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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202321993 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网
本文是一篇语言学论文,基于评估理论(Martin and White,2005)和“生活!“生态学(Stibbe,2015b),作者采用定量和定性相结合的方法,从分布、特征和功能三个方面对中澳温室气体排放的态度资源进行了分析。本研究的主要发现如下跟随。第一态度资源在两人的新闻报道中占很大比例国家。所有在新闻中可以找到态度系统、情感、判断和欣赏资源的子类别。具体而言,在中澳新闻中,判断来源是最常用的态度资源。赏识资源第二,情感资源使用最少。

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
In the last few decades, we have witnessed great changes in our life with therapid development of science and technology. However, at the same time, naturalenvironments across the world have undergone significant transformation due tohuman activity. Loss of biopersity, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate changeare some of the worst ecological problems we are facing now. It is safe to say thatecological crisis is getting more serious throughout the world and human survival hasbeen threatened. This situation has promoted people to reflect on what we have donein the past and what we can do in the future to make our home a better world. At thismoment, ecolinguistics, which combines the ecology and linguistics, has graduallydeveloped and formed as a new discipline. According to Crystal (2011), ecolinguisticsis a study that reflects the nature of ecology, and the interaction between language andenvironment. Ecological discourse analysis (hereinafter referred as EDA), as one ofthe research fields of ecolinguistics, has developed prosperously in recent years.Huang and Zhao (2017) argued that EDA aims to explore the relationship andinteraction between language and ecology, and reveal the impact of language onvarious ecological relationships. Meanwhile, EDA should take ecosophy as itsguidance, functioning as a rule for analysts to judge the text. Therefore, the ecosophyof this study is “Living!” which is put forward by Stibbe (2015b).
Media, a central arena of social life and a privileged space for ideas,interpretations and propositions, is a crucial site for people to know the world. It is notonly a source of information but also influences how people think and what people do.Cohen (1963: 13) described the effect of media exerted on their readers as thefollowing:
The press is significantly more than a purveyor of information and opinion. It may notbe successful much of the time on telling people what to think, but it is stunninglysuccessful in telling its readers what to think about. And it follows from this that theworld looks different to different people, depending not only on their personal interests,but also on the map that is drawn for them by the writers, editors, and publishers of thepapers they read.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
This thesis aims to contribute to the growing literatures in ecological discourseanalysis in three ways: (1) to enhance our understanding of attitudinal resourcesemployed in Chinese and Australian greenhouse gas emissions news. The author willannotate the attitudinal resources in the news and then analyze their distributions. As aresult, we can pay attention to the employment of attitudinal resources in the news; (2)to explore the functions of these attitudinal resources and unravel the role ideologyplays in the news. The author will analyze what functions these attitudinal resourcesrealize in the news with examples; (3) to demonstrate the applicability of theAppraisal Theory as a theoretical foundation in ecological discourse analysis. Theattitudinal resources will be annotated under the guidance of the Appraisal Theoryespecially the attitude system. In a nutshell, this study intends to contribute to thegrowing field of ecological discourse analysis as well as to be methodologicallyinnovative in this field.
It is of theoretical and practical significance to conduct the current study.
Theoretically, this study will further prove the operability and practicability ofthe Appraisal Theory in ecological discourse analysis. The Appraisal Theory isadapted as theoretical foundation for this study, so that the attitudinal resources willbe evaluated from the lexical level. Besides, the author takes the ecosophy of “Living!”in Stibbe (2015b) as a standard to judge the attitudinal resources in the news and thenexplores the functions of them, which can be seen as the application of the ecosophyof “Living!” in ecological discourse analysis especially in the topic of greenhouse gasemissions news. In addition to validating the ecosophy of “Living!”, throughproviding the evidence to confirm the theory, this study could also enrich the study ofenvironmental news discourse. As this study focuses on greenhouse gas emissionsnews of China and Australia and provides a comprehensive analysis of the issue, wewill have a better understanding of how the two countries tackle this issue and whatare their attitudes. In a word, this study will enrich the studies of ecological discourseanalysis and also provide a new research perspective for studies of greenhouse gasemissions news.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 An Introduction to Ecolinguistics
As environment problems are increasingly severe, ecology has inevitablybecome the essential issue of the 21st century. According to Huang and Zhao (2017),ecological discourse analysis is one of the research scopes of ecolinguistics. Theresearches of EDA are conducted within the umbrella of ecolinguistics. Hence, it isnecessary to briefly introduce ecolinguistics, which is the interdiscipline of ecologyand linguistics.
2.1.1 Origin of Ecolinguistics
Ecolinguistics is the combination of ecology and linguistics. Ecology aims tostudy the relationship among organisms and the physical environment, and linguisticsis the scientific study of language. These two disciplines seem to be unconnected atfirst. Stibbe (2014) points out that the disconnection occurs only if ecology fails toinclude human beings as organisms. However, an inclusive view would be that all thehumans, organisms and the physical environment are elements of ecology. Then,language, to some extent, influences how we think and how we act, so that we canmake the choice to protect or destroy the ecosystems which we depend on. Therefore,language plays an important role in how humans connect to each other, to otherorganisms and to the physical environment.
The term ‘ecolinguistics’ has appeared since 1990s, and the word ‘ecology’ hasbeen used in linguistic study from Einar Haugen, who put forward the definition oflanguage ecology in 1972. He defined language ecology as “the study of interactionsbetween any given language and its environment.” According to Haugen (1972), theecology of a language is determined primarily by the people who learn it, use it, andtransmit it to others. Therefore it has two parts, psychological and sociological.Psychological part refers to the interaction among languages in the minds of bilingualor multilingual speakers, for languages exist only in its users’ minds. Another part issociological, which means the interaction between language and the society where ithas the role of communication medium.

