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论文字数:**** 论文编号:lw202323210 日期:2023-07-20 来源:论文网

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research
Reading is one of the main sources of language inputs. English reading is the basis fordevelopment of English learners’ other language abilities. Whatever languages you study,reading is essential. In New Curriculum Standard for Chinese Senior High School (2017Edition), the concept of key competency is proposed, including two aspects: key abilities andstudents’ essential characters. By integrating the ability of viewing with the traditional skillsof listening, speaking, reading and writing , help students to promote the development ofvarious abilities.
According to the requirements and objectives of NCS, English reading plays animportant role in improving students’ key competencies, especially their language abilities,cultural characters, thinking qualities and learning abilities. It is helpful for students not onlyto deepen their understanding for discourses but also to use different types of discourses toeffectively express themselves and communicate with each other by learning discourses thatdiffer in genres and grasping their specific structures, stylistic features and the modes ofexpression. Similarly, reading is also viewed as the most important factor of English teachingin high school. The development of students’ reading ability has always been one of all aims.
In English reading teaching, teachers adopts different methods and modes to teach theirstudents, but students’ reading ability isn’t enhanced greatly. At present, most students focuson the understanding of single word and phrase when they read a passage while they pay littleattention to the grasp of the theme, the skeleton and the intention of a passage.
In recent years, genre-based teaching approach creates a new mode in reading teachingwhich improves students’ reading ability to a certain degree. Swalesian School’s readingteaching mode based on genre analysis provided a new way in English reading. Many otherresearches in China has proved the effectiveness of improving students' reading level.

1.2 Purpose of the Research
The main purpose of this research was to design a genre-analysis reading course, whichstudents would be provided with explicit strategy instruction and then how this would helpthem improve their comprehension when reading different types of texts in English. In theresearch, the researcher were trying to figure out the ways to solve the problems which cameinto being during the genre-based reading teaching. It covers the following points in detail.
First, the researcher can improve her reading class by using genre-based teachingapproach. Second, students can grasp the features and generic structures of different texts andimprove their reading ability after learning the approach. Third, students’ genre awareness andreading confidence can be built up during the research. Meanwhile, students can form goodreading habits and promote the flexible use of reading strategies.
The main reason used by researchers in the action research of genre-based teachingmethods is that for the text genre aimed at inspiring teachers’ attitudes, in order to meet therequirements of the new curriculum standards for reading, the researchers develop methods toimprove teachers’ and students’ reading strategies, and put theory into practical teaching. Inthis study, the teacher’s original guiding concept was changed to study and the usual teachingmethods were studied. As the basis of action research reflecting it, the problem points foundin reading process were theoretically discussed.

2. Literature Review

2.1 The Theory of Reading
In this part, the researcher introduces three aspects, including the definition of reading,reading strategies and reading models.
2.1.1 Definition of Reading
Reading has become an important teaching and learning task in the basic Englishlearning. It is treated as an essential means to acquire a variety of information such as science,technology, culture and art. Some statements and perspectives from different scholars aboutreading are as followings.
Reading comprehension is regarded as more an interactive process than a participleoutcome or product, through which a reader interacts with a text to construct meaning(Cain,Oakhill, & Bryant,2004: p.36). Hence, the meaning a reader derives from a text is influencedby the reader’s own knowledge, experience, and purpose for reading.
Various theories exist to explain what is involved when we read, and much of what weknow about reading comes from research on first language (L1) learners. However, in thecurrent study, reading is an interactive social cognitive process and is thought to include text,readers and social background in which reading activity occurred. Reading is actually a verycomplex process that requires a significant participation of readers. This is a positive thinkingprocess that involves interaction between the reader and the print media. That is, the topic ofthe reader’s architecture reading (prior or previous knowledge) and his linguistic knowledge(vocabulary and grammar) directly influences the reading and understanding of the material.If you read new information about the topics included in the article, your original programwill be expanded. The expectations and intentions we read are to create meaning and tounderstand what we read (Grabe, 1991). The following figure shows the reading process ( theresearchers herself drew).


