Enterprises in different levels, there will be differences in demand for development and financing, and in order to have a better meet the needs of this differentiated, in recent years, in our country, launched a strategic transformation of capital, and focused on the recommendation The construction and improvement of the multi-level capital market amount to many small and medium-sized enterprises, the new third board market has become a financing place for many SMEs. The market was established as early as 2006, but it was not until 2014 that it achieved good development. In addition, the market system and the stratification system were gradually introduced to create a sound financial environment for the new three-board enterprise .
The new board is an emerging capital market, is a pilot work of the first of a range of enterprises within a specific area. Government departments and regulatory agencies are constantly exploring and innovating, belonging to the touch of stones across the river. Therefore, many relevant policies have not yet been formally introduced and many mechanisms have yet to be improved. In addition, the over-commitment from the new board to the over-the-counter market is a long-term and complicated project. During this period, new problems will continue to emerge, which will lead to new ideas and new solutions. Judging from a forward-looking perspective, Development direction and reform ideas. Under the background of such a market, this article takes the financing pattern of the New Third Board as the specific research object, and conducts the case study and analysis to find out the tricks of financing the new Third Board market. By analyzing the status quo of capital increase and financing in the new three-board market, it was found that with the surge in the number of new three-board listed companies and the improvement of market liquidity, the scale of directional financing and share pledge over the past two years has been significantly improved. This shows that the financing function of the New Third Board has been tentatively revealed. Small and medium enterprises listed on the new three-board market can solve their own difficulties in financing by raising financing and equity pledge financing.
Key words: New Third Board, Financing, Private placement, Equity Pledge
目 录
第一章 引言 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2研究方法和内容 1
1.2.1研究方法 1
1.2.2研究内容 1
1.3结构安排 2
第二章 文献综述 3
2.1新三板融资理论基础 3
2.1.1MM理论 3
2.1.2权衡理论 3
2.1.3融资优序理论 3
2.2国内外研究现状 4
2.2.1国外研究现状 4
2.2.2国内研究现状 4
第三章 新三板发展现状 6
3.1新三板界定 6
3.2新三板发展历程 6
3.3新三板发展现状 7
3.3.1主要统计指标 7
3.3.2交易情况 8
3.3.3行业覆盖情况 9
3.3.4交易方式 10
3.3.5转板情况 11
第四章 新三板市场融资分析 13
4.1新三板的特征 13
4.2股权融资方式—定向增资 14
4.2.1新三板定向增资概况 14
4.2.2新三板定向增资特点 14
4.2.3新三板定向增资监管 16
4.3债权融资方式—股权质押 17
4.3.1新三板股权质押概况 17
4.3.2新三板股权质押的必要性 17
4.3.3新三板股权质押的优劣势 18
第五章 新三板融资方式案例分析 19
5.1定向增资融资方式案例 19
5.1.1案例1—基美影业定向增资 19
5.1.2案例2—金天地定向增资 22
5.2股权质押融资方式案例 25
5.2.1案例1—凯路仕股权质押 25
5.2.2案例2—同辉信息股权质押 27
5.3案例分析小结 31
第六章 结论与展望 33
6.1结论 33
6.2展望 33
参考文献 34
第一章 引言
第六章 结论与展望
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