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摘 要
校本课程这个词在我们的教育领域的课程,不是什么新鲜事,但校本课程发展形势不容乐观,本文试图制定一个具体案例 - 英语电影听说解剖校本课程开发和审查的情况下,一些掠影英语校本课程开发或共同或个别场景和一些应对策略可供参考。
在这项研究中,得出以下结论:笔者认为,为了有效地提高英语电影校本课程开发成果从以下三个方面:(一)建立扎实有效的学习和培训系统(二)建立了全面系统的具体的课程开发; (三)及时落实相应的学校管理变革。由于笔者的理论培训是有限的,所以我听说可以继续改进和完善有效的校本课程,以提高英语电影,还欠了一全面的战略思考和深刻的外观在理论研究和实际工作的未来。
Curriculum of the word in our field of education, are nothing new, but the school-based curriculum development situation is not optimistic, this paper attempts to develop a specific case - English Movie heard anatomy based curriculum development and review of cases, Glimpse to some English-based curriculum development or common or inpidual scenes and make some coping strategies available for reference.
I will use the research literature on this topic at home and abroad with books and papers related research to analyze, summarize and present. Then observation, case study method to go about this development practices witnessed during the representation, analysis and inquiry. Presents a development background, respectively, and personnel development objectives and methods, the development process and content. Then pointed out that the English movie based curriculum development heard mainly accumulated experience and English movies heard based curriculum development that exist in the development process is not standardized, the effect is not ideal development issues ", the impact of this specific development practices on the effect of reflect on many factors and try to actively look for these areas due to: the development of school-based curriculum development people lack knowledge; development process lack of relevant curriculum development system; development practices lack of appropriate management changes to support the school.
In this study, the following conclusions: I heard that in order to effectively improve the English movie based curriculum development results from the following three aspects: (a) to establish solid and effective learning and training systems; (b) build a comprehensive system of specific curriculum development; (c) timely implementation of appropriate school management change. Due to the author's theoretical training is limited, so I heard for effective school-based curriculum to improve English movie also owes a comprehensive strategic thinking and profound look at the future of theoretical study and practical work can continue to improve and perfect.
Keywords: school-based curriculum, English movies, English movies heard Curriculum
第一章 绪论
1.1 选题意义与目的
第二章 校本影视资源在二语教学中的实践
第三章 英语教学开设校本影视课程的必要性和可行性
第四章 英语教学中校本影视课程的开设
第五章 深化校本影视课本教学的实例分析
第六章 结论与展望
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