2.2 The Theory of Genre
This part includes two aspects about genre. One is the definition of genre, the other is theclassification of genres.
2.2.1 Definition of Genre
Over the past 25 years, the concept of genre and style-based methods has examined someof the focus of the L1 and L2 teaching areas. Genre types have become the form of analysisand non-literary discourse functions, popular frameworks and other research articles. Thedevelopment of tools in areas covers rhetoric, writing, professional writing, language teachingpractices, English language and special Purpose. Genre features are usually in general,associated topics, conventions (rhetorical structures, lexicographic grammars and other textualfeatures) and their communicative purposes, the type of audience for communication channels(e.g, verbal, hard copy of electronics, etc.), and the roles of authors and readers.
According to Swales (1990), a genre includes a communicative event in which membersshare the communicative purpose of some groups. These goals are supported by communitymembers who speak parents and thus constitute fundamental principles of style. This basicprinciple shapes the discourse and influence of schematic structure, content selection and styleconstraints. The purpose of communication is both a privilege standard and an operation tomaintain the narrowness of the ideas presented here in one of the ranges of comparablerhetorical action genres. In addition to the purpose, the genre model represents a variety ofpatterns in terms of structure, style, content, and target audience.
The genre defined in Martin (1984) (p. 117) “It is organized and achieved with the aim ofengaging the speakers as a member of our culture.” When language is used to achieve goals,the method is the way to get things done. In other words, genre is a communicative processwhich is oriented by communicative purposes. The definition proposed by Martin must havebeen the basis of work in Australian schools.
3. Research Methodology..............................24
3.1 Research Questions................................24
3.2 Subjects................................. 24
3.3 Instruments................................25
4. Design of Action Research Progress..................................27
4.1 The First-round Action Research.............................27
4.1.1 Making the Action Plan....................... 27
4.1.2 Implementing the Action Plan.......................... 28
5. Results and Discussion............................................45
5.1 Data Presentation.................................... 45
5.1.1 Questionnaire Analysis................................ 45
5.1.2 Analysis of Test Score.............................. 51

5. Discussion and Results

5.1 Data analysis
5.1.1 Questionnaire Analysis
The data from the two questionnaires were analyzed to determine the changes during thehalf-year study. The first questionnaire provides the background of the first round of businessresearch, and then attempts to collect background information on participants' English readingexperience, views and attitudes towards English reading. The second questionnaire wascarried out at the end of the second-round research to collect feedback on the evaluation of asemester's reading teaching.
According to the judge's five-point system, each statement has five replies, of which verymuch agree and agree, but not always agree and completely different. Five, four, three, two,one. Average and Standard Deviation (STD) emphasize students' opinions. For theconvenience of analysis, these five scales are only summarized as three scales. The averagelow frequency is 1.0 to 2.49. The average high frequency is 2.5 to 3.49. The average highfrequency is 3.5 to 5.0. The following table lists the data of the two studies.

6 . Conclusion

6.1 Main findings
The researcher studies students’ reading learning by action research under thegenre-based teaching approach. The data of questionnaire, reading tests and interviews showsthat genre teaching makes a difference to students' reading and learning. The findings fromthe research suggested that the action research had yielded promising results:
First, English reading teaching under the genre-based analysis improved senior highschool students’ reading ability effectively. From the three tests, we could see that moststudents’ scores are higher than before. Students’ reading abilities of grasping the main ideas,making inferences and making judgment from given passages improved.
Second, from the perspective of reading habit and strategy, after four months’ trainingunder the genre-based teaching, the students can deal with the obscurity words and keep onreading better by adopting different strategies efficiently and effectively.
What’s more, the findings suggested that genre-based teaching approach was a usefultool for raising the awareness of senior high students in applying genre analysis to theirreading. They begin to analyze a passage from the angle of genre now. Students establish thegenre awareness. Their reading accuracy rate has also improved, which has helped them buildup confidence in English reading.
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