- 首先你要知道,你的观众需要了解到你在说什么,你想要表达什么观点。所以首先在确定你的主题(topic)之前,你应该确定你的听众是怎样的一群人(可能有一部分是非英语国家的人,这时就不应该用过于学术的词进行演讲),他们在这个问题(problem或者topic)里关心什么?
- 然后我们就可以以此为出发点开始查询资料了~亲爱的们~灵活运用你们的度娘和Mr. Google(如果你的presentation不那么学术或者你只是想了解个大概状况的话)。但是,如果你是做学术性的presentation, 那么就需要去阅读非常非常非常多的报告了,这些报告通常是在database里面。
- 把所有的思路全部列出来,能想多少想多少~(我一般都是在找了很多资料后才开始这一步,因为对于我来说,了解更多,脑洞越大。当然,你可以在把这部提前,每个人的思维方式不同嘛~),换句话说现在是头脑风暴的时间。
- 准备工作也到此结束~~
2. 结构阶段
现在开始计划结构了。一般来说就是(比较公式化的)title-outline-introduction-body1-body2-.... -conclusion-Q&A。
-Introduction 引入部分
This is the first impression that your audience have of you. You should concentrate on getting your introduction right.
welcome your audience
introduce your subject
outline the structure of your presentation
give instructions about questions
- Welcoming your audience 欢迎您的观众
Good morning, gentlemen
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen
Good afternoon, everybody
- Introducing your subject 介绍您的主题
The purpose of my presentation is to introduce our new range of...
- Outlining your structure 概述您的结构
- Giving instructions about questions 提供有关问题的说明
I'll try to answer all of your questions after the presentation.
I plan to keep some time for questions after the presentation.
-Body (主干部分)
The body should be well structured, pided up logically, with plenty of carefully spaced visuals.开始填充内容了。 内容(body)说实在的,我觉得就像写essay一样。要注意内容的逻辑性。把你想说的,想让你的听众理解的内容清楚的,有逻辑的排列出来,自然而然就可以有一个很好的body部分了。你可以根据自己的需要进行
- 横向思维,纵向思维或者是思辨性的进行排序
- 时间上,空间上的排序
- 板块与板块的排序
- 先因后果,先果后因的排序
- Conclusion 总结部分
- 强而有力的结束语(简短,但是高度总结主旨)
- 一个对未来的推测(可以用一个画面来体现)
- 一个较为深思的问题+thank u for your attention
summing up 总结
To conclude,...
In conclusion,...
Now, to sum up...
So let me summarize/recap what I've said.
Finally, may I remind you of some of the main points we've considered.
- Giving recommendations 提供建议
I therefore suggest/propose/recommend the following strategy.
- Thanking your audience 感谢你的听众
May I thank you all for being such an attentive audience.
3.在Questions 提问部分
It may be helpful for you to try to predict what questions will be asked so that you can prepare your response in advance. You may wish to accept questions at any time during your presentation, or to keep a time for questions after your presentation. Normally, it's your decision, and you should make it clear during the introduction. Be polite with all questioners, even if they ask difficult questions. Sometimes you can reformulate a question. Or answer the question with another question. Or even ask for comment from the rest of the audience.
这里有一些Inviting questions 鼓励大家来提问
Now I'll try to answer any questions you may have.
Can I answer any questions?
Are there any questions?
Do you have any questions?
Are there any final questions?
4. 实例对比 【市场营销-Persona】
- 普通版Presentation
Firstly, bury that in mind that persona is a fictitious person representing a targeted customer group. That means companies need to create the persona through their own hand based on the analyses of target customers. It is an effective way to transfer abstract notions into concrete interpretation through visualizing who the customer really is. Also, persona often creates reflections of customers’ demand and then enhances digital marketing strategy, such as positioning (Chaffey, 2010).
However, when it comes to persona, as Manning suggests (2003), companies need to be careful because it might create the unnecessary bias for customers. What’s more, it can be difficult to measure a broad range of audience and gather information through marketing research.
As a result, although persona is a quite appropriate business approach, we suggest Gemma would place more emphasis on it at later stages of her business.
解析:这是一个典型中国同学的演讲内容,通过一些特定词汇可以看得出来,比如What ‘smore以及Firstly。当然,该同学的演讲稿内容是OK的,因为他了解自己的观众,并且让自己的词汇达到了观众能够理解的范围(特别是商科里面的一些属于,比如target customers group, positioning等等)。
但是,这个演讲只是一次“普通”的演讲。之所以定义这个演讲是普通的,是因为整体演讲过于平铺直叙,没有起承转合,也没有想要去抓住观众的注意力。纯粹在表达着自己的观点,却忽略了与观众的交流。同时,他也犯了一个大家很容易犯的错误,就是将演讲理解成了口头叙述的论文,这个是可以从里面的“as Manning suggests (2003)”,这样的citation 出现在论文里没有问题,但是如果演讲者将这句话说出来,就有点呆呆的感觉。引用的学术文献在演讲中只需要附在最后一张幻灯片里即可。
- 进阶版Presentation
Companies will create a persona in accordance with the type of business they operate and by analyzing its target customers. It can be an effective way for companies to visualize and really understand who their customers are.
Personas can also form a representation of customers’ demand: This can facilitate the digital marketing strategy, for instance in its target segment positioning (Chaffey, 2010).
However, when it comes to personas, companies need to be careful because it might create an unnecessary bias regarding their potential customers. Furthermore, it can also be difficult to precisely measure a broad range of a customer base and gather all the information through market research.
As a result, although creating personas can be an efficient business approach, we suggest that you place more emphasis on this at a later stage of the business and for now, focus your energy and time on other business tasks. www.sblunwen.com
解析:这一个进阶版可以明显感觉得到与观众互动的意思。第一句“we’re aware that you’re…”就能够实现之前所说的构建与观众的无形交流桥。同时,进阶版的层次更加分明,逻辑更加清晰。虽然普通版用了Firstly之类的关联词,但是层次感还是缺乏了一点。
P.S 其实这两个版本都是小编自己写的演讲稿,普通版是小编的第一稿,进阶版是小编在改了三次之后的最终定稿。这里想要强调的还是proof reading 的重要性,你在每一次完成一个演讲稿以后你都需要进行proof reading。看看自己的演讲内容是否符合咱们之前讨论过的要求,同时还要结合具体的演讲题目进行校对。否则,可能就会出现普通稿子里面的一些小问题。