Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.1.1 Importance of English reading
In recent years, with the economic development and knowledge explosion, the process ofglobal integration is growing steadily, and massive amounts of information is flooding the sky.Numerous foreign companies, investors, and cultural groups have poured into China ’ seconomic and cultural hotpot. Chinese corporate groups have also gone abroad. Higherrequirements are placed on Chinese talents. Not only requires strong grammar knowledge, butalso continuous learning of a lot of valuable cutting-edge information. Therefore, being ableto read and understand relevant English materials as quickly as possible is one of the basicabilities of talents in the new era, so do students. In particular for high school students, theability of reading is essential, the reason is that the reading part plays a very important role inthe college entrance examination. The reading questions are designed to emphasize thecandidate ’ s ability to query and understand the valid information in a real languageenvironment, and to improve their practical language application ability. Therefore, fastreading has become an urgent problem for teachers and students in high school Englishteaching.
According to the college entrance examination English outlines requirements for highschool students: Students should understand short articles on general topics in textbooks,lastest newspapers, common magazines, simple announcements, instructions, and someadvertisements, and catch relevant information from them correctly. Students should be ableto grasp the key points, understand the main information in the article, context-basedconclusion phrases and sentences, make judgments and inferences; understand the structure ofthe article; understand the author’s intentions, opinions, and attitudes (Huang 2018). The totalscore of the college entrance examination English is 150 points, of which readingcomprehension ratio is 40 * 1.25, accounting for 1/3 of the total entrance examination score.In addition, cloze, filling in the blanks in appropriate forms, and correcting errors are alsoreading variants, which have appeared in the form of articles. In the test paper, it can be saidthat the core of the English test for the college entrance examination is reading.
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
1.2.1 Purpose of the Study
Aiming at solving the problems of student’s poor reading ability in high school Englishreading teaching, the author puts forward the input enhancement teaching mode has a positiveimpact on English reading teaching in high school. The practice of reading teaching in parallelclasses, who have generally lower scores in reading comprehension questions.
Some educational experts believe reading is the fundamental skill upon which schooleducation depends. Reading comprehension is an ability to make good use of language.Psycho-linguists have explored this comprehensive ability. They referred to the ability to readwords within their eyes as “peripheral vision”. Foreign language learners often find it difficultto read ten lines at a glance; in fact, the same is true for their mother tongue. But it can beachieved through hard training.
Through the study, we will find the effective approach to improving students readingcomprehension skills, and as high school students who are faced with the college entranceexamination, it is significant to popularize the better learning strategies.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Input Enhancement Theory
2.1.1 Definition of Input Enhancement theory
The concept of Input Enhancement was introduced by Sharwood Smith in 1991. (Long,M. H. 1990: 24) Originally, It was named “consciousness raising”. Its main purpose is toguide learners to pay attention to language forms without affecting classroom communicationactivities. (Input) to ingest (intake) opportunities to drive the development of intermediaryproficiency of students. Input enhancement includes textual enhancement, input flood,structured input activity, grammar consciousness-raising task (Wu 2012) and cultureenhancement. Based on the research on the origin, development, and operation methods,advantages and disadvantages of the five commonly used enhancement methods by foreignscholars, as we all know, China’s input reinforcement theory and empirical research arerelatively scarce, and it is so urgent and necessary to explore the role of this reinforcementmethod in the domestic context and the impact on learners’ second language acquisition.
Since Krashen’s input hypothesis in the 1990s (VanPattern, B. & Cadierno, T. 1993)began to emphasize the importance of “input” in second language acquisition, the significanceof “input” has become an unquestionable fact in the field of language learning. According tothe input hypothesis, so long as learners receive sufficient intelligible input, they can acquirethe language; explicit grammar teaching is completely unnecessary in the acquisition process.However, the Canadian “immersion learning method” (Harley, B.1992: 2) shows thatalthough learners have received enough comprehensible input, they still cannot use the targetlanguage accurately. Therefore, scholars have begun to realize that input alone is not enough,and have begun to rethink the necessity of reading teaching in language acquisition (Ellis1993: 5), especially how to use formal teaching in comprehensible input to learn the effectiveapproaches of reading. A research devoting to reading acquisition and language teaching haspaid close attention to this field. Sharwood Smith’s input enhancement is the product of thishot spot, and there are quite a lot of theoretical and empirical studies abroad to explore theeffectiveness of input enhancement and present hot trends. This article attempts to summarizethe research on input reinforcement and its related foreign theoretical research and domesticstudy, with a view to playing a role in introducing domestic input reinforcement research andmaking it play an important role in reading teaching.
