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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202322005 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background
As is known to us all that Song-ci, also called Song lyrics and Song-ci poems, is abrilliant pearl in classical Chinese culture and is also another peak of ancient Chineseliterature after Tang poetry. Ci evolved from Sui and Tang Dynasties to Song Dynasty, andbecame a popular literary form. Cipai is an indispensable part of Ci. Different Cipai havedifferent regulations on the number of word and sentence, pingze(平仄) and rhyme. There aremany origins of Cipai such as allusions, interception of words in ancient poetry, names ofancient people or places, folklore and historical stories. Therefore, there are abundant culturalcontents in Cipai, and the influence of their cultural connotation on the understanding andtranslation of them can not be neglected.
However, it is a pity that enough attention hasn’t been paid to the Cipai of Song-ci whendisseminating them to foreign countries.This is reflected in: (1) The number of study on Cipaiis still quite small. In Chinese journals, papers about Song-ci amount to more than 6,000,while the amount of papers concerned with Cipai is about 130, among which the studies oftranslation of Cipai account for less than one fourth. Moreover, at present, there are rareacademic dissertations about Cipai, no to mention monographs on the translation of Cipai. (2)Studies on the translation of Cipai are not comprehensive enough. Few scholars have studiedCipai systematically. Some of them directly adopt literal translation, free translation ortransliteration, but no further detailed discussion has been made to explain how to classifyCipai in choosing a method. On the other hand, the importance of delivery of abundantcultural connotation and cultural images in Cipai doesn’t receive adequate attention whentranslating them. Domestic studies mainly cover the background and origins of Cipai, fewdiscuss how to properly and successfully disseminate cultural connotation and cultural imagesto target readers.

1.2 Research Purpose
The research includes two purposes. The first purpose of the study is to try to make amore in-depth study of Cipai of Song-ci to figure out reasonable and practical strategies thatcan be used to translate metaphors in Cipai of Song-ci. Metaphors used in Cipai contain richconnotations, which adds to the difficulty of the translation. On the other hand, thosemetaphors are derived from various origins, which makes it even harder to understand. Theresearch intends to study where metaphors in Cipai of Song-ci are derived from, in otherwords, the cultural origins of metaphors. And most importantly, the research is devoted to findout how those metaphors in Cipai of Song-ci can be translated.
The second purpose is to arouse people’s attention to the study of the translation of Cipai,which will further promote the cultural exchange of precious Chinese literature. In an era thatcross-cultural communication is inevitable and frequent and a society that appeals culturaldissemination, Cipai, as a precious and indispensable part of Chinese literature, should bedisseminated to foreign countries appropriately. The research analyzes the origins of 113Cipai of Song-ci and classifies them according to their origins. And it gives a systematicresearch on the translation of metaphors in Cipai of Song-ci. This aims to promote scholars’attention to the translation studies of Cipai.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Previous Studies on Metaphor Translation
Initially, translatology and metaphor were studied as two disciplines. With the continuousdevelopment of studies, the two disciplines have been combined to form the study ofmetaphor translation. In the last decades, the study of metaphor translation at home andabroad is not mature enough. The main translation theory is based on the general literarytranslation theory, for example, Yan Fu's “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance”translation principles and Nida's functional equivalence theory. At present, with the deepeningstudy of metaphor translation, more and more attention has been paid to metaphor translationat home and abroad. Thus, systematic theories of metaphor or strategies for translatingmetaphor emerge constantly.
2.1.1 Previous Studies on Metaphor Translation at Home
It was not until the 1990s that Chinese scholars began to arouse their attention tometaphor translation by editing and translating Peter Newmark's monographs. Since Chinesetranslators introduced western concepts of metaphor translation in the mid-1990s, the issue ofmetaphor translation has gradually received widespread attention and becomes a hot topic inChina. Scholars’ research perspectives are perse, mainly in the following aspects: cognitivelinguistics, culture, pragmatics and conceptual metaphor theory. It has been studied thatalmost 80 percent of the studies deal with metaphor translation from the perspective ofcognitive linguistics and pragmatics, among which conceptual metaphor accounts for 23.4percent(Sun&Li, 2019: 10). From the data, it can be concluded that present domesticresearches of metaphor translation have shifted its trend from the traditional rhetorical focusto cognitive focus.

