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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw20231843 日期:2023-06-27 来源:论文网


摘 要





Appliance manufacturers is the rise of China's first batch manufacturing, the market has experienced over thirty years of wind and rain, and now has a considerable size, leaving a number of large-scale capital, strong corporate brand history. However, the market environment is always with the economic development and scientific and technological progress and change, our plus point production enterprise now in an unprecedented market environment, survival faces many risks and challenges. The new economy, knowledge and technology become a major force leading consumer trends, consumer not satisfied with the merchandise and then brought basic needs, how to bring science and technology into a more convenient service to become the current major manufacturers and technology direction of the company focused on research and development. At the same time, the domestic development strategy over the past few decades has left a large number of China's processing and imitate the enterprise, and the brand and innovation is the fundamental production and development of the new economic era, therefore, the domestic industry transformation and upgrade the speed gradually accelerated , plus about environment protection and energy policy, household electrical appliance enterprises need to face tremendous pressure from internal and external twofold. Sichuan Changhong is the history of our country a more appliance manufacturing enterprises, production and sales of home appliances is the company's main project. Sichuan Changhong Industrial from the initial military, TV career。 It is the progressive development of persified information electrons. Despite China's home appliance industry in Sichuan Changhong influential, high market position, but still need to face the industry, the market completely, intense competition situation, under the complicated economic environment, China's color TV industry can effectively seize the opportunity, meet the challenge, timely adjustment according to changes in the strategic environment, avoid risks, and ultimately extend the life of the enterprise to maximize enterprise value will be the new mission we face.

Therefore, strengthening the theoretical research, rich cultural theory, from a new perspective of understanding the development of enterprises,enterprises with an effective way to avoid the risk are very important. In this paper, China's home appliance production enterprise risk management, through literature research, a comprehensive comparative analysis, combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis method of combining research methods, such as multi-layer, Sichuan Changhong's enterprise risk management as an example to make a study of the overall risk management of manufacturing enterprises problems and preventive measures. Under article based on China's home appliance market transformation and economic transformation change management background, trying to pass a stringent internal control system, improve household appliance manufacturing enterprise risk management capabilities, in order to promote China's home appliance production enterprise internal control management system to promote their health development of.

Keywords: new economic era;appliance manufacturing; Sichuan Changhong ;Risk Management

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 - 1 -

第一节 研究背景与意义 - 1 -

第二节 研究内容、方法、创新 - 2 -

第二章 企业风险管理概述 - 4 -

第一节 企业风险管理的涵义 - 4 -

第二节 企业风险管理理论研究 - 5 -

第三节 相关文献综述 - 7 -

第三章 我国家电行业情况及四川长虹风险管理案例介绍 - 10 -

第一节 我国家电行业发展现状与趋势 - 10 -

第二节 四川长虹基本概况 - 12 -

第三节 四川长虹企业风险管理体系介绍 - 16 -

第四节 四川长虹企业风险管理小结 - 23 -

第四章 案例分析——四川长虹的风险管理问题与解决建议 - 24 -

第一节 四川长虹现有风险管理体系总体情况分析 - 24 -

第二节 四川长虹现有风险管理体系中的突出问题 - 24 -

第三节 解决对策 33

第五章 总结 37

参考文献 39

致 谢 41

第一章 绪论

第一节 研究背景与意义


新经济时代的“新经济”是指以信息革命和全球化大市场为基础的经济,确切地说就是 “知识经济”,同时又是基于经济全球化的知识经济。伴随网络和电子商务的发展,网络经济与虚拟经济出现于人们经济生活当中,而当前的新经济时代并非纯粹的知识经济、虚拟经济和网络经济,而是呈现出传统产业与知识经济、虚拟经济和网络经济的全面结合的时期。

第五章 总结




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