Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
The new English Curriculum Standard (2017) states clearly that it is necessaryto set up a new student’s concept which is “people-oriented and student-centered”.The focus of the new English Curriculum Standard (2017) reform is the cultivation ofstudents’ pragmatic competence and emphasizes the importance of the students’interest of learning and their prior level of knowledge. Education is to teach studentsin accordance of their aptitude.
At the same time, as the “baton” that conducts the whole education orchestra,the College Entrance Examination has changed dramatically. It is very important toattach importance to the students’ subjective status and mobilize students’ enthusiasmfor learning in order to adapt to the reform of the College Entrance Examination andthe development of the quality education. However, the traditional teaching method isthe method of forced-feeding and neglects the cultivation of students’ interest inlearning, thinking ability and learning ability which conflict with the requirements ofthe New English Curriculum Standard (2017) reform.
Wang (2016) stated that, the post-2000s high school students are self-centered,informationalized, and inpidual. They have strong sense of self and strong desire toexpress themselves. According to the survey, Zhang (2017) developed that theproportion of people born in the 2000s who own mobile phones is eight times that ofthe post-2000s generation, and the proportion of people born in the 2000s who ownpersonal computers is eight times that of the post-2000s generation. In the informationsociety, the powerful amount of information possessed by the post-2000s high schoolstudents has already exceeded the knowledge demand of the students in the traditionalclassroom teaching, and the active learning ability of students has gone beyond thepresupposition of students’ ability made by many teachers developed by Zhang (2019).As the students who grew up in the era of technology and information, the traditionalteaching method of “teachers talk and students listen” has been unacceptable by them.To transform the traditional concept of “teachers-centered”, the Guided Learning PlanMode emerged as the times required.
1.2 Significance of the Study
The significance of the study is mentioned from two perspectives, thetheoretical significance and the practical significance. From the theoretical aspect,firstly,the Guided Learning Plan Mode conforms to the constructivism theory whosecore is students-centered. It emphasized students’ active exploration, the importanceof the discovery of what the students learned and to take the initiative to build theirown knowledge network. The Guided Learning Plan Mode fully reflects the teachingthought of constructivism theory. Teachers only help students to promote theconstruction of meaning. The using of the Guided Learning Plan Mode mainly paysattention to that knowledge is not acquired through teachers alone, but by bothclassmates and their teachers in certain and sociocultural surroundings with themethod of meaning construction. Secondly, the new English Curriculum Standard(2017) also provides the theoretical basis for the study of the Guided Learning PlanMode. The new curriculum forces the traditional teaching mode that teacher isdominant in English classes to transform into people-oriented and student-centered.The Guided Learning Plan Mode meets the requirements of the new CurriculumStandard that stimulates and benefits students’ learning. It is not only beneficial to thedevelopment of their abilities involving the cooperative learning ability and theautonomous learning ability but also conducive to arouse their interest in learningEnglish. Thirdly, it is easily found that application of the Guided Learning Plan Modeconforms to the autonomous learning theory, cooperative theory and humanism theory.It inherits the scientific and further development of theory.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Guided Learning Plan Mode
As a teaching mode meeting the needs of the students’ development and thenew English Curriculum Standard (2017), this mode has been paid more and moreattention. In this part, define the related concepts and introduce the design,development and characteristics of Guided Learning Plan Mode with the aim ofmaking it the largest role to play in English teaching and learning.
2.1.1 Definitions of Guided Learning Plan
Accurate definition of the concept is conducive to grasp the meaning of theobject of study better. There is no unified definition of Guided Learning Plan Mode inthe academic circle on national scale. Different scholars and researchers have theirown ideas on what is Guided Learning Plan Mode. Guan and Zang (2005) pointed outthat Guided Learning Plan should contain two parts that are learning plan andteaching plan. The learning plan is about what will be learned in class. In other words,it is used by students, differing from the teaching plan used by teachers which isactually the teachers’ instruction about how to teach. They thought the GuidedLearning Plan Mode includes not only the learning plan used by students but also theteachers’ teaching plan and they also highlighted the elements of the Guided LearningPlan Mode.
