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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw20239163 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网


0.1Raising of the Question
“伯豪瑞廷 ”means that it is of quite high quality just like the palacein ancient times. “ 如家 ” means the cozy feeling just like in your home.These are the names of hotels which are full of meanings so thatlinguistic scholars are attracted by them. The author is often confusedwhy the hotel operators give their hotels such names? And what kind ofmeanings they want to express? So with the interest and confusion, theauthor specifically analyses and interprets the meanings of hotel namesthrough subtle observation and utilizing some theoretical knowledgelearned in postgraduate stage.
Researches on meaning of words with frame semantics can be readeverywhere. Tracing the academic researches on hotel names from thelast century, specialized works about hotel names are not too manyamong the research achievements that we collected, especially researchesfrom the perspective of cognitive linguistics are few. Scholars oftenresearch brand names from various aspects or research hotel names fromperspective of lexicology, economics and sociolinguistics. Whileresearches on hotel names from perspective of linguistics are so few.What most scholars have done is just describing the linguisticphenomenon, rather than explaining the underlying cognitive mechanisms.Even the reasons of the motivation of hotel names are not explained tohelp for well understanding.
There are three main research questions in this thesis: First, how tosimulate the hotel concept frame? Second, how to classify hotel namesaccording to the profiled elements within the hotel concept frame? Third,what is the cognitive motivation of the naming of Chinese hotels? Fourth,how to explain the meanings in the background of Chinese culture whichChinese hotel names contain?

0.2Viewpoints of the Thesis
It is a new perspective to study the naming of hotels from acognitive linguistics. In some degree, it is of certain innovation. Researcha certain object based on frame semantics, conceptual metaphor andmetonymy theory is also the research focus. This section will overviewthe thesis from the exploit theories, research methods, research findingsand research significances.
Any form of language research needs a theory to support it. In thisthesis, we discuss the naming of hotels in China from the perspective ofcognitive linguistics. The theories we exploited are knowledge structuretheories and cognitive mechanism which include formal unit conceptframe, conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy and cultural model. The research methods adopted in this article include summaryresearch, corpus research and analysis research. According to the corpuscollected from magazines, network, this thesis classifies them anddescribes,explain this corpus' meaning with frame semantics theoiy, The study finds that hotels are named according to the elementswithin hotel concept frame. According to the characteristics of the hotelnames, they can be pided into three categories: single element,compound elements and complex elements.Cognition derives from human's life experience. As a kind oflanguage phenomenon, hotel names can reflect the essence of humanlanguage. There is no doubt that different cultural background will haveimportant effect on the naming of hotels. The cultural characteristics thathotel names possess can reflect some Chinese cultural features and hotelowner's psychological activities.

Chapter One Literature Review

1.1Review of Studies on Naming of Hotels
Researches on brand names are quite rich. Scholars not only at homebut also abroad research brand names from various perspectives such astranslation, culture, economics, and language and so on. While, only afew scholars investigate hotel names. Researches on brand names andhotel names will be summarized as follow.Firstly, to research brand names from the perspective of culture. Forexample, Guo Rui's thesis, An International Approach to the Study ofBrand Names, explores the cultural features and cultural connotation ofbrand names from the intercultural perspective and reveals their reflectionin many aspects such as social customs, regional culture, religion,economy and so on; Wang Ting's thesis. The Translation of ChineseBrand Names: A Cultural perspective, first analyzes the features ofChinese brand names, including their basic function, the basic principlemotivations of their formations and cultural features conveyed by them,and then analyzes the cultural barriers in the translation of Chinese brandnames from a socio semiotic perspective. This paper proposes functionalequivalence as the translation principle for Chinese brand names andsummarizes some methods for the translation of Chinese brand names;Yuan Jing's paper, A Cultural Approach to Brand Names, attempts toinquire into the interrelation between culture and brand names, howculture influences brand naming and what these influences are; ZhaoYao's Cultural Adaptation in Brand Name Translation: An InternationalCommunication Approach first explores brand names translation on basisof the adaptation theory and intercultural communication and thencomprehensively elaborates the concrete operating mechanism of culturaladaptation in translation of brand names from the aspects of thecondition, content, model and function of cultural adaptation.

1.2Review of Application on Frame Theory at Home
Due to the strong power of providing satisfying explanation to lotsof linguistic phenomena by Fillmore, frame theory has been introducedinto China and been used to describe many Chinese linguisticphenomena.First of all, frame semantics is used to distinguish synonyms. LiuXuehui(2007) claims that the findings of the frame semantics can beemployed during the process of compiling entries of synonymdiscrimination in the learner's dictionaries. Thus all the primary semanticfeatures of the synonym series can be revealed for the learners and thediscrimination of synonyms will be placed in the new model of dynamiccognitive semantic frame. Cheng Qilong(2006) utilizes conceptual frameinstead of grammatical structures to account for conceptual meaning. Heconstructs conceptual frames for Chinese clauses and argues that theconceptual frames constructed can account for conceptual similarities anddifferences among clauses. The Chinese FrameNet is a research projectwhich is creating a lexicon for Chinese based on frame semantics andsupported by corpus evidence. Up till now,the research has constructed130 frames which are related to 1,428 verbs, 140 adjectives and 192 eventnouns.
All their researches make use of frame theory and make greatcontribution to explanation of some linguistic phenomena which can notbe better explained by other theories, for example, the discrimination ofsynonyms. According to Barsalou's viewpoint, frames support a widevariety of representational tasks central to conceptual processing innatural and artificial intelligence. Frames can represent exemplars andpropositions, prototypes and membership, subordinates and taxonomies.

