笔者通过对实验数据的分析,我们可以得出结论:读写结合是提高初中生写作水平的有效途径。在本研究中,阅读占据了特殊的地位,极大地提高了学生的写作成绩。通过分析结果,得出以下结论:1) 首先,从态度的角度出发,通过对测试和访谈的研究,作者发现绝大多数学生理解和理解了英语写作在整个英语学习中的重要性和重要性,但学生对英语写作普遍存在厌恶和排斥。写作任务成了一项必修课,学生们没有积极性。在具体的写作过程中,初中生知识储备较少,写作练习相对耗时,学生被动。在不恰当的学习方法和认知方式的影响下,学生经常出现语法错误,体裁意识淡薄,情感缺乏深刻而真实,造成这些问题的最重要原因是目前初中英语教师的结果型写作指导方法。在写作过程中,学生过分注重语言的准确性,在阅读和促进写作的方法指导下,学生的输入能有效地转化为输出,走出写作困境。
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
The embodiment of a foreign language learner’s English level lies not only in hisdaily oral communication in English, but also in his written communication in properEnglish, so as to express his opinions and suggestions accurately. Most foreignlanguage teaching experts emphasize that English writing embodies the language logic,grammar usage and thinking patterns of English learners.
Reading and writing are of great importance in language learning. They are boundto attract the attention of teachers and students. To advance students’ language skillsand integrated language application capability, the role of input cannot be neglect, andeffective input brings about effective output. Reading is both an understanding skill andan input process. Writing is not only an expression skill, but also an output process.There are certain similarities between reading and writing, which is reflected in thediscourse structure and language use.
English writing teaching has fallen into an embarrassing scene, and it is also a bigproblem that puzzles teachers and students the most. In junior high school Englishteaching, reading and writing teaching is often disjointed, a phenomenon ofemphasizing reading and neglecting writing. This also leads to students’ rejection andfear of English writing, which further inducing the decline of students’ Englishperformance. Students often have problems in the following aspects when writing: 1)Lack of vocabulary, wrongly choose and use of vocabulary. 2) Monotonous sentencestructure. 3) No linking words between paragraphs. 4) Fear and rejection of Englishwriting, lack of interest and confidence.
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research
This study is a preliminary exploration of the combination of reading and writingin a junior high school in Shaoguan, aiming to test the feasibility and effectiveness ofthe new teaching mode through empirical research, so as to find ways to improvestudents’writing level.
1.2.1 Research Purpose
Writing can reflect different ways of thinking, and writing training can cultivatestudents’ multidimensional ways of thinking and excellent expressive capability.Students embrace strong reading ability are more likely to get various expression fromreading, that is, reading can offer abundant comprehensible input for writing, reinforceor rebuild students’ schema, and then advance students’ writing performance. At thesame time, grasping the context and the general idea of the article is also an essentialpart of English reading, which is of great help to the construction of writing ideas andwriting structure and can offer more and more comprehensive language knowledgereserves for writing. These language knowledge reserves are of essential help instudents’ writing performance. In the daily reading process, we can consciously andpertinently train and strengthen the use of vocabulary, sentence structure and discoursecoherence, so as to advance students’writing performance. Students should be trainedin three aspects: accumulating vocabulary, correctly grasping sentence structure andperfecting discourse cohesion in the process of English reading, which can effectivelyadvance their writing performance from this aspect. The goal of this studyis to confirmwhether the teaching method of reading-to-writing is practicable and effective in thereal teaching environment by using empirical research.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Research on English Writing Teaching Methods
2.1.1 ResearchAbroad
For a long time, the focus of writing classroom teaching has become a means tocheck students’ mastery of sentence patterns. Since 1970s, writing, as an independentdiscipline,hasattracted muchattention.Different researchersandteachingpractitionersfocus on different teaching modalities and teaching methods, and various writingteaching methods are born by this trend. However, the advancement of genre-basedteaching method has successfully attracted the attention of scholars in the field ofwriting teaching and started to shake the dominance of result-based teaching method.
1) Result-based teaching method
With the further deepening of people's understanding of writing teaching, manyscholars have put forward some new writing guidance modes by analyzing the writingstyles and habits of outstanding writers and combining them with the theories andpractices summarized by predecessors, resulting in many teaching methods. Theearliest and most traditional educational methods can be traced back to the guidingmethods of Latin teaching in the MiddleAges.
Thisresult-basedmethodfocusesonthefinalresultofwriting.Emphasizestudents’ability to choose vocabulary for independent writing. In the teaching process, teachersare the center, paying attention to imparting writing skills, strictly requiring students tomastercorrect grammar, andemphasizingtheuseofrhetoricmodels ofdifferent genres,such as stories, theories, poems and so on. Scholars provide several steps of results-based teaching method: memory, teachers’ control exercises, guidance exercises andstudents’free writing.
2.2 Research on Reading-to-writingApproach
2.2.1 Definition of Reading-to-writingApproach
Getting enough input through reading is the source of writing output. Differentresearchers have made different interpretations on the definition of reading-to-writing.Fitzgerald and Shanahan (2000) hold that the actual teaching practice and thetheoretical support behind the practice. Grabe (2003) gave the following definition:reading and writing are closely linked communities. Kern (1992) thinks that reading-to-writing requires students to dabble in different types of articles and writespontaneously according to their direct interests.
