Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
As the main practitioner of curriculum and teaching, teacher plays an importantrole in curriculum reform. Furthermore, the new round of curriculum reform requiresteachers to use new teaching ideas and methods in teaching practice and change thetraditional teaching methods. The English Curriculum Standards for CompulsoryEducation (2017) puts forward that teachers should reflect on teaching, promote thesustainable development of their profession, form independent professional ability,and become a reflective English teacher. However, there are some teaching conceptsand teaching behaviors that are not compatible with the English subject keycompetencies in junior high school. Although the concept of English subject keycompetencies has not been revised in the compulsory education stage, it will berevised in the future based on the National English Curriculum Standards of SeniorHigh School (2017).
In fact, reflection provides an effective way for English teachers’ professionaldevelopment and improvement of teaching ability. However, there are still manyproblems in teaching reflection. For example, some English teachers have weakteaching reflection awareness and are unwilling to reflect. Some teachers reflect onthe teaching content is shallow, cannot be in-depth analysis of the problems. Andsome teachers have a single way of teaching reflection, which can not reflect on theproblems comprehensively.
Key competencies is a hot topic in the education field. Many countries andregions have incorporated key competencies into their education reform attempts.Today, we are in a new era of knowledge economy, the market’s demand for talents isdifferent from the past, and human ability has become the first criterion for talentselection. At present, the research of teaching reflection in our country is mainlyfocused on the improvement research under the situation of “three-dimensional goal”of New Curriculum Reform. However, the research of teaching reflection under theperspective of key competencies is less. The development of key competencies hasbecome the focus of international research, and the implementation of keycompetencies in the school classroom to achieve its meaning of the problem. Theteaching reflection of English teachers plays a vital role in cultivating and developingstudents’ key competencies, carrying out the policy of moral education, as well astheir own professional development and students’ growth.
1.2 Significance of the Study
Based on the key competencies of the subject, it is of great significance toexplore the teaching reflective competence of junior high school English teachers,both for the expansion of teachers’ teaching reflection and the analysis of the currentsituation.
Under the general background of cultivating the discipline key competencies, thereflective construct framework for junior high school English teaching, which isrooted in China’s education system. It is constructed on the basis of teacher’sprofessional development theory and teaching reflection framework research, which isrich and detailed in the research theory of teacher’s teaching reflection.
As for practical significance, teaching is a process of teaching and learning, andteachers not only teach for the sake of training students, but also realize self value.Teaching reflection is based on teachers’ professional development, is helpful forjunior high school English teachers to improve their abilities of decision-making andcriticism. At present, many junior high school English teachers still have somepuzzles in the process of practice. Such as the differences in the content of teachers’reflections from different teaching experiences and the aspects they can reflect. It isexpected to further promote the teaching reflection of English teachers and attentionto teachers’ professional development, and provide some helpful suggestions to juniorEnglish teachers.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Key Competencies
Nowadays, people are facing increasing complexity and uncertainty in modernsociety, which means that they need to acquire some abilities beyond knowledge andskills to face the collective challenges in life. Therefore, it has become extremelyimportant to define these abilities and classify them as the ultimate goal of cultivatingthe abilities. This part synthesized the relevant researches at home and abroad, thefollowing parts present the definitions of key competencies and English subject keycompetencies.
2.1.1 Definitions of Key Competencies
Since the end of the 20th century, “key competencies” has been a topic ofcommon concern among the three major international authoritative organizationsUNESCO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)and the European council in a research note. In 2005 the OECD published TheDefinition and Selection of Key Competencies for a Successful Life and awell-functioning Society: Executive Summary in order to enhance the operability ofthe application of key competencies in educational practice.
In 2006, EU raised Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning: A EuropeanReference Framework. It integrated the study of traditional basic skills such asmother tongue as well as foreign language communication, digital ability, scienceand technology and so on.
2.2 Teaching Reflection
Teaching reflection is a process that teachers reflect on their own teachingpractice and practice process, find out the problems and deficiencies in teaching andadopt appropriate strategies. Therefore, improving the ability of teaching reflectionhas been one of the important goals of English teachers. And In this chapter, the
author introduces the definitions, approaches and contents of teaching reflection.
