Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
Since the implementation of College Entrance Examination reform in English, the leap of the score assigned in the writing section is salient, from the previous 25 to the present 40, which makes the writing part unprecedentedly significant. Thus, to seek the dynamic relationship between the semiotic narrative theory and the competence to do the continuation writing after reading is aiming to extend the previous theoretical studies of alignment to its academic applicability. And the application of narrative theory helps form an interpretive signification paradigm to generate meanings so that it can be applied to more automatic plot generation situations.
Continuation in second language acquisition was proposed by Wang Chuming. It is derived from “the Length Approach to Foreign Language Learning” (Wang, Niu & Zheng, 2000, pp. 207-208), which has contributed to an in-depth reform in foreign language teaching and learning. A succession of research on the validity and reliability of the newly delivered theory have emerged subsequently. As a view of language acquisition, language can be learned through continuation and efficient language acquisition can be realized through continuation (Wang, 2016b, p. 784, 2017, p. 547). The Reading-Writing integrated continuation forms “a complete and effective path of language acquisition”: interaction → understanding → alignment → output →acquisition (Wang, 2011, p. 542), in which abundant contextual information promotes understanding, which subsequently promotes alignment, output, and acquisition, and correspondingly, the more closely the understanding of the source text is related to the output, the more prominent the effect of language acquisition is.
1.2 Purpose and significance of the research
The paradigm concluded from the whole deduction is a kind of signified process to generate, communicate and deliver meanings, in which every possible cognitive interpretation of the existing text is competent to generate a large amount of corresponding signification. Thus this research aims to help students construct a reasonable and logical narration within time limit in this crucial test, and thereby intends to solve the following key issues:
(1) Whether the inverted application of the square would facilitate the plot generative construction of the narration in reality;
(2) How the constructed plot generating paradigm has the potential to imitate cognitive processing system and produce comprehensive possibilities of the plot narration in the form of permutations of possible states;
(3) How to construct the main clues of the continuous part in a limited timeduring College Entrance Examination for practical implementation, meanwhile compatible with evaluation standards.
The increasing importance of English writing in College Entrance Examination brings the compatible writing challenge increasing in difficulty. The purpose of the reform probes to enhance efficiency of the second language acquisition from the perspective of self-interaction with the given text, which can be reckoned as a type of the cultivation of second language thinking competence.
Chapter Two Literature Revie
2.1 Previous studies of narrative plot designing
Narrative is an act or process of telling a story and an important means for people to convey information, communicate emotions, entertain and educate (Zhu & Cao, 2013, p. 33), while narrative plot designing requires picturing in the mind of the narrator, usually, about the outline of the narration beforehand to generate specific narrative plots. In this sense, story grammars help establish a functional model for plot planning. The construction of narrative square is the combination of the conflict displayed as opposing points in the given text and its meaning generation. What the general analysis of narrative plot designing is revelation corresponding to the application of narrative continuation, which further expands the scale of the narrative structuralism to a complementary process of signification.
2.1.1 Story grammar for plot planning
Story grammar is a method of structurally modeling narrative, which originated from the early study of formalism narratology (Zhu & Cao, 2013, pp. 37-38), derived from Propp’s conclusion of Russian folktales which sheds light on actions of characters by name of “function”. The story grammar theories make three general claims: the first is that they are grammars that distinguish stories from nonstories, the second is that theyare models of story comprehension, and the third is that they are models of memory for stories (Black & Wilensky, 1979, pp. 227-228).
2.2 Previous studies of continuation
Continuation is the extension of the contents of the preceding input, and usually consists of a text either in oral or in written form with its ending removed (Wang, 2021, p. 267). It can be presented in different forms: reading-writing, reading-speaking, listening-speaking integrated, even translation continuation tasks, etc. Among all these task forms, the reading-writing integrated continuation task seizes the special attention of quite a few researchers. As a matter of fact, different genres of reading contents elicit disparities in alignment effects on the second part of writing continuation. However, it is also inevitable to admit that any form of continuation, either in the form of an argumentation or an expository text is involved in the research domain of narrativity. In this thesis, narration writing is taken as the major analytical subject since it not only better facilitates the imagination and creativity of the language learners, but it is thereby in the lead of all genres in present College Entrance Examination.