In the domestic academic research, Deng jiani (2012) put forward a definition thatmost people agree with that “result teaching method” has its own unique innovationsand opinions on the basis of imitation. Targeted reading and scientific teachingstrategies have improved learners obviously. Reading-to-writing can integrate readingand writing perfectly and harmoniously in the cooperation environment (Qin Huikang,2011: 23).
Hirvela (2004) draws the following conclusion through years of research: learnersshould obtain the information they want from reading, and then transcode the obtainedinformationintothespecificandidealcontentofwritinginput.Withthehelpofteachers’guidance, students can sort out the context of reading articles, learn their writing skillsand summarize them, thus transforming them into effective writing output. Studentsconstruct their own writing style and writing framework by appreciating variousreading genres with different themes. The process of reading and writing should beactive and devoted, and the thoughts in the heart should be transformed into thesublimation of beautiful characters, rather than mechanical exercises. Teachers shouldarrange writing tasks scientifically and reasonably, actively listen to the opinions ofmanyparties in writing,reach consensus actively, andimprovetheawareness ofwritingsynergy.
Table 4-1 The topics of teaching
Chapter Three Theoretical Basis ...................... 28
3.1 Comprehensible Input Hypothesis...............................28
3.2 Comprehensible Output Hypothesis...............................29
Chapter Four Research Design.......................... 34
4.1 Research Questions..........................34
4.2 Research Subjects ...............................34
Chapter Five Results and Discussion ........................ 46
5.1 Results andAnalysis of Writing Performance...........................46
5.1.1 English Writing Level...............................46
5.1.2 VocabularyApplication...............................48
5.1.3 Sentence Structure ................................49
Chapter Five Results and Discussion
5.1 Results andAnalysis of Writing Performance
To catch students’writing performance, we will studythe students’overall writingscores, vocabularyapplication,sentencestructureanddiscoursecohesion, so as to catchstudents’writing development.
5.1.1 English Writing Level
The analysis of English writing pre-test data reveals that there is no remarkabledifference between the EC and the CC in English writing performance before theexperiment; The results of independent sample T-test suggest that there are significantdifferences in English writing scores between the EC and the CC due to differentteaching methods, and the writing teaching method of reading-to-writing approach cangreatly improve students’writing skills.
As shown in Table 5-1, the overall level of the two classes before the test is veryclose. The average scores of the CC and the EC are 9.2000 and 9.2222, respectively,and the corresponding change ranges are basically the same, showing that the standarddeviation is very close (standard deviation measures the fluctuation range of scores),which can be used as a test sample and a comparison sample for comparison. T testresults indicate that there is no difference in English scores between the two classesbefore the test;The correspondingP> 0.05, revealing that there is no marked differencebetween the two classes.
Table 5-1
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Main Findings
Through the analysis of experimental data, we can gain the conclusion thatreading-to-writing is a powerful approach to advance junior high school students’writing performance. In this study, reading has occupied a special position and greatlyadvanced students’ writing performance. Through the analysis results, the followingconclusions are drawn:
1) First of all, from the attitude point of view, by studying the test and interview,the author found out that the vast majority of students comprehended and understoodthe importance and significance of writing English in the whole English learning.However, students generally have aversion and rejection to English writing. Writingtask has become a compulsory assignment, and students have no enthusiasm. In thespecific writing process, junior high school students have less knowledge reserves.Writing practice is relatively time-consuming, and students are passive. Under theinfluence of inappropriate learning methods and cognition, students frequently makegrammatical mistakes, have weak genre awareness, and lack deep and true emotion.The most important reason for these problems comes from the current result-basedwriting guidance method of junior high school English teachers. In the process ofwriting, students pay too much attention to the accuracy of language, and under theguidance of the method of reading and promoting writing, students’ input caneffectively become output and get out of the writing dilemma.
2) By training and learning vocabulary, sentences and cohesive words in readingclass, and transforming them into comprehensible input, students can express theirthoughts flexibly and improve their writing performance. Through vocabularytraining,you can enlarge your vocabulary. Rich vocabulary can help students avoid the lack ofvocabulary in writing training, enrich the content of articles, and avoid emptiness andincomprehension. At the same time, the correct expression of vocabulary can ensurethe accuracy of word content, effectively avoid the wrong expression of word English,and improve the fluency of word English communication. Strengthening articlestructure in English reading teaching is helpful to improve the persity of Englishwriting and the specificity of expression. Paying attention to the expression of sentencestructure persity in English reading teaching is helpful to promote the persity ofEnglish writing and enrich the expression of English writing.Through various sentencepatterns, monotony and repetition in English writing can be effectively avoided, thecontent of the article can be correctly expressed, and the teaching of English writingcan be effectively improved. Similarly, strengthening conversational cohesion throughEnglish reading teaching will contribute to the fluency and level of English writingexpression. With proper ending, you can write up and down naturally, express fluently,better embody the logic of English articles, and make them more compact, complete instructure and well expressed.