repetitive memory and they are tend to learn Englishvocabulary in practical use and context.
Junior high school students generally use English vocabulary learning strategiesat a low level: they lack the awareness and ability to use meta-cognitive strategiesand social affective strategies, so they hardly use these strategies during vocabularylearning. Junior high school students generally use some cognitive strategies to learnvocabulary, but the use of cognitive strategies (such as context strategies, extensivereading strategies and contact strategies, etc.) is not common.
Junior high school students in different grades have different levels of Englishvocabulary learning strategies: students in seventh grade have the lowest level ofvocabulary learning strategies, three strategies are not generally used as a whole, andonly cognitive strategies are generally used by students in the eighth and ninthgrades. In terms of specific strategies, all social affective strategies andmeta-cognitive strategies used except for planning strategy in ninth grade ; "repetitive memory strategy "," look up dictionaries strategy "and" do exercisesstrategy "are generally used by students in the three grades; and" classificationstrategy "is commonly used in seventh and eighth grades. "guessing strategy" iscommonly used in ninth grade, while "context strategy" is generally used only inninth grade.