1 .Introduction
In this chapter, the author will introduce the background and significance of thestudy, research objective, basic definition of concepts and the methods that adopted inthe research from four aspects. The author hopes that she can study cooperativelearning theoretical basis of English teaching in junior high school, develop new areasof English language teaching, improve timeliness of English teaching and providesome references for English teaching currently from theoretical significance. At thesame time, she hopes that she can try many course types in the curricular,extra-curricular courses and revision courses according to the cooperative learningtheory, so that to improve the efficiency in English class and change the relationshipsbetween teachers and students from practical significance.
1.1 Background
1.1.1.Cooueration is the theme of the aye
The 21 st century is the knowledge-competitive and co-development age. Thenew society has put forward higher requirements to our education. When science andtechnology changes the entire social life with the unprecedented power, it also haschanged the old model of traditional education for the purpose of impartingknowledge only. Education is facing new challenges. How to handle the intensiverelationship between necessary competitive and equal opportunities and how tocoordinate the stimulated competition and promote cooperation has been become animportant issue for us. Cooperative learning has become an impoutant educationcontent in every country in the world. The International 21 st Century EducationCommittee has reported to UNESCO, "Education一Tlte Treasure y}ithin”(1996)once pointed out that four pillars of education are "learning to know, learning to do,learning to cooperate and learning to survive', in which "learning to cooperate”isone of the new century's four pillars among them. It was once said: if we learn byourselves without partners, we won't have any friends. It means you are the ignorant.(studying alone, you will know a little). A person's knowledge is limited after all, itonly can achieve its maximum affections and get innovative and development undergroup and cooperative conditions. "Learning to cooperate" shows the strongdemands for the cooperation idea and collaboration ability of the new time people.
In the background of knowledge economy, cooperation will show its importanceincreasingly. Cooperation idea and collaboration ability have become an importantquality for people's survival and development.
For young people, we must also pay attention to educate them cooperating withothers when we inspire them to create motivation. Thus, cooperation and innovationof people will become a spirit of times in the 21 st century and an important part of thehuman life values. Education in every country will be faced with common task toenhance cooperation of students and develop spirit of innovation. Cooperation andinnovation will be the main theme of global education in the 21st century.
1 .1.2 Ideas of quality education
People usually think that American educator John Dewey, creating a cooperativelearning in the early twentieth century. In fact, people has advocated counseling andlistening to each other among students for cooperative learning a few hundred yearsago. The educational concept and practice spiritual adopted into the learning processalready has a long history. Two thousand years ago, Chinese educational known bookof ``literature of learning" emphasized learners' importance in learning process andadvocated that learners should exchange learning experiences with each other toenhance the result of learning. In the 1 st century, Quintilianus schoolsstudents could benefit from mutual teaching. Senecaadvocated cooperative learning very much. Seneca saidRomanthought thatphilosopher,you would learn thesecond time when you taught. Great educator Comenius also thought that students notonly acquired knowledge from teachers but also acquired knowledge by the teaching
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摘要 5-6
Abstract 6-7
Table of Contents 8-10
1.Introduction 10-24
1.1 Background 10-15
1.1.1 Cooperation is the theme of the age 10-11
1.1.2 Ideas of quality education 11-12
1.1.3 Needs of the New Curriculum 12-13
1.1.4 Needs of junior high school English teaching 13-15
1.2 The significance of the study 15-18
1.2.1 Theoretical Significance 16-17
1.2.2 Practical significance 17-18
1.3 Aim of the research 18-20
1.4 Research ideas and methods 20-22
1.4.1 Thesis research ideas 20-21
1.4.2 Research Methods 21-22
1.5 Main research content and innovation 22-24
1.5.1 The main research content and structure 22-23
1.5.2 Main innovation of research 23-24
2.Literature Review 24-42
2.1 Overview of cooperative learning 24-33
2.1.1 The basic overview on cooperative learning 26-27
2.1.2 The basic theory of cooperative learning 27-31
2.1.3 Definition of cooperative learning 31-33
2.2 Cooperative learning research 33-37
2.2.1 Cooperative learning abroad 34-35
2.2.2 Keywords co-occurrence analysis 35-36
2.2.3 International cooperative learning research 36-37
2.3 Cooperative learning in China 37-42
3.The Research 42-69
3.1 Textbook 42-43
3.2 Participants 43
3.3 Methods 43-69
3.3.1 Research questions 44-45
3.3.2 Data selection 45-55
3.3.3 Procedures 55-59
3.3.4 Evaluation 59-62
3.3.5 Different classes and the region of application 62-69
4.Results and discussion 69-77