2.2.1 Alignment in reading-writing integrated continuation
The continuous writing task demands more of plots aligning with the previous text, rather than solely require students’ skills of grasping confined vocabulary, fixedphrases or conventionalized sentence patterns. Concerning the most basic and natural way of communication, dialogue, Pickering and Garrod (2004) proposes interactive alignment model. Communication between them always abide by alignment, interlocutors express their own ideas with words, phrases, syntactic structures, even gestures creatively imitated in order to make the communication more accessible. In the process of communication, the two interlocutors cooperate, adapt to each other and adjust dynamically, so that the brain representation of both sides appears convergent (Wang & Wang, 2014, p. 504). This type of convergence is taken as the effect of alignment. Alignment is one of the procedures to accomplish the communication, either in the form of speaking or writing. In terms of language acquisition, it is an intermediate between comprehension and production (Wang, 2011, p.544). Such alignment occurs at both the linguistic level (phonological, lexical, syntactic, etc.) and the situation model level (Wang & Wang, 2015, p. 504). Situation models, which are defined as multidimensional representations of text comprehension, involve five key dimensions: space, time, causality, intentionality, and reference to main inpiduals. Interlocutors within the common situation coordinate and align with each other to make the exchange of information realized.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework .................................. 12
3.1 Application of Greimassian narrative theory ............................. 12
3.1.1 Formulation of semiotic square ................................. 13
3.1.2 Transformation of junction states ................................. 14
Chapter Four Narrative Square Construction for Reading-Writing Integrated Task in College Entrance Examination ............... 20
4.1 Construction of narrative square model ........................... 20
4.1.1 Extraction of a contrary ................................ 20
4.1.2 Deep-level semiotic square construction ........................ 21
Chapter Five Plot-Oriented Permutations ................................ 37
5.1 Deviations of plot generation .................................... 37
5.1.1 Formulation of neutrals ................................... 38
5.1.2 Permutation of contradictories with neutrals ......................... 39
Chapter Five Plot-Oriented Permutations
5.1 Deviations of plot generation
Influenced by the traditional extensive reading teaching, students often lack the thinking and processing of information when reading (Zhang & Wang, 2018), and have little awareness of deeply analyzing the plot structure of reading materials. Therefore, the generation of an analytical paradigm can help students better conceive the continuation of the text to a certain extent. On the preceding basis of analyzing disjunctive and conjunctive paradigms, it is found that the general presupposition, is too limited on its directivity, over generalized on situational analysis, and the completion of English composition or any narrative composition, the unexpected plot and ending generation, or named deviation, tends to be more fascinating, so a more in-depthdiscussion is indispensable on possible results in the process of deep-level-construct classification.
5.1.1 Formulation of neutrals
It is found that on the premise of the establishment of contraries, the formation of contradictory relations is not merely binary. Between positive and negative, we may well conceive of a third sememe, which is neither positive (S) nor negative (non-S), but neutral. (Greimas,1999, p. 29) In other words, the formation of contradictory relations may also include neutrals.
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Major findings of the study
Language education itself is a process of semiotic activities (Li, 2020), in which significance is produced delivered majorly in a form of text. Lotman pided a text into continuity type and discrete type (Kang, 2005). Continuity text refers to the text composed of continuous symbols, which is complete itself. The whole text is taken as the carrier of information. This type of text cannot be pided into separate symbols and is not directly related to the properties of natural language. The given text in a continuation task would be initially transmitted into a continuity text preserved as a mind map. Discrete texts are comprised of words and discrete symbols. They are composed of separate and sequential symbols. Thus, the continuous writing can be technically reckoned as a discrete text with organized words arranged sequentially to express meanings.
In the process of collecting the tasks of the reading-writing integratedcontinuation task in College Entrance Examination, it is found that there is rarely a single “human” attribute actant in the tasks, because in terms of the fact that the narrative style needs contraries and contradictories to promote the plot. In essence, there will be at least one pair of contrary actants in the given text. No matter the actant’s attribute is “human, animal or special situation”, due to its capacity of constructing the plot, it does not affect its construction of contrary and contradictory relations. For example, the “helicopter”, “darkness”, “light” discussed above are attributes of special situation. Within Chapter 6, voluntary states which belong to “human” or “animal” in particular, are affiliated conditions, assisting in dissecting subjective factors in the narrative. Thus, the continuation task with more voluntary states produces more possibilities, which expounds the reason for the selection of the “Tom & Jane” as the sample throughout major analysis.