Chapter Three Hotel Concept Frame...........27
3.1Introduction of Hotel Concept Frame..................27
3.2Simulation of the Hotel Concept Frame.........................28
Chapter Four Classification of Chinese Hotel Names within theFrame........................35
4.1 Hotel Names with Single Element...........................35
4.1.1 Place........................35
4.1 .2 Name of Person..................................36
Chapter Five Cognitive Motivation of the Naming of Chinese Hotels.....................................43
5.1Cognitive Motivation of 北京饭店(Beijing Fandian)................44
5.2Cognitive Motivation of 希尔顿酒店(Xi'erdun Fandian)..................45

Chapter Five Cognitive Motivation of the Naming ofChinese Hotels

5.1 Cognitive Motivation of 北京饭店(Beijing Fandian)
With the great efforts of the implementation of the open-door policy,people nowadays can see the world with a wider angle, the westernculture firmly attracts Chinese people's eyes, different customs draw a lotof Chinese people's attention, more and more Chinese are eager to see theouter world, to experience the different cultures. And the bloomingeconomy brings international and modem minds here, through the mediahad people gotten to know the charm of worldwide metropolises, anddream to live there, so choosing words that are collected to thosemetropolises are of great importance, because in this way they can maketheir own hotels more modem, and keep in fashion with the time.Examples are easy to find, say,通程国际大酒店,时代大酒店,澳门威尼斯人酒店,太阳岛国际俱乐部.
Brand name for a product is used for differentiating onemanufacturer from another and many of them are proper names, such asthe name of runner, the inventor and the name of the producing place.Usually, many hotels are named after their location places. Places whichhotels locate always occur in hotel names. Now we take ;!匕京饭店 as theexample.China is a vast territory country with long history. Some placenames are not only the call of certain places, but also on behalf of theculture, politics, and economy of these regions. Hotel names with placenames not only mark the location of the hotels, but also add some featuresto the hotels. For example, choosing the name "Beijing" stands for thepolitical and cultural characteristics of hotels; the word "Shanghai" is onbehalf of the modem and international feature to the hotels; the word “香格里拉adds beautiful scenery charm to the hotels. Beijing, the capital ofChina, is the cultural, political and international communication centre.As one of the most important city, where The People's Republic of Chinawas founded, the status of Beijing in people's heart is vital. Naming thehotel with "Beijing" can add the hotel's popularity and can also meetconsumers' pursuit for popularity.

5.2 Cognitive Motivation of 希尔顿酒店(Xi,erdun Fandian)
Wilkman, the forerunner in the brand field, believe that namingbrands with persons' names can increase the reputation of the products.This kind of brand names can lead the mind of consumers to convict thatthe owners will guarantee the best quality of their products, which canhelp promote the selling of products. In our everyday life, these productsdepend highly on the consumers' trust in them. So do hotel names. We'lltake希尔顿酒店for example. 希尔顿酒店 is named after its founder, Konrad N. Hilton, whose"hotel empire" has extended to all over the world and he is honored as theking of inn. The motto with which Hilton managed his hotels is "Haveyou smiled today ? During more than eighty years, his multiple hotelshave increased to more than one hundred, which have spreaded in manycities of most countries and it has become one of the most large-scalehotels. Why Hilton Hotel can be managed so well? One of the mostimportant secret of success is that they aim to create the culturalatmosphere that consumers can feel be entertained as the distinguishedguests. They attach importance to cultivating the staffs etiquette which isreflected through their smile. Hilton's management idea is known to mostconsumers and has won consumers' confidence. He naming his hotel afterhis name contributes to establishing brand awareness in consumers' heartso as to win more consumers.


According to analysis, induction and introspection of the Chinesehotel names which were collected from websites, I simulate the generalconcept frame that applies to hotels. In the hotel concept frame, there areat least 11 attributes on the first level: HABITABLE, FUNCTION,LOCATION, BUILDING STYLE, NATURAL ENVIRONMENT,CONVENIENCE, INTERIOR ELEMENTS, DEVELOPER OF THERESIDENTIAL BUILDING, CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY,and BUSINESS. Each of them has their own values on the second level.The hotel concept frame is a dynamic knowledge structure that may beinfluenced by different experiences, cognitive objectives and culturalbackground knowledge.The originality of this thesis includes two aspects. Firstly, the thesisexplored the research based on cognitive linguistics with the help ofknowledge structure and the conceptual metaphor and metonymy theoryis a new angle. The Chinese hotel names' generation is on the basis of theexperiential perceptions, knowledge structure and cultural background.Secondly, the result of the research shows that the prominent elements inthe hotel concept frame can be useful when we name the hotels.
From the statistics and analysis of the Chinese hotel names, nearlyevery element of the hotel concept frame can be profiled in the hotelnames especially PLACE, QUALITY, NATURAL ENVIRONMENT,and CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT. According to the data, we can reacha conclusion that when generating a hotel name, people should followtwo laws: (1) entity concept comes first; (2) concept with more bodilyexperiential perceptions comes first.According to the analysis of different formal representations, wefind the motivation of the generation of hotel names in Chinese iscorrelation. When generating hotel names in Chinese, people concentrateon different elements of the concept. Based on the encyclopedicknowledge network, people outline certain concept elements according tothe similarity or correlation between the concept elements within oneconcept frame or cross-concept frames. Based on the GOOD WISHESconcept frame, People would like to prefer HAPPINESS, GOODFORTUNE. Thus a conclusion can be drawn that the basis of thegeneration of Chinese hotel names is realized by outlining certainelements in a word concept frame. According to the corpus which wehave collected, it is easier to find that the generation of Chinese hotelnames mainly depends on our encyclopedic knowledge and culturalbackground. Based on the corpus, it is obvious that the ways ofgenerating hotel names in Chinese include: conceptual metaphor andconceptual metonymy.


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