论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
The Relationship between the Relevance Theory and the Speech Act Theory Application
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to investigate the relevance theory and speech act theory and the relationships between these two variables among pragmatics of English. Based on the results, the study suggested that teachers try to understand the two theories and their use of strategies so as to provide them the appropriate learning material and the appropriate learning strategies which may enhance students’ language learning.
Keywords: relevance theory, speech act theory, relationship, learning strategies
As for relevance theory, it was defined by Rubin (1987) as “operations employed by the learner to aid the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information”. [1]The importance of relevance theory was emphasized in the field of language learning as well as language teaching, as Oxford (1989) proposed, that relevance theory were related to all parts of learning acquisition.[2]
2.1 Relevance Theory
2.2 The Application of Speech Act Theory
3. The Relationship between the Relevance Theory and the Speech Act Theory
3.1 Research Criteria
3.2 Types of Relevance Theory in Studies
3.3 The Use of Speech Act Theory
3.4 Comparable Analysis
In summary, the current study focuses on investigating types of relevance, use of speech act theory, and the relationship between relevance theory and speech act theory. The results showed that the most frequent type of relevance was extrinsic relevance. Besides, evaluating and planning strategies was found the most frequently used strategies, whereas functional practice strategies was least frequently used strategies for learners in this sample. Most importantly, significant correlation between learners’ relevance and speech act theory was discovered. Based on the finding, several implications were provided for future language learning and teaching. It was believed that if teachers could try to promote learners’ intrinsic relevance as well as use of proper speech act theory for language learning, then learners’ learning may become more effective and persistent, as well.
Recommendations regarding the practical pedagogical implications of the research include the following:
1) Topic assignments should be coordinated with their teaching material in speech acts classrooms. Teachers should be aware of the speech acts strategies of their students so that they may orient their teaching methods more appropriately.
2) Another popular technique for fostering students’ relevance theory and speech acts practice is the teacher-student dialogue journal. With technique, students can submit their dialogue journal by relevance, and the teachers respond in the same manner, and students can receive responses soon.
3) Culture awareness is another pedagogical tool in relevance theory classrooms. The project with people in other countries can achieve this goal.
[1] Al-Shalawi, H. (1997). Refusal strategies in Saudi and American cultures. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Michigan State University.
[2] Barron, A. (2003). Acquisition in interlanguage pragmatics: Learning how to do things with words in a study abroad context. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
[3] Beebe, L. M., & Cumming, M. (1985). Speech act performance: a function of the data collection procedure? Paper presented at TESOL’85, New York.
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[9] Murphy, B. & Neu, J. (1996), My grade''s too low: The speech act set of complaining. In S.M. Gass & J. Neu, (Eds.), Speech Acts across Cultures: Challenge to Communication in a Second Language (pp.191-216). Berlin/NY: Mouton de Gruyter.
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