2.2.1 Definitions of Teaching Reflection
John Dewey (1933) put forward the definition of teaching reflection in the bookHow We Think. He pointed out that reflection was the active, continuous andthoughtful thinking of any belief or assumption. He thought that reflection is theactive, unremitting, detailed thinking on the basis of any belief or hypothetical formof knowledge, which supports the foundation and tends to draw further conclusions.At the same time, in his view, inpiduals need open minds, sense of responsibilityand dedication to promote proper reflection. John Dewey said that teaching reflectionwas that teachers use critical thinking and imagination to review past teaching, deeplythink about the causal relationship between some events, and then the teachers canmake plans for the next teaching.
Schon (1983) referred to practitioners remembering what happened andrethinking it. It included reflection-on-teaching and reflection-in-teaching.Reflection-on-teaching occurred before and after class. Reflection-in-teaching was thedirect reflection on the problems encountered by teachers in the actual teachingprocess. Meanwhile, Schon also pointed out that teachers’ reflection before and afterclass was able to help teachers effectively respond to challenges during their teaching.
Chapter 3 Methodology..................................... 34
3.1 Research Questions................................. 34
3.2 Subjects.................................... 34
3.3 Instruments......................................37
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion..................................44
4.1 Results..............................44
4.1.1 Results of the Interview..................................... 44
4.1.2 Results of the Reflective Journals.......................................50
Chapter 5 Conclusion.................................73
5.1 Major Findings.........................73
5.2 Pedagogical Implications....................................... 75
5.3 Limitations of the Study........................................76
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Results
Based on the data collected in junior high school, the results of interview,reflective journals as well as the results of questionnaires are shown and analyzed inthis part.
4.1.1 Results of the Interview
The researcher use Chinese to ask questions so that teachers can better understandthe questions and avoid ambiguity. In addition, the researcher recorded the teachers’answers and helped organize the answers and information after the interview. Fourteachers of different ages, different positions and different teaching experiences wereinterviewed. Mainly for their teaching reflection situation has carried on the in-depthanalysis. Here are the questions of this interview:
(1) What is your understanding of the English subject key competencies? What isthe influence of the cognitive level of key competencies on your teaching reflections?
(2) What are the main content of your teaching reflection? Do you reflect onteaching in the four dimensions of language competence, cultural awareness, thinkingquality and learning ability?
(3) What problems have you encountered in the process of teaching reflectionbased on key competencies? How did you solve these problems?
(4) What do you think are the factors that affect teaching reflection?
The answers to the interviews given by the four teachers are presented from theAppendix B to Appendix E.
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
This thesis has also shown that the major findings of English teachers’ teachingreflection based on the key competencies in junior high school through the dataanalysis of the interviews, reflective journals and questionnaire. The main researchfindings are as follows:
First of all, reflective journals and the results of the interview show that the fourteachers pay more attention to the language competence of teaching reflection,especially the language knowledge, such as vocabulary, grammar, sentence structureand the reading and writing skills of four basic language skills in the cultivation of thekey competence of English subject. There is a lack of reflection on the cultivation ofstudents’ thinking quality, cultural awareness as well as learning strategies, especiallythe teachers who have less work experience and understanding of English subject. Themajority of the teachers mentioned the cultivation of cultural awareness in theirteaching objectives, but because of the limitation of teaching level, they didn’t explaincultural awareness in teaching activities. What teachers rarely mention is thecultivation of students’ thinking quality.
Secondly, through interviews with teachers, it can be found that teachers areaware of the importance of teaching reflection based on English subject keycompetencies, but not all understandings are as profound as required. Becausestudents are under pressure to take exams, teachers tend to teach test-related contentin limited class hours. They still focus on the teaching of language formal knowledge,emphasizing listening, speaking, reading, writing and other basic skills, whileignoring the students’ deep understanding of texts and the cultivation of students’learning strategies and thinking qualities. Both novice and experienced teachers stillhave a lot of work to do in deepening understanding and improving teachingreflection.
Thirdly, the factors that influence the teaching reflection of junior high schoolEnglish teachers are various. The main factors can be summarized as follows: First,teachers lack the theoretical knowledge and relevant training of teaching reflection.Second, teachers’ emotional attitude towards teaching reflection is relatively negative.Third, teachers with rich teaching experience have a deeper understanding of theEnglish subject key competencies and better teaching reflection effect. Fourth, theoverburden of teaching and lack of reflective atmosphere lead to some teachers haveno enough time and energy to reflect on teaching and so on.