2.2 Previous Studies on Translation of Cipai
This part will review the studies on the translation of Cipai at home and broad. It isnecessary to know what has been done to the translation of Cipai, and what problems arewhen translating them. Generally, both domestic and foreign researchers don’t pay muchattention to studies of Cipai. Until recent years, domestic scholars increasingly notice theimportance of the translation of Cipai, hence the number of related study becomes more.However, there is huge blank in the foreign studies on Cipai.
2.2.1 Previous Studies on Translation of Cipai at Home
It is a pity that there is no monograph made to specially discuss the translation of Cipai.Thanks to the trend of cross-cultural communication and country’s call for disseminatingChinese literary to the world. Increasing scholars have paid attention to Cipai and thetranslation of them, though not enough yet. At present, there is no unified translation criterionfor the translation of Cipai, so the translated versions are various. According to Li(2005: 50),there are 162 domestic and foreign translations of 35 Cipai. That is to say, there are averagely5 translation versions for each. Different translators, from different perspectives and followingdifferent translation concepts, have different translation styles. To sum up, there are fourtranslation methods concerning the translation of Cipai: transliteration, literal translation, freetranslation and translation combined with annotation.


Chapter Three Theoretical Framework..........................................15
3.1 Newmark’s Definition of Metaphor........................................15
3.2 Newmark’s Seven Procedures for Metaphor Translation........................ 16
Chapter Four Translation of Metaphors in Cipai of Song-ci..............................................21
4.1 Introduction to Cipai....................................... 21
4.1.1 Origins of Cipai of Song-ci.................................21
4.1.2 Features of Cipai.......................... 22
Chapter Five Conclusion...........................................37
5.1 Innovations.....................................37
5.2 Major Findings..............................37
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions................................ 38

Chapter Four Translation of Metaphors in Cipai of Song-ci

4.1 Introduction to Cipai
Cipai is the name of the format of ci, which is also known as “长短句”. People give themnames in order to memorize and use them easily. Sometimes, because they are variants of thesame format, several formats share one Cipai; sometimes, because each name is different,there are several Cipai in the same format. Cipai are rich in origins and different from thetitles of ordinary poems. It also has its unique characteristics.
4.1.1 Origins of Cipai of Song-ci
The origins of Cipai of Song-ci are complex, and different schools have differentopinions. The author believes that there are mainly the following five sources.
1) Names and places. These names are usually the names of characters in historicalstories, such as “念奴娇”. Niannu was a famous singer in Tianbao period of Tang Dynasty andshe was very good at singing. Legend has it that Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty wrotehis own lyrics and ordered her to sing. As expected, she was as charming as a nightingale, inother words, she sang very beautifully. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty named thesong “Nian Nu Jiao”. There are also some Cipai that are from names of places, for example,“酒泉子” is to praise a place called “酒泉”; for another example, “六州歌头”. “六州” is thegeneral name of Yizhou, Liangzhou, Ganzhou, Weizhou and Dizhou in Tang Dynasty.


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Innovations
Ci is a different form of poetry and a new literary style rising in the Tang Dynasty. InSong Dynasty, after a long period of development, it entered its heyday. Ci, also known as “Ciof songs”, is a poem written for music singing. These Ci all have a music tune, which is calledthe Cipai. The prosperity of Ci in the Song Dynasty resulted in a variety of Cipai of Song-ci.
Due to its various origins, the Cipai of Song-ci contains rich cultural connotation. Itsorigins includes a name of a historical person or a place, an excerpted word or words from asentence in a poem, Chinese allusions and legends, which results in abundant cultural imagesthat are involved in the Cipai. Because those images contain a deeper meaning than the literalmeaning, metaphors occur in Cipai.
Thus, the innovations of this study are as follows:
Firstly, the research studies metaphors in Cipai, which has seldom studied before.Through research, it has been confirmed that metaphors do exist in Cipai and their origins aremore than four. The impact of metaphors on the understanding and interpretation of Cipaicannot imply be ignored.
Secondly, the research offers a new perspective to study the translation of Cipai. Thetranslation of Cipai has been studied before, but seldom study has employed a systematictheory to give a thorough analysis of the translation process. The research employsNewmark’s metaphor translation theory to analyze the translation process and proposes fourpractical translation strategies.

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