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新闻媒体论文: 从叙事学的视角对中国新闻史范式的研究 由硕士毕业论文中心,硕士论文组整理提供,本文阐述了从叙事学的视角对中国新闻史范式的研究

【摘要】 在新闻学术界,将叙事学导入新闻学的研究尝试已经不少,并相继出了一些研究成果,如李岩的《媒介批评》、曾庆香的《新闻叙事学》、何纯的《新闻叙事学》、潘知常与孔德明主编的《讲“好故事”与“讲好”故事:从电视叙事看电视节目的策划》等。这些研究多偏重于新闻业务和新闻理论方面,而在新闻史方面,则没有。当然,也有学者另辟蹊径对中国新闻史进行新的解读,如张育仁的《自由的历险——中国自由主义新闻思想史》、雷戈的《第三种历史——一个历史新闻学的文本》等。然而,从叙事学的视角对中国新闻史范式的研究尚无先例,虽然有的学者曾经提出并呼吁从符号学、叙事学的角度对中国新闻史作新的探索与研究,但践行者寥寥。笔者试想原因有几点,一是叙事理论本身复杂难懂,用该理论很难将新闻史的一些问题说得清楚;二是新闻史的研究问题积重难返,即使问题都浮在表面为人所诟病,但当前尚没找到较好的可行的解决方法。作者不揣浅陋,意欲引入叙事学的理论与研究方法,对中华民族新闻史的研究现状作一点浅显的思考,希望能对其出一点微薄之力,哪怕观点错误,言论荒诞,惟求能带来一些启迪与思考,也达成所愿。借用托马斯·库恩的范式概念,全文用中国近代史的三种范式即革命化范式,现代化范式和民族国家范式的视野对中华民族新闻史的研究进行考察,其中对第一种范式革命化范式着墨尤多,因为这种范式也是当前在新闻史学界运用得最普遍,影响最甚的一种。运用后两种范式的新闻史著作不多,而且笔者试将两种范式整合在一起,作为一种新路径的尝试。此外,文中还增加了社会学范式这一视角,这亦是当前史学界呼声甚高的一种史学研究范式。关于本文的研究路径,也有过一次转变,即从新闻史学研究向新闻史学史非研究的转变。从史学著述上看,先有《春秋》、《史记》、《汉书》一系列史学著作后,才有总结史学性质的《文心雕龙·史传》、《史通》一类著作。西方的史学理论著作,如鲁滨逊的《新史学》的第二章就是史学史、柯林伍德的《历史的观念》五篇中有四篇是史学史的篇章。如果历史学是人类对自身活动的反思,那么,史学史是反思之反思,用科林伍德的话说是“第二级的反思”。照此论述,本文的研究路径应该是在史学史的范畴之类,确切说是属于新闻史学史。所以,论文的出发点一开始就是宏观的,甚至可以说是形式主义的。

【Abstract】 At the academic press there are a number of research results of integrating Narratology and journalism,such as Li Yan’ "Media Criticism", Zeng Qingxiang’s "News Narrative Study",He Chun’s "News Narrative Study ",KONG De-ming and Pan Zhichang’s Telling "Good Stories" and "Narrating Wonderful" Stories:Review Television Program Planning from TV Narration "and so on.Many of these studies focused on practical news and journalism theories,but not on history.Indeed,there are alternatives to the News of China scholars to carry out the new interpretation of journalism history,such as Zhang’s "The Adventures of Freedom - the History of Chinese Thought Liberal Press," Lei Ge’s "The Third History-A Historical Study of the News Text" and so forth.However,the research paradigm from the perspective of narrative study of the history of News of China is of no precedent,although some scholars have put forward and called from the semiotics,narrative views to study it for new exploration and research,but still with few practicing.The paper indicates that there are several possible reasons contribute to this:first, the complexity of narrative theories lead to the difficulty to interpret the issues clearly;Second,the cumulative problems of the history of journalism study even if are obvious and criticized widely,there is still no a good viable solution to find.Author desires to introduce narrative theories and research methods to Chinese journalism history,if only hoping to bring enlightenment, even if the view is wrong or even absurd.Citing Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm concept and based on the three paradigms of modern Chinese history fields of vision,with perspective of the revolutionary paradigm,modernization paradigm and the nation-state paradigm,the text depicts the history of the Chinese nation journalism. Among of them,the first paradigm was given more attention in view of its most universality and influence in nearly half a century.The two latter paradigms are less used,but author would try to integrate the two paradigms together,as a new path to explore.In addition,the paper introduces the sociological paradigm which is also appreciated mostly in current history research field.When it comes to the research path,the article has a conversion of the historical research into the News historiography.~1Considering Chinese history writings always appearing such works of historiography,"the Spring and Autumn","Historical Records","Han",then after a series of books of history study of historiography,such as "Wenxindiaolong·History Biography","General History Study".Referring to history and theory of Western works,such as Robinson’s "New History" is of talking history of historiography in the second chapter and Collingwood’s "Historical Concept" has also mentioned it in five of four chapters.If history is the study of human activities on their own reflection,then,the history of historiography is to reflect on reflection,just as Collingwood’s said "second-class reflection." Based upon this discussion,this article should be a path of study at the scope of history of historiography,exactly belong to journalism history of historiography.Therefore,the paper’s visual angle should be macro,and even can be said to be formalistic.
【关键词】 叙事学; 范式; 新闻史; 【Key words】 narrative study; paradigm; history of journalism; 从叙事学的视角对中国新闻史范式的研究
第一章 中华民族新闻史研究现状及研究范式11-19
第一节 中华民族新闻史研究现状和史学思潮的演变11-15
第二节 何为范式及近代史的三种研究范式15-18
第三节 “新新闻史”和社会史范式18-19
第二章 从叙事学角度分析中华民族新闻史研究范式19-48
第一节 叙事学简介及历史学的语言学转向19-21
第二节 中共党史的叙事架构21-37
一. 用中共党史、思想史、路线斗争史代替新闻史21-26
二. 对一些报人的偏差性评价和对中间报纸的忽视26-30
三. 革命叙事逻辑背后的意识形态30-31
四. 媒介中心主义的叙事窠臼和大历史观的欠缺31-34
五. 为求客观而去生动性、少思想的叙事模式34-37
第三节 民族国家范式与现代化范式的整合37-43
第四节 社会史研究范式的代表及新作43-48
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