本研究的主要内容是利用特征函数展开法并以辛格(Sinc)函数为研究基底函数来分析物理系统中二维亥姆霍兹方程(Helmholtz equation)这一特征值问题。本研究的研究基础是一个具有空间变数x的亥姆霍兹方程式和一个二阶时间常微分方程式。由于时间解是一个正余弦函数的线性组合,而空间解则必须依赖边界条件,因此只要在给定边界条件下,我们就可以得到空间解。而本研究的最终目标就是利用定态薛丁格方程式化为亥姆霍兹方程式的形式,在有边界的条件下去求解特征值问题。
本研究最后将用这种方法推算微扰理论对交点线模式的影响,最后比较数值模拟与实际震砂实验的结果,分析两者之间有无良好的对应关系。本研究希望用这种方法推广研究振荡平板的交点线模式(Nodal line pattern),并推算微扰理论对交点线模式的影响。
This research will use eigenfunction expansion method and Singh (Sinc) functions as a research base function to analysis of two-dimensional Helmholtz equations in physical systems (Helmholtz Equation) this eigenvalue problem.This research study is based on a space variable x of the Helmholtz Equation, and a second-order ordinary differential equation in time.Time solutions are linear combinations of a cosine function, space solutions must rely on boundary conditions, so long as the given boundary conditions, we can space solution.The ultimate goal of this research is the use of stationary State Xue Dingge equations into a form of the Helmholtz Equation, there are boundary conditions for solving eigenvalue problems.
In support of this study the feasibility of numerical methods, the study's main theory is to be taken: the use of numerical methods for basal functions, solve the border for the two dimensional square and circular Helmholtz Equation, and compare simulation results and analytical solutions;While comparative characteristic energy values, error analysis of energy values.Went on to study the use of numerical methods for the solution of any boundary of the Helmholtz Equation, select boundary shapes such as violin shape analysis.
This way the final projected perturbation theory on the influence of intersection line mode, final comparison between numerical simulation and actual results of the seismic experiment of sand, the analysis there is good correspondence between the two.This study hope to use such approaches to study the intersection of oscillating flat-line model and perturbation theory model of the intersection line of the projected impact.
Keywords: eigenfunction expansion method, Singh function, intersection lines mode
第一章 绪论1
1.1 研究背景与意义1
1.2 本文结构2
第二章 波动的类型与亥姆霍兹方程式3
2.1 绳波3
2.2 电磁波4
2.3 物质波7
2.4 亥姆霍兹方程式(Helmholtz equation)8
第三章 数值推导方法分析10
3.1 特征函数展开法10
3.2 基底函数的应用11
3.3 一维薛丁格方程式的数值推导方法14
3.4 二维薛丁格方程式的数值推导方法15
3.5 本章小结16
第四章 二维亥姆霍兹方程数值解17
4.1 二维方形亥姆霍兹方程势能17
4.2 二维圆形亥姆霍兹方程势能27
4.2.1 二维圆形位能势解析解27
4.3 其他二维不规则边界亥姆霍兹方程35
4.3.1 二维不规则边界-地形35
4.3.2 二维不规则边界-小提琴36
第五章 交点线研究38
5.1 Chladni模式对比分析38
5.1.1 方形39
5.1.2 圆形41
5.1.3 小提琴图形42
5.2 实际值计算分析42
5.2.1 干扰物对图腾的定性分析43
5.2.2 干扰物对图腾特征能量值的定量分析44
5.3 加干扰物的交点线波动行为探讨47
5.3.1 类比实验图形47
5.3.2 实验结果讨论50
第六章 结论与建议51
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义
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