新闻媒体论文: 培养学生分析问题解决问题的能力形成正确的新闻职业观念由硕士毕业论文中心,硕士论文组整理提供,本文阐述了培养学生分析问题解决问题的能力形成正确的新闻职业观念
【摘要】 21世纪知识经济时代的到来要求现代职业教育价值取向必须由“能力本位”向“素质本位”转变,倡导对学习者全面素质的培养。新闻理论课是职业院校中相关专业的一门专业基础课程。其任务是对学生进行新闻学基本概念及基础知识的教学,使学生形成较好的理论探索、概括及思辨能力,并促使学生树立正确的新闻职业道德观。本课程对于提升学生相关职业素质具有重要的意义。但该课程的教学现状不容乐观,教学目标达成情况并不良好,主要原因在于教学形式单一,强调学生被动接受。在新闻理论课教学中引入新的教学模式,很有必要。问题探究教学模式以素质教育为宗旨,以问题为载体,设置问题情境,通过教师指导下的学生自主、合作的探究学习过程,培养学生收集和处理信息的能力、获取新知的能力、分析和解决问题的能力,发展学生积极的情感、态度和价值观。在新闻理论课中运用该模式,能适应新闻理论课的要求。目前在新闻理论课中还缺乏对该模式的教学实践研究。本文采用文献分析、教学实验、问卷调查等研究方法,对职校新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的进行了系统的研究。论文共分为四大部分,第一部分,主要探讨新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的内涵及实施的意义;第二部分,介绍了新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的理论依据;第三部分,重点探讨了新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的实施,包括该模式的目标、教学内容的选取、操作程序、教学策略及评价体系及教学案例;第四部分是新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的效果分析及反思,这部分内容是在六个班级为期一年的教学实验的基础上,对应用问题探究教学模式的实验效果进行了调查及统计分析,并得出了较为可靠的结论,即:在职校新闻理论课上采用问题探究教学模式能在一程度上改善新闻理论课教学现状,激发学生学习新闻理论课的兴趣,培养学生收集和处理信息的能力、获取新知能力、分析问题解决问题的能力并有助于学生形成正确的新闻职业观念。
【Abstract】 The knowledge-based economy era requires that our value orientation of modern vocational education has to change from“capacity-based”to“quality-based”, and promote learner’s all-round quality.Theoretical News Courses in vocational school is a basis course related to professional courses. Its task is to provide students with the basic concepts and basic knowledge of journalism so that students can form a good theoretical exploration, general reasoning and analytical ability, so as to help students to establish a correct professional view of news. Therefore it is of great significance for students to enhance their relevant professional quality. However, the reality of this course is not optimistic, the main reason lies in the single teaching form, and students just accept the knowledge passively. So it is necessary to introduce a new teaching mode into this course.Problems-Exploring Teaching Mode aims to make quality education, using problems as its carrier to set issue context. With the guidance of teacher, students can explore the learning process autonomously and cooperatively, foster their ability to collect and process information, their ability`攧acquire new knowledge, analyze and solve problems, and their ability to develop the positive feelings, attitudes and values. The application of Problems-Exploring Teaching Mode can meet the need of Theoretical News Courses. At present, , we still lack the applied research on Theoretical News CoursesWith the literature analysis, teaching experiments, survey research methods, this paper systematicaly explores Problems-Exploring Teaching Mode in Theoretical News Courses in vocational school. There are four major parts in the paper. The first part focuses on exploring the connotation and significance of this mode in Theoretical News Course. The second part introduces the theoretical basis of Problems-Exploring Teaching Mode in Theoretical News Course. The third part discusses the application of this mode in Theoretical News Course, including the goal of the model, selection of teaching content, operating procedures, teaching strategies and evaluation system by providing some teaching cases. The fourth part of the paper is about the analysis and reflection on the effect of this teaching mode. Based on a one-year teaching practice in six classes, the paper provides an investigation and statistical analysis on Problems-Exploring Teaching Mode and forms a reliable conclusion, that is , to adopt this teaching mode in Theoretical News Course can improve the current situation of this course, arouse students’interest in this course, foster their ability to collect and process information, the ability to acquire new knowledge, and the ability to analyze and solve problems so as to help students form the concept of news. 更多还原
【关键词】 新闻理论课; 问题探究; 教学模式; 【Key words】 Theoretical News Course; Problems-exploring; Teaching mode;
1 职校新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的界定及研究意义10-22
1.1 提出问题探究教学模式的背景10-13
1.1.1 知识经济时代背景下职业教育素质本位教学价值观的构建10-11
1.1.2 职校新闻理论课教学现状分析11-13
1.2 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式概念界定13-14
1.2.1 探究的的含义13
1.2.2 教学模式的含义13-14
1.2.3 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式14
1.3 探究式教学国内外研究现状14-18
1.3.1 国外研究综述14-17
1.3.2 国内研究综述17-18
1.4 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的研究意义18-22
1.4.1 以往研究的欠缺18-19
1.4.2 新闻理论课实施问题探究教学模式的意义19-22
2 新闻理论课实施问题探究式教学模式的理论基础22-27
2.1 主体教育理论22-23
2.2 建构主义的教学理论23-25
2.3 人本主义学习理论25-27
3 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的实施27-54
3.1 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式价值取向与目标27-28
3.1.1 模式的价值取向27-28
3.1.2 模式的目标28
3.2 新闻理论课问题探究教学内容的选取28-31
3.3 新闻理论课问题探究时间的安排31-32
3.3.1 探究类课题总时数在整个教学时量中的比例31
3.3.2 单元课时量及单元课堂内探究教学时间安排31-32
3.4 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的操作程序32-36
3.4.1 设置情境,提出问题——设疑激趣33-34
3.4.2 分析讨论、归纳结论——探究质疑34
3.4.3 运用结论、拓展延伸——运用升华34-36
3.5 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式实施的教学策略36-45
3.5.1 创设问题情境诱导学生积极思维36-38
3.5.2 用恰当的方式提出问题引发学生深化探究38-40
3.5.3 明确教师角色定位,引导学生分析—讨论—归纳40-43
3.5.4 指导学生验证、运用结论,使探究进一步升华43-45
3.6 新闻理论课问题探究教学案例45-51
3.6.1 案例一:节目主持人的赢效因素45-47
3.6.2 案例二:如何反对假报道,维护新闻的真实性47-51
3.7 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式中的学生评价体系51-54
3.7.1 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的学生评价方法51-52
3.7.2 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的评价内容及标准52-54
4 新闻理论课问题探究教学模式的教学效果评估与反思54-63
4.1 实验研究方案54
4.1.1 实验时间安排54
4.1.2 实验对象的选择54
4.1.3 研究方法54
4.2 实验结果与分析54-60
4.2.1 学生对新闻理论课教学的满意度比较54-55
4.2.2 学生新闻理论课期末考试成绩比较55-56
4.2.3 学生对新闻理论课学习兴趣的调查比较56-57
4.2.4 问题的探究教学模式对学生探究意愿、能力的影响分析(见表4-5、表4-6)57-58
4.2.5 学生新闻职业观形成状况比较58-60
4.3 新闻理论课实施问题探究教学模式的反思60-63
4.3.1 问题探究教学模式对教师提出了更高的要求60-61
4.3.2 在问题探究教学中,应转变学生的学生观念,并指导学生的学习方法61-62
4.3.3 学校方面应有必要的条件保证问题探究教学的实施62
4.3.4 问题探究教学应在其他课程中深入开展62-63
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