2.2 Related Studies of Input Enhancement
Ever since input enhancement was applied to teaching field, it has been received withgreat enthusiasm. After the inhalation of this new air, all start to inspect themselves from abrand-new perspective. The effect is improvement and enrichment of their existent theories:traditional controversies settled, dead ends collapsing and new topics cropping up.
2.2.1 Related Studies Abroad
While theoretical assertions are helpful for offering insights into language abilityacquisition, which is only through empirical research. There is evidence that at abroad, anumber of researches are validated. At the same time, a large amount of enhancement instudents’ noticing of the targeted language forms.
Dougty (1991) studied exposure of twenty adult learners (NPAH) (Keenan & Comics1997) to three conditions in which they read three versions of the text in order to performbrowsing and scanning activities and to answer relevant questions. The control group (COP)simply read the text containing the opposition clauses, while the meaning-oriented group(MOG) received lexical and semantic rewriting of the opposition clauses, which werehighlighted and capitalized to make aspects of the structure visually salient; Rule-orientedgroups (ROGs) read the material and receive additional instructions as rule statements thatappear below the AB animated version of the sentence, which also makes the structuralassociations of the rules visually salient to learners. The results show that themeaning-oriented group performs better than The other two groups were tested for migrationunderstanding. Both periodic and accident-oriented groups performed better on thepost-fulfillment competency measures than the control group. In other words,meaning-oriented groups, the meaning of which processed sentences shows a betterunderstanding than the other groups, and obtains a gain from the groups with oriented rules inimplementing knowledge. The result of this study suggests that the input enhancement ismore efficient than the rule interpretation.
Chapter 3 Research Methodology.............................. 17
3.1 Research Questions.....................................17
3.2 Research subjects.................................... 17
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion...............................23
4.1 Results of the Study....................................... 23
4.1.1 Results of Questionnaires..........................23
4.1.2 Results of Interviews...................23
Chapter 5 Conclusions................................28
5.1 Major Findings..........................................28
5.2 Pedagogical Implications................................ 29
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Results of the Study
4.1.1 Results of Questionnaires
We have mentioned in the third chapters, the research is designed with five types of inputenhancement, We can see the answers and attitude to input enhancement of the questionnaireon the following on the Table 4-1
From Table 4-1, we see the attitude towards input enhancement, the students who likethis approach are more than the dislike ones. Whether using which kind of input enhancement,the learners who read form acquisition in a reading task with high participation load is alwayshigher than reading form acquisition in the reading task without any enhancement.
According to the statistics, we are more determined to study input enhancement inreading teaching, learners are willing to acquire relevant skills to improve their grade, so, as ahigh school teacher, we will devote to studying it as possible as I can.
Chapter 5 Conclusions
5.1 Major Findings
According to the above research, it can be seen that as a teaching method that attempts toimprove learners’ ability of reading comprehension, input reinforcement has made progress ofmany senior high school students. the performance of the intensive group is higher than thecontrol group in this experiment, which shows that the input reinforcement strategies canmore effectively promote learners’ acquisition of the target language form. The previousresearch not only clarified the necessity of input reinforcement in theory, but also provided avariety of operational methods that can be used in practice. At present, the author finds thatthrough research explored the impact of input reinforcement on the development of learners’English reading ability. Input enhancement have positive effects on students’ reading interest,have effects on students’ strategy of reading, students can master more effective ways to solvethe reading problem. And most importantly, students improve a lot in their exams, whichreally encourages us teachers to study further. We hope our students are full of confidence intheir English learning.
This research also finds that the output task that requires the use of target words requireslearners to produce the target words productively, which can promote the acquisition of targetwords, and that input reinforcement to reading activities for the purpose of understandingmeanings is an additional. The effect of the intervention methods on vocabulary acquisition islimited by the internal information processing mechanism of the learners. Of course, thisstudy only uses the target word real-time test to investigate the impact of various teachingintervention methods on the initial acquisition of vocabulary within a limited time. In the caseof ample learning time, whether input reinforcement will have a greater effect on vocabularyacquisition. Impact needs a further study.