1. Background
With the increasingly rapid development of China and the global changes of the worldforeign langue education is attracting more and more public attention. Hence, Englishteachers, the teaching practitioners in the educational context, are inevitably related tothe quality of foreign language education. Teacher talk, defined as the language thatteachers employ for the purpose of classroom teaching and management, has beenstudied by scholars and researchers in the field of applied linguistics for a long time.In spite of the large number of related studies, teacher talk is still a burning issue inthe field.
As has been defined, teacher talk is the language English teachers employ toorganize their class and the teaching of knowledge. This essentially determines theuniqueness of English education and the features of English teachers. Different fromother subjects, in an English class, most of the time is spent communicating in a targetlanguage (i.e. English) and teaching the target language. Hence, for English teachers,their language in classroom teaching is not only the target knowledge which isexpected to be learnt by the students but also the language medium which is used inthe class organization and management.
Because of the unique feature of English teaching, teacher talk, in particularthat of language teachers is considered as a burning issue in the field of appliedlinguistics and other related research domains. In this sense, an in-depthunderstanding of the nature of teacher talk and corresponding research will be of greatsignificance in the analysis of the process of classroom teaching, which fundamentallyenables us to realize what should be improved from the part of teachers. Henceteacher talk in a foreign language (i.e. English) classroom is worth studying.
2. Overview of the study
Scholars and theorists have conducted considerable quantity of research onteacher talk in foreign language classroom, in particular EFL/ESL classroom. Thesestudies turn out to be undeniably enlightening in the related research field of appliedlinguistics. Based on the important findings and discussions in the preview research,the present study focuses on a comparative analysis of teacher talk of a novice teacherand a veteran teacher in English classroom. To be more specific, this study seeks toexplore the features of the novice teachers' classroom discourse and how it is differentfrom that of the veteran teachers.
Because of the purpose of exploring the features of novice teachers' classroomdiscourse and the contrast between novice and veteran teachers in language useFlanders's interaction analysis categories are adopted as the theoretical guide and theoperational analysis framework of this research. Two English teachers arepurposefully sampled as the participants of this study with their personal approval.Non-participating observation is the primary method of data collection and the solesource of data. Their classroom teaching is digitally recorded and later transcribedverbatim into texts with the permission of the informants. The researcher is obliged togive them full access to the data so as to protect their private information.
3. Significance of the study
The current research is of great value both at theoretical and pedagogical levels.In theory, this research helps to promote the study of second language acquisition. Viathe in-depth study of the teacher talk of both novice and experienced teachers, moreeffective language input can be given to students and thus more accurate language output can be produced by students in the real classroom environment. Moreover, itenables novice teachers to adjust their language consciously and use more efficientlanguage through the analysis of the discrepancies of teacher talk so as to promotestudents' output. At the practical level, this research not only enables teachers topolish their teaching skills and thus improve the teaching effect but also has aprofound and far-reaching impact on teacher education as well as the professionaldevelopment of teachers. Novice teachers can learn to use more effective languages inthe classroom and reflect on their own teaching behaviors or values through watchingand observing experienced teachers' classroom teaching which enables them toimprove the efficiency of their classroom teaching. In addition, teacher talk reflectsteachers teaching values and their personal ideas, which influences studentsunderstanding of the knowledge and thus their acquisition of certain knowledge to alarge extent. If moreinspiration and encouragement can be included in languageteachers' use of language in class, students are more likely to be motivated andtherefore learn more effectively and more efficiently. This has a positive andfar-reaching impact on students' language learning and future development in the longrun.
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摘要 5-6
Abstract 6
Ⅰ Introduction 10-14
1 Background 10-11
2. Overview of the study 11
3. Significance of the study 11-12
4 Structure of the study 12-14
Ⅱ.Literature review 14-25
1 Teacher talk 15-19
A Definition of Teacher talk 15-17
B Classifications of teacher talk 17-18
C Main researching issues concerning teacher talk 18-19
2 Input and output theory 19-22
A Input Hypotheses 19-20
B Output Hypothesis 20
C Evaluation of the hypotheses 20-22
3 The comparative analysis of TT between novice and experiencedteachers 22-25
A The comparative analysis of TT 22-23
B The comparative analysis of teacher talk in English classroom 23-25
Ⅲ Methodology 25-45
1. Introduction 25
2. Rationale for mixed methods 25-26
3. Research design 26-45
A Research sample 27-28
B Data collection 28-33
Ⅳ Conclusion 45-52