留学党的难题-Group Report,以下几条小建议一定要收藏!

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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw20237826 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网
通常Group Report在mid-break之后,在大家短暂的疯狂之后,就要开始与组员共同携手面对几千字的report了。每到这个时候,同学们都会困扰与谁组队,怎样合理的分配还有沟通作业部分,尤其对于刚上国外大学的同学们来说,在还没有适应的国外教学环境里,面对不同陌生的脸庞,同学们可能认为Group Report就是一场凌迟的噩梦,不仅挑战了我们的社交能力,同时Group Report通常占期末总成绩的50%,也让同学们深感亚历山大。以下小编带大家学习如何可以顺利的分配小组任务,完成Group Report,怎样与不同国籍的同学和睦融洽相处,以及当遇到不负责任的组员时,怎么及时处理减少损失。小编认为其实很多问题是可以避免的,同学们跟我一起mark这些技巧吧。

Section 1: 成员构成

Section 2: 如何和组员融洽相处
其次, 态度是很重要的。和小组成员交流,一定要温和有理,只有在大家都讲道理的时候,问题才能容易的解决。讨论的时候,即使知道对方的观点有问题,也不要咄咄逼人,最好能够温和的告诉对方问题出在哪里,一起商讨最佳方案。面对比较强势的队员,需要做到保持清醒,因为很多同学很容易被其的观点和气场带着走,从而错过很多好的观点或者忽略掉一些错误。因此,和强势的队员相处时,一方面需要称赞对方做的好的部分,另一方面也需要仔细辨别对方的观点是否正确。



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Section 3: 遇到矛盾如何解决
如果是有某个组员没能及时完成他/她的工作,那么一定要把相关信息及时反馈给老师。 组员们可以提前收集整理好一些聊天记录,邮件等证据,再把大家的意见整理一下一起发送给老师,然后约个时间大家一起去和老师进行相关反馈。一般这种情况下,老师会进行单独评分或者把该组员从小组剔除。(无论是哪种情况,该组员没完成的部分也是需要后期补上的哦)

Section 4例子:Writing Your Group Reports

-Decide on a focus 确定一个重点:
When all the research is completed, meet as a group and decide on a focus. With every report, there needs to be a purpose, a clear "take away" for the reader. Once all the research is done have another meeting and decide what your writing should focus on. What is the goal of your report? To prove that the country is in good condition to hold business. To prove that the country should be considered a good place for investment. Or is to prove the opposite? If your research found that the country is in a terrible economic position, then make sure everyone in your team is aware that this will be what you are going to try and prove.

-Choose one or two editors选择一个或两个编辑:
If you are a good writer, now is the time to tell your teammates. In place of doing some other aspect of the project, such as preparing the power point, offer your writing ability as a tool for your team to put the report together. The problem with having everyone just plot their sections in the report is that everyone has a different writing style. Having everyone's original writing may not allow for the pieces to fall together, or for the report to flow. Having 1 or 2 people do the majority of the revision and editing will allow for the report to have the same writing style throughout the report, hence allowing for the sections to flow together. Sections should be neatly organized and placed in an order that makes sense of the progression of your research.

-Write your inpidual sections写下你的个人部分:
You now need to start the process of putting together your report. Each team member should write his or her own section separately. Important: Everyone in the group needs to do some research and writing. Don't leave the research to one or two people.
Make sure that when writing, you completely avoid "I" statements. Your writing should be objective and formal.

-Plan the introduction and conclusion 策划开头和结语:
When everyone in the group is done writing, have a meeting to develop ideas for the report's Introduction and Conclusion. These portions of the report should be written as a group after each member is done with their own research and writing, but before the whole piece is stitched together
Each report you write should include very clear and strong intro/concluding paragraphs. Having a purpose statement in your introduction will arouse the reader's interest. Make sure you clearly state what it is you are researching and why. For example, in a country analysis you may want to see if the country in question has a good foundation for business, and whether or not companies should move to that country. Subsequently, after proving in the body sections of your report that this country was either good or bad for business, you NEED to make sure you leave the reader with your answer. EX, yes, businesses should move here because the distribution of wealth is even, and almost everyone can afford to buy luxuries.

-Stitch the sections together 把各部分整合在一起:
If there are two members who know that they are good writers, assign them to this task: take everyone's section, and put them into one cohesive, professional report. Having a clear, factual tone is appropriate for this type of writing. List the facts out, and then make sure the relevance of these facts (or quotes) is explained in the report.

-Write the Executive Summa 撰写执行摘要:
Executive summaries are the last portion of group reports that should be written. Executive summaries should be placed right in the beginning, before your table of contents. This should be no longer than a page in length, and should include a short summary of each team member's sections. Try having each member of your group come up with two or three sentences that best summarize their sections. From there, incorporate your purpose from your introduction and findings from your conclusion in order to capture the entire spectrum of the report. It will be important to truly capture the most important aspects of your report, so be diligent and concise with your work here.
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