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新闻媒体论文: “公共新闻”在我国新闻媒介 中的作用由硕士毕业论文中心,硕士论文组整理提供,本文阐述了“公共新闻”在我国新闻媒介 中的作用
【摘要】 “公共新闻”是1990年左右美国新闻界出现的一个新的新闻学术观点。这场新闻工作者和新闻研究者为应对新闻传播环境变化而进行的新闻改革运动,虽然在学术界引起广泛争议,但仍然对美国社会和新闻的发展产生了巨大的影响,美国的多种力量都投入到对公共新闻理论的实践和研究中。法国、澳大利亚、日本等国家的新闻媒介已经引入了公共新闻理论并开始进行探索性实践。2004年公共新闻理论被引入我国,它被认为是中国电视新闻的又一次革命,是对民生新闻的超越。但是由于社会文化和传播环境的差异,我国的新闻报道是否可以如愿以偿地将“公共新闻”真正实践,并带来我国电视新闻的“第二次革命”呢?文章以此为出发点,通过分析归纳、案例比较等方法,论述我国的新闻媒介在此时引入公共新闻理论虽然有一定的合理性,但是我国的社会和传播环境的实际状况使得美国的公共新闻理论在我国不可能被立竿见影地彻底践行,我国对公共新闻的实践必将经历一段长时间的尝试性道路;深入分析这种对公共新闻的尝试性实践的价值所在,并由此探究应该如何利用公共新闻理论中的合理部分,更客观、更平静地对待公共新闻理论,从而提升并完善我国新闻媒介在社会转型期中的作用。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Public journalism is also called civic journalism or citizen journalism. For the first time, the concept of public journalism was put forward by Jay Rosen. Public journalism triggered the reform of journalism by the practice of Wichita Eagle. In 2004, public journalism was introduced into China. The“1860 News Focus”of Jiangsu Satellite TV Station was the first to put it into practice, and the function of Public journalism was fully affirmed. It was regarded as another liberation during the development of our journalism, and has really surpassed civil news. The introduction of public journalism into China has brought new hope to the journalistic studies of China but is public journalism really able to be put into practice in China?First, the concept of public journalism was assembled and analyzed in this thesis. Though there isn’t a definite concept of public journalism in America, we could find the main characteristics of public journalism by enumerating various viewpoints. According to the spirits of public journalism, the mess media and journalists should assume responsibility to be not only the gatekeeper but also the guide. That is to say, the reporter should have a hand in the news report and guild the audience. They report the public affairs, and what’s more, they should organize and participate in the discussion on public affairs to guild the citizens into the forum for public life. But it has been thought that the form of public journalistic report is against the objectivity of news report and it isn’t mess media and journalists’responsibility to encourage the general public to participate in the public affairs. The development of public journalism theory has been accompanied by the dispute all the time , 更多还原
【关键词】 公共新闻; 公众; 媒介责任; 公共参与;
(一) 西方学者对“公共新闻”的界定8-12
(二) 我国学者对“公共新闻”的界定12-15
(一) 社会发展为公共新闻运作提供现实条件15-22
(二) 新闻发展为公共新闻运作提供实践契机22-29
(一) 中美两国的公共新闻实践对比29-33
(二) 我国进行公共新闻理论实践的难点33-37
(一) 对传播者责任的重新思考38-41
(二) 对传播内容的重新把握41-44
(三) 对受众的重新定位44-48
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[7] 张海涛. “十五”期间至2010年我国广播影视科技事业发展的总体目标和主要任务[J]. 中国广播电视学刊. 2001(01)
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