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  [2]Firm Environmental Performance under Scrutiny: The Role of Strategic and Organizational Orientations[J] . Lorenzo Ardito,Rosa Maria Dangelico. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental . 2018 (4)

  [3]A Meta-synthesis Study on the Political and Regulatory Risks of Chinese Power Companies Tnvesting in Pakistan[J] . Muhammad Rafiq,XingPing Zhang,Jiahai Yuan,Shumaila Naz. International Journal of Computational and Engineering . 2018 (2)

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  [7]Three generational issues in organizational learning[J] . Therese A. Sprinkle,Michael J. Urick. The Learning Organization . 2018 (2)

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  [10]Strategic perspectives of corporate sustainability management to develop a sustainable organization[J] . Rupert J. Baumgartner,Romana Rauter. Journal of Cleaner Production . 2017

  [11]Environmental and social risk evaluation of overseas investment under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.[J] . Zhang Ruilian,Andam Francis,Shi Guoqing. Environmental monitoring and assessment . 2017 (6)

  [12]Overcoming electricity crisis in Pakistan: A review of sustainable electricity options[J] . Gordhan Das Valasai,Muhammad Aslam Uqaili,HafeezUr Rahman Memon,Saleem Raza Samoo,Nayyar Hussain Mirjat,Khanji Harijan. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews . 2017

  [13]Institutional determinants of power sector reform in Pakistan[J] . Kafait Ullah,Maarten J. Arentsen,Jon C. Lovett. Energy Policy . 2017

  [14]Impact of political and economic barriers for concentrating solar power in Sub-Saharan Africa[J] . Mercè Labordena,Anthony Patt,Morgan Bazilian,Mark Howells,Johan Lilliestam. Energy Policy . 2017

  [15]On the risk of studying practices in isolation: Linking what, who, and how in strategy research[J] . Paula Jarzabkowski,Sarah Kaplan,David Seidl,Richard Whittington. Strategic Organization . 2016 (3)

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  [18]Evaluating sponsorship through the lens of the resource-based view: The potential for sustained competitive advantage[J] . Jonathan A. Jensen,Joe B. Cobbs,Brian A. Turner. Business Horizons . 2016 (2)

  [19]Sustainability Management with the Sustainability Balanced Scorecard in SMEs: Findings from an Austrian Case Study[J] . Susanna Falle,Romana Rauter,Sabrina Engert,Rupert J. Baumgartner,Giuseppe Ioppolo. Sustainability . 2016 (6)

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