Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
The composites of language have usual two parts:lexis and grammar. Nevertheless,both of lexis and grammar are not related to each other in the teaching and learning practices.Before starting this dissertation,the author has heard lots of complaining about English Writing Teaching of Middle School Teachers.They say“The English books of middle school students now have a lot of listening,speaking,and grammar practices.Actually speaking,the basic ability, in their words,the capability of vocabulary is not enough and weak for students of Middle Schools.”Just like one teacher once said:“Everything is not perfect.Therefore,we cannot make all aspects improved at the same time,especially how to write with proper words and right grammar.”Sometimes the students often ask teachers how the foreign people can speak fluently, write a piece perfectly and so on.Generally speaking,just like their mother language,Chinese, the foreign people generally have the talents to speak and write English from their childhood.
The structure of language is something most of us take completely for granted.For the fluent English speakers or the excellent English writers,they are so used to speaking,writing and understanding English language with unconscious case that they do not notice the complex linguistic sturcture that underlies almost every sentence.They may forget the years they expended in mastering these skills.Please look at the following sentences and a short writing text you may get your results.
1)I have just returned from a visit to my Grandmother.
2)He made himself ill by constantly drinking.
3)Rather than cause trouble,I’m going to forget the whole affair.
4)The child is too young to understand it.
5)I should say the person I know most thoroughly is myself.Since I was born,I have never lost sight of myself for a single moment.So I always know what is in my mind,what I am going to do,what I enjoy and what I feel disgusted at.
From the above sentences,especially the bold-faced phrases,every sentence has one or two phrases which make sentences brief,easy reading and meaningful.Now these phrases have their own names called“Lexical Chunks”.Some applied teaching linguists and researchers call the vocabulary and phrases“Lexical Chunks”or“Lexical Phrases”,and other linguists prefer the term“Multi-word Chunks”or“Chunks”of language.Though the names they called are different, the things they point out are the same,namely,the Lexical Chunks.
Lexical chunks,depending on Michael Lewis’points of views that“Language consists of grammatical lexis—rather than lexicalized grammar”,paid great attention to the chunks.From a general view of point,lexical chunks are the unity of semantic meanings,pragmatic meanings and grammatical contexts.From the above examples such as short sentences and text we know that lexical chunks play an important role in the dialogue of everyday life,and contribute to the accuracy,conscise and fluency in language output.The usage of lexical chunks indeed makes the task of English writing easier,because using these formulaic structures can save the trouble of constructing every sentence anew.Therefore,English learners need to give their attention to the importance of lexical chunks if they want to become more native-like.Certainly speaking,their writing level is related closely to the chunks.And how to help middle students notice and acquire lexical chunks to improve their English writing ability have been touched upon relatively.
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[4]Nattinger,J.R.;DeCarrico,J.S.Lexical Phrases and Language Teaching.[M]Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Press,1992
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[6]Bolinger,D.Aspects of Language(2nd )[J] New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,1976
[7]Nattinger,J.A lexical phrase grammar for ESL.[J]Tesol Quarterly,1980,341
[8]Peters,A.The Units of Language Acquisition[M]Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1983
[9]Rosamund Moon.Fixed Expressions and Idioms in English:A Corpus-based Approach.[M] Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998
[10]Laufer,B.The Lexical Profile of Second Language Writing:Does it Change Over Time?[J] RELC Journal 25:21-33,1994
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Abstract 7-8
摘要 9-11
Chapter One Introduction 11-15
1.1 Research Background 11-12
1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Study 12-13
1.3 The Organization of the Research 13-15
Chapter Two Literature Review 15-25
2.1 The Study of Lexical Chunks 15-18
2.1.1 Definitions of Lexical Chunks 15
2.1.2 Categories of Lexical Chunks 15-17
2.1.3 Functions of Lexical Chunks 17-18
2.2 Lexical Chunks in Language Acquisition 18-19
2.3 Teaching Approaches for Writing 19-22
2.4 Previous Studies of Lexical Chunks 22-25
2.4.1 Studies Abroad 22-23
2.4.2 Studies at Home 23-25
Chapter Three Research Methodology 25-41
3.1 Research Questions 25
3.2 Subjects 25
3.3 Research Instruments 25-26
3.4 Research Steps 26-39
3.4.1 Pre-test 26-32
3.4.2 Procedures of Lexical Chunks 32-39
3.4.3 Post-test 39
3.5 Interviews 39-40
3.6 Data Collection 40-41
Chapter Four Results and Discussion 41-51