2.2 Previous Studies on EDA at Home and Abroad
As a new branch of ecolinguistics, EDA has attracted great attention. Manyresearchers at home and abroad have analyzed different types of ecological discoursesby adopting different theoretical framework.
First and foremost, it is necessary to specify the definition of ecologicaldiscourse analysis. In a broad sense, ecological discourse analysis includes theanalysis of ecological discourse and the ecological analysis of discourse. The formerfocuses on the discourse of ecology, while the latter aims at the ecological factors invarious discourses, which can be extended to the ecological and non ecological factorsin the language system (Huang, 2017). This study is conducted in the field of theanalysis of ecological discourse. The author selects the greenhouse gas emissionsnews as research subject, which belongs to the ecological discourses. In the followingsections, the literatures of ecological discourses analysis will be reviewed.


Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation................................. 19
3.1 An Introduction to Appraisal Theory...................................19
3.2 Attitude System................................ 23
Chapter Four Research Methodology..................................... 31
4.1 Research Questions.............................. 31
4.2 Research Instrument..................................32
Chapter Five Results and Discussion....................................39
5.1 Attitudinal Resources Employed in the News..................................39
5.1.1 Types and Distributions of Attitudinal Resources in the News.............39
5.1.2 Realizations of Attitudinal Resources in the News............................... 41

Chapter Five Results and Discussion

5.1 Attitudinal Resources Employed in the News
As greenhouse gas emissions has become a global issue, and China andAustralia are major greenhouse gas emitters (CD24, ABC1), the two countries’attitudes are of vital importance towards the environment development. Hence it isnecessary to study the two countries’ attitudes by analyzing the attitudinal resourcesappearing in the selected greenhouse gas emissions news. The Appraisal Theoryfocuses on how the appraiser evaluates things at the lexis level. Under the guidance ofthe Appraisal Theory, descriptive statistics of the subcategories of attitude system areobtained with the assistance of the UAM CorpusTool. Therefore, attitudinal resourcesemployed in Chinese and Australian greenhouse gas emissions news will be presentedin this section, and some typical examples will be taken to verify the major findings.
5.1.1 Types and Distributions of Attitudinal Resources in the News
With the assistance of the UAM CorpusTool, quantitative method has been donein the process of identifying and annotating the attitudinal resources. The results areshown in Table 5.1. It is found that all the three types of attitudinal resources areemployed in the news. They are affect resources, judgement resources andappreciation resources.


Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 Major Findings
Based on the Appraisal Theory (Martin and White, 2005) and the “Living!”ecosophy (Stibbe, 2015b), the author adopted quantitative and qualitative methods toanalyze attitudinal resources in Chinese and Australian greenhouse gas emissionsnews in three aspects: distributions, features and functions. Major findings of thecurrent study are as the following.
First, attitudinal resources are largely employed in the news of the two countries.All subcategories of attitude system, affect, judgement and appreciation resources canbe found in the news. Specifically, in both Chinese and Australian news, Judgementresources are the most frequently used attitudinal resources. Appreciation resourcesrank the second and affect resources are least used.
Second, attitudinal resources show features of polarity and explicitness. In termsof polarity, positive attitudinal resources comprise majority parts in both Chinese andAustralian news. As for explicitness, the proportion of inscribed attitudinal resourcesexceeds that of invoked ones in both Chinese and Australian news. Hence it can besafe to say that both China Daily and Australian Broadcasting Corporation hold apositive attitude towards the issue of greenhouse gas emissions and they incline toexpress it in an explicit way.
Third, these attitudinal resources employed in Chinese and Australiangreenhouse gas emissions news mainly realize three functions, including reporting thefacts of the greenhouse gas emissions; building public confidence and establishingnational image. On the part of Chinese news, the facts reported are more consistentand more authoritative, while Australian news also reports some controversial facts toallow people to decide by themselves. The similarity of news of two countries is thatthey often serve to boost the public confidence, which will uplift readers to back theefforts of government on cutting greenhouse gas emissions. In the same vein, Chinesenews tries to construct a positive national image as a responsible nation in tackling theproblem of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the national image created inAustralian news is not always positive, as sometimes different views and voices ongreenhouse gas emissions or on environment policies are covered.
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