如何写好英国硕士毕业论文 Dissertation

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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw20237736 日期:2023-07-16 来源:论文网


Dissertation 应当是大多数英国留学小伙伴“过五关闯六将”的最后一关了。 它在你的Bachelor, Master和 PHD都决定着是否可以顺利毕业,这也是学校为了检测学生是否能真正的在学习期间获得一些有用得知识。通常来说,dissertation包括专业课程的知识,英语写作能力,逻辑表达能力,信息搜索能力和潜力等。

因为Dissertastion(毕业论文)所涵盖的内容相当广泛,英国大学一般会提前很长一段时间鼓励学生(通常在四月或五月),去开始准备Dissertastion (毕业论文)。同学们应当更加重视这段较长的准备时间,充分利用学校线上资源 (大部分学校每年投资很多钱在不同的资源网站),所以同学们可以放心准备并用心写做。



硕士毕业论文开始之前,一般老师会提前给学生提出论文的大概方向或题目,这个题目就是开题报告即proposal,它占论文总成绩的比例会在10%, 对毕业论文起着纲领性的作用。一般占有字数会在1500-3000字左右。

Dissertation Proposal就是让你写出自己明确的研究一个方向,并不是要你必须包括所有开题报告中提到的要点。如果你的Dissertation Proposal题目有点模棱两可或者实际撰写的内容与开题报告题目相比有点偏题,只要论文研究方向明确,题目偏颇问题不大。


接下来你就要非常清楚,硕士毕业论文的构成部分: 行文格式,所有dissertation毕业论文行文格式有7个大部分,其中Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Data findings and analysis, Conclusion and Recommendation!

其中几部分的字数分配如下:通常Introduction和Conclusion部分占总字数的25%、Literature Review占35%、Methodology占15%、Data findings and analysis占25%!

1. Abstract :主要是让导师一看就知道这是写的什么的文章,如文章领域专业及研究方向,总之是文章的概括和灵魂。

2. Introduction :主要讲文章从哪些方面、哪些部份来写这个论题,大概说明文章的结构(从…到…到…conclusion),为什么要用这个结构,要达到什么样的目的。

3. LR: 文献综述即引用的背景有前人的研究加一些自己的言论。参考了哪些东西并注明。需要注意数据引用的权威性及时效性,所以这一部分耗时比较长久一些。

4. 方法论(methodology or method)即定性或定量的分析方法。定性:比较简单,可能是调查问卷或二手资料属于经验性的论证方法。定量:比较难因为要用软件做分析数据如:SPSS、STATA、MATLAB.


5. 分析结果及结论和建议(Analysis conclusion Recommendation)即得出结果。需要有权威性的根据与理论来证明,主要是通过上面的method发现了什么?并总结自己的看法与建议。重点写:实验数据,数据分析,数据理论,计算过程, 最终的结论等。

6. 参考文献(Reference)需要注意:REF的来源,学术的权威性,时效性还有数量。




四.【英语硕士毕业论文——MSC dissertation写作参考格式!】 

Abstract 摘要
In 21st century, intellectual capital has been paid an unprecedented attention and it is crucial for competitiveness of enterprises. As the core strength for survival of an enterprise, management of knowledge workers determines the success of an enterprise. How to retain knowledge workers, how to develop a human resources management system and measures fitting with the characteristics of knowledge workers to enhance the engagement of knowledge workers becomes one of the important issues of contemporary enterprises. The research aim was to discuss the relationship between organizational commitment and employee engagement of British knowledge workers in 21st century, based on this to bring forward recommendations on how to improve the organizational commitment and employee engagement of knowledge workers. In this study, it adopted quantitative research methods, through questionnaires to collect data. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationship between knowledge workers' organizational commitment and employee engagement. The author was based on Farooqui and Nagendra’s (2014) research model and Meyer and Allen’s (1991) theory to investigate the relationship between organizational commitment and employee engagement of knowledge workers in Britain, the investigation results showed that there was a moderate correlation between affective commitment, continuance commitment and the dimensions of say, stay; there was moderate correlation between affective commitment, normative commitment and the dimension of strive in employee engagement; there was low correlation between continuance commitment and the dimension of strive in employee engagement. As affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment have been improved, the degree of engagement will be higher, showing a positive correlation between the two. This confirms that the hypothesis proposed by the author is correct. Finally, the author recommended on how to improve organizational commitment to improve employee engagement.

Keywords: knowledge workers, human resource management, organizational commitment, employee engagement
Dedication and acknowledgements
During the preparation of this dissertation, Dr. Peter Nicholls gave me great help that I sincerely appreciated. In the first meeting, Dr. Peter asked me to read materials as much as possible to narrow my dissertation topic. After I finished my first draft, he sent me the feedback with very detailed revision advice from which I benefited a lot. Besides, Dr. Peter treated me as a friend more than a teacher. His kindness and carefulness impressed me.

Author’s Declaration 作者声明
I declare that the work in this dissertation was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the University’s Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and that it has not been submitted for any other academic award. Except where indicated by specific reference in the text, this work is my own work. Work done in collaboration with, or with the assistance of others, is indicated as such. I have identified all material in this dissertation which is not my own work through appropriate referencing and acknowledgement. Where I have quoted or otherwise incorporated material which is the work of others, I have included the source in the references. Any views expressed in the dissertation, other than referenced material, are those of the author.

-Table of contents
Abstract ii
Dedication and acknowledgements iii
Author’s Declaration iv
Table of contents v
List of Charts and Tables vi

-Chapter I Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research aims 3
1.3 Framework of this dissertation 4

-Chapter II Literature Review 5
2.1 Definition and characteristics of knowledge worker 5
2.2 Organizational commitment 8
2.3 Employee engagement 14
2.4 Summary 17

-Chapter III Methodology 19
3.1 Introduction of the chapter 19
3.2 Research approach 19
3.3 Research hypothesis 19
3.4 Data sampling 20
3.5 Data analysis 21
3.6 Research ethics 22
3.7 Limitation 22

-Chapter IV Results 24
4.1 Background information of respondents 24
4.2 Reliability and Validity 24
4.3 Descriptive statistics 25
4.4 Correlation analysis 27
4.5 Summary 33

-Chapter V Discussion 34
5.1 Organizational commitment and the dimension of say 34
5.2 Organizational commitment and the dimension of stay 36
5.3 Organizational commitment and the dimension of strive 38

-Chapter VI Recommendation 42
6.1 Enhance affective commitment 42
6.2 Enhance continuance commitment 44
6.3 Improve normative commitment 45

-Chapter VII Conclusion 48
7.1 Main points 48
7.2 Limitations 49
7.3 Further research 50

-References 51

-Appendix 56
_Toc429125928Ethics form 62
List of Charts and Tables
Chart 1 Results of reliability analysis 25
Chart 2: Affective commitment and say 28
Chart 3: Continuance commitment and say 29
Chart 4: Normative commitment and say 29
Chart 5: Affective commitment and stay 30
Chart 6: Continuance commitment and stay 30
Chart 7: Normative commitment and stay 31
Chart 8: Affective commitment and strive 32
Chart 9: Continuance commitment and strive 32
Chart 10: Normative commitment and strive 33
Table 1: The translation of level ranking of the answers 21
Table 2 Descriptive statistics 25
Table 3 Descriptive statistics 26
Table 4 Correlations 28

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