2.2 Theoretical Foundations of Guided Learning Plan Mode
In this part, the theoretical foundations of the Guided Learning Plan Modeincluded the autonomous learning theory, cooperative learning theory andconstructivism theory, which provided us theoretical support.
2.2.1 Autonomous Learning Theory
Since the 1990s, autonomous learning has become a hot issue in the researchfield of educational psychology in the West. Zimmerman (2000) pointed out thatautonomous learning required positive mental qualities and had clear goals forlearning. He proposed the evaluation criteria of the participation of the enthusiasm forautonomous learning style, including students’ meta-cognition, learning interest andbehavior style. He believed that autonomous learners had three characteristics. Thefirst one was that they had strong meta-cognitive, motivational and behavioralself-regulation strategies. The second one was to monitor the effect and then adjust.Thirdly, they knew when and how to use a specific learning strategy.
Some scholars and researchers regarded ideal learners as autonomous learners,and also translated them into self-regulated learners (Zimmerma, 1997).Autonomous learners understood effective learning strategies and knew how andwhen to apply them. Beokaerts (2000) pointed out that autonomous learners weremotivated by learning activities, not by scores or other people’s appreciation.
In addition, it also needed to distinguish between self-study and autonomouslearning. Wu (2004) distinguished between self-study and autonomous learning in hisresearch. Self study was the independent study of learners without the help of theoutside world including teachers and classmates. It is just through the informationcarrier such as text or the teaching materials. The learners can learn the textinformation and form their own knowledge independently. In other words, self-studyis to learn the materials by themselves. However, autonomous learning is an activelearning process under a complete support service system. There is the teacher’s help,learning in a group, and the help of the computer.
Chapter 3 Methodology.............................. 25
3.1 Research Questions............................................... 25
3.2 Subjects.......................................... 25
3.3 Instruments....................................26
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion............................36
4.1 Results................................................... 36
4.1.1 Results of the test............................ 36 Results of the Pre-test...................................36 Results of the Post-test.................................. 38
Chapter 5 Conclusion...................................52
5.1 Major Findings....................................... 53
5.2 Implication.................................................54
5.3 Limitations of the Study......................................56
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Results
In this part, the results of the Pre-test, Post-test, questionnaire and interviewswere talked about, by using the professional software. Meanwhile, the results werealso analyzed in details .
4.1.1 Results of the test
The researcher analyzed the results of the pre-test and post-test in this section,and compared both of them. Results of the Pre-test
In order to ensure the effectiveness and scientificity of the experiment, thepre-test was carried out at the beginning of the semester before the implementation ofthe Guided Learning Plan Mode in English teaching. Before the experiment, theExperimental Class and the Control Class were tested respectively. The test wascarried out at the same time and in the same place with the same test paper that wasthe test paper of National College Entrance Examination of the second volume ofEnglish of 2019. At the end of the experiment, the two classes were tested in the sameway. The test results were shown with the help of SPSS 24 in the Table 4.1 and Table
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Major Findings
Through the three months’ application of the Guided Learning Plan Mode,kinds of methodologies were adopted to study the effect of this mode on the studentsin senior high school. Through the results of these methodologies, the students’attitude and interest in learning English have already been changed by using this newmethod. By observing the data of the tests, questionnaires and interviews, the GuidedLearning Plan Mode plays an important part in the English learning.
Firstly, the Guided Learning P lan Mode has a positive impact on the Englishlearning of the students who was born after 2000. The abilities of learning English aregetting stronger and stronger. By observing the results of experiment, the students hadhuge changes both in their English scores and in their performance during the wholeclass. Th Guided Learning P lan Mode is also suitable for the personality characteristicsof the post-2000 students, who are eager to be independent and have active mind. Italso provides a platform for those students to express their opinions. The mode cangreatly improve their ability to preview before class, and the autonomous learningability. Students master the effective learning methods and clear the learning contentsbefore the class that are helpful to develop their autonomous learning ability. The useof the Guided Learning P lan Mode is conductive to develop the students’ ability ofcooperation. Through the result of interview, the students express they are morewilling to cooperate with their classmates to solve the problems in English class.