1. Group Project准备阶段
为了确保group project有一个良好的开端,我们建议做好以下几点:
-创建一个大家可以一起在线工作的文档,方便大家讨论、共享文件和沟通想法。有很多免费的在线平台可以供大家使用,最常见的就是Google doc。
2. 讨论目标和分配任务
3. 注意due time,提前安排
请注意作业的due time以及每个部分的due time,以便每个小组成员都可以提前安排好其他课程作业,避免due time之间有任何冲突。并且也需要预留一些时间来检查草稿并且在最后将所有内容整合在一起。
4. 讨论如何完成作业的要求
比如,如果这个作业是写一份Research Report,那么就需要讨论topic是什么。我们建议列出一个简单的outline,再把每个部分安排给不同成员,分配任务的时候尽量做到工作量是平均分配的。
5. 确认小组工作方式
6. Group Project的实施阶段
7. Group Project的收尾阶段:时间安排
在Due time之前,请务必留出足够的时间将每个成员完成的部分整合在一起,并确保没有遗漏任何内容。这个过程通常需要有一些讨论,并共同克服障碍。虽然说从技术方面来讲,这个过程可以直接在线完成,但是我们建议大家直接沟通,以确保每个人都积极参与这个过程。
8. Overview of steps of the collaborative process协作过程步骤概述
Here we outline the steps of the collaborative process. You can use these questions to focus your thinking at each stage.
-Pre-writing process预写过程
- Share ideas and brainstorm together.
- Formulate a draft thesis or argument.
- Think about your assignment and the final product. What should it look like? What is its purpose? Who is the intended audience?
-Planning and logistics规划与逻辑
- Decide together who will write which parts of the paper/project.
- What will the final product look like?
- Arrange meetings: How often will the group or subsets of the group meet? When and where will the group meet? If the group doesn’t meet in person, how will information be shared?
- Scheduling: What is the deadline for the final product? What are the deadlines for drafts?
-Research/data collection研究/数据收集
- How will the group find appropriate sources (books, journal articles, newspaper articles, visual media, trustworthy websites, interviews)? If the group will be creating data by conducting research, how will that process work?
- Who will read and process the information found? This task again may be done by all members or pided up amongst members so that each person becomes the expert in one area and then teaches the rest of the group.
- Think critically about the sources and their contributions to your topic. Which evidence should you include or exclude? Do you need more sources?
- Analyze the data. How will you interpret your findings? What is the best way to present any relevant information to your readers-should you include pictures, graphs, tables, and charts, or just written text?
-Drafting/writing 打草稿/开始写
1)Separately (each group member has his/her own portion of writing to do)
- Note that brainstorming the main points of your paper as a group is helpful, even if separate parts of the writing are assigned to inpiduals. You’ll want to be sure that everyone agrees on the central ideas.
- Where does your inpidual writing fit into the whole document?
- Writing together may not be feasible for longer assignments or papers with coauthors at different universities, and it can be time-consuming. However, writing together does ensure that the finished document has one cohesive voice.
- Talk about how the writing session should go BEFORE you get started. What goals do you have? How will you approach the writing task at hand?
- Many people find it helpful to get all of the ideas down on paper in a rough form before discussing exact phrasing.
- Remember that everyone has a different writing style! The most important thing is that your sentences be clear to readers.
-Revising, editing, and proofreading修改,编辑和校对
- If your group has drafted parts of the document separately, merge your ideas together into a single document first, then focus on meshing the styles. The first concern is to create a coherent product with a logical flow of ideas. Then the stylistic differences of the inpidual portions must be smoothed over.
- Revise the ideas and structure of the paper before worrying about smaller, sentence-level errors (like problems with punctuation, grammar, or word choice). Is the argument clear? Is the evidence presented in a logical order? Do the transitions connect the ideas effectively?
- Proofreading: Check for typos, spelling errors, punctuation problems, formatting issues, and grammatical mistakes. Reading the paper aloud is a very helpful strategy at this point. http://www.sblunwen.com/