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新闻媒体论文: 论都市报驻站记者的新闻业务由硕士毕业论文中心,硕士论文组整理提供,本文阐述了 论都市报驻站记者的新闻业务
【摘要】 都市报是近年来新兴的一种纸质媒体,在上世纪90年代初期,这种新生媒体从传统的党报办报体系中脱壳而出。这种报纸大多是由各级党报主办,走市场化营销道路,在新闻采编业务上以读者需求为定位。都市报诞生后,其发行数量和广告收入迅速攀升,甚至超越其母报。都市报的巨大成功与驻站记者的作用有直接联系。都市报驻站记者的新闻业务,涵盖了都市报各个部门记者的业务:如热线新闻记者、时政新闻记者、民生新闻记者、舆论监督新闻的调查记者、深度报道的特稿记者等。该硕士论文以《大河报》为例,主要研究都市报驻站记者的业务特征,驻站记者遇到的主要问题,以及解决问题的对策。论文主体分为三个部分:第一部分,对都市报和驻站记者进行了解读。内容涉及都市报的概念、特征及驻站记者的职责。通过多种视角揭示出都市报的概念、定位和都市报驻站记者与其他党报、专业报等类别的驻站记者职责有所不同。第二部分,以《大河报》为例对都市报驻站记者新闻业务进行研究。首先概述《大河报》和驻站记者,然后分析《大河报》驻站记者与总部记者之间的区别,全景展示《大河报》驻站记者的形象及日常业务特征。第三部分,对都市报驻站记者存在的信息不畅、与编辑部沟通障碍、“新闻寻租”、不自律和“官本位”等问题进行了剖析,进而找出解决问题的对策。
【Abstract】 Urban Newspaper is a kind of paper media emerging recently. In the 1990s, separated from traditional Party Newspaper running system, most of this kind of Newspaper was run by Party newspaper of all levels, following the road of marketing, and being positioned to meet the need of readers with respect of news acquisitioning and cataloguing business. The number of distribution and also advertisement income soared after the urban newspapers’coming into the world.There is a direct correlation between the great success of urban newspaper and the role of its correspondents. The news business of urban newspaper correspondents covers the news business of all its department reporters, for instance, hotline news reporters, current political news reporters, civil news reporters, the supervision by public opinion news reporters, in depth reporting specialist reporters. This thesis takes Dahe Newspaper as an example, mainly analyzes the professional characteristics of urban newspapers’correspondents, the problems they met, and also the solutions to those problems.This thesis can be pided into three parts:First part of this paper analyzes urban newspapers and their correspondents, referring to the concepts and characteristics of unban newspaper and the responsibilities of correspondents. It reveals not only the concepts and positioning of urban newspaper, but also the differences between the correspondents of urban newspaper and those of other party paper and professional papers, through various respects.The second part analyzes the news business of the correspondents of unban newspapers taking the case of Dahe Newspaper. Firstly Dahe Newspaper and its correspondents is generally introduced, and then the differences between its correspondents and headquarter journalists is discussed. The images of correspondents and their daily business characteristics are overall shown.The last part analyzes the existing problems of information flow jam, communication barriers with editorial department,“media rent seeking”, lack of self-discipline, and " bureaucracy-oriented", and finally finds out the solutions to these problems.
【关键词】 新闻业务; 驻站记者; 都市报;

【Key words】 Journalistic Work; Resident Correspondent; Urban Newspaper;
(一) 选题缘起9
(二) 选题价值9-10
(三) 文献综述10-12
1. 都市报定位及发展方面的研究10-11
2. 记者站业务方面的研究11-12
3. 都市报新闻业务方面的研究12
(四) 创新之处12-13
(五) 研究方法13-14
(一) 都市报概念与特征14-16
1. 都市报概念14-15
2. 都市报的基本特征15-16
(二) 驻站记者概念16-20
1. 驻站记者的定义与职责16-17
2. 都市报驻站记者与其他驻站记者的区别17-20
(一) 《大河报》驻站记者概说20-23
1. 《大河报》概述20-21
2. 《大河报》驻站记者的定位及管理21-23
(二) 《大河报》驻站记者的特点和工作环境23-28
1. 与总部记者的区别23-24
2. 与地方新闻媒体和其他驻站记者的关系24-26
3. 与读者的关系26-28
(三) 驻站记者新闻业务特征28-41
1. 驻站记者与后方编辑新闻判断的差异性分析28-30
2. 驻站记者怎样搞好舆论监督报道30-34
3. 关注民生是驻站记者的责任34-35
4. 突发性报道的处置35-38
5. 深度报道的采写与制作38-40
6. 连续报道的采写与制作40-41
(一) 驻站记者的信息不畅与监管缺位问题41-48
1. 孤军奋战和与编辑的交流障碍41-42
2. 驻站记者的“新闻寻租”现象42-44
3. 驻站记者的“自由主义”现象44-46
4. “官本位思想”侵蚀驻站记者46-48
(二) 都市报驻站记者的发展对策48-58
1. 发展通讯员,建立起信息库,克服孤军奋战48-49
2. 与编辑部建立热线联系49-50
3. 规避“新闻寻租”措施50-52
4. 加强驻站记者的自律52-54
5. 不做“无冕之王”,做人民的代言人54-56
6. 坚决反对“自由主义”56-58
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